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  • >> TIM REBER: Hello everyone. My name is Tim Reber with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory,

  • and I'd like to welcome you to today's webinar, which is hosted by the Clean Energy Solutions

  • Center in partnership with the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century, or REN21.

  • Today's webinar is focused on the Renewables 2015 Global Status Report and its findings

  • that they relate to distributed renewable energy. One important note is mentioned before

  • we begin our presentation is that the Clean Energy Solution Center does not endorse or

  • recommend specific products or services. Information provided in this webinar is featured in the

  • solution center's resource library as one of many best practice resources reviewed and

  • collected by technical experts. Before we begin, I'll quickly go over some

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  • If you're having difficulty viewing the materials through the webinar portal, you will find

  • PDF copies of the presentation at You may follow along as our speakers present.

  • Also an audio recording and the presentations will be posted at the Solution Center training

  • page within a few weeks and will be added to the Solution Center YouTube channel. We

  • also find other informative webinars, video interviews with thought leaders, and other

  • clean energy policy topics.

  • Today's webinar agenda is centered around the presentations from our two guest panelists,

  • Rana Adib and Fabiani Appavou. These panelists have been kind enough to join us to provide

  • an overview of REN21's newly released Renewables 2015 Global Status Report and a look at the

  • status of distributed energy. Before our speakers begin their presentations, I will provide

  • a short, informative overview of the Clean Energy Solution Center Initiative. And then

  • following the presentations, we'll have a question and answer session where the panelists

  • will address questions submitted by the audience, closing remarks, and finally a brief survey.

  • This slide provides a bit of background in terms of how the Solution Center came to be.

  • The Solutions Center is one of 13 initiatives of the Clean Energy Ministerial that was launched

  • in April of 2011 and is primarily led by Australia, the United States, and other CEM partners.

  • Outcomes of this unique initiative include support of developing countries in emerging

  • economies through enhancement of resources on policies relating to energy access, no

  • cost expert policy assistance, and peer-to-peer learning and training tools, such as the webinar

  • you are attending today.

  • The Solutions Center has four primary goals. It serves as a clearing house of clean energy

  • policy resources, it serves to share policy best practices data and analysis tools specific

  • to clean energy policies and programs. It delivers dynamic services that enable expert

  • assistance, learning, and peer-to-peer sharing of experiences. And finally, the solutions

  • center fosters dialogue and emerging policy issues and innovation around the globe. Our

  • primary audience is energy policy makers and analysts from governments and technical organizations

  • in all countries, but we also strive to engage with the private sector, NGOs, and civil society.

  • A marquee feature that the Solution Center provides is a no-cost expert policy assistance

  • known as Ask an Expert. The Ask an Expert program has established a broad team of over

  • 30 experts from around the globe who are available to provide remote policy advice and analysis

  • to all countries at no cost. For example, in the area of enterprise development and

  • microfinance, we are very pleased to have Ellen Morris, president and founder of Sustainable

  • Energy Solutions, serving as one of our experts.

  • She will have a need for policy assistance and clean energy enterprise development in

  • microfinance or any other clean energy sector. We encourage you to use this valuable service.

  • Again, the assistance is provided free of charge. If you have a question for our experts,

  • please submit it through our simple online forum at,

  • or to find out how the Ask an Expert service can benefit your work, please contact Sean

  • Esterly directly at, or call him at 303-384-7436. We also invite

  • you to spread the word about this service to those in your networks and organizations.

  • And now I'd like to go ahead and provide brief introductions for today's panelists. First

  • up today is Rana Adib. Rana is the research coordinator at REN21 and has assisted with

  • the annual production of the REN21 Renewables Global Status Report. Today, Rana will provide

  • an overview of the key findings from the status report. Following Rana, we'll hear from Fabiani

  • Appavou. Fabiani is a consultant at REN21 working on the development of a distributed

  • renewable energy data collection, namely in developing countries. He also supports the

  • work and research of REN21 in developing renewable energy and energy efficiency regional status

  • report for Africa.

  • Fabiani will be providing an overview of Renewables Global Status Reports' finding as they specifically

  • relate to distributed energy. And now with those introductions, I'd like to go ahead

  • and welcome our first speaker, Rana, to the webinar. Rana, whenever you're ready.

  • >> RANA ADIB: Hello everybody. I hope that you can see my screen and also hear my voice.

  • I'm very happy to have the opportunity to present the Renewables Global Status Report

  • with a particular focus on distributed renewable energy for energy access in developing countries

  • just because that's really a field which is rising a lot, but is also causing specific

  • challenges in the work we are conducting. So very quickly on REN21, REN21 is a multi-stakeholder

  • network dedicated to the rapid uptake of renewable energy worldwide. It's a network where we're,

  • different stakeholder groups are working together. It's NGOs and all society industry associations,

  • national governments, international organization, and science and academia.

  • I underlined the fact that it's multi-stakeholder network and also this network character because

  • all our activities are really done in a very collaborative approach. REN21 produces every

  • year the Renewables Global Status Report. The report, the 2015 edition was launched

  • in June at the Vienna Energy Firm and was the tenth edition. Again here, the way the

  • report is produced is really reflecting very much the structure of REN21 because it's a

  • joint effort of approximately 500 contributors, researchers, reviewers worldwide. We have

  • different features here focusing on a general overview about renewable energy and power

  • heating and cooling and transferred.

  • Then there is a section on market and industry trends on the specific renewable energy technologies,

  • on investment flow. This is a work undertaking in collaboration with UNEP Frankfurt School

  • and Bloomberg Energy Finance. So we are basically presenting a summary here. Obviously, a section

  • on policy landscape, and we have a specific faction on distributed renewable energy for

  • our energy access. Just because we think it's an area which is not that well known, there

  • is more and more information on energy access, but not the specific role of renewable energy

  • for in this field. And so that's the reason why we have a specific section for that. The

  • GSR 2015 for the first time featured a section on energy efficiency just to really underline

  • the need to think renewable energy and energy efficiency jointly. There is no way to reach

  • basically a sustainable energy for all goals on renewable energy shares without including

  • the demand side.

  • Every year, there is a changing feature. This year, it was on using renewables for climate

  • change adaptation in view of the COP in Paris. Next year, there will be a feature on community

  • energy. The report covers all renewable energy technologies, power heating and cooling and

  • transfer sector, and energy efficiency. We don't do any forecasts. There is no real analysis.

  • It's really about the status of renewable energy. Now let me take you through some,

  • before taking you through some numbers, I would also like to mention the fact that we

  • are, since a couple of years producing original renewable energy and energy efficiency status

  • reports because the field is getting so large that we really see that there is a need for

  • regional efforts on data collection on having regional strategies.

  • Last year, we launched November report on the ECOWAS region, and there is a couple of

  • upcoming reports, one on [inaudible] South African Development Community, one on UNECE,

  • and in early probably first quarter of 2016 on the East African Community. The data collected

  • in this GSR effort and in the regional reports are also presented on a web portal, which

  • allows for, facilitates basically the access to the information at the country level. Now

  • let me take you through some numbers. Generally, what we can say if we look at the decade of

  • renewables, the last decade on renewable evolution, renewables really surpassed all expectations.

