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Hi, I’m John Green, this is "Crash Course: US History" and today we’re talking about July 4th, which in the United States, is known as Independence Day.
大家好,我是 John Green,歡迎來到《Crash Course:美國歷史》。今天我們要談談七月四日,在美國被稱為獨立日。
This is the day that Americans celebrate our independence from Great Britain by doing what we do best;
blowing stuff up, offering significant discounts on mattresses, driving long distances for uncomfortable family interactions, and eating a lot of grilled meat.
Right, so, the story goes that the founders of this nation signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776,
故事是這樣的,這個國家的創立者於 1776 年 7 月 4 日簽署了《獨立宣言》。
parting ways with King George to found the free-est, finest nation on the face of the Earth.
Yeah, except the Continental Congress approved a resolution of independence on July 2nd.
但事實上,大陸會議是在 7 月 2 日批准獨立決議的。
The Lee resolution was proposed by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia in June, 1776, and was a simple legal declaration of separation from England.
李察·亨利·李在 1776 年 6 月提出了李氏決議,這是一份簡單的法律宣言,宣布與英國分離。
John Adams got so excited about it that he wrote to his wife Abigail,
"The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America.
「1776 年 7 月 2 日將成為美國歷史上最令人難忘的時刻。
I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival.
It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.”
So, what happened on the 4th? Well, not that much actually.
那麼,7 月 4 日發生了什麼呢?其實,並沒有太多特別的事情發生。
The Declaration of Independence was the formal announcement of independence, and its text was approved on July 4th, 1776.
《獨立宣言》是正式宣布獨立的聲明,其內容於 1776 年 7 月 4 日獲得批准。
The fancy parchment version with all the pretty calligraphy wouldn’t get drawn up until July 19th, and most members of the Congress signed the Declaration on August 2nd.
直到 7 月 19 日才起草了那份裝飾華麗、字跡優美的羊皮紙版本,而大多數國會成員則在 8 月 2 日簽署了《獨立宣言》。
Adams may have been wrong about the date, but he was definitely right about the celebration.
Americans started celebrating the 4th as early as 1777, and as Adams predicted, the holiday was observed with feasts, 13 gun salutes, and fireworks.
美國人從 1777 年開始慶祝 7 月 4 日,正如亞當斯所預言的那樣,這個節日以盛宴、13響禮炮和煙火表演來慶祝。
Why don't we call them illuminations anymore, Stan? Y'know, people can say, like, "Oh, we put a man on the moon and we can refrigerate our meat now." But I miss the old days!
Stan,為什麼我們不再稱煙火為 illuminations 了?雖然現在大家都說:「哦,我們登上月球了,現在可以冷藏肉類了。」但我想念那些懷舊的日子!
Anyway, in 1778, George Washington celebrated the 4th by giving his soldiers a double ration of rum, and also,there was much more shooting tham usual.
無論如何,在 1778 年,喬治·華盛頓以給予士兵兩倍份量的蘭姆酒來慶祝 7 月 4 日,同時,慶祝活動中也比平常更多的射擊聲響起。
But while the people celebrated the anniversary from the beginning, the federal government took its sweet time in formalizing the holiday.
Independence Day became an unpaid holiday for federal employees in 1870, and it became a paid day off in 1938.
在 1870 年,獨立日成為聯邦公務員的無薪休假日,並在 1938 年成為帶薪休假日。
4th of July observances evolved over the years, but they generally involve patriotic displays, including decorations, fire, and explosions.
隨著時間的推移,7 月 4 日的慶祝活動不斷演變,但它們通常包括愛國主義的展現,包括裝飾、火焰和炸東西。
Essentially, we celebrate our independence by having a one-day fake war each summer. Huzzah!
Aw, freedom-tenitis.
Early observances were marked by huge bonfires,
but the litigious nature of modern American society has greatly reduced the number of bonfires.
However, we still have a lot of fireworks on the 4th of July.
不過,我們在 7 月 4 日仍然有很多煙火表演。
Many cities and towns across the country sponsor fireworks displays on the 4th.
全國各地的許多城市和小鎮都會在 7 月 4 日舉辦煙火表演。
New York’s fireworks display is the largest in the nation.
Despite the grandeur of these officially sanctioned displays, many, many individuals across the nation feel the need to blow stuff up on their own in their yards.
Because, y'know, they have all of their fingers and that seems like too many.
Many states have restricted the sale and personal use of fireworks, freedom haters!
But would-be patriots find their way to marginal neighborhoods every year to buy fireworks out of the backs of vans.
In my neighborhood, these personal pyrotechnic celebrations started about mid-May and continue well into August, causing my dog to have a very stressful summer.
John Adams’s prediction about gunfire holds true as well.
On most military bases fifty gunshots, one for each state, are fired at noon on July 4th as a "{Salute to the Union."
在大多數軍事基地上,每年 7 月 4 日中午會鳴放五十發槍聲,代表著五十個州,作為對聯邦的致敬。
And in Stan’s neighborhood, where you go to buy the fireworks out of the back of a van, celebratory gunfire is common.
在 Stan 的社區,你去麵包車後面購買煙火時,慶祝性的鳴槍也是很常見的。
Here is an actual bullet hole in Stan’s actual window.
這是 Stan 家真的窗戶上的一個真的子彈洞。
Stan, can we get the Libertage again?
In the 19th century, many ex-presidents celebrated the 4th by dying.
在 19 世紀,許多前總統選擇在 7 月 4 日這一天去世,以此來慶祝這個節日。
Both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4th, 1826, and James Madison died on the 4th of July in 1831.
湯瑪斯·傑弗遜和約翰·亞當斯於 1826 年 7 月 4 日去世,而詹姆斯·麥迪遜則於 1831 年的 7 月 4 日去世。
Calvin "Silent Cal" Coolidge was born on July 4th, 1876, but as he was never demonstrably alive, no one really cares that much.
卡爾文·柯立芝(沈默的卡爾)於 1876 年 7 月 4 日出生,但由於他在世的時候沒有多活躍,所以沒有太多人在意。
Finally, lest we forget, Americans also celebrate the 4th of July by eating.
最後。我們最不可能忘記的,就是美國人吃東西來慶祝 7 月 4 日。
Millions of Americans host cook-outs to celebrate independence, and the greatest spectacle in professional sports happens every year on the 4th of July.
數以百萬計的美國人舉辦燒烤派對來慶祝獨立,而每年 7 月 4 日也是某項職業運動最壯觀的盛事舉辦的時候。
I am referring of course to the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.
The current world record is 68 HDBs, hot dogs and buns, in ten minutes.
目前的世界紀錄是在十分鐘內吃下 68 個熱狗麵包。
That means the world record holder, Joey Chestnut, consumed about 28,500 calories in ten minutes, but don't worry -- he threw it up shortly thereafter.
這表示世界紀錄保持人 Joey Chestnut 在十分鐘內攝取了大約 28,500 卡路里的熱量,但別擔心,他不久之後就吐出來了。
So happy 4th of July from all of us here at Crash Course.
所以,我們 Crash Course 全員祝大家 7 月 4 日快樂!
We may not celebrate American independence on the right day, but I would argue that, in spite of it all, it's still worth celebrating.
Thanks for watching; I'll see you next week.