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  • We use a lot of energy as a planet.

  • By 2050, our average power consumption will be 28 terawatts,

  • that's 12 zeros after 28.

  • The only resource that's available to supply to this demand is the sun.

  • We have about 100,000 terawatts

  • striking at the Earth's surface when the Sun is shining.

  • And after we subtract away the ocean, mountains, and so forth,

  • the usable energy is about 600 terawatts.

  • So that's still in far excess of our utilization.

  • But there's a problem with the Sun;

  • it doesn't shine all the time, and it doesn't shine everywhere.

  • This is a picture, a photo, from the International Space Station

  • showing the United States half in daytime and half in nighttime.

  • This is one problem of the Sun.

  • The second problem is that the Sun doesn't shine

  • where we need it to shine.

  • We have here London, Tokyo, and Chicago.

  • So if you've been to these places or lived in those places,

  • you know that the sun[light] is not abundant.

  • Yet, these are giant metropolises in which we have huge population centers.

  • So you may ask, "How about Texas?" There's plenty of sun in Texas, right?

  • That's not entirely true.

  • Even in the summer,

  • you have thunder storms that limit the availability of the Sun.

  • So the big problem with solar is that it is not available

  • when and where it is needed, at least not all the time.

  • So the vision we have is to make energy available

  • when and where it's needed.

  • So, roughly speaking, we can divide it into several processes.

  • One, we have a carbon-free source, like the sun.

  • We have to first capture it,

  • then we have to think about how to store it

  • - and that's going to be the bulk of my talk today -

  • we have to deliver it, and we have to utilize it.

  • We already do this today, pretty well.

  • We can take solar panels as a way to capture sunlight,

  • turn that into electricity,

  • we can store it in batteries, like our iPhones or electric cars,

  • we can deliver it using the conventional electric grid,

  • and we can use it.

  • But the problem lies with storage. It is not a perfect mechanism.

  • With batteries it's rather expensive, and it's heavy,

  • we're carrying away dead weight with batteries most of the time,

  • we're not carrying the energy we need.

  • It's mostly just things that are inactive, you're not storing the energy.

  • Moreover, battery does not store electricity for a long period of time.

  • If you look at your iPhone and so forth,

  • it only lasts for maybe 30 days, or 60 days if we don't charge it.

  • So it will lose charge over time.

  • What we need is a medium to store energy that is long-lasting, dispatchable,

  • so we can bring it to wherever it is needed,

  • anytime, whether the Sun is shining or not.

  • So, I want to introduce you to the concept of what we call solar fuels.

  • Fuel such as ethanol,

  • methane - which is the biggest component in natural gas -

  • or hydrogen.

  • It's a great way to store energy,

  • you can dispatch it whenever you want, it is very high energy density,

  • and it can be derived directly from the Sun.

  • You can imagine we can take molecules like water or carbon dioxide,

  • we can put the sun to it, take them apart,

  • reassemble them into these energetic molecules, such as ethanol,

  • we can store it in their form, we can transport it in the pipelines,

  • we can use it.

  • And when we'll burn these materials, what we'd get? Water and CO2.

  • And it goes back right to the top of the loop, where we start again.

  • It is a carbon-neutral energy cycle.

  • So this is were we aim to be, but we're pretty far from it now,

  • but this is the way of the future.

  • So let me talk a little bit about how to turn water into hydrogen and oxygen.

  • Here hydrogen is your fuel.

  • We call this sometime the reverse combustion process.

  • Combustion is the other way round,

  • you take hydrogen or any other form of fuel,

  • you put it with air, and you burn it, OK?

  • And you can get power out of it.

  • So this is the reverse process.

  • You can imagine that it is an uphill process;

  • you're spending energy,

  • you're pushing the water molecule uphill, as shown on the slide.

  • And you want to get over this barrier; it's about 1.2 volt,

  • this is roughly the voltage of an AA battery that you have.

  • It doesn't sound like a lot, but it is very hard to achieve,

  • to get this 1.2 volt needed to dissociate water into hydrogen and oxygen,

  • so that we can use it when and wherever we want.