  • There is a global and sole capacity production from all renewable technologies have increased

  • substantially, and basically, they have, yeah, the expectations have been surpassed and nobody,

  • yeah. Nobody really expected such a rise. This is very much linked to significant cost

  • reductions for most technologies. What we also see, however, that policy frameworks

  • play a very important and crucial role throughout the world. If we have a look at the renewable

  • energy in the world, what we can say is in 2013, and this is not a data of 2014 because

  • such care data is really not available in such a timely manner.

  • The share of renewables presented 19.1% of global final energy consumption. The share

  • of modern renewable energy increased up to 10.1%. What is important here is to keep in

  • mind that one of the objectives under SE4All is to also move basically the share from traditional

  • biomass towards modern bio-energy use, which really means an improvement of the energy

  • service in many developing countries in rural areas. We need to see these figures, again,

  • basically the rising energy demand. Global fine energy consumption has increased by about

  • 1.5% annually in recent years, and this is primarily driven by developing countries,

  • which also mean that there is really a need to look more on the renewable energy play

  • in these countries.

  • The good news of this year that despite the rising energy use for the first time for decades,

  • the global carbon emissions associated with energy consumption, this is really a result

  • of renewable energy deployment and energy efficiency measures. Let's look at the champions.

  • In terms of investment in renewable power and fuels, and this is not including hydropower

  • larger than 50 megawatts. China, the US, Japan, the UK, and Germany were the leader.

  • What is very interesting here is if you look at the investment relative to annual GDP,

  • we will have a completely different type of countries appearing. It's [inaudible], Kenya,

  • Honduras, Jordan, and Uruguay. And this is really important to keep in mind because it

  • shows that these countries really can be force runners in renewable energy deployment. In

  • terms of total capacity, what is interesting again is that, I mean you have, again, the

  • big countries, China, the US, Brazil, Germany, and Canada in this case, including hydropower.

  • However, when we have this relative to per capita data, we will see a list of Denmark,

  • Germany, Sweden, Spain, and Portugal, which are all European countries, and this can definitely

  • be explained by the fact that these countries have since a long time a very stable policy

  • framework providing good opportunities to develop renewables.

  • Now what we clearly see so I mentioned we're looking into the role of renewables in the

  • different sectors, in the power sector, renewables or, renewable energy development is really

  • the most dynamic in the power sector. Here renewables account for 27.7% of the global

  • power generation capacity and 22.8% of global electricity demand. What is very interesting

  • here is to see that this year, and it's for the first time, renewables made up to 59%

  • of the net additions to global power capacity and surpassed, basically, the additions in

  • the, the net additions in the coal, in the fossil fuel market, so that's really very

  • interesting news.

  • What is also interesting to keep in mind is when we are thinking about, and this is less

  • linked to distributed renewables, but still something important to keep in mind. When

  • we're thinking about the integration of a rival renewables, which is often mentioned

  • still as a major challenge on renewable energy during deployment. We see that when power,

  • for example, met approximately 40% of electricity demand in Denmark, 27% in Portugal, 21% in

  • Nicaragua. Solar PV capacity end of 2014 was enough to meet eight% of electricity demand

  • in Italy, 7.6 in Greece and 7 in Germany.

  • So there is, it is possible to have renewable energy at large [inaudible] here is also grid

  • connected ones. When we are looking now at the heating and cooling market, energy used

  • for heat accounted for about half of total world final energy consumption in 2014, which

  • shows that it's extremely important to really focus also on the heating and cooling sector.

  • Approximately eight% of the global heat demand was covered by renewable energy, by modern

  • renewable energy.

  • It's much more complicated to have real assessment and quantitative data on the share of traditional

  • biomass to this demand just because of the very decentralized and non-traded aspect of

  • the sector. The trends are clearly that there is a growing interest, although advanced systems

  • represent still a small fraction of the global market. There is loss potential, but there

  • is really compared to the power market rather a slow growth in this field. This is really

  • something which is to underline because it means that policy makers need to give it more

  • attention because having developed renewable energy, heating and cooling is really key

  • for the energy transition.

  • In the transport sector, we have a similar situation as in the heating sector. Renewables

  • accounted for an estimated 3.5% of global energy demand for road transfer in 2013 up

  • from two% in 2007. The primary focus today still lies on liquid biofuels, whether we're

  • looking to markets in these trained policies. However, what we see trend wise is really

  • the development of gaseous fuels and electricity which are not always directly linked to renewables,

  • but allow to really create pathways to integrate renewables into transportation.

  • I will not go into detail in all different renewable energy technology, but really focus

  • on the ones which are also relevant for distributed renewables. So when we are looking into wind

  • power, there is a total global capacity of 51 gigawatts, which was, no, sorry, of 370

  • gigawatts, and 51 gigawatt have been added in 2014. Compared to 2014, there is a 44%

  • increase, or in 2014, there was a 44% increase over 2013 markets. This is really a very,

  • very dynamic market, which is growing recently. Interestingly by the end of 2014, there were

  • at least 85 countries that had seen commercial wind activities. Seventy-four of them with

  • an install capacity of larger than ten megawatt, and 24 of them even larger than one gigawatt.

  • So wind is really a mainstream technology in the energy landscape. When it comes to,

  • 77 gigawatt. What is very interesting that more than 60% of all PV capacities in operations

  • worldwide were added over the past three years, and this is mainly due to significant and

  • unexpected cost reductions, which really, I mean costs some challenges in terms of policy

  • framework, so there were countries with really reduced their policy support for PV. However,

  • the, it also creates many opportunities because PV is now a technology which is cost efficient,

  • also, and applicable for distributed renewable energy activities in developing countries,

  • and find in ways to other applications.

  • When we look at the regional developments, we clearly see that Asia eclipse of all markets

  • and account for approximately 60% of global additions. Obviously with China, very active,

  • and in China, we also see that there is a strong increase in large scale power plants.

  • Bio-energy. So by the total primary energy demand from bio-mass was approximately of

  • 16,000 to 150 terawatt hours. Bio-mass was used to produce an estimated 12,500 terawatt

  • hours of heat, and the bio-power capacity increased by an estimated five gigawatt in

  • 2014, reaching a total of 93 gigawatt. What we see is that the split up is a larger is

  • linked to solid bio-mass, part of it them to municipal solid waste, bio-gas, and a little

  • part for bio-fuels, which are rather used in the transfer sector.

  • Here we clearly have a major challenge, which is have good, timely, continuous reliable

  • data. Again, bioenergy is really very decentralized in its use and its application. There are

  • multiple pathways from different sources to different energy uses. The energy carriers

  • are very often not traded, so it's a major challenge to have good data, and especially

  • with regard to the use of renewables, also for distributed renewables. There is a need

  • that the international community and all players really work together to improve the data citation

  • here. I took the example of solar panel heating and cooling just because it's really also

  • important to look into the heating and cooling market, and we see that for some technologies

  • which are decentralized, it's however possible to have better data and good data. So solar

  • panel heating and cooling reach a cumulative capacity of 374, sorry, here is an error.

  • I'm sorry for that.

  • Let me check this. I will need to check this because I'm not sure about the cumulative

  • capacity if the installed capacities, yes, oh, sorry. There is no error. The installed

  • capacity was 374.7 gigawatt thermal, and we had an increase in 2014 of 44 gigawatt thermal.

