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  • London Symphony Orchestra


  • Gareth Davies Flute

    Gareth Davies 長笛

  • >>GARETH: Hi my name is Gareth Davies and I'm principal flute with the London Symphony Orchestra.

    >>GARETH:大家好,我是 Gareth Davies, 目前擔任倫敦交響樂團的長笛首席。

  • I'm going to run through a few orchestral excerpts that you will hopefully be playing

    我接下來會演奏一些大家在 「YouTube 交響樂團」甄選活動

  • in your audition for the You Tube symphony orchestra.


  • Now let's start with Beethoven's Leonora Overture number three.

    讓我們先從貝多芬的經典作品 《萊奧諾拉序曲第三號》開始

  • It's one of the most widely played excerpts at orchestral auditions

    這是樂團甄選最常採用的 節選段落之一

  • and there's a few little things that people always slip up on.

    人們常常忽略當中的 一些小細節

  • Mainly the timing.


  • Now I would advise you first of all to go and listen to a few recordings of this piece

    首先,我建議大家多方聆聽 這個作品的幾個不同版本

  • because there are many, many different tempos you can play it at

    你會發現這個作品可以採用眾多 不同節奏演繹

  • but pick one that you're comfortable with


  • and stick to it.


  • So if you go from the opening


  • it's normally done in six. It's quite slow so make sure you take a big breath.

    這裡通常會持續六拍且速度相當慢 請務必吸足一大口氣

  • Now don't worry too much it says fortissimo at the beginning

    雖然起始處標有強音記號, 但你不必太擔心

  • but the whole orchestra is playing so don't blow all your lungs out right at the beginning

    畢竟整個樂團都會投入演奏, 可別在一開始就過度使用肺活量

  • and then run out of breath halfway through.


  • So it's really important to remember your sense of pitch as well.


  • It's very easy to start that note its fortissimo with a diminuendo to a piano

    以強勁力度開始演奏該音符, 並在第一小節結束時

  • at the end of the first bar.

    以漸弱力度搭配鋼琴演奏, 是很簡單的作法。

  • Make sure you keep the pitch up. Don't let it drop

    請你確定自始至終皆維持以高音階演奏。 切勿讓音階下降。

  • because unfortunately the violins won't drop with you.

    否則,當小提琴的演奏維持在高音階, 不和諧的合奏問題就會突顯出來。

  • Now the next section where we move onto bar 17

    接著,我將演奏第 17 小節

  • again remember the tempo 'cause we've got different

    再次提醒,請記得緊跟節奏 因為這小節內含不同的

  • changes in rhythm here. So it moves from crochets


  • and then we've got triplets.


  • But just remember when you're playing the triplets there's an answering phrase of the triplets

    但請謹記在心,你在演奏三連音樂段時, 其中有三連音樂段的配對段

  • as well in between so don't rush through it.

    而且接下來的演奏也有配對段, 所以請勿匆忙帶過。

  • Remember you've got to play the rest as well.


  • It's really important in that triplet bit


  • that you keep a steady tempo.


  • I've heard so many people come and play at auditions for the London Symphony Orchestra


  • and they suddenly change to a completely different tempo

    他們會演奏到中途,突如其來地變換為 截然不同的節奏

  • and it's one of those things that shows that


  • perhaps haven't played in an orchestra before or you're not aware of what's going on around you.

    他們以前完全沒有參與交響樂團演奏的經驗, 或是還沒融入周圍樂器的合奏氛圍。

  • So always make sure you know


  • what else is happening in the music. It's not just all about flute solos.

    音樂中其他樂器的演奏狀況。 長笛獨奏並不是整體樂團演奏的唯一要角。

  • Now when it moves onto the allegro section


  • there is a very famous solo with a bassoon.

    快板中有一段眾所週知、 與大管搭配合奏的獨奏。

  • Now again don't try and play this too quickly because you'll probably come a cropper at the end.

    再次提醒你,演奏速度不可過快, 否則最後可能以失敗收場。

  • And again make sure the relationship between the different sections of the music is the same.

    而且一定要確保演奏音樂時, 維持不同小節間一致的關係。

  • We've got triplets, crotchet triplets at the end,

    曲目結尾處有三連音樂段, 以及四分音符三連音樂段,

  • but before that we've got quavers.


  • Make sure that you keep a steady tempo.


  • Practice it with a metronome It's a kind of obvious thing to say


  • but you know it's amazing how many people don't do it.


  • Now let's have a look at Brahms 4.


  • There's a very famous solo in the last movement.


  • It's one of those moments where seemingly the whole movement just stops all of a sudden

    這樣的時刻有時會發生, 當下整個樂章的演奏似乎瞬間嘎然而止

  • and the flute is left alone with a very, very small accompaniment of strings.

    唯獨長笛在非常微弱的弦樂器的伴奏下, 持續演奏。

  • Now when you look at the music it doesn't look like a particularly fantastic solo


  • but it's one of those moments where if you get it right it can be a real show stopper.

    但如果你抓到精髓且表演的恰如其份, 反而會為你帶來滿堂喝彩。

  • Now the most important thing to do is to look at where the phrases go.

    此刻最要緊的一件事, 是找到如何演繹樂句的方法。

  • Brahms marks lots of small phrases and he marks lots of


  • crescendos and diminuendos as well.


  • There are also many, many quaver rests all the way through.

    也有許許多多的八分音符休止符, 貫穿整體作品。

  • Now don't get caught up with the rests.


  • If you always play the rests then the whole piece stops.

    如果你總是演奏休止符, 那麼整體樂曲就會呈現停滯狀態。

  • It's important. It's one of those things we all do as flute players sometimes you see


  • a rest and think oh I'd better take a breath.


  • You don't actually need a breath every time there's a rest.

    實際上遇到休止符時, 不一定每次都需要換氣。

  • In fact if you take a breath every time you'll probably explode about bar 16.

    其實如果你每次都換氣, 到了 16 小節時可能就喘不過氣了。

  • So just make sure that you actually play through as one phrase.

    所以,請確實以整體樂句 的方式演奏。

  • After the initial run down you get this phrase.

    在一開始的音樂聲漸漸微弱之後, 你就得演奏這個樂句。

  • And then there's a rest and it continues.


  • Another rest.


  • Now on those rests


  • there are string chords they're very, very quiet.


  • But you can see if you play it like that and you play all the rests it can be very choppy and it doesn't work.

    不過你可以比較兩種演奏方式, 如果在每個休止符處停頓,會顯得非常不連貫。

  • Imagine it's a really really long phrase so take a long breath.

    請把這個樂句想像成是一個超長段落, 然後吸一大口氣。

  • Don't take a breath at every single rest


  • and try and play it all the way through to the end.


  • Now the other thing to remember is not to overdo the crescendos and de crescendos.

    其他要注意的部分是, 不要過度處理漸強或漸弱音。

  • I always think of them more as expression


  • so perhaps vary your vibrato.


  • Just don't do lots of bulgy bits because it just sounds ridiculous.

    只是演奏時不要過度處理某些音符, 否則聽起來會很可笑。

  • And just remember to keep that last bit. Brahms has written a crescendo in for the last two bars

    還有要記得把最後一個音完整演奏出來。布拉姆斯 針對最後兩小節譜寫了漸強音

  • so when it goes down into low register, don't let the sound disappear. Keep supporting it from down here

    所以,當音樂的音階往下降到低音域時, 切勿讓長笛聲音消失。請不要讓長笛聲音音量變小

  • and keep on blowing but just enjoy the fact that


  • it's one of those fantastic solos where you can really, really sing out over the orchestra.

    這是無與倫比的獨奏,你可以讓你的 長笛獨奏音量凌駕整個交響樂團的演奏。

  • Piccolo


  • Now some of you may want to audition on the piccolo.


  • I am not a piccolo expert but I can give you a few tips.

    我雖然不是短笛專家, 但我可以透露一些秘訣。

  • The important thing to remember when playing the piccolo is to still blow.


  • A lot of people stop blowing and the sound just disappears.

    有太多人會中途停止吹奏, 然後短笛的聲音就消失了。

  • Now there are several pieces that you can have a go at. There's Tchaik 4 which I will not be


  • playing for you today.


  • You can also have a look at the overture to Semiramide.

    你可另外考慮賽米拉米德 (Semiramide) 的前 奏曲。

  • This is quite difficult because it's got lots of repeated notes.

    由於這件作品有大量重複的音符, 所以演奏起來有相當的難度。

  • But again just like the flute excerpts approach them in the same way.

    容我再次提醒你, 短笛與長笛節錄的演奏方式相似。

  • Just make sure that you keep a steady tempo.


  • So I hope you found some of those tips useful.


  • Now I'm looking forward to seeing some of your videos


  • and don't forget if you have any questions that you want to ask about any of these pieces

    還有別忘記, 如果你有任何這些樂曲上的問題

  • or about flute playing in general,


  • I will be able to answer some of those questions on the internet.


  • I look forward to it and good luck.


  • London Symphony Orchestra


London Symphony Orchestra


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