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  • Waterworld is one of my favorite moviesokay to be fair I haven’t seen it since

    "水世界"是我最喜歡的電影之一... 好啦 老實說我從來沒有看過

  • I was like ten. But besides Kevin Costner with gills, what would that kind of world actually look like?

    我那時應該才10歲 更何況有鰓的凱文科斯納 那是甚麼樣的世界呢?

  • What happens when all the ice melts?


  • Hi everyone Julia here for Dnews

    嗨 大家好 我是D新聞的茱莉亞

  • Lots of headlines warn about melting ice. It’s like a doomsday fanatics fantasy. I

    很多的頭條新聞都警告過融冰的問題 這就像是末日狂熱者的幻想

  • mean, did you see Day After Tomorrow? But calm down Hollywood, how bad will it be if

    我是說 你看過"明天過後"嗎? 冷靜一點好萊塢

  • the ice melts?


  • Well, most of it’s not good. Weather might look a little different around the world.

    好吧 大部分的情況不會好到哪裡去 世界各地的天氣可能會有些不同

  • As more of the sun’s energy gets absorbed into the oceans,


  • it could change the way air moves around in the atmosphere in the arctic


  • and could even change the position of the jet stream.


  • One study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters found that if the Arctic

    一篇在"環境研究通訊"發表的研究發現 如果北極海的冰融化

  • sea ice melts, England will probably get a little rainier. And a study published in the journal Nature

    英國會變得更常下雨 還有一篇刊登在"自然期刊"的研究

  • suggests that the Northern jet stream will shift southward, bringing cold polar air,

    表示北方的高速氣流會往南移動 帶著冷冷的極地空氣

  • making winters colder and snowier in North America.


  • We could lose wildlife too. And as the ice melts at a rate of more than 86,000 square

    我們也可能會失去野生動植物 當冰以一年超過86,000平方公里的速度融化時

  • kilometers per year, wildlife is losing critical habitat. Lots of arctic species like whales,

    野生動植物也正在失去重要的棲息地 很多北極的物種像是鯨魚、

  • walrus and seals depend on the ice for protection and hunting. Some are already changing their

    海象和海豹仰賴著冰來防護和狩獵 有些動物已經在改變他們的

  • feeding and migration patterns.


  • Okay, I know what you really want to hear about. How will all this melting sink our

    好啦 我知道你真正想聽到的是甚麼 這些融化的冰會怎麼樣淹沒我們的

  • cities?


  • When talking about ice melting, it’s important to make a distinction. Ice caps, like the

    當說到融冰 做出區別是很重要的 冰帽 像是

  • Arctic ice cap already sits on top of the water, so if even it melts, while still sucking,

    北極的冰帽本來就坐落在水面上 雖然也是被大海吸收

  • wouldn’t contribute to sea level rise.


  • But if youre worried about a future water world, you should be worried about ice sheets melting.

    但是如果你擔心的是未來水世界 那你就應該要煩惱冰層融化

  • Ice sheets sit on top of land and form when snow that falls during the winter

    冰層坐落在陸地上 當冬天落下的雪沒有融化時就會形成

  • doesn’t melt, and with enough time and enough snow, these layers stack up and form a big

    當時間夠久、雪也夠多時 它們就會疊起來然後形成一層又大

  • thick sheet. The two main ice sheets are the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets, which

    又厚的冰 2個最主要的冰層位在格陵蘭和南極大陸

  • together contain more than 99 percent of the freshwater on Earth.


  • In the Antarctic, a large ice shelf that’s existed for 12,000 years is on the brink of


  • collapse. Another study published in the journal Science found that over the past 20 years,


  • Antarctica's floating ice shelves shrank 18%. And this melting is speeding up.

    在南極漂浮的冰架減少了百分之18 而融化的過程正在加速

  • New research from Princeton University shows that it’s melting faster than we thought.


  • Researchers found that in Antarctica, ice melting increased by 6 billion tons per year


  • each year during the 11-year period the researchers examined.


  • Scientists believe that if these ice sheets melt, sea levels will rise, devastating coastal


  • cities around the globe. According to a study published in the journal Climate Dynamics,

    全球靠海的城市 根據一份"氣候動力學"雜誌的研究

  • if all the ice in the Greenland Ice Sheet melts, global sea level would rise by about


  • 24 feet.


  • If all of Antarctica melts, sea levels would rise by 200 feet! The entire Eastern Seaboard

    如果整個南極大陸融化 海平面會上升約200英尺!整個美國東岸沿海

  • of the US would be underwater, and Florida would vanish.


  • That’s a worst case, extreme scenario. But we should still be concerned about this trend.

    那是最糟、最極端的情況 但是我們應該要持續關注

  • These icy regions heat up faster than the rest of the world. To get a sense of how the

    這些冰覆蓋區比世界其他地方加熱的還快 要了解何以造成全球暖化

  • Earth is warming, it’s important to keep an eye on the icy parts of the world. If the


  • ice is meltinglike a canary in a coalmine, it could signal a global warming trend.

    如果冰在融化... 就像礦坑中的金絲雀(對有毒氣體非常敏感,用以警示礦工),它可能是全球暖化趨勢的訊號

  • And speaking of, a recent study published in the journal Nature Climate Change found


  • that it’s a positive feedback loop. As the ice melts, climate change will get worse.

    這是一個正回饋循環 當冰融化時,氣候變遷會變得更糟

  • The ice acts as a giant reflector. Bouncing sunlight back into space. But as the ice melts,

    冰的作用就像是一個巨大的反射體 將太陽光反射回太空中 但是當冰融化後

  • more of the sun’s energy will be absorbed rather than reflecting, heating up the Earth

    更多的太陽能會被吸收而不是被反射 將地球加熱得

  • more, which in turn will melt more ice.. It’s a vicious cycle.

    更高溫,接著就會融化更多的冰 這是一個惡性循環

  • And one country in particular is hoping that the world acts on this problem soon. Check


  • out this video from our sister channel Seeker, on how the Maldives is dealing with


  • rising sea levels.


Waterworld is one of my favorite moviesokay to be fair I haven’t seen it since

"水世界"是我最喜歡的電影之一... 好啦 老實說我從來沒有看過

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