  • China account for nearly 81% of global market, so there is again a real focus on Asia. Technology

  • wise, there's a focus more and more on glaze water collectors. There was also slowdown

  • in market growth in 2014 which continued here, and this is really very much linked to the

  • distributed nature of that market on the one side, but also the reduced costs in power

  • technologies, renewable power technologies which basically make end users and project

  • developers choose, for instance, PV wind geothermal with heat pumps as an alternative to solar

  • panel.

  • So what we clearly need to keep in mind is that renewable energy offers not only, yeah,

  • offers many possibilities, also economic opportunities to create jobs and renewables so that global

  • employment continue to increase with originally estimated 7.7 million direct or indirect jobs

  • in renewable energy industry. The global wind power employment cross the one million jobs

  • threshold in 2014. Here again when it comes to jobs in distributed renewables in developing

  • countries, this is something where arena really puts a lot of effort in improving the data

  • situation, but it's again very decentralized and it really means that we need to all work

  • together to improve the data situation.

  • The global investment and renewable energy in 2014 is estimated to 270.2 billion USD.

  • This is including, if we include the hydropower, large hydropower, it reached the 301 billion

  • USD. The reasons for increase is really the increased solar power installations in China

  • and Japan, the investment in solar wind up 25%, and interest, also to manage it is really

  • the record investment in offshore wind projects in Europe.

  • So solar power and wind were the leading technologies by far in terms of dollar committed, with

  • solar power accounting for 55% in new investment, wind 36.8%, and what is also important to mention that in

  • 2014, more than a quarter of new investment in renewable energy went to small scale projects,

  • particularly to solar PV. So this is really an indication that dairy markets, such as

  • distributed renewable energy markets, are gaining. When we are looking at the investment

  • and the regional split up, we see real different. So variations here. In Europe, because of

  • the reduced or decreasing positive policy frameworks in some countries, investment decreased,

  • and what we clearly see is that the Asian countries are rising significantly.

  • When we are comparing developed countries towards developing countries, there is, I

  • mean 138.9 billion investment in developed countries versus 131.3 billion in developing

  • countries. However, if we see the increase in developed countries, it was a 3%, but of

  • 36% in developing countries. All that is possible. So what we clearly see is policy frameworks,

  • regulatory frameworks are key to retrainable energy deployment, so when we're looking at

  • the map, there is clearly a positive trend because there is more and more countries,

  • these other ones in red which have policies and targets. The dark orange are the ones

  • with only policies, no targets, or no data. The light ones are with targets and no policies,

  • and then we have some gray ones for which either there's no policy or target or no data

  • available.

  • The trend we can really see is that there is more and more countries are choosing more

  • complex I'd say policy design, so there is the targets. Targets are really used as, yeah,

  • dynamic tool I'd say to push policy frameworks. But they are, to date, they are really linked

  • to policy measures. One thing to mention here is that counting the policies is obviously

  • not enough to really assess the effectiveness and efficiency of policies. So there are 164

  • countries with renewable energy targets, 145 with renewable energy policies in place, and

  • when we're looking here at the different types of policies, what we clearly see again is

  • that it's again the power market which is presented here in the bluish colors which

  • attract the policy makers' interest more. So it's a main focus.

  • With the feed-in tariffs being the most popular type of policies, then we also see an increase

  • of net metering and net building policies. Now we, as I mentioned before, we have a specific

  • section on distributed renewable energy in developing countries. What we see is that

  • renewable energy clearly play an important role in the energy access improvements, and

  • in 2014, the situation was still that 15% of the global population still lack any access

  • to an electricity grid. 2.9 billion people lack access to cleaner forms of cooking. There

  • is an increasing awareness of it that distributed renewable energy systems really offer a great

  • opportunity to accelerate the transition to modern energy service.

  • This is certainly due to the increased cost competitiveness, but also to the fact that

  • renewable energy projects can be pulled up much, much quicker than fossil fuel projects,

  • that there is a certain, that there is a flexibility, that there are, that it offers solution for

  • local sub-national strategies. We see here that very clearly there is big differences,

  • big regional differences when it comes to the electricity access situation and the access

  • to clean cooking. What we also see is that these topics are predominantly rural challenges

  • still, rural peri-urban challenges, but rather rural with 87% and 83% also population of

  • the population, yeah, sorry, but I guess you got to this.

  • A challenging situation here is that there is really little quantitative information

  • on distributed renewable energy markets. There is a lot of qualitative information. There

  • is a lot of case studies, success stories, more and more information on energy access,

  • but it really comes to the specific role of install capacity, energy output based on renewable

  • energy. It's quite challenging. The information which is available however really shows, indicates

  • that the markets are significant. For instance, there is information floating around that

  • say 64 billion USD of investments have been took place, basically, on off grid solar PV.

  • What we also see from the information we could collect is that there are huge regional differences.

  • For instance, if we look at Sub-Saharan African, excluding South Africa, there is an installed

  • renewable energy power capacity of 23 gigawatt, and this is less than one-third of the renewable

  • energy power capacity installed in India. On the other hand, we have huge success stories

  • like in Bangladesh where three million solar home systems are operational, and of May 2014,

  • and they are electrifying 9% of the country's population. So it also show that when there

  • are large scale programs with good frameworks it is really possible to make it a real significant

  • market which is great for energy access, but also great for renewable energy, investment,

  • and industry.

  • Otherwise, we see the trend that there is an increasing involvement of private sector,

  • increased recognition of the rule of renewable energy that this place for energy access.

  • Especially also because of the cost competitiveness, and that as a result, there is uptake in off-grid

  • renewable energy programs, and partly even the creation of specific distributed renewable

  • energy institutions in some countries. In the last years, we started just because of

  • on our side, we really had a certain frustration on the lack of quantitative data because this

  • quantitative data is really important to attract investors, renewable energy investors to these

  • markets.

  • So we started really to collaborate with different organizations and start collecting data to

  • at least have some indications on what's ongoing in the countries, how much systems have been

  • installed, how much it might represent in terms of installed capacities and renewable

  • energy capacities. This is an effort we really want to strengthen over the next coming years,

  • and Fabiani will talk more about this. So looking at the renewable energy development,

  • the overall conclusion is that the renewable energy can continue to grow in 2014 against

  • the backdrop of increasing global energy consumption and a dramatic decline of our prices in the

  • second half of 2014.

  • The very positive message is really that CO2 growth has decoupled. Economic and CO2 growth

  • has decoupled, which is a record for renewables in energy efficiency. What is still important

  • is clearly to have long-term and stable policy framework, which can adapt to changing environment,

  • and this is specifically linked also to the cost reduction. So there is really a need

  • that these policy frameworks can adapt to these technology developments, market industry

  • developments.

  • However, it is extremely important to create and maintain a stability, because otherwise

  • you're risking to have full sectors industries going down. There is a need for greater attention

  • for heating and cooling in the transferred sector, and there is clearly a need to improve

  • the information on distributed renewable energy markets in developing countries. I would just

  • like to have a very quick outlook on what we specifically plan on distributed renewables

  • in the next upcoming global status report, so the objective clearly is to portray the

  • distributed renewable energy market using qualitative and quantitative data, and to

  • also highlight the importance and growing role of this renewable energy market segment.

  • The [inaudible] are in October 2015, we will start the collection of country and regional

  • information. We will also start the collection of quantitative data for 2014 more at the

  • program project industries level. In January, there will be an expert review of the distributed

  • renewable energy section, and in February, we will ask for an update of quantitative

  • data for 2015. I think I did, forgot to mention this in the beginning. We really aim to have

  • continuous and very timely data, so in 2016 in the upcoming GSR 2016, we will report on

  • 2015 developments. This is really a call to participate. Don't

  • hesitate to contact us. I'm pretty sure you have information and pieces of the puzzle

  • which will allow us to really portray the overall picture. Thank you very much, and

  • I'm available for questions at the end of the Q&A session.

  • >> TIM REBER: Great, thank you so much, Rana. I really appreciate that great overview. We

  • do certainly ask that everybody in attendance feel free to ask questions for Rana. We're

  • collecting those and will be saving them to the end. So in the meantime, we'll be moving

  • right on to Fabiani. So Fabiani, whenever you're ready, go ahead.

  • >> FABIANI APPAVOU: Thank you. So since I [inaudible] good morning or good afternoon

  • to everyone who is joining us for this webinar, so I think at my place right now, I think

  • it's more kind of good night. So building on what Rana has been presenting, I'm going

  • to kind of stress on a distributor being an image port for energy access, and as my presentation

  • kind of title says, it's about tracking shadows in the sense that we are kind of tracking

  • pieces of a puzzle. We kind of know that there's a big potential for it, but the figure is

  • kind of shows that kind of data have been developing shows that yeah, it is playing

  • a big part into the whole [inaudible] for all paradigm, but still we're struggling and

  • we are facing kind of lots of challenges in how to get through this data, how to kind

  • of like compile this data, and how to report this data in such a way that it portrays at

  • the end of the day the right information.

  • So my first slide is about a bit of an idea of energy access situation. I think Rana had

  • talk about it earlier about whether proper tracking firm would have been saying in 2012

  • we had 1.1 billion people still lacking electricity, and 2.9 billion people still lacking access

  • to clean and [inaudible] cooking fuel. And building on ways what we have seen is in the

  • past two years for 2010 to 2012, it has been some kind of improvement in providing energy

  • access to people around the world. Things are moving on for sure, but according to experts

  • in the field, things are not moving fast enough so that we can reach the target of energy

  • access for all. Universal energy access for all. According

  • to the [inaudible], what we have seen is like okay, so we have a big challenge to meet,

  • but how do we meet that challenge? And according to a study about the IEA, at 2030, it said

  • that like 70% of the people currently lacking energy access would be served for decentralized

  • system. The reason for this can be numerous, but I think everyone would agree that one

  • of the two reasons is because implication of it. One of the main reasons why people

  • are lacking energy access would be the cost implication of governments investing into

  • expanding their grid.

  • At times, [inaudible] need to be expanded in [inaudible] outer wage. Always think by

  • example of the Philippines, which are composed of different regions and different islands,

  • and it's quite difficult at times to have - [inaudible] tricks into EIS, which are mountainous,

  • out of reach, or to the extent of which to an island where only like 120 people. So it's

  • not like economically feasible to do so. So one of a key element to providing energy access

  • to them is for decentralized energy. Second point is for, five kind of points is that

  • for universal access, 55% of all new power until 2030, we've come from decentralized

  • energy sources. And the part that I like, we [inaudible], and that is philosophized.

  • But 90% of it will be from renewables. Just portray the whole picture of where we're going.

  • Decentralized energy from renewables. And of all the investment that will be needed

  • by 2030 to achieve universal access, 64% will be enough grid and mini-grid. Technologies.

  • I want to really work on best picture because I think it kind of just tells the story on

  • what needs to be done, what needs to be achieved, and where we need to invest. One thing that

  • I quite like about this figure is particularly of a bar chart where the green part shows

  • isolated upgrade and the kind of pink part shows the mini-grid.

  • And we say that around the world, we have exception of [inaudible] in America perhaps,

  • but in Sub-Saharan Africa where it is in India, or in a part of Asia Pacific, we see that

  • like isolated off grid and mini grids which many composed a part of distributed renewable

  • energy in terms of [inaudible] wherever they need to be invested so as to provide energy

  • access to people around the world. At the same time, just keeping in mind this part

  • that we are moving forward, a lot of progress is being made.

  • But at the same time, to reach that goal of universal energy access by 2035. Sorry. So

  • we need to move a bit faster, a bit more in that particular field. I would say if the

  • IEA kind of like submits that we need 700 billion, some kind of study that shows that

  • we may need less, like ten times less, and we can achieve in a universal energy access

  • in less time, like ten years earlier by really going for distributed energy, you know, just

  • [inaudible] technologies. I think those studies, maybe you can question the figures and portion

  • from a [inaudible], but at the end of the day, it just shows the wishful thinking for

  • sure, but it shows the end of the [inaudible] people trying to make things happen. And as

  • one of it was saying earlier, if you look back in time, ten years back, who would say

  • that like renewable energy itself would be playing such a big role nowadays.

  • Ten years back, people were saying it's kind of expensive, it's kind of not feasible yet,

  • need to wait and see. But now it's just booming. And if you look at a situation about DRE,

  • it's kind of the same thing. Not so much interest like three or four years ago. It was just

  • only being done by charities in two countries or to invest like provide energy access to

  • schools or hospitals, but nowadays, it has become major to provide electricity and clean

  • cooking, fuel, to millions of people around the world.

  • So you have seen the potential for DRE, especially for image access, and as portrayed already

  • by Rana and her slides, there is massive growing market there, and there's, just take some

  • more figure, but really rough figure about submitting off grid solar. We see that like

  • off grid solar compared what was invested last year for only the month of January of

  • this year has been like almost half of [inaudible] already been invested. Some piece industry

  • I would say studies cannot portray that for market for off grid liking products in Africa

  • has kind of like booming. Like [inaudible] what provinces. And that only represents 5%

  • of a potential market in that particular continent. So I mean 5.4 million products sold in 2014

  • and only 5% of a potential market.

  • So there's massive role to improve massive role, invest massive role for any kind of

  • like private sector industries to going to that particular market into that. The diagram

  • on which, on the bottom of slide kind of shows a number of customers for [inaudible] utilities

  • around [inaudible]. And it's quite interesting to see big names like Ena or EDF, OEN, Overton

  • 4. And so really big utilities around the world. And we have a particular one which

  • is like lying down of the ninth position. Maybe it's Delight, which is one company which

  • is kind of special tasking to solar off grid systems, mainly solar lighting systems and

  • solar home systems. And to see that like for a particular company, which is meant for gasses

  • on distributed or decentralized renewable energy systems, we found we got them out of

  • customers, and I would say the top ten companies around the world in terms of utilities shows

  • how the market is growing and how the market is proving to be a key player in the coming

  • years.

  • Some key figures which I'm sure most of you have come across for your research, for your

  • readings, or just in the news, so along the way, it's estimated that like 26 million household

  • are currently being served by off-grid renewable energy. Twenty-eight million people have been

  • provided with solar lighting according to figures from the lighting program, which is

  • an IFC World Bank initiative. And in Bangladesh, where I was saying earlier about like some

  • nine to 10% of the population currently served by solar home systems.