  • So in this process of dissociating water and taking it into a form of the fuel,

  • it's inefficient.

  • And I'm going to talk about a couple of things

  • that we're doing at Stanford to make this a reality.

  • One of the biggest challenges with taking sunlight and storing it as the fuel

  • is we can't use the entire solar spectrum very well.

  • On the top of the screen you see the various colors of the Sun.

  • You have UV light, after violet light,

  • you have the visible light, and you have infrared.

  • Solar cells today can take the visible light very well.

  • They can also take the ultraviolet light very well.

  • But they can't take the infrared light

  • which is actually a bulk part of the solar spectrum.

  • And if you take a look at the availability of power as a function of the color,

  • the wavelength of light,

  • you will see what the problem is.

  • Solar cells today can only take a very small portion of it

  • like the one shown in red.

  • Everything else is lost as heat.

  • And because solar cell efficiency decreases with heat,

  • you'll have to cool it in order to maintain efficiency.

  • So all this energy that is not being used and is now turning up as heat

  • is discarded in the system.

  • So we can't use that very well.

  • But we now have developed a new system at Stanford

  • to help us take not only the light energy but also the thermal energy.

  • So we can take the entire solar spectrum,

  • whether it's coming as light, or being absorbed as heat,

  • and put all that energy toward rolling that water molecule up the hill,

  • so that we can dissociate it into hydrogen,

  • so it can be used as a fuel, stored and dispatched.

  • Another big problem with solar fuel is

  • it often takes very rare materials to perform the process.

  • Often, it takes materials like platinum or iridium,

  • and these are among the rarest materials on the planet,

  • to carry out this pushing uphill process with light.

  • What is happening when you shine light on these materials is

  • the electrons start moving around,

  • and the electron is zapping the water molecules,

  • and allowing it to be dissociated into hydrogen and oxygen.

  • But you want to do it with a material that is abundant.

  • And what we're looking at is using material, iron oxide.

  • So this is essentially a form of rust.

  • It gives rise to the red color of rocks in Southwest United States,

  • it's one of the most abundant materials,

  • the problem with this material is

  • that these electrons, when you shine a light on them, don't move very fast.

  • So you can't extract energy very efficiently.

  • But it turns out that if you give it a little bit of heat,

  • these electrons start moving much and much faster,

  • so that it can eventually reach the water molecules

  • and turn that into storable fuel.

  • So that's what we've been looking at for the past couple of years,

  • on taking sunlight, water, and sometimes even carbon dioxide,

  • and turning that into a fuel

  • so we can use it when and whenever we want.

  • You might ask one question:

  • "Well, how do we get both heat and light at the same time?"

  • After all, if we stand outside, we don't get to a very high temperature.

  • But it turns out that if we take a magnifying glass,

  • we can focus sunlight to a smaller spot.

  • And that allows us to achieve simultaneously

  • the intensity of light and also heat.

  • This is a conventional solar cell.

  • You take light, and you shine it on it, and you convert it to electricity.

  • But imagine now you have a way to focus the light with mirrors,

  • and now you have a smaller solar cell,

  • so you decrease the cost because you're doing more with less.

  • But the problem with conventional solar cells

  • is you have to cool it in the process because the heat decreases the efficiency.

  • But now imagine using a process

  • that can positively be enhanced with both light and heat.

  • Then you can take both, convert it to useful energy without the cooling.

  • So now you eliminate the part of the system which was limiting the cost.

  • So I'm hopefully giving you some idea

  • of the possibility to store sunlight in terms of fuel,

  • turning water, carbon dioxide into fuel,

  • and making the Sun available when and where it's needed.

  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

We use a lot of energy as a planet.

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TEDx】在最奇怪的地方儲存太陽能。Will Chueh在TEDxStanford的演講。 (【TEDx】Storing solar energy in the strangest places: Will Chueh at TEDxStanford)

  • 95 18
    elearn posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary