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-Howdy folks.
So this morning we're going to do
another hairdo in our waterfall braid series.
We've been filming different waterfall braids,
adding a little pizzazz into the strands.
And today we're going to do spiral curls into the strands.
You're going to love this one.
So we've started.
I've already done the waterfall braid into her hair
and I've done it on both sides and then
I have just taken it all the way into the back
and just secured it with a ponytail.
So then I found this nifty little tool
that a neighbor just introduced me to, a teenage neighbor.
And it's called the Conair Spiral Styler.
And it's 3/4 of an inch and you will love this.
Now, it's just like a spiral curling iron.
You guys, some of you are probably
familiar with how you have to wrap the strands in between,
except that has this nifty little button on the bottom.
Watch what it does when I push the button.
Can you see that?
So it tightens the hair down in there
and it gives it a really, really nice spiral shape.
Great for dance recital curls, prom curls, anything like that.
So on her hair I've already added some hair protectant
just because we're going to be styling
her hair with heat this morning.
So we're going to spray a little on there.
Now what I'm going to do is just take
the strands that are falling through the waterfall braid
and I'm going to add them in.
There's a little button you push to hold the end up.
And then you just wrap the hair in.
And it just, you don't have to do it yourself,
it just wraps it up for you right
through those middle sections.
Now watch the nifty button.
Push, hold it for just a few seconds.
Let it go.
And then we're going to just unwrap it.
And look at that curl.
So, so so fun, so easy.
Love, love, love.
OK, so we're just going to keep doing that.
Again you're going to secure the end
into this diet-- I can't talk-- to spiral styler.
Wrap it up to the top, push the nifty button,
hold it for a couple seconds, and then unwrap it.
And again you're going to have fun curl.
So I'm just going to do that all the way
through just any of the strands.
So I was doing this a few seconds ago
and my other daughter, one of my older girls came in and said,
oh, I love this hairdo.
I want to do my hair like that for prom.
Which it would be a very fun prom hairdo.
Push the button.
Here we go.
And it does go pretty hot so you can choose depending
on how your hair handles heat whether you have
it super hot or just a little bit hot.
So this is the only thing I have found
is that if you have layers like she kind of does on the end
you can't pull the hair through-- I keep
dropping that one-- quite as far.
You have to just hang on to that little layer
or go back and just wrap it up.
There's a fly in here.
I don't know if you can hear that on the camera.
And then unwrap.
I guess that must mean it's summertime
because we're getting flies.
Again, you're just going to warp it.
I love this is, just the button pushing just because it seems
like it adds so much little curl to it.
Now when I'm done I am going to put some hairspray
onto her hair because I just think
that helps hold the tightness of the curl
and helps last throughout the day.
But you can also add a little hairspray
before you run it through the curling iron too
and that will also help with the holding for the day.
So if you have trouble, like if your hair
has a hard time keeping curl, try
spraying a little bit of hair spray in your hair
before you do the curl and then also after and that will help.
And I think we've got two left, three it looks like.
So do you like this hairdo?
-How come?
-I don't know, I just like the way that it looks.
-And you guys get the idea.
One more after this.
And the thicker the strands are obviously the longer
you need to hold it in because it takes longer
to heat the hair through and also the less tight
the curl is going to be.
Like these front ones were super, super tight
because they were really thin strands.
So if you have super thick hair I'll
show you like in the back part where I had the elastic.
Turn to the back.
So in the back part where I had the elastic
I just divided into three pieces.
And there you go.
So fun.