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  • Hey guys Fourpaws here and today I have five quick tips for making the most out of Poweder

  • Keg, Gangplanks newest mechanic. I'm personally loving this new ability, it's

  • hella satisfying to pull off a good keg and watch your foes health bar vanish.

  • So let's get into it with my first tip which is make sure you are spamming out Powder

  • Keg as much as possible. Obviously be careful of pushing your wave,

  • and sit on the cooldown if you are planning to use them for a play in the next few seconds.

  • Yet I can't stress this enough, Powder keg costs no mana and offers so much.

  • The fact that the damage hit through the keg ignores 60% of your opponents armor means

  • those trades are gonna hurt. And it instantly refreshes your passive, thus

  • your next auto is going to hit for extra true damage, so please use and abuse this!

  • Secondly always have a keg set up just as an escape plan.

  • Popping a keg whilst you run back to your turret will result in two things.

  • First of all it will always pop your passive, like I just mentioned, thus give you 30% extra

  • movespeed for 2seconds. This speed boost is often enough to peace

  • out from an incomming gank attempt. And secondly this keg will be there incase

  • you need a trigger keg to slow or damage your enemies.

  • Thirdly remember to utilize the three tiny brushes in the top lane.

  • These are great places to hide away a Keg to be used as that trigger or escape keg.

  • And if your opponents do catch on that you are constantly using the brushes then they

  • often can't really do anything about it. They can either facecheck the brush and risk

  • you popping the keg on them, or burn a ward to gain vision of the keg which will only

  • be effective if they are ranged.

  • When against a true melee champion such as a maokai, don't be afraid to aggresivly zone

  • your opponents away from the minions by slapping a keg ontop the minion line.

  • Keg's take a long time to manually arm at the start of the game, if left to tick down

  • they will take s total of four seconds to become active.

  • This is great to know as it's going to be effort for your foe to try to slap down the

  • keg thus they truely have to respect it. If you utilize this correctly, Gangplank has

  • effectivly a zoning tool that requires no resources other than an ammo count which is

  • kinda crazy. Oh an before we move onto the last tip, Towers

  • don't shoot kegs. So when you get that Maokai under his turret

  • keep up the preassure by covering your minions with a cheeky Keg.

  • And a final tip for Gangplanks Keg's is to remember that they offer a small amount of

  • vision when placed, thus can be used to check the fog of war safetly.

  • The range to cast a barrell is rather big, so you can safely plop one down to make sure

  • you're safe. The best brushes to use this trick on are

  • the pea sized brushes near drake and baron as the barrel can reveal the whole brush.

  • However if you're pretty sure the enemy junglers set up his tent top lane, then slap down a

  • keg and shoo them off.

  • So that's all for this episode guys. I'm really enjoying the new gangplank and I might do

  • a tip top guide for him down the line. As always feel free to leave a like down below

  • if you enjoy my content and make sure to subscribe if you aren't already.

  • Goodluck with your gangplank play, and I'll see you guys in my next video.

Hey guys Fourpaws here and today I have five quick tips for making the most out of Poweder

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Gangplank的粉桶的五個排隊技巧 - HTTL------。 (Five Laning Tips for Gangplank's Powder Keg - HTTL)

  • 338 6
    Liu Samuel posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary