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So my name is Delana Noil My name is Tim Ehlinger
I’m Brandon McNutt Tammy Garman
Matthew Slisik Risako Wagner
Dominique Addison Rachel Bloom
Nicole Story Sierra Apple
And we are performing “We Are Military Brats”
There are 1.7 million of us. We’re all over the world.
We understand each other, but no one else really understands us.
We are military brats.
And I’m not kidding. People really don’t get it.
Where are you from?
Well, I was born in North Carolina, but then we moved to Hawaii when I was 2;
My dad just got orders; we’re moving to Japan.
That’s in China, right?
And then we lived in California while my mom was in flight school;
I lived on a military base in Okinawa.
Does everybody there know kung fu?
And right now I live in Korea;
I really like the restaurant near my house.
They have restaurants there? Can you eat anything but rice?
But at least once a year we visit my grandparents, who all live in Colorado;
People don’t know what to make of us.
They don’t know what it’s like. They don’t know who we are.
You’re minding your business when your parent approaches with the news
Your mind is overwhelmed with mixed emotions
[happy/proud] I’m thankful you’re fighting for our country
[sad] What if I never see you again?
[angry] Why our family?
Why do you have to be taken from us?
You give your parent a hug and wonder if this is the last
You hear the mortars in the background of a phone call
You talk for just a few minutes In the middle of the night
because of the time zone difference But finally it ends with
[parent voice] Good bye, I love you.
[child voice] You wonder if this is the last.
Your friends say they’re sorry I understand
This must be hard, huh?
But their moms and dads go to work and come home
You haven’t seen yours in 16 months But life keeps happening
They missed your first steps
First words Soccer games
Play Prom
[child voice] You ; [parent voice) I [child voice] Missed ; [parent voice] Missed
[child voice] Out ; [parent voice] You But we’ll be OK
Finally they come home! But it’s not really them
He’s distant Like he’s keeping a secret
A stranger in our family Fighting everyone
You try to joke the way you used to But he’s locked himself away
He says it’s the guilt
Someone came home, but it wasn’t him
Our family is back together Sort of
And we’re Glad Sad Grateful
Struggling Back to normal Whatever that is
We pull ourselves together We figure it out
That’s what we do. That’s who we are.
Wait, you lived in Japan? But you look American!
I AM American. Americans can’t live in Japan!
But my sister goes to college in Washington;
My family is moving to South Korea in 2 months.
[gasp] You’re a Communist? Yes. You’re talking to a Communist.
And we’re moving to either Guam or Florida at the end of this tour,
but we won’t know which until the orders come;
We arrive. Where do I go?
You’re tired. What does that say?
You’re trying to find your way. Excuse me?
You’re trying so hard to fit in. Should I take my shoes off?
How do I say “nice to meet you”?
Which way do I pass the tea?
There’s a way to pass the tea? Yeah; I think?
This door says exit; THAT’S the entrance
Chopsticks in your right hand, not your left
Drive on the left, not on the right
Red lights are just a suggestion Eye contact is rude
Sometimes I just want a normal hamburger!
Finally, orders back to the States!
Home! Except;
The roads are huge! The schools are huge!
You look the wrong way before crossing the street
Look out!
Wait, no National Anthem before the movie?
I forgot to tip the waitress!
Guess we won’t go to THAT restaurant again;
These food portions are enormous!
Sometimes I just want to eat some sushi, pierogis, yakisoba,
kimchi, Spam, curry rice, shrimp-fried rice,
udon, gyoza, ramen.
These kids have known each other since they were 2
Do I have a place here? Is this home?
Before you know it; Time to PCS!
Off to another country
New school, New friends New community, New rules
Here we go go; go; go; go; go; go; go;
We arrive.
Strange school You’ll figure it out.
We always do.
Strange people You’ll get to know them.
We always do.
Strange place You’ll find your way
We always do.
Strange culture, strange rules, strange foods;
You’ll learn, you’ll adjust,
you’ll take it all in and you’ll miss it when you leave
We always do.
So I’m not really from anywhere. Or maybe I’m from everywhere;
Do you speak Asian? Do you live in a hut?
Do you have to catch your own fish?
Do you have to “go” in an outhouse?
We move a lot But we are well-rounded
We see our parents go off to war But we are proud of their bravery
We leave our friends But we gain new ones
That’s what we do That’s who we are.
We are Military brats.