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  • Suhrun-mitraar-yudaaseena madhyastha-dveshya-bandhushu l

  • Saadhush-vapi cha paapeshu samabuddhir-vishishyate ll

  • The Translation:

  • The one who feels the same towards an affectionate person, a friend and enemy, the indifferent,

  • the neutral, the hateful one, the unfriendly, the noble one or a sinner is said to be established

  • in a superior state.

  • Understand these few basic sacred secrets. Meditation is not an action. It is a lifestyle.

  • That is why in the chapter on Meditation, Bhagvan is talking about all these things.

  • You can never start meditating, you can only become meditative. Understand, there is a

  • vast difference between starting meditation or becoming meditative. Meditation is not

  • a Anacin, Metacin, Antidepressant. No! Meditation is not Anacin, Metacin, Antidepressant. Please

  • understand, meditation cannot be just repairing something in you. It has to completely transform

  • you.

  • Meditating is different; being meditative is different. In this verse Bhagavan is very

  • clear; your whole life should become meditative. The whole life should become meditative. Yesterday

  • he was addressing objects, yesterday Bhagavan was saying, explaining in the last verse,

  • how not to be disturbed by objects.

  • Now Bhagavan is going to the next step, how not to be disturbed by the persons. Actually

  • the seventh, eighth, ninth verses of Bhagavad Gita, these three verses can become a powerful

  • samyama. First he has given us the technique to work with cold, heat, unpleasant, pleasant

  • situations. Then he took us to the next level working with the fear-based mental setup and

  • greed-based mental setup where you are free from the concept of greed. Now he is taking

  • us to the next level, where he is making us free from the concept of higher, lower human

  • beings. First he liberates us from atmosphere, weather, outer/inner. Outer is heat and cold.

  • Inner is pleasant, unpleasant. Then he liberates us from the greed, objects.

  • Sama loshtashma kanchanahwhere you are free from cold; time and/or mud or a stone.

  • He is making us free from the greed based patterns, greed. Now he is liberating us from

  • human beings, sufferings that can be caused by human beings.

  • How when you drink more and more honey, only then you understand and enjoy it, same way

  • only I am enjoying this Bhagavad Gita. Understand, through this verse, Bhagavan is liberating

  • us from fear-based system. Yesterday itself I spoke on fear-based, greed-based, both the

  • systems. But yesterday’s verse, Bhagavan’s Bhagavad Gita verse was talking only about

  • the greed. Sama loshtashma kanchanah. He was only talking about having impartiality between

  • mud, stone or Gold.

  • Today he talks about the power-based system, human beings, power-based systems. Please

  • understand, power-based system is a product of human unconsciousness, greed-based system

  • is a product of human sub-consciousness. Understand, power-based system is product of collective

  • human un-consciousness; greed-based system is product of collective human sub-consciousness.

  • You may askwhat is the difference?’ Unconscious means completely, the parts of

  • which you are not unaware ( should beaware’ ? ) but you try to make it aware, without

  • awakening that unconscious into the super-conscious.

  • Everybody has the feeling to become Lord of the Universe. You can become if you make your

  • unconscious into conscious and super-conscious. When you make your unconscious into conscious,

  • you will become Lord of you. When you raise that to super-conscious, you will be the Lord

  • of whatever is in your space. More than the word Lord, I will use, you be in tune with

  • the whole. This is the right way of becoming Lord of the Universe. But instead you try

  • to become a power center through political power. I tell you even in the school, the

  • class leader is nothing but political power! Why, why even in the school we can’t survive

  • without a leader? Why should somebody aspire to be a class leader?

  • First time I resisted this political structure is when I was appointed as a class leader,

  • when I was in the seventh standard, I still remember, the teacher, she was a Jain family,

  • teacher. I used to be little tall, so usually that is the standard. The tall, last bench,

  • last row guys, they will only be made as leaders. There is no other standard. One day she caught

  • me. Unfortunately that day I went to school! Usually I don’t go! Somehow I went to the

  • school, may be 1st day of the school, like that, those auspicious days I don’t miss!

  • She caught hold of me and she said you are the leader of the class. I saidwhat do

  • you mean leader? I don’t even come to the class regularly!” She saidThat is why

  • I am making you leader. If you are leader, you have to come and regularly take the attendance

  • and you have to keep the class under control”. And I saidNothing doing!”

  • Leaders are the greatest followers! They lose their freedom. They become leader to have

  • freedom, finally they lose their freedom!

  • When I studied actually, the school was not like this, it was only thatched. Now only

  • it has become RCC building! It was just thatched hut! Then in Tamilnadu there was a law made

  • that - No thatched hut, schools! That is why they changed into building.

  • Anyhow, politicians even though they are Heads of each constituency, members, they don’t

  • have freedom to go to 10 day’s vacation! See if I want one day after Inner Wakening

  • is over, I can simply start, go wherever I want. I have more freedom! Anyhow, forget

  • about them.

  • So I told my teacherNo, I will not be leader!” She insisted. Then we got into

  • the argument. I saidLeaders are the people who are not able to lead themselves, so they

  • go on trying to satisfy that unable to control themselves by controlling others”. When

  • you are not able to lead you, that unfulfillment, you try to fulfill by leading others or trying

  • to lead others. Leading others is the ultimate hypocrisy! He also knows he is not going to

  • listen to you; he will topple you down, the moment he gets a chance. What is leadership?

  • Group of followers waiting to topple down one person! That one person is called Leader.

  • The unconsciousness, when it is not able to express, through the proper channel and it

  • finds shortcut to fulfill its ambition, it is called power structure.

  • When the sub-consciousness is not able to fulfill its purpose, the perversion it creates

  • is greed structure. Let me explain this sub-consciousness. What is sub-consciousness? Sub-consciousness

  • is nothing but the space where you dump your unfulfilled, but imagined, visualized, fantasies.

  • For example, if you are fasting by suppressing your desires for food, in three days, you

  • will see in the dream you are feasting! And I tell you, my Niraharies, not single one

  • of them has a dream about eating! That is the beauty! Only now when I said, you even

  • remembered!

  • Understand, in usual fasting it is a law, if you fast for three days, you will see that

  • you are eating, having feast in the dream. I am telling you with confidence without even

  • asking you guys that none of you guys will have even dream about food, because your samyama

  • is not based on suppression. You don’t need to justify or tell because I told. Tell me,

  • anybody? But usually if you have fasted without doing this samyama, as a regular fasting,

  • talk to the people who fast, go to the internet, you will find.

  • Anybody who fasts, it’s a rule, within 3 days they will feast in the dream. Only when

  • you don’t eat in the dream you are doing samyama, only when you don’t have wet dreams

  • you are a Brahmachari. The suppression creates sub-consciousness. Understand, the things

  • you imagined, visualized, could not achieve but suppressing it, that is sub-consciousness.

  • That, when it is not able to fulfill itself, it comes out of you as a greed perversion.

  • What is the way for the subconscious to release itself properly? Right amount of sleeping

  • and dreaming! I tell you, if you have the right quality and quantity of sleep and dreaming,

  • you will not suffer with greed based structure, you will not be running behind money which

  • is not required for you. That is why all the civilizations which are suffering with greed,

  • suffer with sleeplessness. All the civilizations which suffers with the subconscious, greed,

  • suffers with sleeplessness. I tell you, healthy sleep and dream, you will be free from greed

  • based structure.

  • If the whole humanity gets into healthy dream and sleep, Wall Street will collapse! If the

  • whole humanity meditates, power centers will collapse! That is what is going to happen

  • between 12/12 to 12/15. It is not that the ocean is going to come and eat the Wall Street;

  • ocean is going to come and eat the Whitehouse. No! Conscious Ocean is going to come! I tell

  • you, if good quality sleep and is allowed, then you have the dreaming time. The moment

  • you dream, your greed, the suppressed imaginations are released from your system.

  • You can see in your life, if you have wet dream one night, at least for next ten days

  • your body does not ask for physical intercourse. Same way, if you dream about having huge wealth

  • or enjoying whatever you imagined and suppressed like a huge house or car, suddenly the agitation

  • to rush towards them disappears in your system.

  • Understand, I am going to the root of human suffering. Greed based system, the money based

  • lifestyle is rooted on your sub-consciousness, A good sleep, good sleep will naturally have

  • proper period of conscious dreaming. When I say conscious dreaming, even in the dream

  • you will have certain amount of self-awareness and you will be able to move some things in

  • the dream. You yourself will know you are dreaming and you can alter the things in the

  • dream. That is what I call conscious dreaming. If you are having conscious dreams please

  • understand, your sub-conscious is very thin layer. You don’t need to worry at all about

  • your sub-consciousness. There are no much suppressions.

  • All of you understand this concept of conscious dreaming means, you will actually, if you

  • are in, you are living in USA, you just dream you are in South Africa; but you remember

  • your identity and the house, car and all, you feel you can change, you can decide. That

  • is what is conscious dreaming. How many of you have awareness while you are dreaming?

  • You guys be very clear you don’t have sub-consciousness. Your subconscious is very thin layer. You

  • don’t have much suppression.

  • If human beings have good quality and quantity sleep, the greed which makes their nervous

  • system agitated, which convinces their nervous system to do illegal, immoral activities,

  • to grab other’s wealth will disappear. Understand, for a vehicle to move on the ground, there

  • is the road which is required. For flight to land on the ground, the runway is required.

  • Same way if you need to be convinced to do something immoral, certain insensitivity in

  • your nervous system is required. If you need to be convinced to do illegal things, certain

  • thickness, insensitivity is required in your nervous system.

  • Not having the good quality and quantity of sleep makes your suppressed desires into the

  • thick dreams, not conscious dreams. Thick dreams even while you are awake, those thick

  • dreams are running in your nervous system and makes you function as it wants, not as

  • you want. That is why I tell you, there are millions of people who wake up but never come

  • out of sleep. Just like sleep-walking, sleep-living is a disease. But cure is only spirituality!

  • Only spirituality can cure

  • this sleep-living.

  • Understand, the sub-consciousness, suppressed desires, sub-conscious based, is greed structure.

  • That is why when some poor fellow becomes rich, he does exactly what he knows the rich

  • people will do. When a Indian becomes rich, he does exactly as a British next fellow will

  • do, because these fools have forgotten they don’t even know, they have not seen how

  • a Indian rich fellow will live!

  • The suppressed desires form sub-consciousness. It can either express itself properly through

  • the dream state, conscious dream state and liberate your system from its influence. But

  • when you don’t allow that conscious dreaming, and the good quality, quantity sleep, it overtakes

  • you, just overtakes you and the system you create is greed based money system. The collective

  • suppressed sub-conscious is responsible for the collective belief, mass hysteric belief!

  • That is the right word I will use. Mass hysteric belief of money!

  • Next when the unconsciousness, unconsciousness means you just don’t know what you are missing

  • but you are missing something. When you know what you are missing, it is sub-consciousness;

  • when you don’t even know what you are missing, but you are feeling you are missing something,

  • it is unconsciousness; when you don’t miss anything, it is consciousness; when you become

  • Mister of the Universe, it is super-consciousness! When you know you are missing something and

  • missing, is sub-consciousness. Please understand, when you don’t know you are missing something,

  • but you feel you are missing something; you don’t know what you are missing, but you

  • feel the emptiness, you are missing something, that is unconsciousness. When you don’t

  • miss anything, complete with yourself, it is consciousness. When whole Universe feels

  • the fulfillment through you, it is super-consciousness!

  • Understand this! I think the most perfect spiritual psychological definition of the

  • states! When you know you are missing something and missing it, that is sub-conscious; when

  • you know you are missing something but you don’t know what you are missing, you just

  • know you are empty but you don’t know what you are really missing, that is unconscious;

  • when you don’t miss anything, when you feel fulfilled, it is consciousness; when the whole

  • Universe feels fulfilled through you, it is super-consciousness!

  • Understand, this unconsciousness you don’t know what you are really missing, what you

  • really want, but you feel emptiness. That is why you thinkOh, if I become MLA, I

  • think, I will feel fulfilled; if I become MP, I will feel fulfilled; if I become President,

  • I will feel fulfilled; if I become Prime Minister, I will feel fulfilled!” Unconscious man

  • acts as if he is going to fill other’s sub-consciousness so that he can become leader. That is why

  • thebpoliticians always give big, big promises. They give you the feeling “I will fulfill

  • your sub-consciousness!” And the same way, sub-conscious fellows promise the politicians

  • thatWe will fulfill your unconsciousness!”

  • It is the sub-consciousness scratching the back of unconsciousness and the unconsciousness

  • scratching the back of sub-consciousness. This is what I call Democracy! Any political

  • system! I am not just against Democracy or Autocracy or Communism. No! I am basically

  • against all political systems. It is time, Humanity can think apolitically! It is time

  • humanity can look into the system of awakening human consciousness. At least sub-conscious

  • man if he gets money or power, what he will do, you can predict, but you can never predict

  • what an unconscious man will do if gets power or influence! No one predicted Hitler will

  • do what he did!

  • Unconsciousness is wild! At Least sub-consciousness is kind of a wilderness which can be imagined.

  • That is why when a subconscious based person, when he gets money you can always predict

  • what he will do; but when unconscious person, when he gets power, they do unpredictable

  • things! Sub-consciousness forms the basis for money based thinking, greed based thinking;

  • unconsciousness forms the basis of fear based thinking, power based thinking, political

  • thought trends.

  • Bhagavan Sri Krishna, the greatest visionary, happened on the planet earth. I tell you,

  • even Shiva is only the great master, spiritual master, enlightened master, guiding more and

  • more people to get enlightened. But only Krishna creates an ambiance for mass enlightenment!

  • These last three verses, if India listens to these three verses, if India listens to

  • these great truths, it will get back to its glory, which Krishna created 5000 years ago.

  • Neither West listened to Christ nor East listen to Krishna. Christ saidIf you are slapped

  • on one cheek, show the other”, West did not listen to it. Krishna saidRemember

  • me and wage the war, I am with you”, East did not listen to it. Neither the East listen

  • to Krishna nor the West listen to Christ. Even though they accepted Krishna and Christ

  • as their ideals and the founders of their religious traditions, they have not accepted

  • their ideas. Accepting somebody as an ideal can be a political decision. Accepting somebody

  • as an ideal does not mean you accept their ideas also. Neither East listen to the Krishna,

  • nor West listen to Christ.

  • If India listensto these three verses, it will be totally different. Otherwise it is

  • like Congress installing Gandhi’s statues. One of the worst things happened to Gandhi

  • is his face being printed in the currencies of India, because for the every corruption

  • he is the witness! Insider witness! Without invoking him, no corruption happens; without

  • invoking his presence, no illegal activity happens. One of the worst punishment given

  • to Gandhi is his face being printed in all Indian currencies. There is no murder without

  • his photograph involvement; there is no corruption without he being invoked.

  • There is no illegal activity like paid advertisements. Paid advertisements, paid News is equivalent

  • to buying judgments. Whole society cries so much about judgments being bought! Why nobody

  • bothers about paid News? Paid News is much worse than judgments being bought. Whether

  • you buy judgment or paid News, everything unfortunately happens invoking Gandhi’s

  • face. What to do? It’s really unfortunate.

  • Understand, sub-conscious fellow, even if he gets the power you will know the trend

  • in which he will flow. He is only equal to the dried river. Even if the river is dried,

  • when the flood comes again it will only go in that current, in that created channel.

  • But unconscious fellow is like a tsunami! There is no trend set. It’s like Ocean coming

  • out. So the conscious damage done to all Human beings by the unconscious political system

  • is too much than the sub-conscious greed based money system. This verse

  • Suhrun-mitraar-yudaaseena madhyastha-dveshya-bandhushu l

  • Saadhush-vapi cha paapeshu samabuddhir-vishishyate ll

  • samabuddhir-vishishyateBhagavan is revealing powerful truth to

  • all of us to be in

  • samabuddhi, equal mind, same towards affectionate person, a friend, an enemy, the indifferent,

  • the neutral, the hateful, the unfriendly, the noble one or the sinner, means realizing

  • the futility of the power structure. It is power structure which classifies somebody

  • as right/ wrong; good/ bad; neutral. It is your ambition towards the power structure

  • and the ambition they may ( change ? ) you.

  • Please understand when the political thought trend damages your consciousness and mind,

  • that makes you believe that somebody is good to you; somebody is bad to you; somebody is

  • neutral with you; somebody is good to everybody; somebody is bad to everybody. See, if somebody

  • is good to you, he is your friend; if he is bad to you, he is your enemy; if he is neither

  • good nor bad, he is neutral. If somebody you are made to believe by the political structure

  • he is bad to everybody, he is called sinner. If you are made to believe by political structure

  • he is good to everybody, he is Sadhu. I tell you it is all just PR exercise, simply PR

  • exercise.

  • On the car, they do a Teflon coating for not to have scratches. Same way, some of the politicians

  • having some Medias in their hands, and through the paid News, make society believe they have

  • a Teflon coating, they can never be scratched. Whatever allegations are put on them they

  • behave as if they have a Teflon coating. No, now the dent is too much! Hole goes deeper

  • than the Teflon coating.

  • All the ideas you carry, somebody is a saint, somebody is a sinner, somebody is friend,

  • somebody is enemy, are all just forced on you after completely deluding you by the strong

  • beatings. It is like somebody hits you on the head, you are reeling; at that time he

  • says I am the big guy! Naturally what will you do? You say yes and fall! First the political

  • system is used to hit you; when you are reeling, when your head is reeling, then they claim

  • see I am in this post; he is good, he is bad.

  • It is time we bring human civilization where the money, money based thought trend and political

  • thought trend does not become part of our life, it just stands as a utility! Let the

  • shoes be left in the shoe stand; umbrella be left in umbrella stand! Let them not come

  • to the bedroom. Let the influence over the citizens by the political system be reduced.

  • Let the influence of the money thought trend over the citizens, humanity, be reduced. Let

  • them be just for only utility. Let it not become lifestyle. Unfortunately politics became

  • regular business. Business became ambition to have power over politicians. When the business

  • gets the ambition of power over politicians and the politicians decide to make their lifestyle

  • as a business both corrupt each other and destroy humanity.

  • Like the fire and firecracker, when they mingle together, they kill human beings. If the fire,

  • firecracker meeting is away from you, they can be celebration. The fire and firecracker

  • meets over you, they can be death! Politicians are firecrackers, businessmen are fire. When

  • these both thought trends combined hits at you, you are dead, at least severely injured.

  • You are left to be alive after being severely injured, so that they will have their followers.

  • I tell you, no politician would love to have human beings on the planet Earth if there

  • was no election. They need followers! That is the only reason they want human beings

  • on planet Earth. Otherwise politicians are the most frightened people on the planet Earth.

  • They are afraid of their own shadow. They will have a fear, at one day even their own

  • shadow may go against them, conspire against them.

  • So the idea of saint or sinner, what is saint or sinner? If you are made to believe one

  • person is doing good to one person, that one person is called your friend. If you are made

  • to believe that one person is doing good to everyone, he is made to be believed as a saint!

  • Saint or sinner; good or bad is all the ideas your consciousness perceived when you are

  • beaten by the political power based thought trends. As a child you are beaten.

  • I wanted my Gurukul kids to be pure Jeevanmuktas, neither beaten by the power based thought

  • trends, nor beaten by the greed based thought trends. The Economy my Gurukul kids need to

  • learn is there’s no money. The social science my Gurukul kids need to know is there’s

  • no power structure. In the young age you all learned who is MLA, who is MP, what is Rajasabha,

  • what is Lokasabha, what is Prime Minister, What is President! My Gurukul kids should

  • know there is no such thing exists. These are all for utility!

  • Young age you learnt Economy, one plus one is two; two plus two is four; what is interest;

  • what is compound interest; how the investment should be done. My Gurukul kids should know

  • there is no one plus one, there is only One which is beyond one! The one itself was created

  • for utility! And the one plus one is also utility. Things you created for utility, when

  • you became utility for them, it is like you create fire for you cooking and eating but

  • fire eats you. You create fire for your eating, but suddenly fire becomes big and eats you!

  • People who are eating from the fire are conscious beings, people are eaten by the fire are unconscious

  • and sub-conscious beings.

  • Here Krishna saysWake up! Be a conscious being!” That is what I call Inner Awakening!

  • The waking up to the facts of power based political thought trends and protecting yourself

  • is En Leadership! Waking up to the facts of greed based money thought trends and protecting

  • yourself is EnWealth! Let the Wealth be Enlightening Wealth! Let the Leadership consciousness be

  • Enlightening Leadership consciousness in you!

