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The Scene view is where you will visually construct your game.
場景視圖(Scene View) 讓你視覺化的建構遊戲
And this can be navigated by making use of the buttons above the view.
These buttons correspond to the Q, W, E and R buttons on the keyboard.
這些工具鈕對應著鍵盤上的Q, W, E, R鍵
The first button, the Hand Tool, is purely for navigating.
With this tool selected drag with the left mouse button to pan,
and with the right mouse button to look around First Person style.
Hold the Alt key with this tool and left mouse button drag
同時按住Alt鍵和滑鼠左鍵並拖曳 可以讓你圍繞著視點來進行瀏覽
will let you orbit around the point you were looking at.
Whilst Alt and right mouse button dragging will zoom the view.
在階層裡面你可以雙擊物件名稱 或當游標在場景視圖上時按F鍵來聚焦物件
With any object selected in the hierarchy
you can focus on the object either by double clicking the object's name
or by pressing F with the mouse cursor over the Scene view.
利用拖曳相對的軸向 可以讓物件在X, Y和Z軸上移動
The remaining three buttons allow you adjust position,
同樣的只要拖曳軸向的中心點 就可以讓物件在3D空間內移動
rotation and scale of objects.
By dragging the corresponding axis handles
you can move objects in X, Y or Z.
Likewise this also applies to moving in 3D
但和在3D空間移動一樣 同時對三個軸向進行旋轉是很難控制的
by dragging from the centre,
although this is not necessarily recommended
你可以分別對三個軸向進行縮放 或是從中心拖曳來進行等比縮放
for moving in 3D space.
這裡我們會建議拖曳軸向中心來進行縮放 這樣才可以保持物件等比的大小
Likewise for rotating you can rotate in all three axes,
場景視圖中的工具列你可以看到兩個下拉選單 這兩個選單控制場景視圖的著色方式
or you can just drag from within those,
你可以選擇線框模式(Wireframe) 或是透視模式(Alpha)來檢視物件
but again a lack of control will occur
when trying to drag in all three axes at once.
And again with scaling
you can scale objects in all three individual axes
or drag from the centre point in order to scale uniformly.
In this instance it is recommended to drag from the centre
in order to keep scale properties in proportion.
舉例來說,如果我把編輯相機移到很遠的地方 然後再次打開音效預覽
In the main bar of the Scene view you will see two drop-down menus
that handle how the Scene view is rendered.
在場景視圖右上方則是 圖示選單(Gizmo)與搜尋欄(Search)
You can switch to wireframe
圖示選單讓你調整場景視圖中的2D圖示 來協助你識別場景中的元件
or look at alpha of how your objects are displayed for example.
像是燈光, 音源或是相機物件
These are followed by three toggles.
你可以調整圖示的大小 也可以在2D和3D之間切換
The first toggle toggles lighting in the scene
The second - whether a skybox is rendered or not.
當搜尋時, 搜尋物件會被突顯並淡化其他物件
And the third allows you to preview audio from the game
同樣的, 如果焦點不在你搜尋的物件 那你可以用之前所教的對焦方式找到它
from wherever the editor camera is currently located.
The editor camera simply refers to the camera
因此只要點選所搜尋的物件 然後將滑鼠移至場景視圖並按下F鍵或是雙擊它
that you are looking at the Scene view from.
It is not a camera object in your scene.
場景視圖教學的最後一部分 是視圖圖示(View Gizmo)
So for example if I were to move my camera very far
視圖圖示讓你可以在3D透視圖, 正投影視圖 側視圖, 上視圖和下視圖間進行切換
away from the sound source and preview the audio again.
當你想要繞著正投影視圖看的時候 你會被切換到等距視角模式(Isometric)
You can hear that it's quieter than it was before.
你會看到在視圖圖示下會有個ISO提示 但不要把這個和3D透視圖搞混了
To the right of the panel are the Gizmo menu and search box.
你可以點擊圖示中的白色方塊 來進行距視角與透視圖模式的切換
The Gizmo menu lets you adjust gizmos,
the 2D icon shown in the Scene view
to help you identify components in the scene.
Such as lights, audio sources or cameras.
These can be adjusted by size
and also be toggled between 2D and 3D.
The search field lets you to search for a particular object by searching for its name.
And this highlights the object by fading out other objects in your scene.
Again, if you are not focused on the actual object that you've found by searching
then you can simply use the Focus feature to find it.
This search also singles out the object in the Hierarchy
so by then selecting the object you were looking for
and pressing F to focus, or double clicking -
you will then be taken to that object.
The final part of the Scene view you should
understand is the View Gizmo itself.
This allows you to switch from Perspective 3D view
to Orthographic cameras from sides, top and bottom.
When dragging to orbit your view in Orthographic view
you will be switching to Isometric view.
You will be notified of this by the term
ISO written underneath the View Gizmo
but do not confuse this with actual 3D Perspective view
and be aware that you can switch back to Perspective view
simply by clicking on the white cube
in the centre of the View Gizmo.