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  • Matter, as we know it;

    我們所熟知的物質: 原子、恆星、星系、行星、樹、岩石,以及我們。

  • Atoms, stars and galaxies, planets and trees, rocks and us.


  • This matter accounts for less than 5% of the known universe.

    在整個宇宙中, 大約25%是暗物質,70%是暗能量。

  • About 25% is dark matter; and 70% is dark energy.


  • Both of which are invisible.

    這聽起來有點奇怪, 這表示我們所接觸到的世界只佔了極其微小的部分。

  • This is kind of strange because it suggests that everything we experience is

    更糟糕的是, 我們對暗物質與暗能量究竟是什麼、如何運作毫無頭緒

  • really only a tiny fraction of reality.

    更糟糕的是, 我們對暗物質與暗能量究竟是什麼、如何運作毫無頭緒

  • But it gets worse.

    我們非常確定它們是存在的。 至於,為什麼我們知道它們存在呢?

  • We really have no clue what dark matter and energy are, or how they work.


  • We are pretty sure they exist though.


  • So, what do we know?


  • Dark matter is the stuff that makes it possible for galaxies to exist.

    這將導致星系無法形成。 因此,我們確信一定有某種東西在維繫星系的結構。

  • When we calculated why the universe is structured the way it is,


  • it quickly became clear that there's just not enough normal matter.


  • The gravity of the visible matter is not strong enough to form


  • galaxies and complex structures.

    我們還能看到它的微小跡象。 高濃度暗物質的地方會使經過它的光線扭曲。

  • The stars would more likely be scattered all over the place and not form galaxies.


  • So, we know there is something else inside and around them.

    現在, 對於暗物質(旁白口誤成暗能量)是什麼有進一步認識, 那麼它究竟是什麼?

  • Something that doesn't emit or reflect light.

    我們知道暗物質並非一團無光源的普通物質, 因為普通物質會放射出我們能觀測到的粒子。

  • Something dark...

    暗物質也不是"反"物質, 因為反物質會與普通物質反應,並放出特殊的γ射線。

  • but besides being able to calculate the existence of dark matter,


  • we can see it... kind of.

    黑洞是種緊密的物體,且會劇烈影響周圍環境, 但是暗物質似乎是零星散布在整個宇宙。

  • Places with a high concentration of dark matter bend light passing near by.


  • So we know there's something there that interacts with gravity.


  • Right now, we have more ideas about what dark energy is not, than what it is!


  • We know dark matter is not just clouds of normal matter without stars,


  • because it would emit particles we could detect.

    暗物質有可能是由某種複雜又特殊的粒子組成, 這種粒子不會與光、普通物質反應

  • Dark matter is not anti-matter,


  • because anti-matter produces unique gamma rays when it reacts with normal matter.


  • Dark matter is also not made up of black holes,


  • very compact objects that violently affect their surroundings,


  • while dark matter seems to be scattered all over the place.


  • Basically, we only know 3 things for sure;


  • 1. Something is out there.


  • 2. It interacts with gravity.


  • 3. There is a lot of it.


  • Dark matter is probably made up of a complicated exotic particle


  • that doesn't interact with light and matter in a way we expect,


  • but right now, we just don't know.

    在此之前, 人們認為重力將使宇宙膨脹減緩,甚至塌縮回一個點。

  • Dark energy is even more strange and mysterious.


  • We can't detect it, we can't measure it and we can't taste it.


  • But we do see its effects very clearly.


  • In 1929, Edward Hubble examined how the wavelength of light


  • emitted by distant galaxies, shifts towards the red end

    因此身處星系中的我們不會感受到宇宙膨脹, 但我們仍能在任何地方看到膨脹的影響。

  • of the electromagnetic spectrum as it travels through the space.


  • He found that fainter, more distant galaxies showed a large degree of red shift;


  • closer galaxies, not so much.


  • Hubble determined that this was because the universe itself is expanding.


  • The red shift occurs, because the wavelengths of light


  • are stretched as the universe expands.


  • More recent discoveries have shown that, the expansion of the universe is accelerating.


  • Before that, it was thougth that the pull of gravity would cause the expansion to


  • either slow down or even retract and collapse in on itself at some point.


  • Space doesn't change its properties as it expands; there's just more of it.


  • New space is constantly created everywhere,


  • galaxies are tight bound clusters of stuff held together by gravity

    唯一的問題是,當我們嘗試這樣計算暗能量的多寡時, 會出現詭異的結果,留下更多困惑與謎題。

  • so we don't experience this expansion in our daily lives.


  • But we see it everywhere around us.


  • Wherever there is empty space in the universe, more is forming every second.


  • So, dark energy seems to be some kind of energy intrinsic to empty space.


  • Energy that is stronger than anything else we know


  • and it keeps getting stronger as time passes by.


  • Empty space has more energy than everything else in the universe combined.


  • We have multiple ideas about what dark energy might be.

    一方面而言,這挺令人洩氣的; 另一方面,因為這是最前端的科學,因此使人興奮,

  • One idea is, the dark energy is not a thing, but just a property of space.

    這代表著無論我們多麼認為自己是萬物之王,但其實只是活在宇宙中脆弱小島並使用智慧型手機的猿人。 因此,去仰望這片天空吧!去追尋宇宙運行的真理!

  • Empty space is not nothing, it has its own energy.

    有太多東西等著我們去知道並學習。 而且這些東西令人驚嘆!

  • It can generate more space and is quite active.

    本影片由澳洲科學院(AAS)支援合作。 AAS是一推廣支持卓越科學研究的機構。

  • So, as the universe expands, it could be that just more and more space


  • appears to fill the gaps and this leads to a faster expanding universe.


  • This idea is close to an idea that Einstein had back in 1917,


  • of the concept of a cosmological constant,


  • a force that counteracted the force of gravity.

  • The only problem is, that when we tried to calculate the amount of this energy

  • the result was so wrong and weird, that it only added to the confusion.

  • Another idea is, that empty space is actually full of

  • temporary, virtual particles that spontaneously and continually

  • form from nothing and then dissapear into nothing again.

  • The energy form those particles could be dark energy.

  • Or maybe dark energy is an unknown kind of dynamic energy fluid or field

  • which permeates the entire universe, but somehow has the opposite effect

  • on the universe than normal energy and matter.

  • But if it exists, we don't know how and where or how we could detect it.

  • So there are still a lot of questions to answer.

  • Our theories about dark matter and dark energy are still just that;

  • theories.

  • On one hand, this is kind of frustrating, on the other hand this is frontier science

  • making it very exciting.

  • It shows us that no matter how much we feel we're on top of things,

  • we are still very much apes with smartphones, on a tiny

  • fragile island in space looking into the sky wondering how our universe works

  • There is so much left to learn, and that is awesome.

  • This video is supported by the Australian Academy of Science,

  • which promotes and supports excellence in science.

  • Learn more about this topic and others like it at

  • It was a blast of work with them so go check out their site.

  • Our videos are also made possible by your support on,

  • if you want to support us and become part of the Kurzgesagt Bird Army,

  • check out our patreon page.

  • Subtitles by the community

Matter, as we know it;

我們所熟知的物質: 原子、恆星、星系、行星、樹、岩石,以及我們。

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