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These three Vern Intelligent Combined Scissors look the same very much
這三支韋恩智慧型組合剪刀 它們都長得很像
But they have different characters
雖然長得很像 但是它們的個性是不一樣的
This 4E in my left side removes much more hair volume
在我的左邊它是4E 這一支去量比較多
The other two 4Eb remove less hair volume without tool marks
另外這兩支去量比較少 而且沒有刀痕是叫4Eb
They are designed by using the interlocking device to combine together with ease
結合機構的部分設計得很方便 利用它可組裝扣在一起
Though my hand is not bigger than others
It's very easy for me to hold and use it this way
它拿起來讓我在現場很輕鬆 直接用這樣的方式操作
The quality of this model is very good her eyes are very beautiful
今天這位模特兒的條件很好 她眼睛非常漂亮
I dyed her hair in purple with red
在她的髮色強調以紫色系 帶點紫紅的顏色染髮
I want to cut by easy way so I texturize it directly without sectioning
我想要以比較輕鬆的方式剪髮 所以我不分線直接調量
As her hair flow is not smooth I texturize a little bit more hair volume inside for her
因為她頭髮不乖 我把裡面的部分 調得比較少一點點
It creates her hair short and thin inside long and thick outside with bob effect
創造內短內薄 外厚長的包覆感
Seeing from her profile, three-D of her hair has been shaped because I have adjusted her hair volume already
因為調整好量感 所以從側面看 頭髮的澎度已經呈現出來
Now, I just cut here to create the length I need
我從這個地方 直接去剪到我設定的髮長
Customers will rest assured when you are cutting their hair because they will know exactly how long of the length it will be
客人在這樣裁剪過程中也會感到很放心 可以清楚知道要的髮長在哪裡
I use Vern Intelligent Combined Super Curve Scissors-4N
It could be used for not only single pair
But also two pairs combined together by the interlocking device
也可以利用這個結合機構的部分 將兩支組合在一起
I texturize the hair volume first
To create the impression of space and then cut the length
用這個方法來剪鮑伯頭 先將頭髮的空間感給呈現出來
A perfect Bob hairstyle is finished this way
再做輪廓裁剪 這樣剪出來的髮型包覆性非常好
When you cut simply and fast customers maybe say you are not serious
有時候用這樣簡單快速的方法剪髮 剪太快客人會說你隨便剪
It's a conceptual issue
We need to learn how to promote yourself during cutting process
我們要學習在剪的過程中 去包裝自己
you should have the courage of expressing yourself
我覺得要多一點勇氣 去表達自己的感情
We are all the same Hairdressers need to grow up together
我們一直很希望大家來觀看研習 設計師需要一起成長
Renewing your ideas takes time So that's why we always hope you could attend our seminars
觀念的改造需要時間培養 大家都是一樣的
The whloe team from the Europe America and Korea came to Vern classes in Taiwan
歐美各國及韓國整個團隊 來韋恩上課
I am very surprised at their attitudes toward learning
All of them come from a great background They are all very outstanding with experience in hairdressing industry for two or three decades
他們每一個都是有很強背景的技師 都是擁有二、三十年經歷
They know exactly what they want thus their attitude is so different
他們很清楚知道這是他們要的 表現出來的態度就是不一樣
They still came to Vern to learn a faster and more efficient way to cut with Vern Intelligent Combined Scissors even the language difference
即使語言不通 他們還是要來韋恩學 學習既快、效果又好的韋恩智慧型組合剪刀剪法
If your customers are not willing or afraid to color hair
we won't earn money from this kind of customers
Having Color Hair Extensions you could apply to any section you want
但是你有這樣的彩色髮片 你就可以裝在很多地方
Circle it like this and then it is done
像是這樣 繞幾圈再扣上就可以
After blow-drying I highlight the contour line
吹整好之後 我把輪廓線再強調一下
These details need to be done to let the customer feel you are really diligent in her hair
這些細節都是需要做的 客人能感受到你是非常用心在幫她做處理
Then I cut here short to let the round style with a bit of characteristic beauty
這邊我把它剪短成圓弧的造型 讓它帶有一點個性的美感
And make the purle hair inside stand out to emphasize the color I designed
並把裏層的紫色髮片跳脫出來 強調我所設計的髮色
We all want to design a characteristic hairstyle
with customer satisfacation to reach higher rate of returned customer
又能讓客人滿意 達到較高的回客率
Design a characteristic middle-long hairstyle
with segment of colors and contrast to left and right length like this
像這樣做出顏色上的區隔 左右長度的對比
Keep it balance You would satisfy your customers and fulfill yourself
在這之間達到平衡 就可以滿足客人也成就自己
Because I have adjusted the hair volume at the back
The curved contour line could be dealt with very beautifully by using 4N
用4N彎刀去做處理的時候 髮型的弧度可以控制得非常漂亮
This is the end of my cutting
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