  • It is so unfortunate, even some of the most intelligent people are caught in this thought

  • trend and unable to come out of it! Understand the roots of why you feel somebody is friend;

  • somebody is enemy; somebody is neutral; somebody is good; somebody is bad. Then you will understand

  • all your ideas are just ideas! When you realize that, everybody will be graceful! The moment

  • you feel everything and everybody is graceful, that is when you achieve what Bhagavan calls

  • samabuddhir-vishishyate! Let your thought trend be repaired, purified, cleansed!

  • Let the political thought structure which is unconsciousness based and the economical

  • thought trend which is sub-consciousness based not hit at your consciousness, let that not

  • form your lifestyle! Thought trend, let that not create your major decisions. Let that

  • create right understanding about life in you, let you become Jeevanmukta! Understand, if

  • you understand how the collective unconscious thought trend damages you, collective sub-conscious

  • thought trend damages you, and if you protect yourself consciously from those damages and

  • live a whole life, you are Jeevanmukta! Live Jeevanmukti!

  • What I called yesterday as a Sadhu and today what I am calling as Jeevanmkta is one and

  • the same! Just I am using a different word. The word Jeevanmukta is already branded with

  • me. The word Jeevanmukti is already branded. And Living Enlightenment became our branding!

  • So I am using the word Jeevanmukti! The word Sadhu or Jeevanmukti is one and the same.

  • Liberated while you are living by the not just individual sub-consciousness and individual

  • unconsciousness, you should be free from collective unconsciousness and collective sub-consciousness

  • impact on you also. When you have greed to have diamond rings it is individual sub-consciousness

  • attacking. When you are having the greed to be appreciated, by so many people due to these

  • diamond rings, it is collective sub-consciousness attacking you. When you feel to become your

  • class leader, it is individual sub-consciousness (should it be unconsciousness ? ) attacking

  • you. When you feel the whole world should praise you, whole school should praise you,

  • the whole society should praise you because you are a leader, it is collective unconsciousness

  • attacking you. When you are free from all the four enemies, you are Jeevanmukta!

  • I am giving you the essence of these three verses. First, Samyama on cold, heat, unpleasant,

  • pleasant, to prepare you. Then break free from the greed based money thought trend.

  • Then break free, free yourself from the power based political thought trend. You are a Jeevanmukta,

  • what Bhagavan calls Sama loshtashma kanchanah, samabuddhir-vishishyate - should become lifestyle

  • in you, life in you.

  • So everydaywhatever I am sharing in the morning Satsang, is making you meditative! Not just

  • meditating, that’s only one part! Meditating I make you do to the end; but see, last twenty

  • minutes you are meditating. This whole Satsang is to make you meditative!

  • Even if you compromise with the power based thought trend and money based thought trend,

  • let you do after understanding the insider secrets of both systems, then you will not

  • be taken away by it, you will protect yourself. You will know where to keep the fire, how

  • to cook and how much heat, can food can go inside and how, when it is dangerous, and

  • you will be intelligent to play the game. At the most may be rarely as an exemption,

  • accidents may happen, you will die. But as a life you may protect yourself, but when

  • you don’t even know the political thought trends are from unconscious and money based

  • thoughts are from sub-conscious, you give them sacredness, you associate sanctity to

  • both. When you associate, even if you associate legitimacy to both of them, you are wrong!

  • If you associate sacredness to both of them, you are worshiping Devil thinking it’s God.

  • Internally do not give legitimacy to the money based and power based thought trends, fear

  • based and greed based thought trends. Let it be not legitimized.

  • I tell you, whether it is a fear or greed, let me have both only from the enlightened

  • source. It will give you the greed to destroy all other greeds, it will give you fear to

  • destroy all other fears. It will not add more to what you are having. Understand, the fear you receive from the Master is water

  • on fire, not Kerosene on fire. The greed you receive from the Master is water on fire,

  • not Petrol on fire. Both looks fluid being poured on fire. See from the society the fear

  • you get and greed you get; In the Sangha from the Master, the fear you get , greed you get

  • both look like fear and greed. What is poured from the society is Petrol and Kerosene; what

  • is being poured from the Master is pure water and ice bars, ice cubes. Both may look like

  • liquid but quality is different!

  • Even in my Sangha I have certain fear or greed I create which people think which is not necessary.

