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It’s time for
The Drinking Game Edition!
I’m not really sure what else we need to say here
we’re going to teach you how to drink.
Well, no.
Korean style. With games.
Yes, Korean style is the key.
I’m sure you guys have seen a lot of Korean Dramas.
And they have all these weird games and are
doing all these weird games and are doing these bizarre thiiiiings.
And so we’re going to be teaching you how to play about
four games today I think?
Some of them are easy and some of them are kinda complicated
or we’re really stupid it’s one or the other.
But it’s going to involve soju and probably the
Eat Your Kimchi CREW
getting slightly toasted and falling on our faces.
na na na na na na
Ok so we are at the Sam Geori Pocha which is basically
a really cool restaurant that’s trying to mimic
like an outdoor food stand
but it’s not because it’s a restaurant.
And supposedly it’s owned by YG.
And supposedly Tablo comes here sometimes
And if I find him here I’m going to bust out into freestyle.
You see me Tablo, Ima take you down.
Boogie down, ima make you frown,
because I’m from the underground
You finished?
Alright so we’re going to begin the drinking games
with an easy one
that doesn’t require a lot of thought
but it requires a lot of punishment.
What do you guys call this game?
We just call it the cap-flicky-game.
Is there an official name for it?
I have no idea!!
So you might have the urge to rip that off
but don’t do it.
What you want to do is hold the base of it here,
And then you’re going to twist it into a kind of
thin spiral.
Ooo the tofu kimchi here!
Tofu kimchiiii!!
SO the point of the game is easy,
I give one flick to it, then I pass it to Simon.
If it doesn’t fall off, then I give it a flick.
And then Soo Zee gives it a flick .
Whoever flicks it off, the two people beside them
have to drink. Yes.
I think we should do a Kai Bai Bo
to decide who will go first.
Kai bai bo!
Kai bai bo!
Boom boom boom!
Ok you start.
Boom shaka laka!
Why is there so much flicking in Korea?
It’s like flicking is punishment, yeah in the head,
F@*$ lame.
Oh no! You’re going to be covered with the sound of a sheep baa-ing.
You’ll never know what we said
And its just like I baa all the time like a sheep!
I’m gonna be the winner!
AHHHHH!! You missed that, counted!
Ahaha that was so weak!
I flicked it hard!
Soo Zee what do you doing with the blowing of the fingers?
I don’t know it’s just
It’s the black on the nails,
It gives it more grip.
According to my trajectory angles,
One shot! One shot! One shot!
I’m going to eat some food to get rid of that nasty taste.
Yeah! Oh boy.
Ok, so in this game, what you do is
in the bottle cap, of the soju bottle
there is a number
between one and 50 right?
Each person has to guess
a number
and then I have to say higher or lower
based on what the number is.
Between one and fifty. Go.
Are you serious?!
No no no, that’s cheating!
I swear to God, I swear to God I didn’t see it.
What was that?!
Oh my God. Woo! Loserss.
Mashora, mashora, mashora!
One shot!!
You gotta make that Korean noise
after you finish a shot, you gotta be like,
Now it’s time to sing our Soo Zee song!
“Soo Zee ha joa-haneun random game!”
WHAT? No there are like four!
“Soo Zee ga joa-haneun random game!”
Ok, ok, I got it this time. Ok,
“Simon-ee joa-haneun random game!”
“Random, game! Randomm, GAME!”
“Oh wait wait, Martina is sucking at this!
“Mwhah mweh mweah mweh, “
So there’s like a special chant,
after every game.
So a lot of people want to like speed up the,
the game.
So you sing a song to pressure them.
the loser!
Yeah, so the loser’s like name,
so like Simon’s, favorite game,
takes, like a round. So it’s like,
“Simon-ee joa-haneun random game!”
“Random, game! Randomm, GAME!”
And then, Simon has to choose.
And if I don’t pick a game,
by the time they are done with the song,
I have to drink another shot.
Let’s do the hand, thing!
“Soo Zee ga joa-haneun random game!”
“Random, game! Randomm, GAME!”
Baskin, Robbins, 31!
Do you people know what Baskin Robbins, is?
It’s an icecream shop and it has 31 flavors
So this game
is named after the Baskin Robbins’ 31 flavors.
Whenever it’s your turn,
you could say anything up to three sequential numbers.
You could say one number, two numbers, or three numbers.
Whoever actually has to say the number 31,
is the loser so you try to screw someone over,
into saying 31.
One two!
Three four five.
Eight nine ten.
13, 14.
15, 16, 17.
18, 19, 20.
21, 22, 23.
25, 26, 27.
28, 29, 30!!!!!
One shot one shot one shot.
Leigh-ga joa-haneun random game!
Random, game! Randomm, GAME!
By the way, you don’t have to do chop your hands
when you sing this song.
It’s just for us because we’re dumb.
Ok. Sam Yook Goo!
Sam yook goo it is.
Ok explain sam yook goo.
Sam yook goo is a counting game.
Sam is three,
yook is six,
goo is nine.
So you count sequentially, kinda like Baskin Robbins,
but then you are not allowed to say digits
3, 6, or 9.
So then you say one, two, and then instead of saying three
you gotta clap.
So you say one, two, *clap*.
Three, four, *clap*
It’s kind of easy, right?
And we’re not really all that drunk yet.
So, I think we have to do it in Korean.
Yeah, we’ll do it in Korean.
And also, once you get to the 30’s,
if you get to number 33 you have to go *clap clap*
Two claps.
Sam yook goo Sam yook goo!
Sam yook goo Sam yook goo!
1, 2, clap,
4, 5, clap
Why are we playing in English?!
Oh no!
We all failed, we all have to drink
But I was only doing what I was told!
Sam yook goo Sam yook goo!
Sam yook goo Sam yook goo!
Il, ee, *clap*,
sa oh, *clap*,
chil, pal, *clap*,
ship, ship-il, ship-ee
clap, ship-sa,
ship-oh *CLAP*
Oh! early!
She did! Early!
She clapped before
before I actually said my number
Rewind that, it happened!
It doesn’t matter, I got rushed,
Soo Zee clapped early, she’s gotta drink!
Mashora, mashora! Mashora, mashora!
“Leigh-ga joa-haneun random game!”
“Random, game! Randomm, GAME!”
Random, ughhhh.
I wanna be Subak!
Yeah so she can be watermelon,
What am I gonna be?
haha! Banana?
Sagwa, ddalgi, podo, subak.
So this is also a counting game.
You have to shout out the person you wanna,
and then a number.
Up to eight.
If you miss like the rhythm, then you have to drink.
So if you’re eight,
Podo, Podo Podo Podo Podo Podo Podo Podo.
All the way.
Podo, Podo Podo Podo Podo Podo Podo
Oh my GAAWD!
Ok so “One” is:
Guys we are dead!
This is not happening.
I don’t think I could do this,
completely bone-dry sober. No.
You already missed the beat.
AHHHH haha
ddagli net, ddalgi ddalgi ddalgi ddalgi
podo net!
podo podo podo podo
No, you got it wrong!!
No, it’s like four? So it’s like,
podo podo podo podo.
You said it was,
Soo Zee doesn’t know the rules to this game!
I’ve taken too much soju..
Korean people, help me!
Can we invite another random Korean person to the table.
This is the least informative video we’ve ever done.
There are some people sitting over there, should we ask?
Let’s ask!
Subak subak subak subak.
Podo 2!
Ddalgi ddalgi ddalgi ddalgi
subak set
Subak subak subak.
English please.
Ok I’m sorry!
I cant even do it thinking slowly, I’m like,
Subak, subak, subak.
Sagua, (3)
Sagua Sagua Sagua Sagua Sagua Sagua Sagua Sagua Sagua …
That was way more than three, dude!
I’m very enthusiastic!
Podo 2!
I don’t think we can play this game while sober,
Yeah we cant play this game its impossible.
No, we’ve reached the point in the night where
It’s not gonna happen.
This is an impossible game.
Pogi, everyone, pogi, pogi.
Well those are a few Korean drinking games you could play
with your friends,
if they’re Korean or not!
We didn’t play the three of our favorite drinking games!
What, I’m outraged!
I know! We’ll have to a Kimchi Crew goes drinking,
Part twoooo!!
So let us know in the comments
Where you want us to go drinking.
Like, do you want us to be grilling meet,
Or do you want us to be eating chicken,
With beer,
Or do you want us to,
We should go drinking at the SM Building!
Oh mai gaaaawwwddd!
They don’t drink.
If you guys know any other drinking games that we didn’t play
that you want to see us play?
also please let us know.
na na na na na na!!