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  • Dubai in the United Arab Emirates [EM-er-it] is home to the tallest skyscraper in the world.


  • It stands almost 3 thousand feet in the air, and cost the city more than 1 billion dollars.

    它聳立於 3000 英呎的高空,耗資超過 10 億美金打造

  • On the ground signs of Dubai’s wealth are apparent, as the police patrol the streets


  • in Ferraris, and Lamborghinis. So how did the Emirates, and Dubai in particular, get


  • so rich?


  • Well, the UAE is a federation of seven emirates, each ruled, in part, by its own Islamic monarchy.


  • Historically the UAE has been a prime location for international trade. Situated at the mouth


  • of the Persian Gulf, ships sailing around Asia and Africa made frequent stops there.


  • In the late 1950s, large oil deposits were found near the UAE’s capital of Abu Dhabi,

    1950 年代後期,阿拉伯聯合大公國的首都阿布達比發現了大量的石油

  • beginning a hugely lucrative oil industry. The oil deposits proved to be so vast, that

    於是開啟了利潤豐厚的石油產業。 石油蘊藏量豐富,

  • presently, they account for a tenth of the world’s total oil reserves. Crude oil exports


  • are responsible for almost $400 billion dollars of the UAE’s GDP.

    原油出口金額占了阿拉伯聯合大公國約 4000 億美元的國內生產總值

  • But Dubai, by itself, isn’t very oil-rich. Reports indicate that in 2010, only around

    然而杜拜本身的石油資源並不豐富。報告指出,2010 年僅有

  • 1% of Dubai’s economy was from oil sales. So how is Dubai so wealthy?


  • Well, both Dubai and the entire UAE have a historically productive relationship with


  • the United Kingdom. This relationship granted them access to exclusive western investments


  • and partnerships . In 2000, the international credit boom helped the Emirates solidify their

    2000 年,國際信貸的發展下幫助了阿拉伯聯合大公國鞏固

  • place in the Middle East as a financial and cosmopolitan hub. Foreign investments poured


  • in for ambitious projects like the world’s tallest skyscraper, largest resort, and even


  • a series of man-made islands. Since then, tourism, trade, and retail has flourished,


  • attracting a large number of visitors and immigrants. Dubai was reported to be the world’s

    吸引著一大批的觀光客及移民。杜拜因此在 2014 年被評為世界上

  • 5th most popular tourist destination in 2014. Additionally,there are no corporate taxes,

    第五位最受歡迎的觀光勝地。 此外,石油公司及外國銀行以外的公司

  • except on oil companies and foreign banks, making them an attractive business destination.


  • However, despite the flow of investments and a growing tourism industry, the late 2000s

    然而,儘管有大批投資潮及蓬勃發展的觀光業,2000 年後期的

  • global economic crisis hit the emirates especially hard. Real estate prices collapsed throughout


  • the area, and one study found that more than 200 construction projects were cancelled between

    一份研究指出,2009 至 2011 年間,有多達 200 件以上的建案被取消

  • 2009 and 2011. It got so bad that eventually, Abu Dhabi had to bail out Dubai with a $10

    情況變得很糟,最終,阿布達比以 100 億美元的貸款來援助杜拜

  • billion dollar loan. So yeah, Dubai is massively rich, but as weve seen in recent years,


  • there’s no guarantee itll stay that way.


  • Migrant labor abuse is a huge problem in the UAE and some of its neighbors. To learn about


  • the details of this issue, take a look at this informative video from our friends at

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Dubai in the United Arab Emirates [EM-er-it] is home to the tallest skyscraper in the world.


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