  • It is necessary because you have become insensitive. Fire is too big now. I have to pour something.

  • You already put fire on yourself. I have to pour something on you. Only then the fire

  • will come down.

  • Sometime people ask meHere also we have to work, outside also we have to work, better

  • we can work outside”. This is the exact foolishness! That person also pours something

  • liquid on me, this person also pours something liquid. Better let the outsider pour something

  • liquid! Don’t you understand it’s Petrol, I am pouring water! Liberate yourself from

  • the collective unconscious conspiracies in which even the conspirers themselves are caught

  • without knowing it’s a conspiracy. Unfortunately they even believe it’s a great service done

  • to everyone.

  • I wanted, by the grace of the Devine, I will do it. Just like how mass youngsters are going

  • behind these political parties and IT companies, means power based thought trend and money based thought trend! I assure

  • Oh Humanity I will make crores of people follow this Freedom based thought trend! We will

  • create Humanity living Enlightenment, not just community! Now we have created the community

  • living Enlightenment, we will create Humanity living Enlightenment! Anybody who understands

  • and uses power based thought trend and the greed based thought trend; like anesthesia,

  • anesthesia you can neither use too much, nor use less. If you know how to use only amount

  • required from others, you become right Leader, Enlightened Leader.

  • Question: Re: Taj Mahal or Tejo Mahalaya Temple:

  • Swamiji, from recent discoveries and research by prominent scholars, it is being said that

  • Taj Mahal was a Shiva Temple which has been converted like thousands of other similar

  • Temples in the Muslim Mughal period of invasions and conquerors. Taj Mahal is octagonal in

  • shape next to the sacred Hindu river Yamuna, has Hindu design, has a lotus kalash cap on

  • the dome, has a music chamber which is completely against Islamic buildings, trident and earthen

  • lamps everywhere and further the entire Taj complex comprises of 400-500 rooms. Residential

  • accommodation on such a stupendous scale is unthinkable in a Muslim structure. Eminent

  • historian P.N. Oka has written a research book of over 100 Documentary evidences to

  • prove the Vedic origins of Taj Mahal. Couple of evidences below: Shahjahan’s own court

  • chronicle the Badshah Nama admits ( page 403, volume 1 ) that a grand mansion of unique

  • splendor capped with the domeImarate Alishaan Gumbeswas taken from the Jaipur

  • Maharaja Jaisingh for Mumtaj’s burial and the building was known as Raja Mansingh’s

  • palace. A wooden piece from the riverside doorway of Taj , subjected to carbon (fourteen

  • ?) test by an American laboratory and initiated by a professor at Grad School of Architecture

  • in New York has revealed that the door is 300 years older than Shahjahan, reason being

  • - since the doors of Taj were broken by Muslim invadors repeatedly from the 11 th century

  • onwards, had to be replaced from time to time. The Taj edifice is much more older. It belongs

  • to 1155 AD that is almost 500 years before Shahjahan was born. What is the truth Swamiji

  • and what is the way forward for India to restore and correct these historical crimes done to

  • her?

  • Answer:

  • First I wanted to tell you, from the Akashic reading I confirmed whatever you said is true;

  • understand, not just from my intellectual beliefs, intellectual analysis or my own thinking

  • or my vested interest or what I wanted it to be, no, without any of that, straight from

  • the Akashic readings! Please understand Akashic reading is very sacred! And I am responsible

  • to answer to KalaBhairava and KalaBhairava is, you know! Don’t meddle with KalaBhairava,

  • don’t mess with KalaBhairava! I tell you, from the Akashic readings I can tell you, it was Shiva

  • Temple and one part was used as a palace. It was not built by Shahjahan. It was only

  • remodeled by Shahjahan. These are the historical crimes done to India. The only way to restore

  • is let there be more and more and more Jeevanmuktas penetrate the Indian political system. Through

  • the Jeevanmuktas let them come out of vote bank politics to

  • truth

  • based politics. Now it is all vote bank politics. They need to come to

  • the truth based politics. Let us work, work, work to bring purity in political system, purity in every structure

  • of society.

Suhrun-mitraar-yudaaseena madhyastha-dveshya-bandhushu l

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權力、貪婪和自由 (Power, Greed and Freedom)

  • 45 1
    Andy posted on 2021/01/14
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