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  • This latest mehndi design is ideal for you if you are wearing a peep toe shoe for the

    這一最新莫海蒂設計非常適合你 如果你穿著露趾鞋的

  • occasion, as this design highlights the toe area of the feet.

    一次,因為這樣的設計突出了腳趾 面積腳。

  • It is an Indian design which looks like a little mountain made using the toes as the

    它是印度的設計,看起來像一個 用腳趾的小山上發

  • base.


  • In these kinds of latest mehndi designs, a uniform filling looks stunning and therefore

    在這些種類的最新莫海蒂設計,一 均勻填充看起來驚人,因此

  • we have used the simple circle, loops and dot design to fill the entire design.

    我們已經使用了簡單的圓圈,循環和 圓點設計,填補了整個設計。

  • Since this can get monotonous we create some blank spaces in the design using two simple

    因為這可以讓單調的,我們創造了一些 用兩個簡單的設計空白

  • 5 petal flower design. A combination of compact patterns with some spaces is the speciality

    5瓣花型設計。緊湊的組合 有一些空間的模式是專業

  • of this design.


This latest mehndi design is ideal for you if you are wearing a peep toe shoe for the

這一最新莫海蒂設計非常適合你 如果你穿著露趾鞋的

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