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I’d say either me or Sneaky is the fart god.
We sort of send them back and forth.
We are sort of isolated in their room so the other guys don't get to bask in it.
I'd say my least favorite food is kimchi
because I don't like spicy food and I don't like vegetables.
It's just a combination of the two. I'm not a fan.
My Chipotle order is chicken burrito, white rice, pinto beans, mild salsa, cheese.
If I could wake up as another pro player I think it would Bjergsen
just because I’d like to turn on my stream
and get 40,000 viewers. That would be pretty fun.
Every morning I say "Wake and bake m****erf**er"" to Sneaky
because he used to wake up and bake us some food.
I don't think there is going to be another Trombonas Brothers video because
I have not talked to the guy I made it with for a few years.
One of my favorite things to do with trombone when I was in band was
filling our trombones with water and shoot it at each other
and get the halls all filled with water.
It was a really bad idea, but it was fun.
I would say lately the most satisfying thing is just getting a really good comeback in Hearthstone.
I’ve had a few games where I was at 1 health,
and I did 30 damages on a one turn.
I'd say that Trombonas Brothers videos up there are the most embarrassing things I’ve done.
Hai would be "Confident."
Balls would be "Quiet."
Lemon would be "Smart."
And Sneaky would be "Troll."
I think one of my favorite moments with Sneaky was
this time we were throwing a beach ball back and forth and then
he said "Hmm, there's a wine glass right next to my keyboard. We should probably stop doing this."
And I said "No, I'll be good." And right when we said that I threw it to him and he missed it.
It hits the wine glass, knocks it over, spills wine all over his keyboard,
breaks the keyboard and the wine glasses. It was pretty funny.
I’d say Tides of Time is probably my favorite Hearthstones player.
I think he's really good, and his stream is really fun to watch.
And he just seems super chill.
I think my all-time favorite game growing up was Warcraft III.
And I would just play it with my friends all day,
Spending hours in the map editor making mazes and stuff like that,
and just playing with each other. That was a lot of fun.
I don't think I would give up games for $100 million dollars
because hundred million dollars would be really cool right when I got it
but eventually that would get boring and I would want to play games again but I couldn't.
So, I think I would be happier playing games.
I've been playing Orianna jungle a lot lately.
It worked in normal games and then I tried it in ranked once and then I got shit on, so...
I don't know if it is viable but it's pretty fun.
Well I think when we play the best is usually when my teammates are also paying attention to
where their jungler is areas along with me.
They play really carefully when the jungler is near them, and we
pay attention to objectives.
Whenever they can get through lane phase - they don't even have to win their lane -
but if they just don't die then it usually goes well.
I would say the most awkward Snapchat I’ve sent was this time at All-Stars.
I was trying to take a snapshot of one of the Korean players
and I didn't realize my flash was on, so I just took a creeper pic of him right in his face
and my flash went off, and I didn't say anything to him beforehand.
And I was like, oh man, that's so awkward, I'm not even going to try and explain it
and I just walked away.
I wouldn't say I had too many expectations when I joined Cloud9.
They just asked me to substitute for a tournament for them.
And then they asked me to join as the jungler
And then Hai locks in Master Yi first pick.
And he goes "oh, by the way, I’m jungler, you go mid."
I was like "What is this?"
Somehow first blooded Pobelter playing this super OB Kassadin at level 5 by myself.
So from there I just realized these guys are super troll but also super good at the game.
And I thought I would get along with them so I asked to join.
I would say the stuff I learn about being in a team can help me in a future relationship
because it just sort of taught me that I have to treat people that I'm going to be around all the time really well
because it's not really worth doing petty things to get back at people if they make you mad or something.
I think it's just all about doing as much as you can for other people.
And hoping they do the same to you.
And if they don't? Don't hold it against them, just keep trying to be a good guy.
If I had to make out with one person on my team, I’d say it's Lemon
so I can get all of that scruff all over my face. (kiss sound)