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  • SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. Please sit down. Thank you. Take seats.

  • (In Chinese.)

  • (Applause.)

  • (In Chinese.)

  • (Applause.)

  • And Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, Madam Peng, distinguished colleagues from

  • China, the United States, very special guestsand everybody here is a special guestwere very, very

  • pleased to welcome you all to the Ben Franklin Room. As most of you know, this room was named

  • for the fellow up there above the fireplace, Benjamin Franklin, one of the founders of

  • the United States and someone who is considered by historians to be

  • America’s first professional diplomat.

  • Do we have – I see there are no headphones for --

  • STAFF: Yes, there are.

  • SECRETARY KERRY: -- for ourokay, good. All right.

  • Dr. Franklinthe reason I mention this is because Dr. Franklin was absolutely fascinated

  • by the great scholar Confucius and by China generally, which he way back then called the

  • wisest of nations. As a scholar himself, Franklin learned all he could about Chinese silkworm,

  • cultivation, about ship design, candle-making, and home heating. And one of his inventions,

  • the Franklin stove, was actually based on Chinese ideas, which emphasizes that intellectual

  • property was a hot issue way back then. (Laughter.)

  • I’m really delighted to be able to welcome President Xi and his delegation back to Washington

  • and to take this opportunity to wish all of our friends from China a very happy Mid-Autumn

  • Festival. I’m a little bit early; the festival actually begins on Sunday, and I understand

  • that it has traditionally been a time of courtship and matchmaking, when young Chinese couples

  • get together and fall in love. Now, here in the United States, we have our own Sunday

  • ritual which takes place in major cities, involves large numbers of people in parking

  • lots grilling meat and drinking beer outside of football stadiums. We call it tailgating,

  • and I want to confirm to everybody here today it has absolutely nothing in common with the

  • Chinese tradition. (Laughter.)

  • My friends, it really is a privilege to host such a great gathering of public and private

  • sector leaders. We have two of my predecessors as Secretary of State here todayDr. Madeleine

  • Albright and Dr. Henry Kissingerand we welcome you. Thank you. (Applause.)

  • We have top officials from throughout the executive branch, friends from Congress, and

  • some of the world’s most successful and innovative business leaders, economists, and

  • scholars. And a guest list like this speaks volumes to the breadth of the U.S.-China relationship.

  • In fact, I truly wonder if a relationship this close and this consequential was, in

  • fact, foreseen even by Dr. Kissingerhe will tell you yes – (laughter) – during

  • that first historic visit to Beijing 44 years ago.

  • It’s important to remember that in the not very distant past, U.S.-China ties were centered

  • on a veryrelatively narrow set of bilateral and regional matters. But today, thanks to

  • focused diplomacy on both sidesand, I might add, a very constructive and comprehensive

  • set of discussions last night at dinner and through this morning with the Presidentthrough

  • the leadership of President Obama and President Xi, our nations are now collaborating to tackle

  • some of the most complex global challenges the world has ever seen. And we areas

  • you will learn today with the comments of the Vice President and the releases from the

  • White House and our friends from China, the breadth of the memoranda of what is going

  • to be engaged in coming out of this is sweeping.

  • Today, our nations recognize that while our differences will undoubtedly continue to test

  • our relationship, they should not and in fact they must not prevent us from acting cooperatively

  • in other areas. The United States and China comprise one quarter of the global population.

  • We make up one-third of the global economy. We generate one-fifth of global trade. And

  • when were pulling in the same direction, we can bend the curve of progress in a way

  • that few other nations on earth can accomplish.

  • Now that is true on a number of issues, but I have to tell you it has proven to be particularly

  • true on something where only three years ago we were divided, and that is the issue of

  • climate change. Together, the United States and China have an extraordinary opportunity

  • to correct the perilous course that our planet is on and which the Holy Father has spoken

  • to so eloquently most recently in his visit to Washington.

  • As the Chinese proverb says: “Opportunity knocks at the door only once.” I’m pleased

  • to say that I believe both of our nations are now committed to opening that door, to

  • taking advantage of the time that we have to act and to bringing about a cleaner, healthier,

  • and more sustainable future for us all.

  • Last year in Beijing, I was privileged to be with President Obama and President Xi when

  • they jointly announced our respective ambitious, post-2020 greenhouse gas mitigation commitments

  • and called on other countries to come forward with their own ambitious targets. I’ve been

  • active, I can tell you, in this fight all of my Senate career and even before, and I

  • will tell you we were stuck until China and the United States came together. And that

  • moment broke the veil of avoidance and got countries across the world to say, “If theyre

  • serious, we need to be serious.” It sent a clear message to the world that the time

  • for excuses was over and that the roadblocks that have slowed us for too long can be removed.

  • And over the course of the past year, we have continued to make progress and implement the

  • targets that we announced last fall.

  • I’m very pleased to say that the joint statement that our leaders is releasing today is, again,

  • a major step forward. It sets forth a common vision for the final agreement describing

  • our aligned views on a number of key negotiating issues. This is heading into Paris for the

  • Paris negotiations in December. And it demonstrates a strong momentum in both countries on domestic

  • climate policy, including our clean power plan and China’s commitment to green dispatch

  • in their power sector. It breaks new ground on climate finance, to help the most vulnerable

  • nations be able to transition to low carbon development and it helps to actually build

  • resistance to climate impacts in many nations, with China today announcing a 3.1 billion

  • climate finance commitment commensurate with the U.S. pledge to the Green Climate Fund.

  • So we – (applause). There’s a lot more, but thatlet me just say quickly that

  • the bottom line is that both the United States and China are truly blessed as nations with

  • the strength and the resources and the people to lift up people in other parts of the world,

  • to brighten prospects across the globe. But we can obviously accomplish far more when

  • we are focused on doing so together. It’s certainly true that the close ties between

  • our nations would have, except for Henry Kissinger, been hard to envision years ago. But if we

  • can continue to invest in this relationshipwhich is what were trying to doif

  • we can remain committed to frank discussionsand believe me, they were frankand

  • to managing our differences even as we expand our cooperation, we can only imagine where

  • we might be a few decades from now.

  • It’s now my pleasure to introduce the Vice President. I have been fortunate to call the

  • Vice President a friend and a colleague for a very long time. And throughout those years,

  • I’ve relied on his advice, his expertise, and his good humor. In recent months, for

  • reasons that are well known to all, America has come not just to admire Joe Biden, but

  • to fully understand the depth of his character and the love in his heart. The world knows

  • Joe Biden to be an outstanding leader, a champion of international understanding and peace.

  • We also know him as a wonderful and courageous human being.

  • Ladies and gentlemen, the Vice President of the United States. (Applause.)

  • VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN: Thank you, Mr. Secretary. Please. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Please.

  • Youre very kind. Thank you.

  • It’s obvious only a good friend could make that up. (Laughter.) Thank you, John. Jill,

  • Secretary Kerry, Teresa, President Xi, Madam Peng, it’s an honor to have you here. Ambassador

  • Baucus, who’s a great friend and doing a great job; Secretaries Lew and Pritzker; Secretary

  • of State Albright, it’s great to see you, Madam Secretary; and our former ambassadors

  • to China are here, Jon Huntsman, Gary Locke, Winston Lord, Ambassador Roy, Ambassador Sasser

  • youre all welcome.

  • I don’t knowyou know I’ve been an admirer of yours, Dr. Kissinger, for a long

  • time. And that’s for real; you know that. And as John said, I wonder whether you couldve

  • imagined being here today, where what you started, your initiative and your incredible

  • personal diplomacy, began to change the face of the globe in terms of this relationship.

  • And I look out there today, and we have leading members of the Senate and the House; we have

  • great foreign policy experts who arerepresent every element of our foreign policy establishment;

  • we have the most dynamic group of business leaderswith all due respect, Mr. President

  • in the entire world assembled here, although the best one is from my home state, Chairman

  • Kullman, theshe is theshe runs the DuPont company. And we have the nation’s

  • leading representative of American labor, a great, great friend of mine, Mr. Trumka.

  • And all assembled here for one reasonwith a sense of optimism and expectation that well

  • be able to work through whatever differences exist and what those that will come forward.

  • Secretary Kerry and President Xi have heard me say this before, and I sort of learned

  • it from you, Dr. Kissinger: It’s presumptuous to try to improve on Tip O’Neill who said,

  • all politics is personal.” I’ve become convinced from watching you over 40 years,

  • all international politics is only personal. If you can’t establish a personal relationship

  • you don’t have to love one another, but you can’t establish a personal relationship

  • where you understand one anotherit’s awfully hard to get anything done. And more

  • than four years ago, President Obama and President Xi decided that then-Vice PresidentPresident

  • Hu decided that then-Vice President Xi and I should get to know one another.

