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MALE SPEAKER: AppCompat gives you
如果您是用實感設計的原則來開發 Android 應用程式
a consistent base for your Android
如果您是用實感設計的原則來開發 Android 應用程式
app built on the principles of material design.
那麼 AppCompat 能讓您的應用程式呈現一致的介面風格
But material design is a lot more
than adding a toolbar and some accent colors.
For everything else, there's a design library.
The design library provides many of the high-level components
you'll need to build a great app that feels
at home with material design.
So what do you get?
A text input layout for adding floating labels and errors
使用 TextInputLayout 可在編輯文字中加入浮動標籤和錯誤訊息
to edit text.
使用 TextInputLayout 可在編輯文字中加入浮動標籤和錯誤訊息
Floating action button for the primary action
FloatingActionButton 適用於介面中的主要動作
in your interface.
FloatingActionButton 適用於介面中的主要動作
SnackBars for quick feedback messages
Snackbar 提供快速的回饋訊息 並讓使用者選擇採取其他動作
with an optional action.
Snackbar 提供快速的回饋訊息 並讓使用者選擇採取其他動作
Material design compliant tabs and navigation
採用實感設計的分頁和 NavigationView 可建立導覽匣選單項目
view for building your Navigation Drawer menu items.
採用實感設計的分頁和 NavigationView 可建立導覽匣選單項目
Plus a lot of work, specifically around motion and scrolling.
還有許多動態和捲動效果的相關元素 也都能向下相容至 API 7
All this back through API7.
還有許多動態和捲動效果的相關元素 也都能向下相容至 API 7
Text Input Layer wraps and edits text, providing always visible
TextInputLayout 能將文字換行、編輯文字內容 提供固定顯示的提示文字
hint text, and a convenient way of showing error
TextInputLayout 能將文字換行、編輯文字內容 提供固定顯示的提示文字
text via the set error method.
方便您透過 SetError 方法顯示錯誤文字
Floating Action Buttons are ideal for that primary action
FloatingActionButton 很適合當成使用者介面的主要動作
in your UI.
FloatingActionButton 很適合當成使用者介面的主要動作
The design library's Floating Action Button
在設計庫中,FloatingActionButton 提供預設大小和迷你大小
sports both a default size as well as a mini size,
在設計庫中,FloatingActionButton 提供預設大小和迷你大小
useful for when the Floating Action Button needs
讓您能夠配合其他元素 設計出適當的浮動操作按鈕
to match with other elements.
讓您能夠配合其他元素 設計出適當的浮動操作按鈕
Snackbars are a new way to provide lightweight feedback
Snackbar 能以全新的方式向使用者顯示精簡的回饋訊息
to your users.
Snackbar 能以全新的方式向使用者顯示精簡的回饋訊息
Unlike toast messages, SnackBars are an interactive part
但與浮動訊息不同 Snackbar 在使用者介面上具有互動性
of your UI, allowing you to add an optional action
您可以新增選用的動作 或讓使用者滑動螢幕來關閉 Snackbar
or allow the user to swipe to dismiss the SnackBar.
您可以新增選用的動作 或讓使用者滑動螢幕來關閉 Snackbar
This makes SnackBars very useful around potentially destructive
不妨多加利用 Snackbar 避免使用者做出可能難以挽回的操作
不妨多加利用 Snackbar 避免使用者做出可能難以挽回的操作
A Click Undo Action can save a lot of headache,
相較於確認對話方塊 ClickUndoAction 更加方便安全
while providing a far better experience than confirmation
Tabs have always been a common pattern on Android,
「分頁」是 Android 中的常見元素
both as top level navigation for your app,
可以當成應用程式的頂層導覽 也可以把應用程式中的內容分門別類
and for grouping content within your app.
可以當成應用程式的頂層導覽 也可以把應用程式中的內容分門別類
The design library's tab layout supports fixed tabs
設計庫的 TabLayout 支援固定分頁和可捲動分頁
where each views width is split equally between tabs, suitable
固定分頁的寬度相等 適合用在只有少數重要分頁的情況
if you only have a few important tabs,
固定分頁的寬度相等 適合用在只有少數重要分頁的情況
as well supporting scrollable tabs where you
have a large number of tabs.
We've made it easy to attach your tab layout to a ViewPager,
您可以輕鬆把 TabLayout 附加於 ViewPager
keeping your tabs and pages content in sync.
Just make sure your pager adapter overrides
只要用 PagerAdapter 覆寫 getPageTitle
Get Page Title.
只要用 PagerAdapter 覆寫 getPageTitle
And then call Set Up With ViewPager
然後呼叫 setupWithViewPager
to tie everything together.
An alternative to using tabs as your top-level navigation
is the Navigation Drawer-- a slide out
pane which offers navigation between different parts
導覽匣是一種滑出式窗格 能帶您前往應用程式的不同部分
of your app.
導覽匣是一種滑出式窗格 能帶您前往應用程式的不同部分
Navigation View gives you a perfectly styled drawer.
您可以透過 NavigationView 為導覽匣自訂風格
You just provide the header, and then you
can add navigation items programmatically
然後寫程式碼或透過選單資源檔 新增導覽項目即可
or via a Menu Resource File.
然後寫程式碼或透過選單資源檔 新增導覽項目即可
The simplest drawer menus will have a group of checkable menu
items, using the checkable behavior
請將 checkableBehavior 屬性設為 single 來新增一組可勾選的選單項目
equals single attribute.
請將 checkableBehavior 屬性設為 single 來新增一組可勾選的選單項目
This ensures that the checked items will appear highlighted
這樣就能確保勾選的項目 會在 NavigationView 中醒目顯示
in the Navigation View.
這樣就能確保勾選的項目 會在 NavigationView 中醒目顯示
Support for subheaders using subviews is also available.
That takes care of a lot of the visuals of material design.
What about the motion side of material design?
Coordinator motion is critical to a great experience.
Coordinator 的動態效果 對使用者體驗有很大的影響
That's why the design library is introducing CoordinatorLayout.
設計庫因此推出 CoordinatorLayout
CoordinatorLayout is a new layout
CoordinatorLayout 這種新畫面配置 可讓子系項目透過宣告行為
that allows children to declare a behavior, giving them
CoordinatorLayout 這種新畫面配置 可讓子系項目透過宣告行為
extra controls around touch events
and the ability to build dependencies between views.
A great example of this is when you use CoordinatorLayout
舉例來說,如果您同時使用 CoordinatorLayout FloatingActionButton 和 Snackbar
with the floating action button, and then show a Snackbar.
舉例來說,如果您同時使用 CoordinatorLayout FloatingActionButton 和 Snackbar
The default behavior for these components
當 Snackbar 在畫面上顯示時
allow the floating action button to automatically move up
as the Snackbar animates onto the screen,
ensuring that components don't overlap,
以上都是這些元件的預設行為 您完全不需寫任何程式碼
without you writing any code at all.
以上都是這些元件的預設行為 您完全不需寫任何程式碼
A major focus for CoordinatorLayout
在這個最初版本中,CoordinatorLayout 著重於
in this initial release is around
讓應用程式列能在主要內容捲動時 產生互動
enabling your appbar to react to your main content scrolling.
讓應用程式列能在主要內容捲動時 產生互動
By wrapping your toolbar and other views, such as Tab
只要在應用程式列畫面配置中 加入工具列和其他畫面,例如 TabLayout
Layout, in an appbar layout, you'll
只要在應用程式列畫面配置中 加入工具列和其他畫面,例如 TabLayout
gain access to the special control flags,
allowing you to annotate each component as something that
scrolls off the screen, stays pinned
讓元件在向下捲動時一併捲動到畫面外 固定在畫面頂端,或是立即傳回元件
to the top of the screen, or even returns immediately,
讓元件在向下捲動時一併捲動到畫面外 固定在畫面頂端,或是立即傳回元件
when you downward scroll, making implementing a quick return
只要在 XML 中加註幾行程式碼
pattern just a few lines of XML.
No custom synchronized scrolling code needed.
You can take things even further by using a collapsing toolbar
您還能藉由 CollapsingToolbarLayout 進一步調整其他設定
您還能藉由 CollapsingToolbarLayout 進一步調整其他設定
This allows an extended hide toolbar
您可以調整 工具列收合時的標題文字大小
to grow and shrink its title text size as it collapses.
您可以調整 工具列收合時的標題文字大小
Pin elements to the top of the collapsing toolbar,
parallax images, and even add a full bleed scrim color
或是在工具列收合時 新增滿版的花紋圖樣
once it becomes collapsed.
或是在工具列收合時 新增滿版的花紋圖樣
Again, just a few lines of XML, and that's all you'll need.
只要在 XML 中加上幾行程式碼 就能辦到
Getting started with the design library is easy.
It's just a single dependency to add.
With AppCompat as the base, and the components provided
利用 AppCompat 架構及設計庫提供的元件
by the design library on top of it,
利用 AppCompat 架構及設計庫提供的元件
there's no better time to get started building great material
design apps.
We've only touched on the features in the design library.
You're can learn even more about the design library in the blog
如要進一步瞭解設計庫 歡迎參閱網誌文章和開發人員網站
post and on the developer site.
如要進一步瞭解設計庫 歡迎參閱網誌文章和開發人員網站
I'm looking forward to your great material design apps.