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what is the most effective way to flirt well turns out that there's actual
scientific evidence behind
affective flirting and doctor Monica Moore doctor Monica more from Webster
University in Saint Louis
hashed it all out in a Times piece where she explains exactly what you can do
to get the attention a man or woman now interestingly enough
your walks have very little to do with whether or not you get approached
if you're at a party or if you're in any type of environment in fact
according to a doctor Monica more she says it's not the most physically
appealing people who get approach
but the one to signal their availability and confidence their basic flirting
like I contact and smiles know I love this right because
I I remember you know years ago I was constantly in the situation and I was in
a relationship ends wouldn't matter anyway
I was constantly in a situation where I go out with the girlfriend of mine
and guys were all over her and everyone avoided me
like no one came up to me know and I felt so bad about myself because I would
look at home
but what I'm not pretty like everyone wants my friend I'm the only one this is
I'm the one that people like want to get rid of you know the only friend
your the anchor right bigger that's what they call by a
while why we call being cursed last grenade all
to okay okay but then I realized after
I investigating a little bit and watching her about you know non-verbal
she made a very clear that she was available so she had a lot of eye
contact with a man she do
she would do this about
how's that for subtle happens here gee I wonder why I ask you what your I can
quite pale
me that lingered I just did something that seem like it was lingering she
would do it for that long
and apparently that's the most effective way of doing it so you can adjust
say the most obvious thing I don't fit all of her maybe
by Kumar you ought to Ikea hot girl in it seems like I can get
where the one here career bigos products eventually maybe now you know what I
could gather more maybe with the people's eyebrow
according to look at what is it on visit other genera
alright so smiley I contact to appear to be universal methods
amused by men and women to convey a romantic interest so it seems obvious
right but that element in that that is surprising is it doesn't matter how
attractive you are if you are more attractive than
then your friend if your friend is the one smiling in doing the eye contact
that's the person is gonna get approached you're gonna be ignored I
love how someone took this story a little personally
you well I just you know even if I was more trying to work a few
people's eyebrow I didn't add to CEC
yours but I did not say that I was more attractive hi I'm plan on platelet
so in the only part of this is that I'm a little fishy about personal I think
that there's got to be some boundaries trade like you gonna miss
meet some threshold didn't so I if you're especially if you're
dude man you walk in your 485 powers you can you give people when God I brought
you like
okay you're on a roll over me like 20 year woohoo
9j okay now it's my turn 0
do all we have is so yeah I mean so this whole thing I'm like no I'm gonna smile
and other than the memory getaway
museum bring you down you have to appear
inviting and confident we're gonna get to the conference in just a second but
before we get to that
there are guidelines to touching and there's affective tone yeah I don't know
the guidelines that
touch OK so there's the friendly touch right
and that includes the shoulder push the shoulder tap
and the handshake so that means like I'm not really interested in you you're
already friends out
sorry then there's one deniability
and thats touch around the shoulder waist touch on a4a
that's my favorite I think that's probably the best and then there's the
nuclear option which is but based touch
I can't get enough for this story okay so personal with the house a shoulder
yeah I really what would you like also
manages butcher shoulder great sure push can be
affective flirting I think that their news try again boundaries
but yeah I'd like if you do is watch like if I like 0
oh I see ok you a look that way rather okay
missing a wall who produce someone's babys
in the middle of a party but hey how you doing mary K
I once had a piece stroker in the in the middle overs
shenanigans okay like as a mom like your be struggling visibly we will hold on
as you know the strength which as you know is we're sleeping together
yes McKay choose the pay structure it was crazy she only romantic type
she likes the affection are sister Kate is give me a minute matthew Miller with
the bass tricky
but in a party that's the only time that it's stranger you can walk up to
instructor Britain that's why it's called the nuclear option okay alright
on the on nasa 7 dome touching totally works
when I was single are attacks like crazy home
but OK for I regret it up
sorry I I their it hot there
side had no seriously like if if it was like starting to get
he did in New something i order to learn is little flirty flirty actually going
her are touch that for months so quick well you know I'm in the house
and I'm rearranging for are you are okay also I'm so research has shown that
even a light touch on our makes a man more successful in getting a girls
thank you alright so now let's talk about what's
most affective for men specifically and I think that this is actually pretty
obvious what do women respond to
usually social dominance well yeah you
but you're usually don't know that insulator I'm do it so I when it comes
to social dominance
up you know you have to display it as a man as I found so interesting is
what guys do to display that their dominant so for instance they don't they
don't sit like this or like this
they'll sit down with like both their arms out on both side chairs next to
here they never stay in one part of the room they like to move around a bit like
to move around
right so that's how they show that they're so later
here here's some more details on what successful for many
but Omega I
successful men are directed and they have more brief
%uh glances at their intended person woman
they're engaged in greater number of space maximization movement that's what
I said right now
so we agree but they change their location at the bar more frequently
they displayed greater amounts of non reciprocated touching
to surrounding Matt Kemp oh that's interesting I miss you
so our okay yeah fine so
it basically what this is saying is you're showing confidence by
owning the area that you're an you move around a lot
so that you don't seem like a dork against the wall I am who am I gonna
come up reno of course at the coop you believe me I've been there
I I've supported many a wall in my life raid
so know you walk around like hey how you doing then nevermind I'll find out later
ok NP so that it seems that why what is he not interested in me I would follow
his ass for a
yeah I know it's amazing and another thing to take into consideration is the
study that we talked about a few weeks ago and that was the study about
effective dance moves right he's oh yeah
there's bad dancing that a guy can do which is just like kinda to stepping not
doing anything interesting and then there's like the erotic dancing
yeah it's resonates really well with the women and it goes back to what we're
talking about now
the more animated you are the more dominant you are the more confident you
are women are gonna respond to that
the more space you occupy that's actually been my main tool for sale sign
up by a lot
okay no seriously like you're saying this is my domain
okay so don't fuck with me or slash fuck with me
but many because I'm an alpha male and I i
and I own this place