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-Hey, everyone.
I'm Mindy from Cute Girls Hairstyles.
Today I'm going to show you two hairstyles in one video using
three different braids.
So that sounds really complicated,
but don't panic because it's not at all.
So I'm going to teach you first of all,
the feathered waterfall.
And then I'm going to show you how
to do the ladder braid combo.
So let's get started. [MUSIC]
You can see her hair is just kind of straight.
And we're going to pick up just a section right on the front
and towards the top of her head.
And we're going to just start a regular braid.
And we're going to do, like, one stitch of a regular braid.
Now we're going to start lace braiding it, picking up
strands from this left side only,
and adding it to the top piece.
Then to make it a little trickier,
we're going to feather this bottom piece.
So just take a very small piece out of that section
and then go ahead and do a regular braid.
Now again, lace.
So add a little piece of hair in here on the top.
Cross it over.
On this bottom section, pull off a little piece.
And now cross it over.
And we're just going to continue to do that.
I'll give you another one so you can see.
I just added hair into the top piece.
I'm going to cross that over before I add the middle piece.
I'm going to pull off a little section.
And now cross it over.
So you can see I'm only taking hair out of the bottom piece.
I'm not adding any hair in.
You cross it over.
Pull a little section out and continue.
And we're just going to do this all the way around
to the back of her head.
Now when I get to this point, I'm
just going to go ahead and finish it off
as a regular braid.
And I'm going to bring it nearly down to the end,
and then secure it with an elastic.
And then go ahead and drop the feathers.
And what you've created-- this is hair style number
one-- is sort of like a fake waterfall braid.
You can see just how the feathers fall so
beautifully out of the braid.
And you can just leave it like this.
Or you could even bobby pin it up here behind her ears
if you didn't love this braided part.
Going up to the top part of her hair,
I'm going to take those feather pieces
and flip them out of the way, just right here on the top.
You just want them flat for one second.
Here you go.
And I'm going to pick up another section of hair right here.
And I'm going to go ahead and do, essentially,
another lace braid, except when I add in pieces,
I'm going to add in those little feathers
that we did originally.
So I'm only adding in on the one side still,
but I'm only adding in those feathers.
And this is what creates the ladder braid effect
that we want.
So you can see just going and picking up little feathers,
trying to keep them pretty close together
at this point, maybe about an inch apart.
And as we go farther back on her head,
I'll let it drop just a little bit more,
turn, so that it creates a really fun effect.
And again, when we get to the end, this is my last feather,
I'm just going to go ahead and braid it all the way down
to nearly the end, and secure with another elastic.
And you are finished.
So amazing us and you guys.
You have now used three different braids
and created this amazing hair that I just
love the way it looks.
And every time she wears this, she gets a bajillion comments
on it.
Another fun thing I think would be really cool to do
is go ahead and feather all the way down this braid on this one
side, and then go ahead ladder it, this whole, these two
pieces together, all the way down.
And then you could also side sweep the hair,
and tuck it through like we did on our original water
braid hair tutorial.
And have like a side ponytail.
All sides look like this, with just this giant ladder down,
would be so amazing.
So here it is.
We'll do the whole spin.
Are you ready to spin?
We hope you guys enjoy this hairstyle as much as we do.
We have some really, really exciting news
I'm so excited to tell you about today.
We have completely and totally revamped our website,
and you're going to love what we have done.
It took us like three months to do it.
It was a lot of hard work, but we've
re-categorized all the things you want.
Short do's, we have a section for that.
You want sporty do's, we have a section for that.
Everything is really easy to find and very accessible.
So make sure you go check it out.
It's and you can find the link up here.
Also on that same website, we now
have a shop feature, which is going
to be featuring our new Cute Girls Hairstyles t-shirts.
It comes in this black and also pink.
And you can see it has the Cute Girls
Hairstyles right there on the side.
These are really cute.
We wore these in our video a couple weeks ago,
and we seriously had a ton of comments on them.
So I think you guys are going to love them.
Go check them out.
And we will see you guys next week.
See ya.