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  • Mobile devices such as smartphones and laptops have made life more convenient on many levels.

  • But the biggest challenge is still keeping our batteries charged.

  • But that may be about to get easierthanks to some local researchers that have taken

  • wireless charging technology to the next level. Park Seyoung reports.

  • It′s common to see people carrying battery packs or searching for plugs for their chargers.

  • Wireless chargers are an optionbut they only work if the user is within about ten

  • centimeters of the charger and the device is in certainfixed positions.

  • However, a research team at KAIST has developed an omnidirectional wireless charging technology

  • that works like a WiFi zone. Their creation charges devices at a distance

  • of 50-centimeters from the power sourceregardless of the position of the device.

  • What′s moreit works in low frequency magnetic fields that are not harmful to humans.

  • The research team placed the charger′s sending and receiving coils in a crisscross pattern

  • to create rotating magnetic fields. This enables wireless charging in any direction

  • with six degrees of freedom. The wireless charger that comes with the Samsung

  • Galaxy S6 has only one degree of freedomwhich means it can only charge the phone if

  • it′s in a fixed position. Just like a WiFi zonethe charger can charge

  • 30 smartphones or five laptops at once,... with a maximum power transfer efficiency rate

  • of 34-percent. The research team published their findings

  • in the June issue of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

  • They are currently working with a local technology firm housed at KAIST to commercialize the

  • technology for use in cafes and offices. Park SeyoungArirang News.

Mobile devices such as smartphones and laptops have made life more convenient on many levels.

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韓國科學家開發出全向無線充電技術 ′와이파이 (Korean scientists develop omni-directional wireless charging technology ′와이파이)

  • 103 4
    richardwang posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary