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♪ (punk rock music) ♪
♪ Salve ♪
(gasps) Yay. (giggles)
Oh my gosh, I love Pentatonix.
♪ Regina ♪
I've seen this video before. It's like an evolution.
The Evolution of Music, right?
♪ (Pachelbel, "Canon in D") ♪
They're so good.
♪ (Beethoven, "Symphony No. 5") ♪
My morning got so much better right now.
♪ Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes ♪
Okay, for a second, I thought it was a girl singing.
I looked over to the left.
Oh my gosh.
♪ He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way ♪
♪ He had a boogie style that no one else could play ♪
I'm really confused in who's singing what.
This is so legit.
♪ Bugle boy of company B ♪
- ♪ Because you're mine ♪ - He's such a good bass.
- ♪ I walk the line ♪ - His voice, so deep.
♪ Ah, ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann ♪
♪ Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann ♪
Yay, color!
Kinda love them.
♪ Ba Barbara Ann ♪
♪ R-E-S-P-E-C-T ♪
- They're good at this! - She can sing!
I love this so much.
- ♪ Mama mia, mama mia ♪ - ♪ Mama mia, let me go ♪
♪ Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me ♪
♪ For me ♪
♪ For meeee! ♪
Yes. Hit that high note, Mitch.
That was the guy!
- ♪ Do do do do ♪ - ♪ Wap wap wap wap ♪
♪ Can't touch this ♪
- ♪ Tonight's gonna be a good night ♪ - Black Eyed Peas.
Oh, it's so good.
It's like Pitch Perfect, but better.
Like real-life Pitch Perfect.
- ♪ Baby, baby, baby, ohh ♪ - Oh, come on, man.
- No. - ♪ We found love in a hopeless place ♪
♪ Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck ♪
They're so talented. How do you do that?
- ♪ Oppa ♪ - ♪ Call me maybe ♪
Oh, that's such a good mash-up.
Do I get to see another one? Yay!
♪ Taste the pain right on my tongue ♪
♪ Novocaine to make me numb ♪
This is the anthem of the world.
Oh my gosh.
Is this an original?
♪ Morning sun ♪
- ♪ (beatboxing) ♪ - ♪ Morning sun ♪
Wait for that drop. That drop.
- ♪ (a cappella) ♪ - Whoa.
I feel like they're weird characters from Star Wars.
Why are they dressed like that?
♪ Baby, you hurt me to my very core ♪
♪ You don't know why ♪
- ♪ You don't know how ♪ - That's so sick.
♪ You don't know when to love again ♪
They look kinda weird, but they're still so good.
♪ ...shut me out ♪
- ♪ You have to learn... ♪ - This is all a cappella, right?
♪ love again ♪
♪ (a cappella bass drop) ♪
Wow, that's crazy. Like, I listen to EDM. They're doing that?
Things that they can do with just their voices is ridiculous.
I have no idea what's going on right now.
♪ Learn to love again (repeating) ♪
That's sick for some a cappella.
♪ Taste the pain right on my tongue ♪
It's such good editing.
They're so good. They're so good.
- ♪ You let me in then shut me out ♪ - This is great.
This is like what I imagine a rave to look like.
I feel like this video is just what it feels like to be on drugs.
♪ (holding note) ♪
- (lip-syncing along) - ♪ I'ma teach you how to love ♪
- ♪ You don't know why ♪ - Dang. (laughs)
♪ You don't know how ♪
♪ You don't know when to love again ♪
I don't think I like this as much as their covers.
What a cappella used to be, and now what it is is amazing.
♪ Learn to love again ♪
That was sick. That was pretty dope.
(sadly) No, it's over. You guys.
♪ (punk rock music) ♪
(Finebros) So do you know who that a cappella group is?
- No. - No.
Mm-mm, no clue.
No, I have no idea who they are.
I don't know what their name is,
but I've seen them before at the AMAs.
- Pentatonix. - Pentatonix.
(Finebros) Would you say you liked their music?
They're all right.
I don't dislike it, but I wouldn't listen to it.
It's not the type of music I would play at a party.
But it's really, really sick.
It shouldn't be underappreciated.
Yeah, they are really good.
Yeah, I liked it a lot.
They sound like an actual band, but just using their voices.
I appreciate how much more time and effort
that they put into that
versus an artist sitting down behind a computer
and just putting some loops together and making a song.
They're so good. They have changed a cappella forever.
(Finebros) So the first video was a medley
of the evolution of music through time, all in one take.
I loved that.
(Finebros) That went viral for them,
- and it has over 50 million views. - Wow.
I'm not surprised. It totally deserves that.
That type of talent deserves that many views.
(Finebros) What did you think of it,
and why do you think so many people love that medley?
'Cause they're only using their voices.
Everyone just likes nostalgic stuff.
You can kinda see America's history in one video, musically.
It just goes out to every single audience,
like the old people and my generation.
(Finebros) They're known primarily for their cover songs,
but the second song we showed you is an original song.
What did you think of the visuals and also of the song itself?
I thought the visuals were cool.
But I didn't like that song as much as their covers.
The song was good. I liked it.
I think it's incredible and amazing.
I thought it visually was really cool.
I thought it was only the Daft Punk one that had the good makeup.
That song blew my mind.
Like, what the hell? It's talent right there.
(Finebros) So a cappella groups
have found a lot of popularity lately from these guys
to movies like Pitch Perfect.
What is it about music created with just the human voice
that's so compelling to see and listen to?
It's just talent.
It really shows you the capacity of what people can do
with just the resources that they're born with.
We can amaze ourselves in the fact that like,
oh my gosh, someone can do that with their voice.
Like, I can't do that with my voice.
They're specifically doing it by themselves with their own voice
instead of using a machine, which is insane.
Like, the amount of technicality that's involved in that video?
(Finebros) So Pentatonix first found some success
winning the reality show The Sing-Off
but have gone on to use YouTube to grow their audience
and have arguably become one of the most successful people
that have crossed over from the internet.
On YouTube, they have over seven million subscribers
- and over 800 million views. - Wow!
That's crazy.
(Finebros) But they also perform on television,
they tour the world,
and they put out a Christmas album at the end of 2014
that was the number-four top-selling album
in all of music the entire year.
(surprised) Oh. Oh my god.
Entire year?
That must've hit them like, "Dang, we actually made it."
See? See? Queens. Queens!
(Finebros) The only albums that sold more
were Taylor Swift's 1989, the Frozen soundtrack,
and Sam Smith's In the Lonely Hour. What do you think about that?
That's crazy.
It just shows anything can really happen.
It's amazing to see them getting recognized for their talent.
That's pretty amazing,
especially just to go from some people on YouTube
to being the fourth-number album.
They should be there. That's where they belong.
Watching their videos,
it's definitely a sense of connection with the audience.
Should be at number one, but I guess number four's okay.
(Finebros) They also are thinking outside the box.
Two of the members of the group
have their own YouTube channel called Superfruit.
I know, I love them.
Yes. I watch it every week.
(Finebros) And on that channel,
they are just like a YouTube vlog,
where they will engage with their audience and do collaborations,
and they have over one million subscribers.
Why do you think more traditional celebrities
don't use YouTube in that way, and do you think that they should?
Because I guess traditional artists
didn't come up the same way they did.
I feel like it's kind of like an industry thing.
They kinda want to keep it separate.
People are just stuck up like that.
They don't want to share with their fans, even though the fans
are the ones that are getting them their income.
I'm pretty sure if these celebrities get into YouTube,
they'll make it even bigger than they thought they would.
I don't know why, like, Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt,
they don't do it, because everyone would watch it.
People love to watch what celebrities are doing,
and vlogging is the perfect way.
I definitely think they should, but I just don't think they do.
And I think that's why Instagram
is becoming super-big with celebrities.
You know, you have 16 million followers,
and you post a picture of your food,
and you're getting a million likes, and that's gonna sell music?
They're probably like, "What the [bleep]?"
But it absolutely will.
- (clang) - (Finebros) Truth!
(Finebros) Finally, do you think an a cappella group
like Pentatonix can sustain this kind of success
with original music and be as big as stars--
the Taylor Swifts or Sam Smiths or full bands?
Um, I'm not sure if they will, because this is the first time
that I've ever seen any a cappella group even get this big.
Right now, maybe, they can't reach it.
But I feel like when my generation, who's so into YouTube--
When we get a little older and we become the main consumer base,
then it will be possible.
I would say absolutely.
There's nothing to say that they can't keep going.
They've proven it so far.
And I wouldn't doubt it to see them move on to a bigger stage.
It already seems like it's getting pretty big.
I think that they're kind of the ones leading it
to the right direction.
- It will get there. - I think it will.
Since they put something like this together,
more people are gonna want to do it.
And when more people want to come and do it,
it becomes competition.
I mean, it's pretty cool. Did you hear the video?
Like, that was cool.
Thanks for watching another episode of Teens React.
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♪ Goodbye! ♪
♪ (punk rock music) ♪