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Kingston Technology is the world's largest independent manufacturer of memory products, with factories and offices all over the world.
Kingston Technology 已發展為全球最大的記憶體產品獨立製造商,其工廠與公司遍佈全球。
Headquartered in Fountain Valley, California, Kingston specializes in the design and manufacture of computer memory and Flash-based data storage products such as solid-state drives, USB Flash drives, Flash cards and embedded Flash chips for mobile phones and tablets.
全球總部設在美國加州的芳泉谷市, Kingston 專門設計並製造電腦記憶體、快閃記憶體等資料儲存產品,例如: 固態硬碟、USB 隨身碟、記憶卡以及手機與平板電腦專用的嵌入式快閃晶片。
Kingston offers more than 2,000 products, with a growing database of 41,000 supported devices ranging from mobile phones to notebooks to servers.
Kingston 提供 2,000 多種產品,以及 可支援從手機、筆記型電腦到伺服器的41,000 種裝置,且持續增長中。
Each product originates in the engineering department as engineering teams develop new and improve existing technologies for Kingston's customers.
In this video, we'll focus on the DRAM manufacturing process.
在這部影片中,我們將專門介紹 DRAM 的製程。
As a member of the JEDEC council, Kingston contributes to industry standard designs for memory modules.
身為美國電子工程設計發展聯合協會的一員,Kingston 提供記憶體模組業界的標準設計。
Kingston produces memory built to industry standards and also designs proprietary memory for non-standard devices and creates customized memory solutions at the request of its customers.
Kingston 不僅以業界標準製造記憶體,亦為非標準裝置設計專屬記憶體,並客製化記憶體解決方案以滿足客戶的需求。
These designs all start in the CAD room, where Kingston's engineers map out each layer of the printed circuit board.
這些設計都是從 CAD (唸法為 實驗室開始,Kingston 的工程師就是在這些實驗室中制定每一層的印刷電路板。
Once the design is completed and produced, a prototype is delivered to the compatibility testing labs.
Here, the engineers test in real-world environments on specific motherboards, systems or classes of systems they are designed to support, to confirm compatibility.
Occasionally, when systems or motherboards are not yet available to test future technology, Kingston uses its advanced test platforms.
偶爾,當現有系統或主機板尚無法用來測試未來技術時,Kingston 便會利用其最先進的測試平台。
These testers simulate the parameters of future systems using software designed and programmed by Kingston's test engineers.
這些測試員會模擬未來系統的參數、使用由 Kingston 測試工程師設計的軟體程式。
Kingston also uses these test platforms to qualify new components such as DRAM, NAND, controllers, registers and passive components.
Kingston 也會使用這些測試平台來評鑑新元件,例如:DRAM、快閃記憶體、 控制器、暫存器及被動元件。
Once a design has been approved, the plans are sent to production for assembly, testing and packaging.
Kingston has the capacity to produce more than 300 million products per year with more than 64 manufacturing lines worldwide, more than any other memory product manufacturer.
Kingston 在全球擁有超過 64 條生產線,每年可生產超過 3 億件產品,其製造能力優於其他任一記憶體產品製造商。
With production numbers that high, its manufacturing process needs to be best in class.
As a contract manufacturer, Kingston has cultivated its process from some of the top semiconductors and PC manufacturers in the world.
身為合約製造商,Kingston 已經從全球頂級的半導體及 PC 製造商培養自己的流程。
The same lines that produce contracted memory for some of the biggest names in technology also produce Kingston branded products.
某些科技大品牌生產記憶體的生產線,也會生產 Kingston 品牌的產品。
Throughout each stage of manufacturing, testing, and packaging, Kingston employs strict quality gates to ensure its high standards are being met.
在每個製造、測試及包裝階段中,Kingston 皆採用嚴格品質控管以確保滿足高標準。
Kingston's quality assurance team and its contract partners conduct regular (internal and external) audits of its processes, holding them to the highest standards in the industry.
Kingston 的品質保證團隊及其合約夥伴會定期執行 (內部與外部) 稽核程序,堅持遵循業界的最高標準。
Let's follow the process for a typical Kingston product.
讓我們來瞭解典型 Kingston 產品的流程。
First, Kingston sources raw materials, including DRAM in all configurations, from the world's leading semiconductors.
首先,Kingston 會向全球頂尖的半導體廠商採購原物料,包括在所有配置中的 DRAM。
The Surface Mount Technology lines are where Kingston's products are assembled.
表面黏著技術生產線就是組裝 Kingston 產品的地方。
The first step is the screen printer, where solder paste is spread across a stencil screen, transferring it onto the printed circuit boards.
The boards then pass through an automated optical inspection station where they are carefully examined for solder height and integrity.
The next step is surface mounting, where the first of two mounting machines places passive components such as resistors and capacitors.
The next surface mounting machine places the primary components, such as DRAM chips.
第二部表面附著機器則放置 DRAM 晶片等主要元件。
After the chips are placed on the printed circuit board, they pass through the reflow oven, where, based on the specific product design, they are subjected to a seven-temperature cycle up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
在晶片放置於印刷電路板之後,便會通過迴焊爐,並依據特定產品設計,接受最高溫度達華氏 500 度的七種溫度循環。
The solder paste is cured based on this profile.
After baking, all products must undergo a final automated optical inspection.
Once inspection is complete, the printed circuit boards must be de-paneled.
Kingston uses computer controlled router saws to trim the excess paneling and separate the devices.
Kingston 會使用電腦控制的圓鋸機來裁剪過多的面板和分散裝置。
The most unique step in the Kingston process is production testing.
Kingston 流程中最獨特的步驟是生產測試。
The test floor features a full suite of test environments, most of which are automated and patented designs by Kingston.
測試樓層中擁有完整的測試環境,其中大多數是由 Kingston 提供的自動化及專利設計。
Kingston holds more than 29 patents for its testing equipment and testing-related processes.
Kingston 持有 29 種以上用於測試設備及測試相關流程的專利。
The KT2100 is the first high-volume automated production tester and it was developed by Kingston.
KT2100 是第一個高量自動化生產測試器,是 Kingston 研發的。
Patented by Kingston's test engineers, this system houses eight motherboards and is capable of testing up to 400 modules per hour.
此專利由 Kingston 測試工程師取得,內含八個主機板,每小時可測試多達 400 個模組。
The KT2500 is the newest, fully automated and Kingston-patented high volume system used for testing DDR3 memory.
KT2500 是Kingston專利的最新型完整自動化高量系統,適用於測試 DDR3 記憶體。
This tester can hold 60 motherboards and is capable of testing 1,000 modules per hour.
此測試系統可持有 60 個主機板,每小時能測試 1,000 個模組。
In addition to production testing, all server grade memory products are required to undergo burn-in testing.
Kingston's unique patented KT2400 (Kay-tee twenty-four hundred) test chambers simulate three months of heavy server usage and stress the memory beyond any environments typically experienced within a data center.
Kingston 獨特專利的 KT2400 測試室會模擬伺服器三個月大量使用的情境,並施予記憶體超越任何資料中心內可能面臨的壓力。
This is done to screen any marginal or bad memory cells and it dramatically reduces early life failures.
At a temperature of 212 Fahrenheit (100 C), every cell is subjected to heavy test patterns.
在華氏 212 度的溫度中,每個記憶格都要接受大量的測試模式。
Kingston's quality standard dictates that one bad cell detected equals a defective memory module and thus does not leave the factory.
Considering a 16GB server memory module can have over 130 billion memory cells, Kingston maintains an exceptionally high quality standard.
一個 16GB 的伺服器記憶體模組即擁有超過 1,300 億個記憶格,Kingston產品的超優品質由此可見一般。
Once the product is packaged, it ships out to retailers, etailers, distributors, resellers and customers all over the world.
Kingston's manufacturing facilities are certified to ISO (I.S.O.) 9001 Quality, ISO14001 Environmental, and OHSAS 18001 Health And Safety standards and comply with environmental requirements for RoHS and WEEE.
Kingston 所有的製造廠皆獲得 ISO 9001 品質、ISO14001 環境及 OHSAS 18001 健康及安全的標準認證,並符合 RoHS 與 WEEE 的環境要求。
As you can see, Kingston's commitment to quality is at the core of its success, today and well into the future.
如您所見,Kingston 對品質的承諾是其今日與未來獲得成功的核心要素。