  • And so we did exactly that. I had the opportunity of traveling from Beijing to Chengdu and every

  • other place in between with the hospitality of the president. We had more hours of dinners

  • alone than I think he ever anticipated, and then I had the honor of hosting him here in

  • the United States in Washington and inand Los Angeles. When he went to Muscatine, Iowa,

  • I told him I couldn’t go, andbut I should have gone. He went – (laughter) – he

  • went and he became President. I didn’t go and I’m still Vice President. (Laughter.)

  • I don’t know what the hell’s in the water in Iowa, but whatever he was drinking, it

  • worked, and weve had many opportunities to visit in the meantime.

  • Mr. President, the many hours weve spent togetherwe have had countless private

  • discussions that go well beyond the typical talking points. And I came awayand I

  • told the President this after our multiple meetingsthat I came away impressed with

  • the president’s candor, determination, and his capacityhis capacity to handle what

  • waswhat he inherited, and every leader inherits, is great opportunities but also

  • very serious concerns. And as President Xi knows, because of Dr. Kissinger, in 1979 as

  • a junior senator I joined a group of very senior senators, from Jack Javits and others,

  • on the first visit of any American elected representative to Beijing to meet with Deng

  • Xiaoping after Dr. Kissinger and President Nixon normalized relations. And I came back

  • at the time and said a few things that – I know I never say anything controversial, but

  • were viewed as controversial at the time. I said that a rising and peaceful China could

  • be and should be a very positive development in the world, and that I saw no reason back

  • in 1979 and I see no reason why ultimately we could not work together, because the ultimate

  • interests we have are not dissimilar.

  • Then as now, I recognized that our two countries had clear disagreements and we will continue

  • to have them. This is not a new phenomenon. But the animating logic of our relationship

  • is also not new. Both sides accept that we each gain more from working together than

  • our interestand our interestwhere our interests align than working alone, by

  • addressing the differences candidly. And as John said last night, we kept the poor president

  • up very late and we went very long, and we had very, very candid discussions, the President

  • President Obama and President Xi, because were of the viewthe President and

  • I and the Secretary, as I believe President Xi isthat that’s the way we should

  • deal with one another so there’s no misunderstanding.

  • As I noted in this year’s Strategic & Economic Dialogue, it’s been 10 years since then-Deputy

  • Secretary Bob Zoellick called on China to become what he then said: a responsible stakeholder.

  • Here’s what Zoellick said at the timehe said, “All nations conduct diplomacy to

  • promote their national interest. Responsible stakeholders go further. They recognize that

  • the international system sustains their peaceful prosperity, so they work to sustain the system.”

  • That’s what were about working our way through, is the how we best do that

  • with one another.

  • Presidentsince President Xi has assumed the presidency of China, he and President

  • Obama have met six times, establishing their own close, personal relationship as well,

  • because both our presidents are convinced that the U.S.-China relationship will be the

  • defining relationship of the 21st century. President Obama feels that very strongly,

  • and I know the president of China, President Xi, does as well.

  • Were still going to have differences. We have differences with our closest allies.

  • But weve made much progress, from curbing Iran’s nuclear activities to aligning our

  • climate change goals, as John has spoken to in more detail, to, I predict, lead the world

  • lead the worldin the first really serious, serious international effort to deal

  • with climate change. And today we announced progress on several other areas, including

  • strengthening our military-to-military relationshipsthose have already been strengthened,

  • but deepened even further todayand expanding our cooperation on international development.

  • And even as this cooperation contributes to our efforts to be responsible stakeholders,

  • we also have to be responsible competitors, working together to sustain a level playing

  • field that is fair and transparent. President Xi candidly spoke last night about actions

  • the United States takes that impact on public opinion among his people in China. President

  • Obama spoke candidly about actions that China takes or doesn’t take that impact upon American

  • public opinions, attitude toward China. We both understand that what our peoples think

  • as well is equally as important as what our leaders think, and we talked about the need

  • to protect our companies from cyber theft and commercial espionage, respecting and strengthening

  • international law, promoting free and fair markets, and upholding the rights of women,

  • minority, journalists, civil society, religious leaders. It was a very, very open and candid

  • discussion.

  • We continue to have serious concerns about some of China’s actions, as they do ours,

  • in eachin such areas for us as cyber space, maritime security, economic policy,

  • human rights, that are preventing our relationship from reaching its full potential. But the

  • commitment was we would work very hard to work through it to see the Chinese perspective,

  • and for them to see ours.

  • And the fact of the matter is that, as the Secretary of State knows, I never presume

  • to tell another leader what is in his or her interest. They know their interests better

  • than we do. And President Xi knows the interests of his country better than we. But as President

  • Xi knows, I’ve never been reluctant to say what the United States interest is. And as

  • a powerfulexcuse me, as a peaceful and prosperous Asia Pacific region that’s free

  • from intimidation or coercion, we hope China and the United States can continue to work

  • to keep it that way.

  • China has made remarkable, remarkable strides in the past 20 years, lifting a half a billion

  • people out of poverty. And as the president last night was talking humbly about their

  • prospects, I pointed out that I thought that their projected progress between the next

  • 10 years was going to be met and exceeded. This is a great achievement, and there’s

  • much more to come. And with the new capacity whichthat China is acquiring, comes enormous

  • responsibility. You said it correctly, Mr. President, back in 2010 when you said, “There

  • is competition in our cooperation. Yet such competition, we believe, is healthyhealthily

  • based upon a mutual learning and mutual reinforcement. And in a fundamental sense, it’s conducive

  • to our common development,” is what you went on to say.

  • Our challenge today is to meet this test. That is what were both striving for. So

  • we welcome healthy competition. Like you, we will helpit will help advance our

  • common goals as well, Mr. President. And if we can meet the shared objectiveboth

  • nations, both open and collaborative, embracing our roles as responsible stakeholders and

  • responsible competitorsour people will benefit tremendously, and quite frankly, so

  • will the world. And as we along with the entire region build a future that realizes the full

  • potential of the Asia Pacific, visits like this are incredibly important.

  • As I told you, Mr. President, back in 2012, the history of the next 50 years is going

  • to be largely based on how well our two countries, the United States and China, navigate this

  • relationship. So I’d like to make a toast, Mr. President. I’d like to make a toast,

  • andto the hope and expectation that 50 years from now our great grandchildren will

  • look back and say what a beautiful history we wrote together.

  • Mr. President, the podium is yours.

  • PRESIDENT XI: (Via interpreter) Vice President Biden and your wife, Secretary Kerry, I can’t

  • name all the friends both old and new here. Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to thank Vice

  • President Biden and Secretary Kerry for hosting this welcoming luncheon for me, my wife, and

  • the Chinese delegation.

  • To me Vice President Biden is an old friend, and we have interacted with each other so

  • much and we visited each other’s countries and we spent more than 10 hours together exchanging

  • views. And Secretary Kerry is also our old friend, and I have also seen many familiar

  • faces in this room, friends who have made direct contribution to the growth

  • of China-U.S.relations.

  • It is such a delight to see old friends again. Let me take this opportunity to express sincere

  • appreciation to all of you and through you to American friends from all walks of life

  • who have long dedicated themselves to China-U.S. relations.

  • This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war and

  • the victory of the Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japanese aggression.

  • Seventy years ago, China and the United States fought side-by-side against a fascist aggression

  • to defend the cause for peace, freedom, and justice. Many touching stories have been left

  • behind and are still being told today.

  • In February 1932, Robert Short, who was serving as a fighter jet test pilot and trainer in

  • China, lost his life protecting local Chinese from an air raid. He was the first American

  • airman to die in aerial combat for the Chinese people. And in April 1942, Lieutenant Colonel

  • James Doolittle of the U.S. Air Force led a group of bombers returning from a mission.

  • Their planes ran out of fuel and had to force land in China, and some of the planes crashed.

  • At the risk of their own lives, local Chinese andChinese soldiers and civilians came

  • to their rescue and later helped the 64 U.S. airmen return home safely. A strong bond of

  • friendship was forged in those days when China and America fought alongside each other through

  • blood and fire, and the Chinese people will always remember the valuable assistance from

  • the American people.

  • Over the past 70 years, China-U.S. relations have traveled an extraordinary journey. We

  • were comrades in arms during the World War II, then we became rivals, estranged from

  • each other for most of the Cold War period. And today we are partners with closely intertwined

  • interests. Despite the twists and turns, China-U.S. relations have on the whole moved forward

  • and delivered much benefit to the people of the two countries and around the world.

  • Isn’t that a huge difference? And Dr. Kissinger said to me that in the 1970s, when they conducted

  • the icebreaking journey, they had never imagined the way that China-U.S. relations have become

  • today. At that time, they focused on the immediate strategic issues, but they never imagined

  • that our interests could have been so closely intertwined. And he also said to me that back

  • then, they had never imagined that China will come this far in terms of economic and social

  • development.

