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  • We have another question! Amazing! How do I get here?


  • Hey, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business and a life that you love so much, so, so much.

    嘿,我是 Marie Forleo,您正在觀看 MarieTV,這是你創造自己非常非常熱愛的事業和生活的地方。

  • And today is Q&A Tuesday and today's question comes from Victoria and Victoria writes.


  • "Hi Marie, I'm wondering whether you have some tips for self-promotion.


  • How to go about speaking well of your brand and letting the passion shine through.


  • How not to be afraid to blow your own trumpet. You seem much better at this in the US than we are here in Australia.


  • I always feel self-conscious and nervous when I try to promote my own business, like I'm bragging. Please help. Thanks, Victoria.”


  • Great question, Victoria, and I hear this all the time.


  • You know, you often hear the term "shameless self-promotion" as though there should be shame in self-promotion.


  • I think it's important that we slow down and really ask ourselves this question: where did we learn that self-promotion is bad and, more importantly, why do we accept that as the truth?


  • As intelligent thinking human beings, why is speaking about something that we do or have done a bad thing?


  • And why do we equate expressing joy or confidence or pride about our work with something we should feel shame for?


  • It's just crazy. I have a completely different point of view on this.


  • In fact, I think you should feel ashamed if you don't promote yourself.


  • Point is, if you do something great, I wanna know about it.


  • So here are 3 reframes to help you get a little more comfortable tooting your own horn.

    以下提供 3 招能幫助你在吹捧自己時不再感到有所羞愧。

  • And the first one is focus on what you can give versus what you can get.


  • So I say this every single week, right? "The world needs that special gift that only you have" and I mean it.


  • And if you hold back from self-promoting, you are stealing from those who need you most.


  • So you need to really start thinking of self-promotion as service, like a public service.


  • On a practical level, you never know if someone needs to hear about what you do.


  • If not for themselves, maybe for their friend or colleague. I'm sure you've had this happen in your own life.


  • You go out and you hear about what somebody does and maybe they're a web designer and you say, "OMG, you're exactly the kind of person I've been looking for. Thank goodness you said something."

    好比說某天你出門,聽聞到某人的豐功偉業,可能那個人正是個網頁設計師這時候你大喊:「我的天啊,你正是我在尋找的人才!太感謝上帝了! 因為你推銷你自己。」

  • Number two is stop caring. Not about other people, just what they think.


  • So many of us shy away from self-promotion because we're afraid that people won't like us, that they'll judge us, that they'll find us totally annoying.


  • Well, guess what? People already don't like you. They already judge you, and unfortunately, they probably find you annoying.


  • I'm sorry to say that that's true, but it's true about you and it's true about me.


  • Now, the real question is: who are you living your life for?


  • I'm pretty comfortable with self-promotion and it's not because I'm from the US.


  • It's because I care more about getting my ideas out there and helping as many people as possible than I do trying to live my life trying to be unjudged, which is pretty much impossible.


  • So you've got to ask yourself, what do you want on your tombstone? What do you want them to say at your funeral?


  • "Today we lay Victoria to rest.


  • She didn't bother anyone. - Amen.

    她沒有打擾任何人。 - 阿門。

  • Anyone else care to say anything?


  • Anyone?"


  • Now, of course we're having some fun here, Victoria, but the point is a valid one.


  • And like everything else in life, there is an art to self-promoting, which brings me to my next point.


  • Number three, do not be a broken record.

    第三,重複的東西不要一直講 (譯註: "broken record" 原意指壞掉的唱片,延伸表示壞掉的唱片會一直跳針,形容人講話千篇一律、了無新意)

  • "I'm so great. I'm so great. I'm so great. I'm so great. I'm so great. I'm so great."


  • So yes, do let us know that you're great. Tell us why, but have other things to talk about.


  • I mean, think about it, if you talked about your kids and only your kids again and again or if I talked about Game of Thrones and only Game of Thrones over and over again, it would get pretty darn boring fast.


  • So make sure you have variety and different topics and, of course, make sure that you celebrate other people and you'll be totally fine.


  • One last thing Victoria, what you're feeling is not just because you're from Australia.


  • Most of us grow up being told don't brag and don't show off, and I think it's time that we all started to untangle these feelings of shame and self-consciousness from sharing our gifts and offering our service to the world.


  • And we can start by remembering this tweetable: Instead of calling it shameless self-promotion, let's take the shame out of it altogether.


  • Victoria, that was my A to your Q and I really hope it helps. Now I would love to hear from you, and it's a two parter today.


  • So number one, have you ever held yourself back from sharing about who you are or what you do?


  • What fear or concern stopped you?


  • And number two, when it comes to self-promotion, which idea from today's episode do you need to remember the most and why?


  • Now, as always, the best discussions happen after the episode over at, so go there and leave a comment now.


  • Did you like this video? If so, subscribe to our channel and it would be great if you shared this with your friends.


  • And if you want even more resources to create a business and life that you love, plus some personal insights from me that I only talk about in email, come on over to and make sure you sign up for email updates, because they're great.

    如果你想要更多超讚的資源去創造你熱愛的事業及生活,或者想要我只會在email裡提到的 個人洞見的話,那就來MarieForleo.com網站,並且註冊收取電子報,它們真的很棒喔。

  • Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special gift that only you have.


  • Thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you next time on MarieTV.

    非常感謝你的收看,我們下回再於Marie TV相見。

We have another question! Amazing! How do I get here?


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