  • What has been observed in the past month is like every month, like 60,000 sort of home

  • systems being deployed. And I'll come back to Bangladesh later on because I've pointed

  • out it's a very good example of what is being done to provide energy access to a population

  • for distributed renewable energy. And how the market is booming and how the market is

  • really growing and maturing. And if you go, I mean I was saying across the news, everywhere

  • you'd come across figures telling you that something is being invested in distributed

  • or off-grid renewable energy, I feel like the figures is all about how many systems

  • are being active, the tech [inaudible] for example, we want to achieve one million solar

  • homes. If you take, for example, institution of Ghana, which aims at 200,000 solar systems

  • in the next five years, they will want to kind of invest and provide solar energy panel

  • to a million people in its country.

  • And USAID had just announced last month that it is investing 41 million in India on off

  • grid renewable energy. So figures are quite big, figures are quite impressive, and figures

  • quite rightly portrays economic situation, a growing market, for DRE political, providing

  • energies. So building up what we have seen, mainly that we have a need, and we have kind

  • of recognition nowadays, [inaudible] a strategy to go forward and provide access while it

  • is electricity where it is for clean cooking solutions to people to billions of people

  • around the world. We also have this particular situation where we have some kind of fragments,

  • some kinds of piece of a puzzle of what is really happening and what role kind of renewables

  • full distributed renewable energy systems are playing.

  • And [inaudible]_ because it kind of shows what kind of a shadow paradox. In a sense

  • when have some kind of light energy emitting light in one direction. On the other side,

  • it causes a shadow. This I think kind of represent the situation right now when it comes to DRE

  • data that is distributed renewable energy data. On one side, which is the kind where

  • it's costing light, we have things like some six million household installed solar home

  • systems installed worldwide. In one country like Kenya, solar lanterns are provided lighting

  • to some 12% of the population. In just [inaudible] in 2009, it was only 2%. In Bangladesh right

  • now, as you have said, it's 9% or 10% of a population. I think it is for [inaudible]

  • with 3.8 million solar home systems installed in that country.

  • And on the other side, we can't really have [inaudible] of a role of DRE, mainly in terms

  • of how many megawatt or kilowatt has been installed. What is the current generation,

  • and what is the current share of DRE in the renewable energy market in particular continents

  • in particular region, and worldwide, and what is the role being played by DRE in kind of

  • boosting and booming [inaudible] segment in those region. So it's a bit kind of a paradox.

  • On one side, we have lots of formation of what is being achieved in terms of tangible

  • stuff, but on the other side, one of a [inaudible] proving it. So renewable energy providing

  • that light, renewable energy providing clean [inaudible] solutions to people. On the other

  • side, we can freely quantify what is that role of renewable energies today, what is,

  • how much is that segment quite significant? And this data [inaudible] has earlier been

  • kind of portrayed and highlighted in a study made by Rana of renewable energy. Well the

  • two main conclusions are that we have a growing market, which I have just seen the key figures

  • in this previous slide, but there is kind of an effort that is needed. You cannot portray

  • and develop [inaudible] able and up-to-date data sets on DRE, and this is an energy that

  • is needed right now. So this can be done for two steps, whether kind of informal data from

  • basic actors and stakeholders investing in the, in [inaudible] countries and at country

  • level, and this is where I'm going to consider a little bit later on how country statistics

  • can be improved and what is being done to improve country statistics on renewable energy

  • and of data.

  • So one of the key issue are I don't really have a good picture and a good overview of

  • the DRE market is because first of all, we have a lack of country reporting and consolidation

  • to try their assistance. Just like if I take 15 years ago, we had a lack of reporting mechanism

  • and kind of collection mechanism on DRE systems. So country statistics were created capturing

  • what was happening in the renewable energy world. Right now, we have the same thing for

  • DRE systems. And one of two reasons for this is particularly that country statistics, you

  • look at systems that are kind of more than one megawatt installed capacity. So if you

  • take the case of DRE systems, we're talking about [inaudible] systems, and those are not

  • less captured within the country statistic spot. Also lack of reporting from donors,

  • from private sector, from NGOs, or from industries.

  • On their activities, on their initiatives under their projects. Although I must say

  • that in the past couple of months, one of the things we've seen while working a particular

  • field is that it's not really a lack of reporting as such because we do report internally, it's

  • a lack of sharing that information wherever. And we have that information somewhere, but

  • we have to dig to get it, or we have information in a nonconsolidated way. So there is some

  • kind of screening in a way that [inaudible]. I was saying the forecast has been on the

  • end rather than on the means, the end being providing energy access to people. So how

  • many people do we provide an edge to, how many people are being served by a particular

  • system? How many people are being provided with electricity

  • or lighting? How many people are now being able to cook with a clean cooking solution?

  • Well the means is about the source for renewable energy that is being used in most cases. So

  • we focus rather on the [inaudible], but not on the means of doing it. And [inaudible]

  • put a picture in terms of impact. So X amount of people is being provided X, that represent

  • X amount of a population is being provided with energy access. It doesn't give credit

  • over renewable energy in that particular field. And what it does, actually, what it may do,

  • it may actually undermine the whole world of renewable energy because we focus on okay,

  • yes, we are providing energy access for systems, for distributed systems to people.

  • But for what means? Since we don't have the data quantify of the mean, the part of a mean

  • is being kind of put aside. And it's quite funny to think in an interview in The Financial

  • Times two weeks or one week ago, one of the head of the World Coal Association was kind

  • of like putting forward a case for the use of coal actually to come back in energy property.

  • And I was just looking at the way he was portraying his argument. I was saying that I already

  • have the figures to show that no matter how much renewable energy is being, what role

  • and how much renewable energy is actually being used to provide energy access in the

  • world and how much renewable energy has provided with [inaudible] and how much progress actually

  • has been made, it's due to renewable energy. That will undermine all of his arguments he

  • was putting forward in his article. And the other reason is that at times, we might have

  • data from a current study from something for one that has no job on it. That data comes

  • let's say for 2012. You look at the same data for 2014, there is just not update on that

  • data. At times, it did not really are able, in the sense that we have contributing data

  • for, from, maybe from a same source or same country or same project. So I was saying one

  • major implication of having those data gaps on the [inaudible] market is that we don't

  • have a proper understanding of market dynamics, and really the role played by renewable energy

  • in providing energy access.

  • And this can kind of like prohibit some decision-making in putting the right policy instrument or

  • right frameworks in the right enabling environment to attract and [inaudible] investment in this

  • particular sector. Just a little reporting of something that happened last week. I was

  • actually in a meeting talking about energy, and in, it all concerned a country that would

  • face, that had huge, a huge problem, huge challenge in the coming years, which is a

  • blackout situation. That country for the past couple years had been investing large in renewable

  • energy. There was a clean way of going that was more renewable energy.

  • The simple fact that there was this blackout issue that was coming popping up, this did

  • make, there was some kind of shift in the way policy makers were reacting in the sense

  • that they were no more looking about how can we increase our capacity for renewable energy,

  • how can we make this renewable energy more progress and boom in our country, but whatever

  • the key question was more about okay, how do we produce more, how do we [inaudible]

  • blackout. Irrespective from what we were doing, irrespective of the sources we're using. So

  • what I'm trying to say is that like when you lack the data to reassure what is the role

  • of which technology and how it can play a role to serve many other programs that you

  • may have, what happens is you are often put it aside.

  • But as I think Einstein would say, if you don't, never did I, if you can't measure a

  • problem, if one can't measure a solution that can be put forward to serve a program, we're

  • never going to be able to make a change for it. That's the paradox that we have. Renewable

  • energy actually from the data, from the present pieces that we have, is playing a big role

  • in the energy access market, but actually we can't really quantify how much. We can

  • for some projects, we can for some countries, but not for a particular region, not for a

  • whole world. And I kind of love that side because it just kind of portray one of the

  • key message for, we tried to do at REN21 over the past couple months and over the past couple

  • years through the GSR and particularly on a chapter on DRE.

  • So the top picture is [inaudible], and what is quite interesting for us, it's like we

  • almost see the same image of a moon where I felt we are on the planet, and whatever

  • we do, we kind of see the same image of the moon most of the time. And the picture of

  • a button is a [inaudible] released picture from NASA which actually portrayed the other

  • side of the moon, the part that we don’t see. Kind of like a satellite which was moving

  • away and just turn around and had this picture, and just say that okay, we had a picture of

  • a moon first, and we knew that it was here. And we kind of used to how it was. When we

  • look at the side, we had another kind of like perspective.

  • And in DRE, it's the same thing. What we are trying to kind of like change if initiatives

  • at REN21, like is really change, have a look at the other side of the moon. So we have

  • been used to people telling us we have X amount of solar home systems, we have X amount of

  • solar lighting, we have X, we have X amount of people being served by many grids, and

  • many grid could be biomass or biogas based, hydro based, or solar based. But we are trying

  • to see the other side of it. It's how much megawatt, how much kilowatt does that represent,

  • and how does it fit within the whole energy strategy of a country.

  • And I won't spend too much time on this one because I think Rana has quite covered that

  • bit, but saying that we have a particular section which talks about distributed renewable

  • energy for energy access, which given the second sensors, given the data available,

  • purely and solely can concentrate on providing that information about how many people for

  • sure will illustrate what kind of technology is being used, what kind of new technology

  • can be used for different segments, for lighting, for cooking, for providing higher grade level,

  • to move along for energy level. What kind of like systems renewable energy base can

  • be used. And we have done for the past edition of energy, so we have tried to contact donors,

  • we have tried to contact international organizations, private sector people, industries, and tried

  • to get the data from them.

  • Okay, you are working that particular country, you are working a particular region, you are

  • working on providing energy access, and most of the time, what you're working on is based

  • on renewable energy. So how much are you kind of like working with, and at the start, I

  • had been working, I say, "Okay, we literally work, we will really be able to gather data

  • from people maybe who don't have the data maybe because from our side, we haven't seen

  • much reporting." Maybe data that doesn't exist, and what you have seen is massive. You look

  • at the table, actually, I think it's once over five or seven big, I think Rana may correct

  • me afterwards, but of data we have been able to gather for different regions of [inaudible].

  • And it was quite amusing the response that we did get. It was like massive we are able

  • and truly tremendous data showing what we sense we usually had a feeling about all the

  • growing market in the DRE segment. But what was quite frustrating at the end of the day,

  • it's like let's say if you take the case of Mozambique, for example, even the data that

  • we have on different units of the data that we have, oh, not even the same unit or does

  • it cover the same kind of technology, or they are not in a consolidated manner being portrayed

  • here or rather than by projects or by initiative. One of, able really to innovate let's say

  • for solar in Mozambique. We have X amount for DRE, and we know that we have let's say

  • ten megawatt of solar that [inaudible], but just for illustration.

  • We have ten megawatt of solar installed in Mozambique, and out of it, four is from DRE

  • systems. This kind of information is what you're trying to portray, but we are kind

  • of struggling with it to portray in that particular way.

  • >> TIM REBER: Fabiani, sorry, we're just starting to get a little conscious of time, and we

  • would like to try and save some time at the end for questions. So start to wrap up in

  • the next five or ten minutes, leave at least a little time here for questions, that'd be

  • great.

  • >> FABIANI APPAVOU: That's good. That works.

  • >> TIM REBER: Thank you.

  • >> FABIANI APPAVOU: So I think I have five or six slides coming, so that will be coming.

  • I was talking about this other side of the DRE market. If you talk about Bangladesh,

  • if you talk about the [inaudible] people installed, 15 million people being provided with solar

  • system, roughly 10%. But then if we dig further and we dig through the national authority

  • in charge of providing energy access, this [inaudible] have a figure for making it work.

  • It's 155 megawatt currently. And actually want to provide energy access to everyone

  • at REN21, which kind of represent 24 gigawatt to be installed by that time. We are to expect

  • 10%.

  • So we can say that for particular market, but like Bangladesh, we do have the figures

  • available. Same thing for India. India actually has a very good country statistic system in

  • place. For sure we can say that like there's much improvement in terms of providing the

  • data in terms of megawatt or gigawatt for solar power, but at least there's some kind

  • of accounting being made about how many has been installed in each and every state of

  • the country.

  • Same thing for Ghana. I think if you go through all the SFO documents about country action

  • agent over [inaudible], you see that like in those documents, there are lots of information

  • on number of megawatt installed capacity for solar for instance in Ghana. And the fact

  • that those information are being complied and available just shows that the data are

  • not so scarce. It's not really any issue about it's not being collected or, but just we are

  • not aware. We need to dig for it, and the energy some kind of assistance to get information

  • from the other side of the moon to the side that we can see.

  • Same thing for a company like Delight, which is very much involved now on 60 countries

  • I believe in providing solar lighting portable systems. And if it kind of like [inaudible]

  • by saying that like we have that 50, one million people, and so on, one people, 1.1 billion

  • in terms of energy expenses, we have [inaudible] about 81 gigawatt hour of electricity generated.

  • So again, we can have the data. On the other side, we have companies such as Solar Aid

  • who just portray, but have been the same side of the moon that we see is how many people

  • are being served, how much money is being saved. But really lacking that part of telling

  • us the whole story of how many megawatt has been installed.

  • This is from Power Africa annual report. The edition is July 2014. Well [inaudible] had

  • been stopped by technology. Those data from the Foundation for Real World Energy System.

  • The services [inaudible], which can have a very good reporting overview of how many systems

  • are being stored, what type of systems are being stored, and most importantly for us

  • at REN21. How many kilowatt is being stored? So just to go the key constraint again, one

  • of the key issues I was saying is the up to date data that we have. The frequency of reporting

  • of the data actually is kind of important for most projects I have seen for most initiative

  • that have a very good reporting system. We kind of go for like every two years, one and

  • a half year, or when actually the industry is doing kind of a study on the particular

  • market.

  • I was saying that less than one megawatt you need is usually not captured in country statistics,

  • and most of the data collection reporting is [inaudible] on the end with energy metrics.

  • So those are the things that we kind of need to change. And what we have been doing at

  • REN21 is kind of contacting stakeholders, people working in the field and trying to

  • see how we can work together to have a better picture of the situation. One good example

  • is actually energizing development initiative where from their actually published report

  • I've seen, it's kind of how many people have been served, how many systems have been installed.

  • But just [inaudible], we did realize we actually have the data on how many kilowatt hour, how

  • many kilowatt has been installed. And we just gave some kind of gleam of hope that we are

  • moving in the right direction, and there are some kind of information being portrayed.

  • Just need to be able to tap into those information. And to the countries, to the private sector,

  • and to all stakeholders, being able to capture some second [inaudible] and capture voice

  • information will be indeed helpful for building the momentum for DRE systems. So this will

  • be my last slide, and I starting by saying my presentation would be tracking shadows,

  • and I kind of [inaudible] that we have this shadow effect of when you interject in it

  • light in one direction, and the other side is kind of crossed with shadows. What we're

  • trying to do and what we're trying to achieve is really have these different pieces to make

  • us have this beautiful picture.

  • This is actually what we call a light and shadow painting, which is casting light on

  • translucent objects. And you might say that right now, what we have on the DRE sector

  • if we have some kind of opaque objects, but we are trying to make translucent so that

  • we can have a beautiful picture. So shadows are not just shadows, but can be used to bring

  • to light information that otherwise we wouldn't be able to foresee. So thank you for your

  • kind attention, thank, that's it. If you have any question,

  • >> RANA ADIB: and I, I think, would be happy to answer.

  • >> TIM REBER: Okay, great, thank you so much, Fabiani, and thank you again to Rana. We do

  • in fact have quite a few questions that have come in, and those of you in attendance who

  • would like to ask us more questions, feel free to do so. So without any further ado,

  • I guess we'll just jump right into it. So our first question has to do with wondering

  • if it's possible to get a very short, brief overview about how the percentages of renewables

  • are calculated and where and how the data for calculation is gathered. I don't know,

  • Rana or Fabiani, if either of you could speak briefly to that issue. Just remember, you

  • might be on mute as well.

  • >> FABIANI APPAVOU: Can you repeat the question again, please?

  • >> TIM REBER: Sure, they're asking about the percentages of renewables. For example, renewables

  • accounting for 27.7% of global power generation capacity, and they're just wondering if they

  • can get a very short overview of how those numbers are calculated and where that data

  • comes from.

  • >> RANA ADIB: I think I'll take that question. If the person will answer who asked that question

  • if he wants some more details, because that's really digging into the math [inaudible],

  • I suggest that we can follow up by e-mail. In principle, the information comes we're

  • collecting data from country contributors. We're working together with the industry associations,

  • collecting this information and obviously we're also working together with IEA and mainly

  • with IEA, partly with Irina to have a good understanding of the reliability of the data.

  • We're collecting also from the informal sector, and then we have an authoring team and a research

  • direction team who are basically doing the data crunching, coming up with the figures,

  • and also coordinating it a lot with IEA to come up with share figures specifically.

  • When it comes to the install capacities, it's a fact that over in the different renewable

  • energy technologies over the last ten years, we really established a very good understanding

  • of the renewable energy markets. We have a close collaboration, and they are partly membered.

  • They're in all part of our network in any case with the global, regional, partly national

  • industry associations and technology platforms. So that there is a very good established dialect.

  • If you want some more information on the methodology, please don't hesitate to drop me an e-mail,

  • and also in the figures, in the numbers themselves, how they are calculated, it's not part of

  • the hard copy, but in the electronic version, there is I think something like probably 50%

  • of end notes where we really tried to be very transparent on how we calculated the information,

  • what type of data has been included on it.

  • >> TIM REBER: Okay, great. Thank you very much. Moving on, another question has to do

  • with what institutions might help you be using entrepreneurs and setting up distributed energy

  • products, both from a technical and financial standpoint?

  • >> RANA ADIB: Yeah, you can also answer, Fabiani. I think you have a, you're probably better

  • place.

  • >> FABIANI APPAVOU: Not so sure about that. I mean what we have seen with the, particularly

  • in the DRE market and particularly concerning solar, there has been a huge boom of what

  • we call pay as you go sources, innovative business models coming out, kind of making

  • use of technology. And what has happened at least like with everything of technology and

  • providing energy solution has been one of the reasons why there has been lots of [inaudible]

  • room. Of course, mountain [inaudible] in that particular sector. Do you want to add something,

  • Rana?

  • >> RANA ADIB: I think that what we also see is basically on what institutions, what we

  • clearly see a part of, there is a purely commercial market. What we see, however, if we really

  • want to scale up, basically, the development of DRE, and also involve I mean as a public

  • private partnerships, then it is extremely important to really have the policy frameworks.

  • Obviously I mean the barriers of which are still existing is really for protective purpose.

  • Access to finance. This is really an issue, and the stability of policy frameworks not

  • only linked to I'd say energy, but in general in many developing countries is a challenge

  • for attracting basically investors, but also accessing industry and technologies. So I

  • think there is not only one answer to this. It depends very much on the market sources

  • and the policy framework in a country. What we clearly see it that then that a good

  • collaboration between a public private collaboration is certainly an increasing trend, even in

  • countries like Bangladesh where you have the policy framework. It always builds on private

  • sector, too.

  • >> TIM REBER: Great, thank you. So we have a question here interested in whether or not

  • you have any information or could refer folks to any studies concerning the break-even distance

  • where Micro Bid and/or solar home systems are more cost competitive than extending the

  • network. If there are rules of thumb or some sort of formulas for figuring that out.

  • >> RANA ADIB: I think there is the World Energy Outlook from 2012, there was really focus

  • on energy access where basically the electrification strategies and also basically the shares of

  • how many people would be electrified based on the electric grid. Many grids in isolated

  • systems is included. I don't have this, the details of mine, but I'm pretty sure this

  • is based on some rules, cost rules, et cetera. Again, don't hesitate to drop me an e-mail.

  • I can put you in touch with the right person at IEA. This would be one study I can think

  • of. The other part would certainly be to have a look in end of publications. Yeah. I don't

  • know, Fabiani, did you come along with something else?

  • >> FABIANI APPAVOU: Yeah, if I may add, I think like whenever I work with [inaudible]

  • cost effectiveness of off-grid or on-grid, but just for that mutual [inaudible], I think

  • if I was going to extract of a world [inaudible] outlook, if I was in need of a [inaudible]

  • 2012 for all, that kind of goes down to the details, kind of portrays, okay, for on-grid,

  • how much would it cost, and for off-grid, how much would it cost, and kind of as competitiveness.

  • There's another kind of study on the IFC, but [inaudible] 2012. Trying to search for

  • the name of a study. But that study goes down for that level as technology by technology,

  • ensuring that if you go for this kind of upgrade technology based on renewables, it's kind

  • of hard because of competitiveness, but maybe countries could be looking for. Maybe just

  • [inaudible], and I will kind of [inaudible]_ those two studies and kind of forward it to

  • you.

  • >> TIM REBER: Great, thank you again to both. For those in the audience, we'll share both

  • Fabiani's and Rana's e-mail through the chat. So those of you who are interested in reaching

  • out for more information can do so. Moving on, a couple more questions. What are the

  • best and most efficient policy initiatives that could be used by governments in order

  • to stimulate increases in distributed energy, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa?

  • >> RANA ADIB: It's a really hard question because it really depends on the market [inaudible]

  • players, too. Very clearly, when we see many grid development, one feedback is clearly

  • allowing for independent power producers so that that's the basis, and so that players

  • are legal in selling electricity. When it comes to tariffs and regulations, we really

  • see that highly subsidized - and that's really linked to the fact that energy prices, energy

  • tariffs are very political in many developing countries. So this is something which where

  • they need to be of a very close discussion between the government and also private players

  • on the tariff setting, whether it is for isolated systems or mini-grids just because often,

  • the subsidized tariffs, fossil fuel based tariffs do not allow for cost covering activities

  • of private players.

  • I think that's two very critical points. The other part is also when we are really thinking

  • about the renewable energy technologies, working on standards and quality which are used basically

  • in the countries to really allow for a sustainability of renewable energy market development just

  • because we really see from the past experience that bad technology has a major impact on

  • the acceptance of renewable energy technologies by non-electrified people.

  • >> FABIANI APPAVOU: Yeah, building on what Rana was saying, I always kind of say that

  • we try to identify right policy kind of framework or right policy makes to kind of move, to

  • kind of increase the role or increase investment in DRE. They talk a lot about the risk. As

  • Rana always said, that's always the kind of policy and political race associated with

  • energy because it's such a sensitive issue. And if you don't kind of address political

  • and policy risk, people won't really be interested in going. And in one ways of going for it

  • is as Rana was saying what PPA is, what power budgets, agreements, and so on. But kind of

  • establish down the line some kind of rules where people investing in it know that okay,

  • you have a market here. We can invest by assuring that short region and long-term that we will

  • be able to continue to make profits, continue to go into that market and increase our coverage.

  • When I was also talking about the market and commercial [inaudible] to it, and this is

  • linked to the systems within that particular country. As I was saying earlier, one of the

  • goal that has been happening is really about innovative business models growing out, and

  • this has been able to do kind of like technology [inaudible] market, the use of mobile phones

  • and so on. So it all depends how the market is structured, what are the technical barriers

  • that have been broken down for the whole environment to be kind of safe and sound [inaudible].

  • >> TIM REBER: Great. Wonderful. Thank you very much again. Another question. Wondering

  • what the estimates are with regard to investment required to achieve universal energy access.

  • I think they're looking for rough ballpark numbers, questions specifically are we talking

  • closer to 70 billion or 700 billion, and also along terms of timing, is 2025, 2035, what's

  • more sort of a reasonable outlook?

  • >> FABIANI APPAVOU: I would like to, it depends on how you see the [inaudible]. I think the

  • 100 billion is a fairly conservative one when we take into account, we either think that

  • okay, it might take much more time to invest in some kind of technologies, invest in putting

  • in [inaudible] to build it, and the 70 billion is more of a very kind of optimistic power.

  • I would characterize it as wishful thinking, but rather than like okay, we can come into

  • the country, we have a technology, we have kind of a systems in place, we know how to

  • use it, how to deploy it. We just come in country, come into origin and deploy it right

  • away. And this is what was really the case. I think we were actually being [inaudible]

  • by 2023, we're on 70 billion for sure.

  • But given the current state of affairs, given that some countries are not on the same level

  • at all, the different regions defers in the ways they treat universal, they treat distributed

  • renewable energy, and in some regions, there's always some kind of like reluctance to move

  • that way because it's something that we don't know. So I would say it is in kind of between.

  • But I think efforts are being made. I'm not so sure about being able to achieve it by

  • 2023. Just 70 billion. But I'm kind of sure we'll be able to achieve the energy access

  • for given the dynamic information put in place, and the incentive being granted by 2035. Seven

  • hundred billion, we'll see.

  • >> TIM REBER: Great, thank you again. So it looks like we'll have time for maybe one more

  • question. Those of you who didn't get your questions answered, we'll be sharing those

  • via e-mail with Rana and Fabiani afterwards. So hopefully we can get those questions, and

  • again you can reach out to either of them directly for further questions. So final question

  • is just wondering if you can give a little more information about how to participate

  • and help out with the next global status report, GSR 2016.

  • >> RANA ADIB: Okay, so what I'd suggest is to, I think I included this in the slide.

  • There is an e-mail address. Either you can send me an e-mail directly to Rana.Adib@[inaudible].net,

  • or an e-mail to GSR for Global Stats Report We will start data collection

  • in October, so basically we're really looking for project developers, practitioners, industry,

  • industry associations, NGOs, development organizations, development banks, private investors to participate

  • in that process. We are looking for country information, so really information on what

  • are the noteworthy trends in a country, policy frameworks. Here we have a questionnaire which

  • is predefined where we also have a specific part on distributed renewable energy, and

  • the table Fabiani presented. So we will prepare basically an Excel sheet where we are collecting

  • quantitative information, and this will be sent around more to the organizations, program

  • developers, project developers.

  • In partly, you can just send us an e-mail if you have one information on your project,

  • your, the project you are doing, we are partly also taking, I mean we're doing desk research

  • obviously in the authoring teams. So it is quite flexible, but we try to streamline it

  • along a questionnaire and along this Excel sheet we will send around. The best way is

  • really to make sure that you are in our database, so to say, of the GSR community so that you

  • receive the information and by the different data collection processes. Another part is,

  • as I mentioned, we have a peer review. There are two peer review round. The one on distributed

  • renewable energy will take place in January. This is always another easy way to also contribute.

  • So basically see what is already there. We will certainly circulate in this context the,

  • this reference table we plan to produce or the Excel sheet so that you can also compliment

  • information in the peer review.

  • And if you would like to have more detailed questions or more targeted, we're always available

  • per e-mail to schedule a call. We can even do if you have networks you would like to

  • mobilize, it's important for them to be aware of this platform. Don't hesitate. We can also

  • organize specific webinars or join calls. So we're happy to do so.

  • >> TIM REBER: Okay, great. Well that's about all the time we have. So thank you very much

  • to both of you, Rana and Fabiani. One last thing before we close. We just have a very

  • short survey, three questions for those in attendance to answer so that we can get some

  • feedback on how we've done. So if you can go ahead and answer the first question you

  • see on your screen there, we'd appreciate it. Okay, thank you. And second question.

  • And one final question. Okay, great, thanks for answering the poll. Once again, I'd like

  • to extend a warm thank you to Rana and Fabiani of REN21 for presenting today. I'd also like

  • to thank everybody in attendance for joining us. We invite you to check the Solutions Center

  • website if you'd like to view the slides and listen to a recording of today's presentation,

  • which should be posted hopefully within the week.

  • You'll also find information on other upcoming webinars and training events on the Solutions

  • Center website. We invite you to inform your colleagues and those in your networks about

  • the Solutions Center resources and services, including our no-cost ask an expert policy

  • support. And with that, we'd like to invite everybody to enjoy the rest of your day, and

  • we look forward to seeing everybody at future solutions center event. Thank you very much.

>> TIM REBER: Hello everyone. My name is Tim Reber with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory,

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REN21可再生能源2015年全球狀況報告。分佈式可再生能源 (REN21 Renewables 2015 Global Status Report: Distributed Renewable Energy)

  • 154 15
    richardwang posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary