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As the old saying goes, "Haters be hatin'." Obviously, we'd like them to knock it off;
古人說, "恨人者必可恨" 可見我們有多希望他們消失
but science may have provided us with a health bonus for breaking the hate!
Hey all you sexual beings out there. Thanks for tuning in the DNews. I'm Trace.
嘿迷人的傢伙們, 我是DNews 的Trace, 謝謝你的收聽!
Homosexuality and homophobia is a topic of discussion around many a dinner table in the
United States and elsewhere *cough* Russia *cough* and though many feel they're in the
還有其他地方像*咳嗽*俄羅斯*咳嗽*. 雖然雙方都覺得
right on both sides, there's a definite scientific angle to be taken to simply let the battle go.
自己是對的, 但現在出現一種說法, 從科學角度來輕鬆解除恐同戰爭.
Science says, homophobia is killing you. Yeah. To a tune of about two and a half years of your life.
科學家說, 恐同會殺了妳. 是真的. 會讓你減少兩年半的壽命
A study done in the United States and published in the American Journal of Public Health wanted
一個美國的研究報告, 發表在美國公共衛生雜誌中, 想要
to determine "whether individuals who harbor antigay prejudice experience elevated mortality
risk." Turns out, yep. They do. All things controlled for being equal in their study,
結果指出, 他們真的比較早死. 在實驗中他們將所有測試者設定相同條件
people who are prejudiced against the LGBTQ community will die two-and-a-half years earlier
那些對多元性別有偏見的人, 會比同年紀, 一樣健康的人
than an equally healthy person of the same age
And sadly the stress isn't only on the bigots,
不幸的是, 這不只發生在這些頑固的人身上
it spreads to their targets too.
Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health completed a separate study which found
哥倫比亞大學海爾曼公共衛生學院完成的另一項研究中, 發現
bixsexual, gay, and lesbian individuals living in communities with a high level of anti-gay
prejudice had higher mortality as well! They found, when controlling for the normal variables
也會有較高的死亡率!他們發現, 當控制一個社會環境在基本變量
of a community, people in the sexual minority died 12-years sooner
的運作下, 這些性取向弱勢族群會比平均還早12年去世, 因為
LGB people living in high-prejudice communities were THREE TIMES more likely to be murdered
住在高度歧視社區裡的多元性別者, 被謀殺的機率
than in low-prejudice communities! That's astounding. A key point in their study, was
是輕微偏見地區的三倍! 令人驚駭吧. 研究中最關鍵的是
they assessed the community as a WHOLE rather than the experiences of individuals.
他們是以全體的社區來做估算, 而不是單一的事件. 不是
I don't have a research study to cite, but it seems to me it's rarely only the bigot
我沒有一個研究數據可以證實, 但我猜不可能只有這些恐同者
and their target who are victims of the stress involved. The hate is probably felt by their
還有他們的目標備感壓力. 這些仇恨一定也影響了他們的
families, their neighbors and their friends as well. I wonder what THEIR health effects are...
家庭, 鄰居還有他們的朋友. 我想知道他們的健康狀況是...
What do you think of this? Have you ever let go of hate and feel better? Share your experiences
你覺得這個論點正確嗎? 你有曾經因消除仇恨而感到輕鬆的經驗嗎? 在下面評論中和我們分享
with haters down below in the comments, Your experiences are important. Make sure you subscribe for more,
和這些憤世嫉俗的人相處的經驗, 你的經驗很重要. 記得要持續訂閱,
and we'll see you next time on DNews.
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