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  • Hello, my name is Mike Mitchell, and today I'd like to explain a little bit about how

  • to teach English to adults. Normally, when people learn foreign languages, or English

  • as a foreign language, they learn as children or young adults, and this makes it easier

  • for them as their brains are still absorbing new material. It's much more difficult when

  • you're an adult, because it's...the learning areas in your brain have already stopped,

  • or have slowed in accepting new information. Thus, it's important to keep the learning

  • of a foreign language or English, as much as possible, to the existing world of the

  • learner. This is why, when you're teaching English to adults, especially as a second

  • language, you want to choose topics and vocabulary and expressions that they will already use

  • in their normal, daily life. So they are using the same situations and the same expressions,

  • but they're learning them in English. The easiest way to do this is with communication.

  • And speaking practice. This is something, unfortunately, that normally requires two

  • people to do, so if you can get two or more adults together, they can practice speaking

  • back and forth to each other. And then they can choose common daily activities that they

  • would speak about. This helps them to understand what the other person is trying to say, even

  • if they don't understand everything that the person is saying in this foreign language.

  • The writing is something that they can do at home, this also includes reading. But this

  • requires a bit of a more advanced level before they can do this as they need to know the

  • written vocabulary and understand the grammar. The communication in speaking is generally

  • the easiest, but you have to start at a very simple level from the beginning.

Hello, my name is Mike Mitchell, and today I'd like to explain a little bit about how

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A2 US foreign language foreign teaching english language speaking learning

Teaching English : How Do You Teach English to Adults?

  • 759 30
    昇翰 posted on 2015/07/19
Video vocabulary



US /ˈpræktɪs/

UK /'præktɪs/

  • noun
  • The office and place for legal or medical work
  • Doing something many times to become better at it
  • verb
  • To work as a doctor or lawyer
  • To live according to the teachings of a religion
  • To do something many times to improve a skill

US /ˈpipəl/

UK /'pi:pl/

  • noun
  • Persons sharing culture, country, background, etc.
  • Men, Women, Children

US /'pɜ:rsn/

UK /'pɜ:sn/

  • noun
  • Man, woman or child

US /voˈkæbjəˌlɛri/

UK /və'kæbjələrɪ/

  • noun
  • Words that have to do with a particular subject
  • The words that a person knows

US /laɪf/

UK /laɪf/

  • noun
  • All the living things e.g. animals, plants, humans
  • Period of time things live, from birth to death

US /lɚn/

UK /lɜ:n/

  • verb
  • To get knowledge or skills by study or experience

US /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/

UK /ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ/

  • noun
  • Words or signs used to communicate messages

US /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/

UK /ˈɪŋglɪʃ/

  • noun
  • Language of the UK, USA, Nigeria and elsewhere
  • Person's name
  • adjecitve
  • Concerning the culture and people of England

US /rɪˈkwaɪr/

UK /rɪ'kwaɪə(r)/

  • verb
  • To demand that someone does something
  • To need to do something, to make it necessary

US /ˌʌndɚˈstænd/

UK /ˌʌndə'stænd/

  • verb
  • To know the meaning of language, what someone says

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