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-Hey, everyone.
I'm Mindy from Cute Girls Hairstyles.
And today, I'm going to show you how to do the ponytail bow.
So we've been seeing this picture getting
sent to us from a lot of our fans.
And we've already shown you on other videos
how to do the Lady Gaga bow and also bowtails.
But this is just a slightly different variation
that's really fun, and I think it's
going to be really popular.
So what we have done, we have just
started by pulling her hair into a really loose, soft side
Now, when you get it into the side ponytail the way
you want it, I'm just going to pick up a piece of hair
off the top, maybe, like a 1-inch section.
So the large majority of her hair is still going to be down.
Now, I'm going to add some fiber gum.
Or you can use some pomade, whatever you want.
Just a little bit.
I'm just going to run it on the top
just to try to help control some of the flyaways
while we're making the bow part of her hair.
So you get that kind of worked through.
OK now I'm going to take another small elastic--
and just note that this one is also
a very small elastic that matches her here.
We want it to blend in.
And I'm going to take another one.
And I'm going to put it over her hair like so,
and wrap it around and form the bow part of her hair
right there.
Now using the same elastic-- you can see I still have it
on my fingers, I'm going to go over here and grab
the other end of her hair that's still loose,
and do kind of the same thing.
I'm going to wrap it around her hair
and begin to form another little loop to the bow.
Now, the ends might get a little crazy.
That's OK.
You can work those out.
And you can see that we've kind of formed our bow.
I'm going to just make that loop a little looser.
So we've got the basic structure for our bow
in place at this point.
You can see it.
So if you think your loops are a little too small
or anything like that, this is the time
you kind of want to mess around with your loops
and just perfect them.
So when you've got the basic bow in place,
then what you are going to do now is hide those elastics.
So there's a couple ways to do this.
I'm going to reach-- you can see these
are the ends that we had used before.
I'm going to grab under here and grab
another small little section like so.
Now, you can do a couple things.
And I'll show you all of them, and then you
can decide which works for you.
You can take this and simply take it up and over like so
and then bobby pin it down under here
so that it would stay in place like that.
Or, this is option number two.
You can split this in half, take them both up over the middle
like so, over each side of the loop.
And then take another small rubber band
and put it right there on her hair.
And then that would hold it like this.
But the downside to that one is you
may see the little rubber band.
So just be aware of that.
My personal favorite option-- but you
do you need this tool-- is my fantabulous Topsy Tail.
We've talked about these before in other hairdos.
The Topsy Tail allows you to just kind of stick this
in right behind the bow itself like so.
And then I'm going to take the hair,
put it through the Topsy Tail, give the Topsy
Tail a little tug through like so,
and it wraps the hair around there.
Then what I'm going to do is just take a bobby pin.
OK, I'm going to try to show-- lean forward just a little bit
so they can see it really clearly.
Take the bobby pin.
Do you see where the hair goes into the ponytail part?
I'm just going to take the bobby pin,
stick it basically right on top of that same hair,
and take it down.
And that's just going to secure that hair in place.
So then-- OK.
You can put your head back up now.
I'm just going to go back and tweak our bow so
that I love the way it looks.
Fluff it.
You can take a little hairspray and kind
of comb those loops if you want so they look soft and pretty.
And comb that down.
And then-- OK.
So here's another trick.
This is another trick by me.
Lean forward.
Can you see this first elastic that we did?
The original elastic for the ponytail.
So I like that to be hidden.
I can just barely see it poking out right there.
So what I'm going to do is take the hair,
just give it a nice, gentle tug.
This is just going to help loosen up your ponytail.
and it's also going to pull that elastic
down even closer to that hair so you can see it even less.
So there you go.
Put your head up.
The fun, fun ponytail bow.
I'm sure that this is going to be a popular one.
And I hope that you try it.
Send me pictures of how it turns out.
You can Facebook them to me.
I'll turn you so you can see a great little shot of her bow.
Have fun, and we'll see you guys later.