  • The question we face today is how China, the biggest developing country, and the United

  • States, the biggest developed country, should work together to take our relations to the

  • future. The answer, I believe, lies in making the right choices on two things of fundamental

  • importance. First, China and the United States need to increase strategic mutual trust, seek

  • peaceful coexistence, and prevent the so-called Thucydides Trap from locking the two major

  • countries in conflict and confrontation. The two sides need to read each other’s strategic

  • intention properly and do what they can to avoid misunderstanding and miscalculation.

  • Yesterday evening, President Obama and I exchanged views in in-depth manner on enhancing strategic

  • mutual trust. The path China follows is one of peaceful development, and China does not

  • pose a threat to other countries. China wants to work with the United States for common

  • development and prosperity. We hope the U.S. will do the same, and we are sure that the

  • U.S. is doing the same.

  • Second, China and the United States need to work together to make the pie of cooperation

  • bigger to better serve the interests of our two peoples and the wider international community.

  • This requires that the two sides focus on shared interests and unlock the potential

  • for cooperation. The two countries may strengthen practical cooperation in business, military,

  • law enforcement, energy, culture, and people-to-people exchanges. This will make life better for

  • our two peoples and bring them closer together. The two countries may work together to promote

  • settlement of regional issues such as the Iranian nuclear issue, the Korean nuclear

  • issue, and Afghanistan. We may also join hands to tackle global challenges such as terrorism,

  • climate change, and epidemic diseases. Together, China and the United States could contribute

  • more to world peace, stability, and development.

  • Just now, the Vice President and Secretary Kerry mentioned that we still have differences

  • between us. But I don’t think they should become a source of conflict or friction. These

  • differences will continue to exist for a long time to come, but they could be an impetus

  • for even more exchanges and mutual learning. So long as the two sides bear the larger picture

  • in mind, have mutual respect, and talk with each other on equal footing, we could manage

  • differences in a constructive way and narrow them down as long as we work hard enough.

  • This, I believe, will ensure that we hold firm to the overall direction of cooperation

  • between the two countries.

  • It is heartening to note that from the Sunnylands meeting in 2013 to the Yingtai talk in 2014

  • and to the in-depth discussions we had at Blair House and the White House this time,

  • President Obama and I have demonstrated firm commitment to building a new model of major

  • country relations between China and the United States. Guided by this agreement, my current

  • visit has produced fruitful results. Fresh and significant progress has been made in

  • negotiating a bilateral investment treaty, strengthening confidence-building mechanism

  • between the two militaries, expanding cultural and people-to-people exchanges, tackling climate

  • change, and increasing coordination and collaboration in multilateral affairs. This is once again

  • sending a clear and positive message to the world that China and the United States will

  • work more closely together to meet challenges.

  • Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, heart-to-heart communication between our two peoples is the

  • source of strength of our bilateral ties. The growth of China-U.S. relations won’t

  • be possible without the mutual understanding and support of our people. During my visit,

  • I’ve been deeply impressed by the sincerity and the enthusiasm for cooperation on both

  • sides and by the friendly sentiments shown to the Chinese people from the American people.

  • I have every confidence in a bright future of China-U.S. relations.

  • And last night President Obama showed to us his great sincerity in promoting common understanding

  • between the two sides. And Secretary Kerry just announced to us that this room is named

  • after Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States. And Mr. Franklin

  • had a close connection with China. He has such great respect for Confucius – a Chinese

  • philosopher, thinker, and founder of Confucianismthat he personally promoted Confucius

  • moral philosophy among the American people. He once observed that energy and persistence

  • conquer all things. Similarly, there is a saying in China that suggests as long as we

  • keep at it, we could make a rope saw through wood and water drip through stone.

  • I’m convinced that as long as our two sides join hands and move forward together with

  • perseverance, we will continue to make new progress in growing China-U.S. relations and

  • better serve the people of our two countries and the world at large.

  • In conclusion, I invite you to join me in a toast to friendship between the Chinese

  • and American people, to an even better tomorrow for China-U.S. relations, and to the health

  • of Vice President Biden, your wife, Secretary Kerry, and all friends present.

  • Cheers.

  • (Applause.)

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. Please sit down. Thank you. Take seats.

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拜登副總統和克里國務卿接待中國國家主席習近平 (Vice President Biden and Secretary Kerry Host Chinese President Xi)

  • 172 15
    richardwang posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary