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  • Hello, guys. Welcome back to Today, I'm doing a little lesson on "if I

  • had known". So this is a structure talking about something that happened in the past

  • that we would have done differently if we had known something, if we had more knowledge

  • at that time. It's useful in a work as well as in a social context. And I'm going to be

  • looking at examples of different verbs that we can use with this phrase "if I had known".

  • Okay? Let's get started.

  • Well, this is what Barry said, okay? So you notice that the speech marks -- this is the

  • actual words of my friend Barry. "If I had known that Chelsea were playing at home, I

  • would have gone to seen them." Okay? "If I had known that Chelsea" -- so he's here; he's

  • in the present, and he's looking back to a point in the past, and he's saying if at this

  • point here he had known that Chelsea, a football team, were playing at home, at Stamford Bridge,

  • he would have gone there. But at the time, he did not know, so he didn't. He did something

  • else. Okay? "If I had known, I would've done something else." So at that time, Barry did

  • not know that Chelsea were playing at home, so he made a different decision.

  • Now, the form that this takes -- we have "if" plus our subject. In this case, "I", it's

  • Barry, the subject, "had" plus past participle. Here, it's "known", okay? But we can use lots

  • of other past participles with this phrase, the "had" and then "known" thing.

  • Okay. So what do we use it for? Well, it's used to talk about how a decision would have

  • been different in the past. So I'm sure you can all think of examples of times in your

  • life where if you had done something a little different, life would have maybe been a little

  • bit better. Okay? My top tip for you -- you want to try to lead a life with no regrets,

  • okay? So make lots of good decisions. Don't worry, okay? Because it's easier to think

  • about what we didn't do than what we did do. So take action. Get involved.

  • Now, here are some past participle forms of verbs that are good to use with this phrase.

  • So let's go. Let's do some together. "If I had seen Barry, I would've given him his ticket."

  • Okay? So "if I had" -- past participle -- "seen" -- and then the rest of the phrase -- "Barry,

  • I would have done this." Okay? "If I had caught the ball, we would have won the cricket match."

  • Okay? So same structure again. "If I had" and then "would have". "If I had caught the

  • ball, we would have won the game." "If I had gone to the stadium, I would have seen my

  • favourite player." Okay? So "seen", again, is in the past tense. "Invited." "If I had

  • invited more friends to my party, we would've had a brilliant night." Okay? "If I had" in

  • the first part of the sentence, and then "would have" in the second. "If I had invited more

  • friends to my party, we would've had a better night." Good. "Moved." "If I had moved to

  • Tokyo, I would have had a very different life." Okay? So this works in two parts: "if I had",

  • and then our little verb, and then the result -- what would have been different. Okay? Not

  • too complicated.

  • Now, "been" is an interesting one because we can use it with different emotional states.

  • So "If I had been kinder to Billy, he might have been happier." Okay? Or "If I had been

  • more bold, I might have gone to New York." Okay? Again, these two parts of the sentence.

  • "If I had spoken" -- okay, so it's in the past tense -- "If I said spoken to my friend,

  • he would have come to the football match. Okay? We could use "decided" here for Barry.

  • "If Barry had decided to read the newspaper in the morning, he would have gone to the

  • football match." "Done." "If I had done my homework, I would have done better in my test."

  • Okay? So we're here -- we're in the present, but we're looking back at the past. If there

  • I had done more homework, okay, we'd have a different outcome -- different result -- the

  • result is better in the test.

  • And last one. "If I had taken the quiz, I would have learnt more in this lesson." Okay,

  • folks? I would encourage you now to log on to if you're not already there

  • and have a go at doing the quiz.

  • Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel,

  • and if you do want a little bit of extra help,

  • why not look onto the Facebook page, Exquisite English.

  • I hope today's made sense for you. What I've tried to tell you is that this is a two-part

  • phrase looking back into the past and then how life would have been different. Don't

  • forget to use "if" + subject + "had" + past participle, and then it's normally followed

  • by "would have been", okay? What the result is. I do hope that helps. Don't forget to

  • use it in your own lives. Okay? Maybe you can try to use it today. "If I had... I would

  • have..." Okay? Try to use some for yourself. Well done. Nice to see you.

Hello, guys. Welcome back to Today, I'm doing a little lesson on "if I

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學習英語語法:"如果我有...... "怎麼用? (Learn English Grammar: How to use "If I had...")

  • 2996 181
    VoiceTube posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary