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  • This is a little bit like being back in Middle Earth

  • It's a majorly epic scale

  • Compared to the other videos we've done, we've got multiple people, multiple locations

  • We've got Sir Peter Jackson involved, Weta workshop

  • What's really neat is that Air New Zealand continues to out do themselves with every new safety video

  • and they'll always make it fun

  • This Air New Zealand flight safety video is going to be the most epic of all time

  • I thought that a lot of the Hobbit films were CGI and just completely faked in computers

  • and it turns out that it's just the way the South Island looks, it just looks fake

  • You just stand there and you just are totally surrounded by this enormity of the granduer

  • I just love it down there, I love filming down there, I love just being there

  • Flying in to Queenstown is just amazing

  • Coming through the mountains and you land and around you is just this great wall of mountains

  • We are in the lovely Queenstown and this morning we're up very early, to start at four o'clock

  • and put into process the whole prosthetics deparment. All our dwaves and orcs are up first

  • Compared to the actual filming of the movie, it is like a mini version I suppose

  • These are the actual armour and weapons that were used in filming the Hobbit

  • And right now we're putting on the chain mail

  • Queenstown Hill is my favourite location because we were working with all the orcs and the elves

  • That was absolutely breathtaking!

  • and just having the Remarkables, Coronet Peak and all these amazing mountains around you was just surreal

  • It was quite different sitting down having lunch with the orcs and the hobbits and the elves

  • You kind of expect a big fight to break out between the two

  • You just feel like you're in a bit of a dreamland sometimes

  • Action!

  • Dean! Give me a ride! Dean O'Gorman! The Hobbit's changed you bro!

  • It feels incredible to back at Hobbiton. It's become a pretty massive part of my life

  • I have a long relationship with Air New Zealand

  • Its the gateway, getting on that plane is so familiar to me, its this gateway to this place that I love so much

  • Check these out! Blingin'

  • I think its brilliant that they use their real flight attendants

  • Nice to be Hobbiton

  • We pride ourselves on being personable real people onboard

  • and not only for us its a nice day to get out of the office but also a great opportunity to have the experience

  • of shooting on location, of meeting different people and seeing how all these bits and pieces are put together

  • I have met Elijah Wood. He's beautiful

  • We locked eyes. I'm excited to work with him

  • We've had rain, we've had hail, we've had snow, we've had wind, freezing

  • Yeah, its been great!

  • When seated in Business Premier, sit upright, rest your hands on your thighs and keep your feet firmly on the floor

  • You know it looked fantastic, it was one of those things that is the reality of being in New Zealand

  • Whether you're a tourist or a shooting crew, you have to deal with the rain sometimes

  • Throw on your wet weather gear and tuck in

  • We're here on the Kawarau River bungy bridge

  • Working alongside the first commercial bungy operation in the world

  • There's an element of the unknown. He hasn't done a bungy before and I'm sure there will be first time jitters

  • I'm just a bit worried I'm going to forget to tuck my chin under and look at the water and break my face


  • Top man

  • I'm Matt Mueller and I'm with Weta Digital. We're doing the visual effects on this Air New Zealand safety video

  • You know with visual effects you can do almost anything

  • That may be doing a sky replacement or adding a Ruskerville rabbit or adding a whole army

  • There's a lot of people who worked on the Hobbit that are back for more on this shoot

  • The shots that will be handed over to Weta Digital to take care of start at the bridge

  • Dan, the actor, drops the ring and so we have to add in a digital ring

  • because when you drop a real ring they usually don't behave the way you want them too

  • The scene with Richard Taylor in it was started on Queenstown Hill

  • with the seat, an orc and a flight attendant with the horn behind him and of course the beautiful landscape

  • When we got to Wellington we had to shoot Richard Taylor and he'll be shrunk down to fit into the seat

  • The orc has to put an oxygen mask on Richard Taylor

  • So there'll also be an element of just the arm reaching in to cover his face and leave the mask

  • And when its all cut together it should like it was all one big shot at the same time

  • even though its from four or five different places

  • I do love it. Yeah, this is a great job. It's fantastic and we get to shoot in beautiful locations all over New Zealand

  • It's been absolutely fantastic

  • Today we're here at Monkey Studios in Wellington

  • recording the flute and the drums for the Air New Zealand safety video

  • It's sounding great

  • Really wanted to put a full orchestral feel behind it. It just brings an energy and a life to the music

  • Putting a real person behind an instrument suddenly the music comes alive

  • The piece was called the most epic safety video ever, so you kind of have to go there

  • Well no matter how big, how creative, how epic the video gets

  • at the end of the day the most important part is the safety

  • and how we translate those safety messages for our passengers

  • Air New Zealand have been very supportive to us

  • You know these movies aren't made by a film company, they're made by a nation of people

  • Kiwis are the best

  • I've had some of my best experiences making films here and so much of that had to do with the Kiwi ingenuity

  • It kind of bound everyone together and it was filled with that sense of the New Zealand spirit

  • Its A) an advertisement for New Zealand

  • B) an advertisement for Air New Zealand

  • and C) a practical way to make people pay attention

  • Very clever Air New Zealand. Props to you

  • We've also got actors that love to see their faces on the side of planes too. They get such a big thrill out of that

  • That's a wrap everyone. I hope you enjoyed it

This is a little bit like being back in Middle Earth

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史上最史詩級安全視頻的幕後花絮#airnzhobbit(航空兔子) (Behind the Scenes of the Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made #airnzhobbit)

  • 203 12
    Elizabeth Lin posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary