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  • [MUSIC]

  • Welcome.

  • What's up?

  • All right, welcome everyone.

  • Let's get ready.

  • This is GTA V, my friends.

  • I'm actually mad excited for this.

  • [LAUGH]. [MUSIC]

  • Thank you, music.

  • You have played your part and you've been awesome.

  • So welcome, my friends.

  • Today, we're gonna play some GTA V.

  • We are going to be playing online and we're gonna be live streaming.

  • I've only done this once as a live stream and it was a load of fun and

  • it was the day that next-gen GTA V came out.

  • So, first things first.

  • I don't think there's anyone in my world.

  • So if you want to come and join the gamer tag is covered.

  • Hold on one second.

  • If you want to join this gamer tag xxAliA-xx-Alia-xx.

  • If that makes any sense.

  • Then you can join my lobby and be a part of the live stream.

  • Should be a load of fun.

  • But since I've last played GTA5 online, I've actually put a lot of time into it.

  • And I've bought myself a brand new car.

  • I bought myself my own apartment.

  • I spent a million dollars on stuff, all right.

  • Now just beneath me you can see my Twitter handle.

  • If you mention me on Twitter during this live stream I will be looking at

  • my mentions.

  • I'll also be looking at the YouTube comments, so

  • keep them coming in my friends and it should be an absolutely epic live stream.

  • If' you have any suggestions.

  • Hey, I've already got somebody in the lobby.

  • What is up, my friend.

  • Now.

  • Before we get into playing with anyone in the lobby I want to show you my car first.

  • I guess it would be the best thing to do.

  • If I remember correctly it's quite a sick car.

  • So, contacts.

  • Here we go.

  • I just about remember how to do this.

  • Mechanic.

  • I believe it is.

  • Yeah. It should be a lot of fun.

  • Keep your Tweets coming in.

  • Keep your comments coming in.

  • It should be a lot of fun.

  • I want my car mate.

  • Please bring me my car.

  • That guy's horn is going to really annoy me.

  • Here we go.

  • Yes.

  • Oh there we go.

  • You can cause to make your claim.

  • Oh gosh dammit, it's freaking blown up boys.

  • Trust, trust, trust the last lobby I was in for my car to be exploded.

  • It's a good one though, trust me.

  • It's gonna be worth the wait.

  • We're gonna check out my apartment.

  • And then we're gonna mess around a bit with anyone that's in the lobby.

  • No charge. It's, someone's paid the full premium.

  • Hey thank you Cozzar wherever you.

  • Wait, what?

  • Can be found.

  • Okay, okay, okay.

  • Cool, cool, cool, cool.

  • My car is being redeemed.

  • Dude, this is a pretty sick car here.

  • I mean, it's not my car, but it's a pretty sick car.

  • Okay. We're gonna make one more phone call.

  • No! We're gonna made one more phone call.

  • [LAUGH] I'm sorry about all the phone calls.

  • And then we'll get the car here.

  • The mechanic should be out to deliver it directly to me right now.

  • I'm gonna move out of the way actually.

  • I'm sorry. I'm stopping traffic.

  • I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

  • And it should be out to deliver it somewhere nearby, so.

  • Here we go.

  • I believe it's a [INAUDIBLE].

  • Okay, sweet.

  • So, the car should be.

  • Bro.

  • Bro, come on.

  • Where's my car, man?

  • I've just bought it!

  • Where's my car?

  • It's got to be nearby.

  • Is that it?

  • No, mate, that ain't.

  • That's a freaking store, boys.

  • I wanna show you guys my car.

  • There we go!

  • It's here. It's here.

  • It's here. It's here.

  • It's here.

  • What the?

  • Bro.

  • Bro.

  • Bro.

  • Bro, what the heck just happened?

  • You all right, buddy?

  • Think he just got taken out.

  • Here is the beauty.

  • Look at her. Look at her!

  • It's amazing!

  • It's abso-, rate.

  • What do you. Rate it out of eight, mate.

  • All right? What do you rate it out of eight.

  • Leave a comment.

  • Drop me a tweet.

  • Honestly?

  • I'm in love, like, honestly, I am in love with my car right now.

  • Do we got to go around the other side.

  • No, no, no.

  • Dude, I don't want a pathetic car.

  • I'm sorry, look I'm really sorry.

  • My character's out of control.

  • He does not realize that I actually want this car.

  • Here we go.

  • We've got our car boys.

  • We've got our car boys.

  • Look at that.

  • Look at that.

  • Is this it?

  • Keep your comments.

  • Oh yeah come join me brother.

  • Come and join me.

  • Look.

  • Look at this thing.

  • It's the nicest car I've ever owned in GTA.

  • And I've spent a load of money.

  • I had a million dollars.

  • How did I have a million dollars, right?

  • You're probably asking how did I have a million dollars to spend?

  • The first half a million dollars I had safe in my account when there

  • were glitches two years ago on GTA online.

  • They just gave everyone half million dollars.

  • The second half million dollars, I got for

  • pre-ordering GTA V on the, I think the Playstation Store.

  • That's how I got it.

  • Oh gosh, don't go.

  • My god.

  • [SOUND] Oh my gosh.

  • This thing's, this thing's actually a thing of beauty.

  • I'm sure you guys have maybe, you guys are liking the car.

  • You guys are liking the car.

  • I like that. I can never remember how to find my house.

  • It's not.

  • I should not have gum I apologize.

  • I apologize it's a bad habit.

  • This I think is my house.

  • Yes boys look at that.

  • It's just around the corner, we've actually gone the wrong way.

  • Look. I love the white trims on the wheels.

  • [MUSIC] Like I think the white trim honestly makes

  • it like really, really sick.

  • Yeah guys, honestly I don't do very many live streams.

  • >> All in, all in, you could do all in.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • >> Okay, there's someone in the microphone.

  • What is up, my friend?

  • What is up?

  • I have no idea, I should probably turn the radio off, actually.

  • How do I turn the radio off?

  • No, don't shoot, don't shoot.

  • Cuz the radio can actually get copyrighted.

  • The radio is so annoying, man.

  • This radio is really annoying.

  • [CROSSTALK] Hello friends.

  • Is people online or is it people.

  • Here we go.

  • Players. Here we go.

  • Brother I appreciate the support you are awesome, but for

  • the sake of the live stream we can't have someone else talking in the microphone

  • just because it gets a bit messy.

  • Just because it gets a little bit messy, and we don't want that my friends.

  • Now I don't do many live streams here on this main channel, on Ali-A,

  • just because a lot of it's just like, Call of Duty, quick games, information and

  • stuff, but if you guys go on to enjoy the video,

  • all of your support in the live stream is really really appreciated my friends.

  • Really really appreciated.

  • And who knows?

  • If this live stream goes down as well as the last one did,

  • we should definitely do another one.

  • Now, I'm 99% sure I've got special entrance to my apartment.

  • Where is it?

  • I'm sure it's like come on buddy.

  • Show me that special entrance.

  • I need to park my beauty.

  • Where is it? Oh, here's it.

  • Is it here?

  • Yes!

  • Wait, what?

  • No, this is it, this is it, this is it here.

  • I think this is it.

  • Yes, boys.

  • Look. It's mine.

  • Honestly, I wanna say this is one of the better apartments in the game.

  • But I don't know if it's the best.

  • I think it's good.

  • Hold left on the d-pad.

  • Thank you my friend.

  • Thank you. Don't want

  • to get the video copyrighted for random music that's in the game.

  • Fortunately, I only have two cars.

  • I have the car that I got right at the beginning of playing GTA5 Online like two

  • years ago, and then, my blue Zentrona thingamabobby, which is absolutely sweet.

  • I absolutely love it, I'm not gonna lie.

  • Okay, so, do we have to like, look, can we?

  • Can we get out of the car please?

  • Why are we stuck?

  • You should go to the mechanic.

  • Yeah, okay.

  • When you store a vehicle in the garage you can then,

  • it becomes your personal vehicle.

  • Okay I'm down for storing some.

  • So all I've got to do is drive a car into my garage and then it's mine.

  • Now this is interesting.

  • To leave the garage we'll head to the exit.

  • So let me show you around the apartment boys.

  • Where's the door?

  • I think it's up here.

  • I think it's up here.

  • Let's go.

  • [MUSIC]

  • Another player's using the elevator.

  • What the heck?

  • [SOUND] How did you get into, how did you get into my, how did you?

  • Don't steal my car.

  • Don't steal my car.

  • I don't think I have protection on the car.

  • I think anyone can get in it and steal it.

  • [LAUGH] So yeah, this is,

  • I think it's the first time I've ever been in my apartment actually.

  • It's given me a load of information, so maybe it is.

  • How long are we gonna be live streaming for?

  • I'm not sure.

  • Not sure, my friend.

  • I gotta be up early tomorrow, but I'm still live streaming for you guys.

  • You're spawned in your apartment when you join online.

  • Didn't happen today, unfortunately, but hey, I like it.

  • What the?

  • Why is there someone coming into my?

  • Hey, boys, look at me.

  • I'm suit to the booted.

  • Imagine having this apartment IRL, in real life.

  • Look how sick this is.

  • Beautiful views.

  • Actually, no.

  • Maybe not the best.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah actually can we see the Hollywood sign from here?

  • No, maybe not.

  • No, we can't. Actually,

  • we can see the obser, observatory from here.

  • I've been there. I've been there.

  • It's the top, top left of the screen.

  • I believe that's the observatory.

  • Not sure its full name.

  • I have been there IRL in Los Angeles.

  • Very, very nice.

  • This guy is being nice, not ripping my house down.

  • We got some beautiful flowers.

  • Didn't, didn't order them, but we got them.

  • I love the big windows not gonna lie.

  • I rate the big windows.

  • Look at that.

  • Look at that.

  • That is sweet.

  • Weird thing is, I actually stayed in a hotel was almost in this identical

  • position in L.A., which is really, really freaky.

  • We got a telescope.

  • We got lots of fun things.

  • Let's, I don't honestly think there's many people in our world.

  • Maybe hm, how can I?

  • If you, if you join XX alley-AXX on PSN,

  • on PlayStation 4, you'll be able to join me.

  • I've already got 50,000, so let me take a quick look for a second.

  • I wanna see what I must've, what I must've bought.

  • So, setting, no, internet.

  • Here go internet, so, obviously, obviously, travel.

  • I bought a luxury motor.

  • Let's have a look at which one I bought.

  • So, I bought, holy cow, did I spend 725,000 on it?

  • I went no chill mode, boys.

  • I went no chill mode.

  • The only other cars that are faster than it.

  • You got the Z type, which is more.

  • You got the Stinger which is more.

  • Honestly I love, I just love the look of mine.

  • You've got the Adder of course, this sort of Bugatti looking car.

  • I just love the look of my car.

  • And then in terms of, is it health?

  • I can never remember.

  • Money and services I think it is.

  • Prime property.

  • There we go.

  • I'm honestly not sure which one I bought.

  • Oh, dudes, did I buy that one?

  • No, I don't think I did.

  • I don't think I actually spent that much money on a house, to be honest,

  • but, that's a load of rubbish.

  • We've, we've talked long enough about that.

  • I've only got 50,000 left.

  • Oh, what's on TV?

  • Boys.

  • This is a beautiful T, actually, look, the graphics are pretty damn sick.

  • Like, you could legit sit down and watch that, the graphic's are so good.

  • All right, we go in the bedrooms.

  • Can't have a house with no bedrooms.

  • What the heck?

  • Got some nice food.

  • Honestly I'm quite, oh wait, drink?

  • Oh gosh, it's gonna make me drunk, isn't it?

  • Should I do this?

  • Don't drink and drive kids.

  • You know,I'm thirsty, all right?

  • I'm thirsty. Look come join me game in gong.

  • Come have a drink with me my friend, come and have a drink with me.

  • It's all good in the hood.

  • So yeah, the reason I haven't actually done any console livestreams in awhile,

  • he's liking it, he's liking it.

  • Is because livestreaming console's actually normally pretty tricky, but

  • I finally got it set up so that it works which is amazing.

  • So we've got a downstairs.

  • Some more pretty paintings.

  • I'm sure you guys have seen this similar apartment before, to be honest.

  • Someone has entered the apartment, beautiful.

  • Aw, is it just one room?

  • Nice double bed, to be fair, really nice double bed.

  • What's in here?

  • Oh [LAUGH] it's the toilet.

  • I didn't want to go to the toilet.

  • They've got a changing room in here, I believe you can actually change in here.

  • But honestly, I'm, I'm liking the suit, guys.

  • I am actually liking the suit.

  • Let's see if anybody else has joined our lobby map.

  • Dunno.

  • Dunno, maybe. You guys can feel free to join.

  • Feel free to join.

  • The more people the merrier, my friends.

  • The more people my merrier.

  • My mer.

  • Dude, am I drunk right now?

  • No. We'll head outside, boys.

  • We'll head outside.

  • We'll pick up our car again.

  • Hell she cost like 7000 insurance.

  • Luckily, we didn't have to claim for it because we didn't kill the car.

  • It was some other dude that they listed when I last played online.

  • Gun game yes, I won't, I won't try gun game to advance warfare.

  • Not sure why they have them.

  • Hopefully they add it in a future patch.

  • That would be amazing my friend.

  • That would be absolutely awesome.

  • Shout out to everyone watching at Mate Wide.

  • So I actually do a lot of live streaming on my second channel for Minecraft.

  • And what I sometimes do is do a, do a shout out session,

  • where I bring up my mentions on Twitter and everyone that's mentioning my for

  • about five minutes will be included in the video.

  • So if you guys are interested in that, let me know and I may do that, my friends.

  • I may do that.

  • How many people have we got watching right now?

  • 3000 people.

  • Awesome. Come and join the fun my friends.

  • Come and join the fun.

  • You know, we're, we're, we're chilling here.

  • We're chilling.

  • And look at the beautiful car man.

  • Look at the beautiful car.

  • So pretty.

  • It's absolutely amazing.

  • No honestly I love it like.

  • I forgot how much I love it.

  • I did once have blue zen on lights.

  • But haven't unlocked them unfortunately.

  • Haven't unlocked them unfortunately.

  • But now we're here to roll around baby.

  • All right.

  • This dude knows what's up.

  • He knows he needs to come and join.

  • Is anybody else in the lobby?

  • Oh, we've got, we've got people in the lobby.

  • We've got people in the lobby.

  • Welcome friends.

  • Okay, how do I turn the.

  • Right. Here we go.

  • Here we go.

  • You going to get in the car?

  • Oh, is it locked?

  • Okay, I think I may have locked it, buddy, hold on, hold on.

  • Oh I think there's an option joint celebration, it's, it's, it's an option.

  • How do I turn off the options so that people can get in my car, guys?

  • Game mode.

  • Player normal.

  • Player mode allow spectators.

  • Kill yourself.

  • Not what I actually, I'm actually all right.

  • It may be under settings you know.

  • Here we go, hold on.

  • I can never. You know what,

  • one of you guys treat me now work out how it is we'll go and do it.

  • We'll, we'll set up some races and people, dude he's got Adder, bro,

  • he's got an Adder.

  • Can you get in my car?

  • LOL.

  • It's locked, buddy.

  • Look, get in this dude's Adder.

  • Honestly I rate this dude's Adder.

  • Pretty dope, pretty dope my friend.

  • Just don't kill me and we'll be fine.

  • Just don't kill me.

  • Nope. Oh gosh.

  • Oh gosh.

  • Get out of here.

  • He's a mad man.

  • He's a mad man.

  • He's a man eater.

  • He kills people.

  • Don't trust him bro.

  • Don't p, trust him.

  • Wha, what?

  • Hold the touch pad.

  • Oh, yes you're right.

  • It's a really weird thing isn't it?

  • Here we go.

  • Such a weird way of doing it.

  • I think you have to scroll down.

  • Action, Player Mode, here we go.

  • Oh yeah, Vehicle Access, everyone.

  • He should be able to get in my car, Such a weird way of accessing the options.

  • All right, you know what?

  • Let's go to the observatory because you know what?

  • I did say I'd be in there IRL, and I wasn't lying.

  • So I think it'd be quite a cool place to get to.

  • I don't know if we can get into it.

  • But if you're in lobby right now, you, oh, we do have blue lights.

  • Yeah, we do have blue zen lights.

  • Let's go boys.

  • If you're in the live stream right now and you're in the game for

  • whatever reason, feel free to head towards the may, I should set a waypoint.

  • Maybe that would be easier.

  • Where is it?

  • I can't see it right now.

  • I'm sure it's behind this hotel.

  • Sure it's behind this hotel.

  • I haven't done any heists or jobs ever on GTA.

  • On, oh.

  • No, he damaged my car.

  • I said, uh-oh.

  • Wait brah, is he coming for me?

  • It's come, no he's not going for me dudes.

  • We're fine, we're fine, we're fine baby.

  • There it is, there it is.

  • Wanna see the views you get from it?

  • Is like actually insane.

  • I think I posted some pictures.

  • It's almost a year ago actually I went there, for Call of Duty Champs 2014.

  • And hopefully going to 2015.

  • Yes. For some weird reason,

  • we found this while doing live streams on YouTube, not my fault.

  • If you are on certain mobile devices,

  • it won't let you comment on live stream, not my fault.

  • And these roads, in real life, are actually really, really windy.

  • Uh-oh. Uh-oh.

  • Turn that off.

  • Here we go.

  • The roads are actually really windy.

  • Like people that live on this, sort of, hilly, rocky area, amazing houses but

  • driving up here, not fun, man, not fun at all.

  • Let's see if we can get to the observatory, boys.

  • See if we can get to the observatory.

  • Oh, the sun's going down.

  • You guys know I hate night time in GTA.

  • All right.

  • Here we go.

  • Baytree Canyon?

  • Yep. Dude this guy has a sort of like,

  • classic BMW-like car.

  • Oh gosh.

  • Nah, I love that, mate.

  • I love it when the other players get the cops on me.

  • That's the observatory.

  • I spat everywhere, sick one.

  • Sick one, buddy.

  • Can you do an ASM1 class setup video?

  • I haven't done a best class setup video in awhile.

  • I could've done one today but I thought live streaming would be more fun for,

  • why have I got two stars?

  • Dude, I haven't touched anyone bro.

  • I haven't touched anyone, man.

  • We may have to climb up this mountain, you know.

  • I don't know of an easy way of getting up it.

  • We may have to climb up the mountain, boys.

  • Oh there's this, there's the Hollywood sign.

  • Oh no here we go.

  • What was. We found it.

  • We found it. We found it.

  • We're out of here. We're out of here.

  • Finding routes.

  • Finding routes.

  • With police cops on us and stuff.

  • Yeah it's so

  • crazy my brother was out playing Advanced Warfare with his friend,with his friend.

  • They opened up one supply crate.

  • One supply crate.

  • And they get the AK Rift.

  • And I was like no due, nah, you crazy?

  • You serious, bro?

  • Does this lead straight to it?

  • I think we're higher up than we were before.

  • There it is.

  • It's the observatory.

  • Now, how do we get in?

  • It's almost exactly, hey we've got another player.

  • What up, what up fella?

  • All right I'm gonna take the route,

  • the exact route that I took when I was in the observatory.

  • So I got out my car, actually, it was a taxi.

  • Got out my taxi, I was like, hey, well, let's grab a look at the views.

  • I was gonna do a vlog but there's a lot of people around.

  • And I was like, nah, dude, this is almost exactly the same.

  • Nah, dude, there's some guy looking through here.

  • Look, you can look through the telescope.

  • Brah, brah, this is weird.

  • [LAUGH] I wanna do this again next time new, I'm in LA actually.

  • And you can pretty much see that, you can pretty much see that.

  • The beach is over there, of course.

  • This is exactly, which is weird,

  • like I never really fully appreciated how similar this game was to LA.

  • Like oh no, we're being shot up boys.

  • There's a massacre already.

  • There's a massacre already.

  • We can loop around though don't worry.

  • We can loop around don't worry.

  • If we go this way.

  • If we go this way, I hope.

  • We can loop back around boys.

  • Yeah, I do drive pretty fast IRL.

  • But not dangerously of course, I wouldn't do that too.

  • Oh gosh, the police are on us.

  • Out the way, woman.

  • We don't even care about you.

  • We don't even care about you.

  • Oh boys. Look how many cars we've got here.

  • >> Give up now!

  • >> Oh my gosh. Dude there's a massacre going down

  • right now.

  • Where is everyone at?

  • Should I just peace the scene?

  • I'm peacing the scene boys.

  • I'm peacing the scene.

  • Everyone's getting caught up and I'm like no mate.

  • I'm out.

  • See you later. Have fun with the police.

  • Oh gosh we're in.

  • Okay. I think we should go to

  • the Hollywood sign.

  • I've been to the Hollywood sign like three times I think.

  • That's, oh gosh that's going to hurt.

  • That's gonna hurt in the morning, son.

  • Oh my gosh, it's over there.

  • Oh gosh.

  • This is not great, this is not good driving skills.

  • No, it's fine.

  • We've got this, we've got this, we've got this, boys.

  • We've got this.

  • I just don't want to destroy my car because I want to,

  • actually drive it to be honest.

  • I actually want to drive it around.

  • I don't want to pay like another six grand in insurance.

  • The Hollywood sign's over in this direction so

  • it's gonna go over here, boys.

  • It's just gonna go over here.

  • Go for it.

  • In a bit we'll start killing people, all right?

  • In a bit. But I don't wanna do that quite yet

  • because that would, that would start chaoticness in the server and

  • you typically don't want to go too crazy when you're doing livestreams

  • because then everybody just loses their mind.

  • Oh god.

  • Oh buddy, can I make it up here?

  • Oh dude, this, the blue Xenon.

  • Car thief.

  • It has no, chill bro.

  • Literally, it's just such, oh gosh.

  • Look at that.

  • Look at that, baby.

  • Let me know which car you've got and, what color it is.

  • I think green cars typically work quite well in GTA.

  • Blue is my favorite that's why I went for it.

  • I thought it looked pretty dope.

  • There's the sign, right there.

  • It's the sign.

  • Let me know is there anything else you want to see me try and

  • do in GTA and I'll definitely try and do it.

  • I honestly think.

  • Oh actually this definitely looks like a definitely dry, wow bro.

  • Don't disrespect the car.

  • Do not disrespect the car.

  • Yes boy we can drive up here my friend.

  • We can drive up here.

  • I'm now, I, it's nicer streaming on YouTube,

  • cuz then the video goes straight out to you guys.

  • Oh, gosh.

  • Without me having to do anything about it, so, it's actually pretty dope.

  • Look at this.

  • Look at that for a view over Los Santos, what you could essentially call L.A..

  • All those big buildings, actually.

  • Get out of the car.

  • Get out of the car.

  • Okay, so I'm not gonna shoot you, buddy.

  • I'm not gonna shoot you, buddy.

  • Don't worry.

  • So, what all of the buildings look like over there.

  • I've been to, like, a few of the big hotels.

  • Pretty crazy.

  • And then I believe that's sort of, like, what do they call it?

  • Maybe Westside?

  • West LA or something?

  • Or Downtown LA maybe?

  • Don't know, but that's where my apartment is in, in the game,

  • not in real life of course.

  • Over there.

  • I will try and do some stunts, that could be a good show.

  • I don't like night time.

  • He goes let's have a selfie, let's have a selfie, let's have a selfie brother.

  • You and me, selfie together.

  • I think he's taking a selfie.

  • That awkward moment when he's not taking a selfie, he's just on his phone.

  • I'm like, do you want a selfie?

  • So Vinewood, you, let's go to the top, bro.

  • Let's sneak all the way to the top.

  • I don't think you're supposed to be able to get up to the top though.

  • All right, oh, my stamina's gone up, that's good.

  • I forgot your coasts and stats in GT.

  • That's pretty high actually.

  • Have we checked the stats lets see.

  • Stats, here we go.

  • Overall income.

  • Overall expenses.

  • That doesn't make any sense, my car costs more than that.

  • Look at my stats.

  • Absolutely shocking.

  • All right so. Here we go.

  • Here we go. Starting the engine.

  • We're going to try and go all the way to the top.

  • There's a building up here, I believe.

  • Oh, gosh.

  • I don't know if it's gonna let me do it, but we'll give it a go.

  • Give it a go, buddy.

  • Do some races.

  • Yeah, we should actually do some races.

  • Really good shout.

  • The only thing is, [LAUGH], the only thing is,

  • sometimes it takes a while for the races to load.

  • And I did it before, when I tried to do races in the live stream.

  • Wow, sorry buddy.

  • Didn't mean to damage your car like that.

  • Oh, is this a race.

  • Dude, yeah, let's do this.

  • Let's do this. Let's see if we can get people

  • into this race.

  • Jobs can only be triggered on foot.

  • Alright, if enough people join us, we can do this.

  • I'm down for it.

  • Bro, he's in my car.

  • Dew, dew, dew.

  • Dude, I can't have this song playing in the video.

  • This is a 100% copyright.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • Quickly.

  • Quickly.

  • Where's, oh, right here.

  • Want it my way.

  • All right. Turn it off.

  • Turn it off. Don't get carried away.

  • We can't have that.

  • All right. We're gonna try and

  • get people into the lobby.

  • Point to point.

  • All right.

  • Classes, cycle, all right.

  • Current time and date.

  • No, no. Let's have it noon.

  • Weather fine.

  • Traffic on.

  • Split times world record.

  • All right, buddy, all right we'll, we'll do that.

  • Yes boys, 356.

  • How much do you have to play online to be that level?

  • That's crazy. Now as I've said,

  • it will take a little bit of time if we want to get enough people into the lobby

  • to play this.

  • But if we get enough people in we can do it and then once we've done it,

  • confirm settings.

  • Hold on.

  • And then once we do it, in case we need, maybe we have to do it straight away.

  • Hey this is dope.

  • We'll mess around, I've got some cool things.

  • We can try and break into the army place.

  • It has some throwbacks on.

  • Bo. I'm not even gonna sing,

  • not even gonna sing.

  • Should we just do four?

  • Let's do four.

  • Let's just do four.

  • Will it let us work?

  • Players, nope.

  • Players four, one to eight.

  • Launching session.

  • I think this is like one of the very first races I've ever done.

  • It's a blue obviously, vehicle.

  • Endurance.

  • Scorcher.

  • Try.

  • Oh gosh, I think the BMX is really hard.

  • I think this is the best one.

  • Oh look, they've all got stats haven't they?

  • Yeah, I'm gonna go with this one.

  • Let's do it boys.

  • First ever race.

  • What do ya, what, how do you think I do?

  • Wait, I don't know.

  • Do I press x to go?

  • Or do I press the accelerate button as if I'm in a car?

  • I, I look so out of place dude.

  • I've got a helmet on with a suit and I'm on a bike.

  • What do I do?

  • I'm holding down.

  • I think you press x.

  • I think you press x.

  • Yes boys, let's go.

  • Dude, this is one of my very first BMX bike races ever on GTA.

  • Oh no, their bike's faster than mine.

  • I should have gone with a speed bike dude.

  • I got, I got trolled, bro.

  • I was just waiting for like, say, though.

  • This is, this is it, isn't it?

  • This is like a sorta balancing act.

  • I forgot, I forgot about this.

  • Dude, it's been a while since I've done some of these.

  • Oh, let's turn.

  • Notice this background music is all good, baby, yeah.

  • I ain't a, it ain't a radio.

  • I should have gone with a speed bike, dude.

  • If I'd known the terrain,.

  • If I'd been informed of the terrain, I would've done that.

  • Now, I don't know how long this race is.

  • So this could be.

  • Oh look, that's the break button.

  • I thought it was the go button.

  • I'm an idiot, dude.

  • If I'd, if I knew how long this was gonna be.

  • Oh, dude we're quite far ahead actually.

  • Then I would let you know, but I don't know how long it is so

  • just wish me luck my friend.

  • Wish me luck.

  • How's the other dude, oh, because your characters have stats.

  • So maybe your in game GTA V stats actually affect your stamina for

  • things like this, like races.

  • Because my stamina right now is shocking.

  • And I shouldn't have pedaled so hard at the beginning.

  • No.

  • It's cool, two out of four.

  • Two out of four is not too bad.

  • Two out of four is not too bad.

  • We crashed.

  • We, we broke back stand, which is not the best thing in the world.

  • But hey ho, hey ho we can get over it.

  • No dude, I'm not going to do any fancy tricks right.

  • I'm not going to do.

  • Oh buddy.

  • Not gonna do any fancy tricks.

  • Dude in fourth, don't know what you're doing buddy, but you need to catch up.

  • Oh baby.

  • Oh baby, let's see how far outside the dude is.

  • Pretty close.

  • He's got Xs in his name as well.

  • All right, my stamina, honestly,

  • I just need to build my stamina up, so I can get to a better point.

  • Nah, brah, I'm leaving you in my dust boys.

  • I'm leaving you in my dust boys.

  • This is sick.

  • Yeah, we should definitely do a car meet up.

  • [MUSIC] Everyone will be able to see my lobby,

  • where I am on the map.

  • So once we've done this race, we'll have like a, we'll have an actual car race.

  • Which should be like I think guys you can set up your own race.

  • It would be more of like a fun race.

  • Oh, don't you dare hit me off my bike, bro.

  • Don't you dare hit me off my bike, boys.

  • Hope the music levels are good.

  • I didn't ask, but I'm pretty sure I, I adjusted the music.

  • That was before I started.

  • Oh gosh this dude's are rubbish.

  • Get out of the way woman we're doing a race here.

  • I'm going to use my stamina.

  • Oh no, you can't use your stamina.

  • Okay you just start losing health.

  • No sick.

  • That dude in first I think he's the dude that's level 300.

  • Oh no, I'm lost.

  • It's because my character's a noob dude.

  • My character's a big noob.

  • His stats are terrible.

  • Flying car.

  • Did you guys, you guys just saw that?

  • Go back and watch that in the stream.

  • You should be able to go back in the stream, if you watch this on YouTube.

  • Someone print screen that flying car and tweet it to me.

  • [LAUGH] Someone print, print screen that to me dude.

  • Dude this is going to be sick.

  • Sick boys no,I love that boys.

  • That's actually epic.

  • Someone print screen the flying car.

  • I was going to actually do.

  • Hey, it let me go a second, that's nice.

  • I could actually do a car vlog today but it got dark really quickly.

  • [SOUND] You finished 2nd.

  • That's not bad, dude.

  • Yeah, my stamina is terrible, dude.

  • [LAUGH] Exo Zombies in just two days time.

  • Tuesday is when it's gonna be coming out, my friends.

  • But, all I'd say is to stay tuned to my channel.

  • Stay tuned to my channel.

  • You guys know how it is with content.

  • Often, things come out early.

  • [SOUND] Congratulations dude.

  • Not only does your character look pretty sick, but your stat, you,

  • you demolished us.

  • Let's be real, you demolished us.

  • I even got 3,000 for that race.

  • That's pretty damn hype.

  • All right, I like it, it was good fun.

  • And then we will exit.

  • Please.

  • Okay, no more, I'm quitting.

  • We're gonna quit.

  • But it's good fun.

  • It was good fun.

  • I'm, I'm glad you suggested that, guys.

  • Glad you suggested that.

  • That was awesome.

  • Now, I think we should do a car meetup with everyone that's in the lobby.

  • If you have watched do not worry.

  • It will be available straight away and you can just go back in time as well.

  • Shave off your hair or shave off your beard?

  • I'd shave off my beard.

  • Cuz your hair, cuz the beard will grow, grow back quite quickly, thank goodness.

  • So, unfortunately, there's a little bit of time here where we gotta wait for

  • the game to reload.

  • But, you know, I'm trying to keep you guys, you know, drop some tweets.

  • I'll answer questions.

  • I'm always here for you guys.

  • Do not worry.

  • Do not worry my friends.

  • I'm just going to grab here we go, this one here.

  • So do you guys enjoying the live stream, support is always really appreciated.

  • The last live stream that we did did amazingly well so thank you so much guys.

  • So where does it keep popping?

  • The time of live stream is midnight.

  • It's just gone midnight.

  • And actually do you know what I can do here?

  • I've got this set up.

  • Hold on. [SOUND] Oh, one more.

  • No, no, no, that's the right one.

  • Here we go.

  • So I can talk to you guys in big screen.

  • This is how I've set it up.

  • Look at this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

  • So yeah the dog is downstairs, Ella is downstairs.

  • It is midnight currently.

  • Oh dude, you guys are sending in pictures of flying cars.

  • Have a look.

  • [LAUGH] Look at it.

  • It just flew in the air, mate.

  • It is flew the air, bud.

  • Look at that.

  • [LAUGH].

  • I love that. That's crazy.

  • I'm gonna retweet one of the pictures.

  • I'm gonna retweet it because I'm nice dude.

  • I said I, I said I'd interact with you guys in the live stream.

  • Dude, it takes so long.

  • This is the problem with going in between races.

  • It takes a long tme, oh we're good, we're good, we're good.

  • It's loading back in, boys.

  • It's loading back in.

  • Cars can fly [LAUGH].

  • Absolutely crazy my friends [LAUGH].

  • All right, here we go.

  • Now we can jump back to this one.

  • And look at that, we're good to go baby.

  • I love it.

  • How is there someone already next to me?

  • Lester is now a contact.

  • Dude, we don't care about Lester.

  • Oh no, that wasn't actually a person.

  • Okay, so, we wanna do a street race, right?

  • We wanna do a street race.

  • What I'm thinking, I'm thinking we, we'll meet up,

  • maybe I'm honestly thinking maybe, like, in the airport?

  • So, if we meet up, maybe mm, [SOUND] I kinda want to meet up here.

  • It's gonna be a long journey.

  • But we get to drive the car.

  • The car is fun man.

  • So if you're watching live stream go to that point on the map and

  • we will all meet up there.

  • And we're going to do a cross map, pretty much, race.

  • All right? Literally, a cross map race.

  • It's going to be big.

  • Listen to that car boys.

  • Listen to it.

  • It's rapping, the breaking.

  • Oh.

  • Just a scratch, just a tiny scratch, do not worry.

  • The breaking is on point my friend.

  • Absolutely on point.

  • Almost as nice as my car in real life.

  • No, I'm kidding.

  • It's definitely, definitely nicer than my car I have in real life my friend.

  • I could always live stream exo zombies when it comes out.

  • Good shout.

  • Good shout. I'll, I'll,

  • we'll see, we'll see what it's like.

  • I don't even know what it plays like yet.

  • I'm not sure it plays like the original zombies.

  • It's got an ending where you can escape and I'll try and

  • live stream it to the point of escape.

  • That'll be pretty awesome, to complete zombies on live stream.

  • But I think it's gonna have unlimited rounds as well.

  • I'd hope, I'd hope.

  • Look at this thing, dude.

  • I wish GTA 5 had a speedometer.

  • That would be the hypest thing dude, that would be so hype.

  • Hype out of Skype?

  • I actually quite like nighttime in this car.

  • This car makes everything good.

  • This car makes everything good, my friend.

  • I've still got pictures coming through of that crazy flying car that was so YOLO!

  • I flew into the air.

  • All right, let's see what everyone else in the map is doing.

  • Hopefully, there are still people in the lobby chilling.

  • There should be, there should be.

  • But basically, I'm going to, I believe a const.

  • Aw, that really hurt, really hurt my car, man.

  • Aw dude. All right, we're almost there.

  • This is a lot of ac, oh, yeah we can go this way I guess, we can go this way.

  • A lot of fighting going down there.

  • There's a lot of fighting going down.

  • Make a GTA 5 crew.

  • I wanna say I did make a crew, I just never linked out to people.

  • I'm not sure.

  • The Ali-A army crew.

  • The thing is, the crews, they can't hold many people.

  • See.

  • All right, so we are gonna start all the way from the back of the map here.

  • All the way from the back of the map here.

  • [SOUND] So, this is where the race is gonna start, all the way over here.

  • [COUGH] So, let's see where everyone else on the map is.

  • It did say quite a few people had left the game.

  • So, let's take a look.

  • Right. Over 18 people here.

  • Some of them, some of them seem to be near us, not a lot of them.

  • Not a lot of them, but, hey what if, bro?

  • We need to do a race.

  • All right, we need to do a race.

  • Come on, get over here boys.

  • Get tattoos and game.

  • Yeah, yeah, I could do that, but they're still near the sign.

  • Bro, what are you doing, bro?

  • [LAUGH] Bro, what are you doing?

  • Come over here. All right.

  • I'm gonna show people on the stream,

  • this is where I am, this is where you need to come and join me.

  • And, what I'm gonna do since this is a live stream,

  • I can just do things like this.

  • I am going to, what shall I?

  • Hm. What I'll do is,

  • I'll do a little of the shout,

  • shout out session while we wait for people to come and join us over here.

  • So what I can do here is at screen region,

  • I can bring up your mentions right now on screen.

  • And I'm gonna answer and

  • show your, your questions on live stream as we wait for people to come and join us.

  • Use pretty high powered Skype.

  • So, tweet me absolutely anything at my Twitter handle just there.

  • Follow me and tweet me, and you'll appear in the live feed.

  • Flying car, yes!

  • The flying car's crazy.

  • Go in first person.

  • That's actually a good shout, let's do that right now.

  • Has this got the, oh my gosh, got the freaking music on, dude.

  • All right, let's bring up the map again just so people know where we're going.

  • I'm amazed, I'm amazed when people know how to hit it.

  • Honestly, amazed when people, it may fit in a race.

  • I'm thinking it could be in a race.

  • If not, we just have to buy a self.

  • Now, listen something is coming towards us.

  • Okay, mh-hm, when is the, the next Frank video.

  • The next Frank video should be in the next week or so, I think.

  • Shout out.

  • What's up.

  • I should maybe make this a little bit smaller.

  • Just a little bit smaller, just a little bit.

  • Oh gosh, that's the wrong one.

  • Here we go.

  • There we go.

  • Let's make it a little bit smaller.

  • Sweet.

  • You're awesome.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Extreme. Thank you very much.

  • What's your Playstation screen name.

  • XX Ali-A XX is my ID.

  • And yes, you can join that session and add me on Playstation.

  • I think on PS4, you can add a load of people to your fair, so

  • feel free to do that, my friends.

  • You're sick.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Flying cars.

  • I wish I had a flying car actually.

  • How sick would that be?

  • We've got loads of people in here.

  • That 300 level dude is gone.

  • This could be a new lobby, you know.

  • [SOUND] That's what's happened.

  • That's why no one's coming to race me because we've joined a lobby and

  • it's left the previous lobby.

  • I was so confused, of course.

  • All right.

  • Hm, we could join a new lobby or we could just go on and destroy people.

  • If you go and destroy people.

  • All right, let's go and do.

  • Let's go to the beach.

  • And, we'll go and destroy people.

  • That's annoying, man.

  • That's annoying.

  • I forgot about that.

  • All right, you have to hide your mention for a second again.

  • I completely forgot about that.

  • I want, because it takes.

  • When you come out of a race,

  • it will put you back in a new world which is really annoying.

  • That's really annoying because I know everyone in the last lobby was definitely

  • down to do a little bit of racing.

  • You saw everyone else.

  • Dude, GTA has, I'm pretty sure the highest arc in the game, are they?

  • I don't think I'm in the game.

  • Pretty sure we're not in the game yet guys.

  • Honestly, I prefer racing like this just because you really get a sense of speed.

  • [SOUND]. Oh, what, what I'm trying to do.

  • Yeah, if you were in the lobby, I didn't leave the lobby on purpose.

  • It freaking put me in a new game.

  • I'd love to join a session and it'd just be me so

  • you guys could join, but it takes time when that happens.

  • So, we'll go and find some other people in the lobby.

  • Since, you know, since we've got no links in this lobby.

  • They're just random.

  • We're gonna mess people up, all right.

  • We're gonna mess people up.

  • And, it's a good excuse to take people down and, you know, not feel bad,

  • not feel, oh gosh, get your peasant car out of the way.

  • Is it a sports car?

  • No, it's not.

  • No it is not my friend.

  • Oh. There's someone over here.

  • Hello, friend, how are you doing?

  • Hello.

  • Hello, buddy.

  • Nice to meet you.

  • [SOUND] See ya.

  • Wahoo.

  • Buddy.

  • You mad?

  • You mad bro?, Just doing my job.

  • I'm suited and booted to take people out.

  • This car is dope and wait wait wait.

  • Has he just respawned there.

  • Yeah, I think, is that the same person?

  • Oh, gosh.

  • He's gone RPG boys.

  • No.

  • He's gone RPG on us.

  • I'm out boys.

  • I'm actually out.

  • All right, here's another person.

  • If it's the same person.

  • I feel like I could run into the same person.

  • All right, hold on.

  • Hold on.

  • I'm such a douche, man.

  • Get outta here.

  • Run over the evidence.

  • No one will know what happened.

  • No one will know what happened.

  • Maybe that red circle's where they're about to respawn.

  • Get outta here boys.

  • Get outta here.

  • Your mental state is rising.

  • Oh, gosh. Is the person coming in from my left?

  • Definitely in a car.

  • Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

  • I don't think they.

  • I don't think they know what's going on boys.

  • I don't think they know the massacre that's going down.

  • [LAUGH].

  • All right.

  • Someone's coming from the front.

  • Where is he? Where is he?

  • Here we go. Here we go.

  • Dude, that's a pretty sick car.

  • What the heck? Why's it so squished?

  • Why is the car really squished?

  • What the heck guys, what is that car?

  • Is that just like, he's in passive mode?

  • Is that like a basic car that he's just really pimped out?

  • How did he get all, like, the?

  • I love that, I love that, mate.

  • He's in passive mode.

  • He goes and destroys me.

  • Cheers, bro.

  • Oh, man. [INAUDIBLE] thank you very much for

  • watching the live stream.

  • You should play on 360.

  • I think my account got transferred to PS4, so, technically,

  • no ,you can't honk your horn at me after you just killed me, buddy.

  • That's not how it works.

  • That's not how making friends works, all right.

  • That's not how making friends works.

  • What the?

  • Bro.

  • Bro. Dude, the policeman almost killed me.

  • Dude, that's disgusting behavior.

  • Dude, these cars got sick cars.

  • Dude. The lobby's getting filled up.

  • I think the people don't know us.

  • It's what we wanted, it's what we wanted to know.

  • Get out of here, boys!

  • We're being chopped up, boys.

  • Get out of here. All right, follow me, friends.

  • Follow me.

  • The lobby's getting filled up.

  • This is good. We want the lobby to get filled

  • up with only our, us people.

  • DId you see that sick little 360 move?

  • Oh, no!

  • My wheels, he shot out my wheels!

  • I'm pretty sure they re, they refuel themselves after it though.

  • Oh, my gosh, no dude.

  • You've got an epic chaoticness going on right now.

  • We're heading for the beach, though.

  • We're heading for the beach boys.

  • Oh, gosh.

  • All right. We've got a lot of people behind,

  • which is great.

  • One is made.

  • Ooh.

  • I'm having to do some next level driving.

  • It's because of this car, this freak has got a punctured tire.

  • Once we get everyone lined up at the beach, we're gonna set a long race.

  • All right? Like a long race.

  • Oh, no.

  • This car is really not good.

  • I'm pretty sure, tell me if I'm wrong, I think the, the wheels, oh, my gosh.

  • That's why I keep spinning out.

  • The wheels should re-inflate themselves.

  • Unless I didn't buy the inflated wheels, then that'd kinda suck.

  • Actually, hold on.

  • There's a car place just here.

  • Let me go in and fix my car, like it's literally just here.

  • Good spot, Alley.

  • Good spot my friend.

  • I think, yes, here we go.

  • I can go here.

  • No, it's a freaking race, boys.

  • Alley a just got trolled.

  • Alley a just got trolled by life.

  • Sick job.

  • Totally a car place.

  • [LAUGH] Spectating you?

  • I didn't even know you could do that.

  • That's pretty dope.

  • Welcome DS something.

  • Thank you for spectating me.

  • Now this wheel isn't gonna get fixed is it?

  • Oh, gosh.

  • Oh, baby.

  • Oh, baby.

  • I need to get myself a new wheel.

  • [LAUGH] I need to get myself a new wheel right now.

  • Okay. So hey, this guy,

  • this guy knew where we're going.

  • This guy knew where we were going.

  • All right.

  • We're there.

  • Oh, no.

  • Oh, no.

  • Oh, no.

  • Okay.

  • This wheel.

  • Oh, no, dude.

  • Fight is going down, boys.

  • Fight's going down.

  • Get in my car, brother.

  • We, seriously?

  • [SOUND] Are you serious right now?

  • Is this happening?

  • No love.

  • No love amongst anyone.

  • [SOUND] You're personal vehicle's been destroyed.

  • You need to make a claim, you know, I love that.

  • All right.

  • Luckily, I don't think I'm gonna pay for the insurance.

  • Hopefully, please come.

  • What are you doing?

  • I've got no.

  • There you go.

  • Dirt Racer paid 9,000.

  • How do you like that, buddy?

  • 9,000 straight out of your account.

  • Straight out of your account.

  • Can you not run me over?

  • That'd be appreciated.

  • Thank you very much.

  • No, yeah, take him out.

  • Police officer.

  • No, dude.

  • No, dude.

  • Oh, he's got a Zentorno as well.

  • He knows what's good boys.

  • He knows what's good.

  • All right.

  • Should I get in his car?

  • No, I don't know if I trust anyone.

  • Thing is I don't want a massacre to happen.

  • This is what you don't want to happen.

  • All right.

  • All right. All right.

  • All right. I'll get in.

  • I'll get in.

  • I'll get in.

  • Don't do, don't do something dumb.

  • All right. I trust you.

  • You've got a beautiful car, just like me.

  • You know, that's, that's sick driving mate.

  • Sick driving mate.

  • [LAUGH] When are you going to be on Xbox one?

  • I'm gonna be on Xbox one of the DOC?

  • So just a few days time, I'll be back on Xbox one.

  • I don't like to switch between consoles too much, but, hey look.

  • That's so dope.

  • It flashes between red and green you serious Alley?

  • It flashes between blue and red, I think to tell you you've got police.

  • Yeah.

  • That's so hype, dude.

  • I rate that.

  • [LAUGH] You can call a mechanic, yes.

  • [SOUND] My car is being sure, it's ready to be cooled upon but

  • I don't want to cooled upon it while we're being chased.

  • Do you know what I mean?

  • Don't want to get cooled upon while we've got crazy people trying to kill

  • us, all right?

  • [LAUGH] Yeah, I'm just, I'm just trying to be chill right now.

  • Trying to be chill right now.

  • I've got racks, bro.

  • I know, I don't actually have an RPG myself.

  • I should go and buy stuff.

  • Where are some good shops?

  • Oh, I could go to a gun store.

  • I could go to a gun store.

  • I don't really have many guns to be honest in GTA 5.

  • So, I should honestly just go to a gun store.

  • Okay.

  • So we're being chased by a lot of policeman.

  • [LAUGH] A lot of the cars actually back here are in for a little bit of a fight,

  • you know, that's fine.

  • Okay. We're going to go to here.

  • I'm going to show him to go to there.

  • [SOUND] There we go.

  • I can't, there we go.

  • There we go. There we go.

  • Drive there, my friend.

  • Drive there, head to the gun store.

  • We're gonna pimp out and get ourselves a sick gun, all right?

  • [SOUND] You should come to New Zealand?

  • Yes, I really want to go to New Zealand.

  • Do not worry.

  • Oh, gosh.

  • No.

  • No.

  • I know a lot of you guys are on different consoles, but unfortunate,

  • King Nation Swag.

  • I just realized how sick his name is.

  • That's dope.

  • Bro, your car's getting wrecked, brother.

  • You car is getting wrecked.

  • Shout out to everyone watching right now.

  • I hope you're having a great day, a great time.

  • All right.

  • Nice one.

  • Nice one.

  • Nice one.

  • Well, I mean, I mean, it's nice that you can get it.

  • It's nice that you can get it.

  • I'm getting out, boys.

  • I'm getting out.

  • Don't run me over.

  • Don't run me over.

  • All right.

  • Nation King Swag we're going to the gun store.

  • Watching the live stream it may have not kicked in yet, but that's the plan.

  • That's the plan.

  • Okay. I'm, I'm honestly,

  • honestly just don't want to get run over to be honest policeman.

  • Chill out.

  • [SOUND] Wow.

  • That police car has no chill.

  • I think, I can make it up this little bit of rock.

  • I think, I can make it up here.

  • Yes, yes, yes.

  • No, I'm getting shot at dudes.

  • I'm actually getting shot at.

  • All right.

  • Gun store, don't let me down now bro.

  • Don't let me down.

  • Can you buy guns while the police are on you, or will they not let you in?

  • [LAUGH] Will they let you in?

  • Would they allow me to buy his guns?

  • Oh, those are car planes here as well if I remember correctly.

  • Oh, no, I'm thinking of another place near by.

  • All right. Ammu-nation.

  • Hey, dude.

  • The parks his car quite nicely right there.

  • >> I can't show you any thing until you loose the car.

  • >> Are you serious?

  • Bro, do you want to discuss this?

  • Do you want to discuss this with my gun pointed at your face?

  • How do I lose the cops?

  • Like I'm inside they don't know where I am.

  • If I wait here long enough, they should go.

  • And this thing will stop flashing hopefully.

  • [LAUGH] All right.

  • Come on.

  • They don't know where I am.

  • Come on. Like they literally don't know where I am.

  • Look at this dude's tattoos.

  • Look at him and then look at me in my suit.

  • [LAUGH] Yes, boys.

  • All right. I lost him.

  • Let me know what level you guys are.

  • I'm at level ten. I'm a big noob.

  • All right.

  • Dude, can we buy anything?

  • No, dammit, this is the problem we have.

  • I can't buy the sick stuff.

  • Oh, you know, I should, I think I already have.

  • >> Hold your your.

  • >> Is that a shotgun?

  • I've got that, bullet pack rifle, carbine.

  • The carbine looks sick.

  • [SOUND] The carbine looks like it has better accuracy.

  • Yes, go for that.

  • I don't, oh, dude.

  • Homing launcher.

  • >> [INAUDIBLE].

  • >> What?

  • What?

  • What?

  • Dude, no, dude.

  • Okay.

  • That's a sick car, like legit.

  • The color of that car is absolutely sick.

  • But you're, I'm trying to purchase a weapon here.

  • [LAUGH] I'm trying.

  • [NOISE]

  • What?

  • Okay. We're not that far away.

  • Okay.

  • I thought we spawned a mile away.

  • Dude, the guy freaking shot me and

  • I was trying to purchase from his gun store, like are you serious?

  • There's no respect at all in the world of GTA5, unfortunately.

  • And we've got to get back up there without getting run over.

  • Okay. No no no.

  • He's invisible. He's invisible.

  • Good stuff. Good Stuff.

  • Good Stuff.

  • What the heck?

  • He just gave me a gun.

  • This is like look.

  • It's like look.

  • You need to be armed right now.

  • You're running around in a suit with no gun.

  • You need to be armed right now.

  • And I'm like no, I'm good.

  • So look those are the weapons that I've got at the moment not very many.

  • The reason I want an assault rifle,

  • because I don't actually have an automatic assault rifle.

  • I've got an SMG and I've got a carbine.

  • It's a single fire, almost like a semi, almost like a, sniper, but not, not quite.

  • All right.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • No! No!

  • Don't do it!

  • Oh my gosh, I'm so done, I'm so done.

  • How do you get out of here?

  • How do you get out?

  • No, bro, bro please, bro, bro.

  • [NOISE] This is why you can't get anything done my friends,

  • you can't get anything done.

  • Huh, Oh.

  • Okay. Okay.

  • Okay.

  • We're going to have to go to a new gun store.

  • That's the only option.

  • I think there's one all the way up here, but that's miles away.

  • So, let's go to that one.

  • All dandy.

  • Now what I need to do is call in my car.

  • And not let anyone know where I called it in,

  • cuz if they find it they will destroy it.

  • All right, I'm standing still right now.

  • I could get shot up any second.

  • [SOUND] I'm getting out of here boys.

  • I just got $500 for that guy who died next to me.

  • [LAUGH] Ain't complaining.

  • Yeah, I don't have sticky bombs dude, I do not have sticky bombs.

  • It's annoying.

  • Oh, I don't think my car is on the way.

  • Mechanic, oh, I think I called the wrong person for a second.

  • [LAUGH] Go to a different gun store, that is the exact idea my friends.

  • Request deliver, all right, beautiful, we gotta a few seconds,

  • hopefully my car will be here at any point, any point at all.

  • [SOUND] Now we just gotta make sure we can actually get to it.

  • Otherwise we may have to switch to passive mode.

  • We may have to switch to passive mode.

  • How long does it take for my car to?

  • [SOUND] My car. It's, no, don't you dare, don't you dare,

  • don't you dare, don't.

  • >> I'm so dead with this.

  • >> That's my car.

  • That's my car.

  • That's my new car.

  • That's my car.

  • Look at it.

  • Look at it.

  • Look at it.

  • I don't need to stall it.

  • Uh-huh, I don't need, just bought it man.

  • All right my insurance company is going to help me.

  • Just there, that car right there.

  • I want to get in that.

  • Hold on.

  • Let me call the insurance again, second claim in the,

  • in the space of like ten minutes.

  • Luckily, I, yes.

  • No charge.

  • Some other idiot's paying nine grand.

  • Unlucky, buddy.

  • All right.

  • Where's this sick car?

  • Look at the color of this car.

  • Uh-oh, uh-oh, it's gonna blow up any second.

  • I mean like dude, honestly I rate the color so much.

  • [SOUND] I rate the car, to be honest.

  • Look, you can't, I know it's gonna blow up.

  • I know it's gonna blow up but YOLO it, I'm gonna YOLO it, all right?

  • And let's see if it can take us where I need to go through.

  • I trust him.

  • No, we're dead!

  • We're dead!

  • I don't even know why we're dead.

  • The car didn't even ex, did we got killed by the police?

  • The clothes shopping.

  • Oh my gosh, we're back here again.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • While no one's watching, quickly call in the mechanic.

  • Quickly call him.

  • Shh.

  • I look so white, hold on.

  • I look so white, let's, all right, make myself look a little bit less white.

  • There we go. All right.

  • I called it in.

  • Wrong car, wrong car.

  • Next request available in three minutes?

  • [SOUND] Nah, we're freaking lost, boys.

  • We're freaking lost.

  • I called in my, my rubbish car.

  • [LAUGH] Oh man, I called in my rubbish car and I think,

  • I think it puts your rubbish car, I think it has put it on the map.

  • Why's it over here?

  • Personal vehicle.

  • Dude, that's like a million miles away.

  • Nah, dude, GTA's taking the, literally taking the piss, bro.

  • I'm gonna have to get someone to give me a lift.

  • All right, I need a weapon.

  • Oh gosh, someone's in a jet.

  • No, that ain't good, boys.

  • That, like, oh my gosh, those freaking, nah dude those wheels are sick.

  • Now bro, let me in your car, let me in your car, let me in your car.

  • Let me in your car.

  • Quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly.

  • All right, lemme put directions on his map, so he knows where he's going.

  • No, here, here, here, here.

  • Here.

  • Let me override.

  • Let me override your map system, my friend.

  • This is where we need to go.

  • Don't think it's going to work.

  • Robber shot.

  • Oh gosh.

  • Look at everyone right now on the map.

  • Look at everyone on the map right now.

  • It's a freaking jet boys.

  • Honestly I rated the wheels.

  • I mean they're unique.

  • Maybe not my style but they're cool.

  • They're cool. Do I know

  • where this guy's going to take us?

  • Maybe back to the gun store.

  • Maybe he'll take us back to the gun store and

  • maybe I'll actually be able to get in this time.

  • [SOUND] I mean, who knows?

  • Oh man, yeah, I think I may have to go and pass someone there.

  • Oh, I'm bailing out boys, I'm bailing out.

  • I'm bailing out, boys.

  • Painful, but worth.

  • Painful, but worth.

  • Oh, what the?

  • Dude, teleporting police car.

  • Someone go back and get a print screen of that.

  • Dude, he literally teleported out of a nether portal.

  • And just appeared out of nowhere.

  • All right now, that actually helped a little bit.

  • I mean, it's not what I want but it does actually help a little bit.

  • How come his car's invisible?

  • Nah, nah, dude.

  • You guys are trolls.

  • Hi, come kill me for 9,000 down please.

  • Oh, shit.

  • What's his name?

  • Dark Demon Blade, right?

  • If I see Dark Demon Blade, I'm gonna buy him.

  • I'll buy him? Kill him.

  • All right, please don't block the car.

  • Don't block the car.

  • Don't, don't do it.

  • Don't do it. Don't do it.

  • No!

  • The car's still blocking.

  • I'm so done, dude.

  • You can respawn elsewhere by should, should kill yourself.

  • Should I do it?

  • Where's the dude that said I should kill him?

  • I need to find the guy that said I should kill him for 9,000 bounty.

  • All right.

  • Come on. [SOUND] Oh.

  • I probably shouldn't have done that.

  • I probably shouldn't have done that.

  • Now I'm on a three star rating.

  • Watching your screen.

  • Oh he send me a message.

  • I was the heck you say watching your stream in game?

  • It doesn't make any sense.

  • You guys are crazy.

  • You guys are absolutely crazy.

  • 5,000 people watching right now, absolutely awesome.

  • If you in troll having any fun, and want to, okay every like I get in

  • this video is ga, is, is support towards getting my car back and not dying,

  • not dying, I'm, I wanna kind of, is this car free?

  • Oh!

  • [SOUND] Boys!

  • I just stole someone's Adder!

  • [MUSIC]

  • Aw, this, this is my favorite track in the game.

  • This is actually my favorite track in the game.

  • Yes!

  • Oh I'm not going to mute it.

  • I know I should mute it.

  • Copyright.

  • But I'm not going to mute it because it's my favorite track in the game.

  • All right we need to lose the police.

  • We need to get back to the shore.

  • And we need to get our self a new gun, and then we'll go clothes shopping as well.

  • Since you guys wanted, for some reason you guys want me to go clothes shopping.

  • I'm down. I'm down.

  • What the heck?

  • Why am I stuck?

  • What?

  • What?

  • What?

  • No!

  • Did she?

  • He blocked access to the vehicle.

  • He blocked access to the vehicle.

  • Dude that teleport.

  • Honestly that teleporting car like what was that about dude.

  • You literally teleported out of nowhere.

  • So.

  • I stole his personal vehicle, and then, he was like, no, actually, actually,

  • I don't want you driving my car, and he's kicked me out the car, straight up.

  • That's so cheeky.

  • I can't believe that.

  • All right, I'm gonna have to get a lift eventually.

  • Like, I mean, I don't actually have any bounty on me, technically.

  • It's all these other guys.

  • Things to do, but still.

  • All right, someone give me a lift.

  • This black Hornet's dope, all right.

  • This black Hornet.

  • No, no, no, can you not?

  • Your car is rubbish.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • Nah, I'm dead, I'm 100% dead in a second.

  • 100% dead. I know.

  • Dude you won't let me in the car, you won't let me in your car.

  • Dude, I literally, [SOUND] this [SOUND] this is wrappings.


  • [INAUDIBLE] GTA is just fun that, doesn't even matter if you die loads.

  • It doesn't even matter.

  • That code out, I really erased it.

  • Oh, dude you can steal a jet ski.

  • Let's jet ski our way there.

  • Imagine if you could actually do that.

  • I don't think you can.

  • Oh, actually, actually, oh, wait, what the heck?

  • How do they find me so quickly?

  • Just cause I respawn really close.

  • All right, let's get in this, all right, all right, I'm trusting, who do I trust?

  • That's the question.

  • Who do I trust?

  • [SOUND] Don't run me over.

  • We're gonna have to have some words.

  • Dude, I trusted.

  • [SOUND] Robo, why'd

  • you do this, bro?

  • Why did you do this, bro?

  • I'm lagging.

  • Now, if you're lagging, just change it, change the settings.

  • All right.

  • [SOUND] I'm going to attempt, to get my car back.

  • [LAUGH] Okay.

  • Mechanic.

  • [SOUND] Takes ages to call them up man.

  • Come on.

  • Pick up dude this is Ali A wanting his personal car instantly.

  • [SOUND] Yes.

  • Okay.

  • [SOUND] I'm pretty sure.

  • I don't need to call the, dude I can't get in your stuff.

  • Like I'm pretty sure I don't need to, to.

  • Did my car get blown up again?

  • I think it did get blown up, didn't it?

  • Probably did get blown up again, [SOUND] to be honest, knowing me.

  • If not, oh.

  • Dude shoot them, they're the bad ones, not me.

  • I don't want.

  • I don't want.

  • I want my car back.

  • I want my car back, dude.

  • [SOUND] All right.

  • Dude, look it's a freaking helicopter on top of me.

  • I don't think i can get in, in it because it's like semi-invisible.

  • Okay, I'm well connected.

  • Beautiful.

  • [SOUND] Now I love it when it connects to a phone call and nothing happens.

  • Actually, you know what?

  • You know what? Since they're not actually going for me.

  • [LAUGH] Since they're not actually going for me, don't you dare!

  • >> Get that son of a bitch!

  • >> No, dude!

  • [SOUND] What?

  • Wouldn't let, wouldn't let me even drive it!

  • Hold the back button.

  • What's the back button?

  • [SOUND] Back button.

  • I don't think there is a back button on PlayStation.

  • [SOUND] Does that work?

  • Don't know.

  • All right.

  • All right. We can get in his car.

  • What the heck? Sick boys.

  • Hey, you're back in the beautiful.

  • Gold car that I highly rate.

  • Hopefully he's been watching the live stream.

  • And he knows that, we want a gun, right?

  • We want a gun.

  • We want it now.

  • It's half past midnight.

  • Great driving.

  • I need to get up early in the morning, but it's still, it's still.

  • I tried to steal a cop car dude.

  • It wouldn't let me drive, I held down the accelerate button, it didn't go anywhere.

  • Uh-oh, that's happening [SOUND] that's happening my friends.

  • >> [INAUDIBLE].

  • >> Nice!

  • Two, six skills boys.

  • Hey, you got all some stunts, you got some stunts, got some stunts straight up.

  • All right, let me direct match cuz he may not know, there we go, yeah he knows,

  • he knows, he knows, he knows what's up.

  • [SOUND] As long as this guy is gonna troll, he's gonna drive his car in.

  • [SOUND] All right, here we go.

  • Oh buddy, oh buddy.

  • Oh, he's going his own way.

  • Is it, you're okay?

  • He's getting, he's getting there.

  • Don't worry guys, he's getting there, he's getting there.

  • He's not trolling, too much.

  • [LAUGH] [SOUND] See bro.

  • Oh gosh, that really helped my body.

  • That really helped my body.

  • Now, I'm gonna leave, try and leave these guys alone because I don't trust them.

  • And, I need to get to the ammunition store.

  • Don't run me over, don't run me over, don't run me over, don't run me over,

  • don't run me over.

  • It's right there.

  • You see how hard it is to do gentle things in GTA?

  • When, when.

  • Ammunition store.

  • How do you get in?

  • Bro I, Oh my gosh.

  • Shoot. I forget, I forgot.

  • Oh no it won't let me even, let me buy any guns.

  • [SOUND] No dude this is a hundred percent a fail.

  • This is a hundred percent a fail.

  • Brother, look.

  • [SOUND] What, just,

  • happened to me?

  • Did you seriously just do that?

  • [SOUND] Did you seriously?

  • You know what, I think.

  • I'm not sure which car it is.

  • Where is my car on the map?

  • Here we go.

  • I'm not sure which car that is.

  • We should try and get to it cuz maybe it is the right one, I don't know.

  • It could be the right one.

  • Dude, this car is actually dope,

  • I'm gonna, no, come back, come back, come back.

  • No, he's off boys.

  • All right, I'm grabbing this thing.

  • I need some.

  • [SOUND] This isn't, this isn't a, this isn't, what's the word?

  • A, what's the word?

  • You know our live streams productive, this is not a productive live.

  • Sometimes people are good.

  • Sometimes people are good and.

  • [SOUND] And they just do races, they cooperate.

  • This, this one, not so much, this one, not so much.

  • But at least when you die, what the heck?

  • [SOUND] How, how do you get out of here?

  • I'm pretty dope, though.

  • I don't know why.

  • Could we go out here?

  • Dude, aw, this is sick!

  • We're in the middle of a film set!

  • This is dope, dude.

  • Been playing this game for like two years.

  • I've never been here.

  • Never been here, my friends.

  • Oh, baby.

  • I don't have a parachute, so I think that'd kill me.

  • Oh no.

  • No, no!

  • Dude.

  • He took like no damage at all, what a king!

  • It's the suit man.

  • It's the suit.

  • The suit makes you a powerful.

  • Don't know if I can get out this way.

  • Don't know if I can get out this way.

  • No I'm pretty much in a dead end.

  • Hey, welcome to the dead end where you can't leave.

  • So don't go down there.

  • Don't go down there friends.

  • Don't go down there my friend.

  • I think people just want to say they killed Ali A to be honest.

  • That's what ends up happening.

  • Like I killed Ali A and GTA, I'm the greatest player of all time.

  • All right, I don't have any ratings on me anymore, oh dude, what is that?

  • Is that a cop car?

  • That's one of the sickest cop cars I've ever seen!

  • Okay, you know what?

  • You know what?

  • This car's mine.

  • Let's go, boys.

  • Oh, baby.

  • Okay.

  • Okay. This is kind of hectic.

  • That's why we're getting out of there.

  • That's why we're getting out of there.

  • We're not a part of that.

  • Oh my gosh it put us in.

  • Oh yeah I stole a car, lol.

  • I forgot I stole a car.

  • Oopsie. [LAUGH] I was like why did

  • I go up to two star, I've done nothing wrong.

  • What have I done to hurt anyone?

  • Okay, I've just stolen someone's car.

  • Stole someone's car.

  • Little bit of it was cheeky shortcut, though.

  • I think they're probably transported my rubbish car.

  • I think I clicked my rubbish car back to them.

  • Sorry to disappoint.

  • Sorry to disappoint, but I think, they may have done that.

  • [LAUGH] I think they've done it to me, man.

  • Why you do this, game?

  • Oh.

  • Where is the?

  • What the heck?

  • Wait.

  • That's my car.

  • That's my car.

  • Did he just?

  • No. This is my car.

  • Boys.

  • [NOISE]

  • Can you not?

  • Just as I get my car, which is actually being looked after by a very kind fellow.

  • Who I, I appreciate.

  • We got shot up boys, but, notice, how everyone's distracted.

  • My car I don't think got blown up.

  • It's still there, and it's in like that invisible mode, what the heck.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • Bro the glitch right.

  • The glitch is right now.

  • No police car actually get off my back right now.

  • Dude. No.

  • Dude's in my freaking car dude.

  • I have to kick him out of my car.

  • Go just drive.

  • Drive anywhere.

  • Just drive anywhere.

  • [SOUND] This is, this is what happen, this is,

  • this is GTA V live for, for you guys.

  • It's still fun though.

  • What does green mean?

  • Oh no. I'm gonna, you know,

  • I'm gonna have to play in passive mode.

  • Gonna have to play in passive mode, cuz everyone's being douches.

  • This is what happens.

  • This is what happens.

  • I may even have to find a new, new.

  • My car is still on the map.

  • But it is quite far away.

  • I may have to find a new session in a bit.

  • Because everyone's big trolls.

  • Okay, I love you, I love you all mate but I don't trust you.

  • You probably killed me once before in this live stream.

  • I could do a private session but that would only be me and that's boring.

  • What the heck?

  • [SOUND] Why can't I drive?

  • [SOUND] What?

  • There you go that took ages.

  • Holy cow this games glitched.

  • This game is so medieval in the lobby right now.

  • Pretty Sure.

  • Bro look he's in my freaking sick car Boy.

  • Did I say you could take my sick car?

  • Look.

  • Look.

  • All right, bro, I need my car back.

  • It's not gonna be, no, no, no, no, no, no.

  • I need to think about the passenger.

  • He's sitting the driver's seat.

  • I don't get the driver's seat.

  • Naw, dude, I got trolled by life.

  • Can I shoot him?

  • Oh, I can't even shoot people, I'm in passive mode.

  • No dude look at him.

  • He's trolling my life dude.

  • He's trolling my life.

  • I'm, oh yes, yes, yes.

  • We've actually succeeded at something in life.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • We've actually succeeded in getting my car back and no one can hurt me.

  • Yes, passive mode for the win, boys.

  • Oh, this game is so buggy.

  • I reckon, it's people.

  • I reckon it's people all across the world in this lobby.

  • Probably Americans, UK, Spanish, everywhere.

  • That's probably why it was so laggy.

  • Dude, this thing's, this thing's a machine of beauty, all right?

  • Don't, [SOUND] [SOUND] Oh, damn it, I still got two stars.

  • Gosh, damn it.

  • [LAUGH] I was like, I can go to the ammunition store.

  • No you can't, Ali.

  • Oh, this is like, this is like the mini.

  • Oh gosh, that hurts.

  • [LAUGH] LOL.

  • Once we finish those two stars, we go and get a gun.

  • The gun I've been saying I would get like half an hour ago.

  • Oh, big skills, big skills mate.

  • Uh-oh.

  • This is roll back.

  • Roll back down the hill.

  • Roll back down the hill.

  • There we go. There we go.

  • [LAUGH] We're the ultimate tumblers in our car.

  • All right, how do we, how do we get this cop racing down?

  • [SOUND] Okay, hold on.

  • Let me go to that one.

  • [SOUND] Hopefully by the time we get there, [SOUND] what the freak?

  • How does anyone hit me?

  • I'm in passive mode, boys.

  • Yes, we lost the, we lost the stars.

  • >> Yo, yo, yo, PS4 on Facebook.

  • >> All right, we have managed to lose the cops.

  • Which is good.

  • All right, we are going to have to mute people.

  • We are going to have to mute people.

  • Oh, I can always mute it.

  • Okay I almost kicked him.

  • That mean goat.

  • Okay you my friends, nice knowing you.

  • Okay. All right.

  • Passive mode is a lot.

  • I'm glad we're in passive mode, you know?

  • Passive mode is kind of boring but at least we can get things done.

  • Uh,yes definitely getting GTA 5 on PC.

  • Definitely getting GTA 5 on PC.

  • Mainly cuz like what I started doing when GTA 5 Next Gen came out was like.

  • The video was like, they were like five to eight minutes long.

  • They take like ages to.

  • You know what I can do?

  • You know what I can do?

  • I can do this.

  • Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

  • If I block them off.

  • Hopefully.

  • Ammunition. Oh gosh no.

  • No. No. No. No.

  • No boys.

  • Guys I'm done with life.

  • Nah, boys he stole my freaking car.

  • >> You know [INAUDIBLE] >> Boys, he stole my freaking car.

  • I am so done.

  • [LAUGH] I'm so done with life, dude.

  • I'm so done with life.

  • We're gonna have to meet people just.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • That's me.

  • That's me my friend.

  • Just so that we can not have random people clicking on my.

  • I could say anything at all.

  • What level are these people are quite high level.

  • Don't get too. What level they are until you meet them.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • How many people do we have in this lobby?

  • We're like 24. How many people can you have on Next Gen?

  • What did I just do?

  • [LAUGH] Hold down the button to get into the car.

  • I did try to do that.

  • Oh sick. [MUSIC]

  • [SOUND] Turn it up.

  • All right.

  • Umm.

  • Umm, so is this?

  • Best jumps, if you ride motorcycles.

  • Host.

  • Best jumps.

  • All right.

  • Holy cow. Okay, everyone just got an invite.

  • That's sick boys.

  • All right, we're doing this.

  • We're doing this.

  • And then maybe after we've done this,

  • it may put this in a new lobby anyway, which could be a good thing.

  • I'm not gonna lie.

  • [LAUGH] So we'll wait for us to load, we'll see who joins.

  • [SOUND] Oh, cool, we can go straight into it.

  • Oh dude, that's dope.

  • That's only else to it, I honestly don't even care.

  • Honestly don't even care.

  • Actually do some jumps.

  • You said you wanted to do some jumps so.

  • This is a good time to see some jumps, my friends.

  • Good time to see some jumps.

  • I love the transition, it's like hello, full screen.

  • Back to, back to normal, full screen, back to normal.

  • All right, so I believe it's just me and one other person.

  • Ready to play.

  • And we're going to be doing some jumps.

  • Boys, get hyped.

  • Get hyped, all right.

  • You're ready for some hype jumps?

  • [SOUND] Smash it live, if we can finish this live stream with 10,000 likes,

  • that would be amazing.

  • Really, really appreciate that.

  • So, all right.

  • Well, pardon me.

  • [SOUND] Never done this before in my life.

  • Oh, what?

  • I thought we're doing crazy jumps.

  • Oh. Oh.

  • Well.

  • No I failed that mate.

  • What he knows the course.

  • That's not fair.

  • No I definitely lost this.

  • I know this is the wrong way but I need to freaking get this thing.

  • Here we go.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • So there are jumps.

  • He may have set this up himself as well.

  • I, I do have some protection in my car I think.

  • Here we go.

  • I'm back again boys, I'm back again.

  • Thank you for waiting, very kind of you.

  • I think my car is faster than his mate.

  • I'm just saying.

  • I'm just saying.

  • All right I'm ready for like a big crazy jump.

  • Missed the first one.

  • Oh, here we go boys.

  • Dude can I make this?

  • Oh.

  • Sick.

  • That is awesome.

  • Did he make it?

  • We made it boys.

  • Look at that.

  • Good stuff my friends.

  • Don't think that's going to hit him.

  • Good jump.

  • All right.

  • More crazy jumps I'm down dude.

  • I am down.

  • Where are we headed though.

  • Okay cool. I was like is that a jump?

  • I don't think that's a jump.

  • Oh buddy.

  • I'm waiting for a biggun.

  • Dude. Yes.

  • I was about to say this'd be a perfect place to jump.

  • [SOUND] You ready?

  • [SOUND] Oh.

  • Oh.

  • Oh buddy.

  • Look at that, that was actually a perfect jump.

  • Did he make it?

  • I don't know if he made it.

  • Yeah, he made it, dude.

  • That was a sick jump.

  • All right, I like it.

  • Are you using El Gato game catcher?

  • I don't know if I'm going quick enough for this one.

  • Huh!

  • Does that count?

  • We did a barrel roll.

  • Dude, I'm sorry, that's legitimate.

  • That is sick.

  • We did a barrel roll and landed it and got the checkpoint.

  • How do we get out of here?

  • How do we get out of here?

  • Show me the way.

  • You designed this map, not me.

  • Oh gosh we're going the completely wrong way.

  • We've gone the complete wrong way, buddy.

  • [SOUND] Yeah, bad, bad.

  • We, we screwed up.

  • We screwed up, boys.

  • [LAUGH] We screwed up, boys.

  • We got it wrong.

  • But you know what we have to do?

  • Oh my gosh.

  • We've gone, we've gone really wrong, actually.

  • I think [SOUND] oh, oh, oh, here we go.

  • It's gonna respawn in the last checkpoint.

  • That's dope.

  • Oh God, we have to the jump again though?

  • [MUSIC]

  • Well that's a sick checkpoint.

  • It has put me on the roof, mate.

  • Oh gosh.

  • Oh, rip.

  • Rip my car.

  • [SOUND] You, you, you committed, gosh dammit.

  • Gosh dammit.

  • I don't even know where the other guy is.

  • I didn't mean to commit suicide.

  • Why'd the other one like me and not commit suicide.

  • [MUSIC]

  • I should be fair, probably a good idea, don't know if I can get out here now.

  • Oh no, I love it when I get stuck in here.

  • [MUSIC]

  • Yes, I though that thing may propel, I knew it.

  • Dude, I'm wrecking the car man.

  • Absolutely wrecking the car.

  • Okay here we go.

  • We're back on track.

  • We're back on track boys.

  • Don't even worry.

  • Do not even worry.

  • All my mentions now are pretty much just filled with people getting elite weapons.

  • Like the number of people that have tweeted have got like triple elite weapons

  • and I'm like, oh, sick man.

  • Now, I should probably let him go first.

  • Now I should probably let him go first so I know what I'm doing.

  • Here you go man. Alright you keep it going bro.

  • You lead the way. You lead the way.

  • You're the one who made this map.

  • You can show him where the jumps are. You can show him

  • where the jumps are.

  • Oh. What? What?

  • Oh, my, gosh.

  • That is.

  • Sick boys.

  • But we didn't do it.

  • [LAUGH] If only your car had an exosuit, yeah, I know right, that'd be dope.

  • Oh my God, this is such a tough jump.

  • [MUSIC]

  • Here we go.

  • No! Dude, that's a troll, that is a troll.

  • Okay, phew, I thought the whole game had reset there.

  • All right.

  • Don't click that lamp post.

  • This is it.

  • This is the winning ticket boys.

  • No! [LAUGH] I'd be so

  • freaked out if I was actually doing that jump in real life.

  • Dude I really want a Monster Energy but I shouldn't.

  • In live stream I always get really thirsty but

  • the idea of a Monster Energy makes me like, really excited.

  • [SOUND] I was not gonna get any sleep.

  • This is, this could be good.

  • It's actually, oh, so close, so close.

  • My friends, all right.

  • All right, we can do this.

  • Do not worry.

  • [SOUND] I've got an Alienware Aurora, it's a bit of a beast.

  • Not sure, the, the motherboard but it's good, it's really good.

  • This is it. This is it.

  • This is it.

  • This is it.

  • This is it.

  • No! [LAUGH] No!

  • [LAUGH] Aw man.

  • All right, we're have to leave, we have to leave, reverse for this.

  • Here we go, full speed, full speed.

  • The other person's done it.

  • We can do it too. [MUSIC]

  • That's it.

  • That's the ticket.

  • That's the ticket.

  • That's the ticket. That's the ticket.

  • That's the ticket.

  • That's the ticket.

  • Woo, baby.

  • Perfecto.

  • And I see we can jump off of here as well.

  • [MUSIC]

  • I'm up buddy, I'm up.

  • Do not even fear.

  • Ali-A.

  • It's a flying car machine!

  • Oof! And it can't, the other one.

  • Thank you.

  • Didn't want to go back and get it.

  • Zen, how do you even call it?

  • Zen Turono.

  • Zento Rono.

  • Zentorono?

  • Zentorono?

  • Zentorono?

  • Not sure. It's a sick car, though.

  • Absolutely, sick car.

  • All right, I assume it's a jump, because he's letting me go first.

  • He wants me to experience a jump.

  • I understand it.

  • Oh, what?

  • Oh, first time.

  • Boys, what are you saying boys?

  • What are you saying?

  • First time.

  • That is what I'm talking about.

  • Oh, baby, Ali A into first.

  • I may wait for him, just because, otherwise I feel bad.

  • Oh no, he's done it.

  • Is he, yeah, he knows what he's doing, he knows what he's doing.

  • Oh, damn, damn radio, damn radio.

  • I keep on forgetting this song, here we go.

  • Keep on forgetting it's on.

  • Oh, this looks.

  • This looks cute.

  • Cute little jump.

  • I like that.

  • I like that.

  • Keep it flat.

  • Keep it flat.

  • Keep it flat.

  • There's a lamp post.

  • Oh, but we avoided it boys.

  • You can't get boost.

  • Zen Tro.

  • Zen Torno.

  • Zen Torno. Zen Torno.

  • Okay that makes more sense.

  • That makes more sense.

  • Zen Torno, yeah, that makes more sense, huh!

  • What, is this?

  • Can I ride on the side of the building?

  • Nah, that'd be pretty sick if you could.

  • [NOISE] Oopsy.

  • I didn't mean to do that.

  • Kobe.

  • What? [SOUND] Since when is that a sensible

  • respawn point.

  • Hey, it worked.

  • It worked.

  • Not gonna knock it.

  • I'm honestly not sure how I got into this game.

  • I think maybe I got an invite and I accidentally, acce,

  • accepted a game invite.

  • But either way, shout out to this dude only having two people makes it you know,

  • definitely a lot more manageable as well to be honest.

  • All right.

  • I need to start doing.

  • Let me know. Would you guys be interested in seeing me

  • do races?

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • As like videos on GTA, let me know.

  • [SOUND] Huh, dude, he definitely hit me there.

  • Oh, I did it.

  • I did it. I did it.

  • [SOUND] Huh, dude, I did it.

  • Wrong way, yeah, I know.

  • I appreciate it, bro.

  • I appreciate, you telling me it's the wrong way, [SOUND] I should probably re,

  • re, respawn.

  • I should probably respawn.

  • Hold r-one.

  • I'm just, I'm just using the control stick, dude.

  • It seems to work.

  • [SOUND] But I will try the r-one technique,

  • since you guys have said it could be a good technique.

  • Please tell me that, okay, sweet, sweet, sweet.

  • Lap two of two, all right, cool.

  • We're halfway through, boys.

  • [LAUGH] We're halfway through, boys.

  • Let's go.

  • Almost been streaming for an hour and a half.

  • Hope you guys have been enjoying.

  • It's been a load of fun.

  • Oh, so this, oh!

  • We do everything again.

  • Okay, now, this time, it's gonna be proper speedy, all right?

  • This time, I'm taking it.

  • Wow.

  • Okay. Okay, car.

  • This time, we'll try and do the jumps, if possible.

  • First time around we know.

  • We've seen what to expect.

  • We know what to expect.

  • Let's do it quickly alright.

  • No race videos.

  • Okay.

  • Honestly like race videos in my opinion aren't very interesting.

  • But I mean, I mean, a lot of people watch them so

  • I just wonder what you guys are thinking.

  • But personally I prefer like my edited videos.

  • I have a lot more fun doing my edited videos.

  • So that's why the boxes are there.

  • That makes sense.

  • I forgot to do the whole r-one thing.

  • Right, here we go. We're back on it boys, we're back on it.

  • May do race videos, maybe I'll just keep, maybe I'll do a race video, give it a go,

  • see what happens.

  • Get some of the YouTubers in and see how we do, mm.

  • All right, lap two of two, doing a lot better than lap one of one.

  • But you know, it's our first ever tricks race, so I think we did all right.

  • Huh, we're hitting this.

  • I'm hitting this boys.

  • [SOUND] You already know I'm hitting this.

  • And I'm landing it, with, a side.

  • That was actually really impressive.

  • That was a really clean, clean land.

  • Not going to lie.

  • Dude let's not forgot.

  • Oh airborne award.

  • Sick.

  • Dude, we're leaving the other guy behind.

  • No chew.

  • No chew.

  • Oh. This is the one that's really annoying.

  • Oh gosh.

  • Okay.

  • It's cool, it's cool, it's cool.

  • We're in first place baby.

  • How has it taken us nine minutes of this, holy cow.

  • All right.

  • Let's get out of here, let's get out of here.

  • Get back on the checkpoints.

  • Play double xp on Advanced Warfare.

  • It is indeed double xp.

  • And, if this isn't Advanced Warfare, I'll actually know.

  • I would do a cheek Advanced Warfare game at the end, but

  • isn't Advanced Warfare action.

  • I'll say, I'll maybe do an Advanced Warfare live streams

  • as I said with the Exo zombies guys Exo zombies.

  • Okay, I know how to hit this.

  • I know how to hit this.

  • No! Huh!

  • [SOUND] This could.

  • Huh!

  • No!

  • [SOUND] Dude, so close to doing it first time.

  • So close, damn.

  • Damn.

  • I think he did it.

  • I knew what to do.

  • I knew what to do man.

  • [SOUND] Pardon me.

  • So close.

  • So close here we go.

  • [SOUND] Think it's a lot easier for him at this part.

  • Oh dude I just have to do flips dude.

  • Like it's just my style now you know what I mean?

  • It's just my style now doing backflips.

  • Boys.

  • I think he.

  • I don't know,

  • I keep on thinking I'm really good but I think he's probably ahead of me.

  • Not sure.

  • >> [SOUND] Waste, wasted!

  • No!

  • I didn't mean to do it, man!

  • I didn't want to commit suicide.

  • Where'd he go?

  • Where'd the other dude go?

  • I mean, if he wants me to win, I, I'll take the win.

  • I'll take the win.

  • Let's go boys.

  • Zen Torno.

  • Zen Torno.

  • Big speed. oh,

  • this is the one with the crazy jump again isn't it.

  • Honestly it's that, that one jump that's the most time last night so.

  • Let's go for it boys.

  • Let's go for it, let's go for it.

  • [SOUND] Huh!

  • Big.

  • Big, plays.

  • Let's just get a look at the view for a second, dude.

  • Let's just get a look at the view.

  • Look, at, that.

  • It's quite still until the car kicks in, boys.

  • Vroom!

  • All right, just want a little jump here, I believe.

  • Oh no, we're good,

  • we're good [SOUND] Dude, mention don't have your car drop like that.

  • The one thing to commit suicide.

  • [SOUND] Car just gets smashed up, boys.

  • Oh wait, is he, is he really far ahead?

  • Maybe he's already finished [LAUGH].

  • If you just watched, watching, thank you for tuning in.

  • This would go live as a video straight afterwards.

  • If you've enjoyed the live stream.

  • I know it's not Call of Duty, but GTA's a load of fun, and

  • it's a really good game to stream, so hope for you guys, agree, and enjoy.

  • Oh, gosh.

  • Oh, gosh.

  • We were in a game of fans, but it got a little bit crazy.

  • Thank you very much for the message.

  • Your map is awesome.

  • Mic, I wanna say your name's like Microsoft Three.

  • So thank you for bringing me in here.

  • I don't know how I joined this lobby but, I did.

  • I'm not sure if you dropped me an invite and I didn't realize but it worked well.

  • And it's been, it's been a good pop.

  • Been a good powerful livestream.

  • So, yeah, there are meant to be heists coming to GTA 5.

  • Definitely need to get on them when they come out.

  • Do not worry.

  • This, wait, position one of two?

  • Sweet.

  • Hey, maybe I'm gonna finish this.

  • I think he got really far ahead, and then sent me a message.

  • Oh, dude, this is the final.

  • This is the final.

  • [SOUND] Woo, baby.

  • Wait. [SOUND] That.

  • Judge it.

  • You have to stop.

  • You have to stop don't you.

  • You have to stop.

  • I knew it.

  • I knew it wouldn't be that easy.

  • Oh here you go.

  • Where's the end?

  • Here you go.

  • Got to fall of here.

  • Oh baby boom.

  • There we go.

  • Shout out to that dude.

  • For designing the, very fun map, actually.

  • Really good fun, that.

  • Hopefully you enjoyed that.

  • Wasn't easy. $10,000, dude!

  • Thank you!

  • Honestly, thank you!

  • You guys are awesome.

  • Rank up to 11, boys.

  • Let's go.

  • That's what I call how is that dude level 300?

  • Crazy. Look at me, look at me.

  • I'm just like, this is my car.

  • And what?

  • And what?

  • Total time.

  • Three minutes.

  • Best lap, five minutes.

  • Cash,$10,000, and almost a thousand RPM as well, which is awesome.

  • Absolutely awesome.

  • Now guys, [SOUND] we will see if we can get back into the road.

  • If we can get back into the road [SOUND] let's see what happens here.

  • This could take a while.

  • If we could get back into the world we would go and ask up a new gun.

  • We would go and, what else do we do?

  • I don't know, we will get some clothes.

  • Since we are getting some new stuff, and yeah, it should be good fun.

  • What can I show you guys?

  • What can I show you guys?

  • Dunno, like, what, what can I bring up, to you guys?

  • [SOUND] I keep on forgetting this is a GTA livestream.

  • And I'm like bring up some exo zombie images.

  • And I'm like this is a GTA live stream.

  • This is a GTA live stream.

  • My eyes constantly look really tired.

  • Look at that. Look at that.

  • Look at that.

  • Look at that.

  • I should probably go to sleep as soon as this finishes.

  • Yeah, I probably should.

  • Probably should.

  • Thanks for making videos, thank you very much.

  • We are back into the game, boys.

  • Hold up.

  • Back into a game.

  • Can't play Black Ops 2, that is on, the hack fun 1 million.

  • I don't think I want to go into a hacked lobby.

  • That could screw me up.

  • That could really screw me up boys.

  • All right.

  • We hopefully, are in a new, oh baby.

  • I didn't know what the hat things were about, but I think we're in our own lobby.

  • Oh, I unlocked an SMG sick boys.

  • That's what I Iiked to see, rich man swag.

  • Mm-hm.

  • All right. So, is there a gun place near us?

  • That's probably the closest one so we'll go there.

  • Guys tell me where I need to go to get clothes cuz honestly I don't know.

  • Honestly I've never bought clothes.

  • As you know I do know where to go.

  • Actually it's quite obvious I think there's like a clothes icon.

  • Where do you get masks from?

  • I really want a mask.

  • I know when I did a la, my last live stream,

  • or when I last played GTA story, vehicle mode unlocked!

  • Yes, boy, sick!

  • This is what happens when you turn to level 11.

  • I did find the mask place, but I, I can't remember where it is.

  • Aw, dude. Look at that.

  • You can just see the Vinewood sign.

  • That's pretty dope.

  • Pretty damn dope.

  • All right.

  • Let's head back into finally.

  • It's only taken.

  • Out of the way fat woman.

  • Makeup unlocked.

  • Tribal orange.

  • Sick.

  • It's only taken us like an hour.

  • [LAUGH] I'm using xsplit to live stream so

  • I can transition between like almost anything.

  • So like I've got this screen set up.

  • I use this screen for Minecraft.

  • So like lots of different screens set up basically.

  • Lots of different screens set up.

  • Let's head inside.

  • Don't shoot me.

  • Thank goodness he's a friend, woo.

  • How does he get to level like 300 though.

  • That's crazy.

  • Like how.

  • Like.

  • A 120.

  • Where's the sniper?

  • Ninety.

  • Jeez.

  • All right so we are locked in SMG.

  • MP5 has just been unlocked.

  • Nice. [MUSIC]

  • I've got Micro SMG.

  • Honestly, I really like the Micro SMG, to be honest.

  • I've only got 39,000.

  • Do you lose money when you die?

  • [MUSIC]

  • I thought, I thought I had a good amount of money.

  • All right, this one.

  • [SOUND].

  • We've bought?

  • Oh, maybe it put a lot of money into my bank.

  • I thought I had more money than that, dude, I feel, I feel really poor.

  • [LAUGH] I feel really poor.

  • All right, let's buy some ammo.

  • Extended clip?

  • Yes.

  • Scope? I don't know how I feel about scope,

  • I'll go with the grip.

  • I like customizing the guns though, I'm not gonna lie.

  • We should go for a gold, a red gun!

  • Or a gold gun.

  • Let's go with a gold gun.

  • Let's go with a gold gun, boys.

  • All right.

  • Finally purchased something.

  • Can you buy clothes off here?

  • You can!

  • Don't want any of them!

  • They're pathetic, mate.

  • They're pathetic.

  • Oh, browse shoes?

  • Nope.

  • Dude, I'm not switching out my beautiful, oh, it's day time.

  • Hey, that's sick, boys.

  • Aw, dude, how do I get out of passive mode?

  • I can never remember.

  • I think it's like this.

  • Disable passive mode.

  • There we go.

  • Nice and easy, nice and easy.

  • Such a weird way of doing it but it works.

  • [LAUGH] Yeah, man.

  • I didn't, I didn't mean to commit suicide, dude, my car crashed, my car crashed.

  • Luckily, everything's directly in sync.

  • So, look, one, two, three, four, everything's exactly in sync.

  • It's amazing.

  • So, this is a new weapon we got.

  • Let's take a look at it in first-person mode of course.

  • How do you?

  • How do you?

  • There we go.

  • Dude, that's got some sick sights boys.

  • You mad?

  • You mad?

  • Don't mess with me.

  • No I'm serious.

  • Don't mess.

  • Number one FPSO here.

  • He will screw you up.

  • Dude, this gun is so dope.

  • You mad? I kinda want a scope on it

  • though, you know?

  • I kinda wanna scope on it.

  • I don't know, maybe not.

  • Maybe not. Maybe it doesn't need a scope.

  • All right, what we need to, okay we, okay police are on us boys,

  • police are on us boys, get out of here.

  • Get outta here.

  • All right, I need to find a clothes shop.

  • Here we go, just around the corner boys.

  • Actually there's one right there as well.

  • No, I'll go for the further one.

  • Oh gosh, they're coming.

  • They're coming.

  • Don't rev your engine you moron, that's not gonna get the police away from us.

  • There's a dead woman right there.

  • [LAUGH] Get out of the way.

  • >> Oh, jeez, this is a.

  • >> Get out of the way!

  • Run!

  • No I'm screwed boys, policemen are coming both ways.

  • I'm actually screwed.

  • I could have gone.

  • Oh gosh they found me.

  • And I love it when the police find me, boys.

  • Alright we've got to escape.

  • We've got to escape.

  • Oh gosh.

  • It's launch actually.

  • I don't know if launch is locked or not.

  • It costs like 750K though.

  • Honestly I'll probably spend like a million dollars.

  • I'll probably buy like a million dollars of GTA coins I reckon.

  • But not on the stream, [LAUGH] not on the stream, my friend.

  • Dude, look at how sick our car is, I know I said it all livestream.

  • Let's get my ass over to the boardwalk.

  • I thought it was at the boardwalk.

  • I thought it was at the boardwalk.

  • No, it's not at the boardwalk, it's, it's near the boardwalk on the beach, isn't it?

  • That's where it is.

  • I always thought it was on the boardwalk, but it's not.

  • I p, I, unless, unless it is, I don't know, I don't think it is.

  • All right, I've lost the police car.

  • Dude, this shopping mall is huge.

  • Can you just get in?

  • Can you just, can you just get in like this.

  • I've never been to a shopping mall like this.

  • That's hype dude.

  • Oh dude, this is sick,

  • I feel like a proper like, dude, this place is expensive.

  • Hey there! I'm here to buy some awesome outfits.

  • [MUSIC]

  • Oh, wait.

  • New items been unlocked.

  • All right. Do you want to show me them?

  • Business smart.

  • Oh, dude, [LAUGH] this is dope.

  • This is dope.

  • Although I do like the one I've got on at the moment, not gonna lie.

  • I rate the red one.

  • Dude what is up with these crazy outfits?

  • Wow, wow. I quite rate that, you know.

  • I like, I like the trainers and the, the jeans.

  • I don't know about the hat.

  • Let me know if you guys like any of them.

  • Standard.

  • My standard outfit, that's a bit messy, man, come on, dude,

  • what's up with the trainers?

  • That's this dude does not have much fashion sense, not gonna lie.

  • Or the retailers have no fashion sense.

  • That's pretty hype.

  • That is pretty hype.

  • Actually, what's that all about?

  • No, I don't, I don't, trainers man.

  • Trainers just look weird, dude.

  • All right, high life.

  • I think this is the high life DLC they added.

  • Dude, you can go all out pimping.

  • All out pimping, boys.

  • Not quite, call it high life, I think these suits are a little bit more.

  • A little bit more on point maybe.

  • Dude, that white one man, I just, I like that suit,

  • I'd honestly wear that suit we're wearing at the moment, that's pretty sick.

  • Could I pull that off in real life?

  • Maybe, maybe, I'd look a little bit weird, look a little bit weird, not gonna lie.

  • Oh my back back hurts so f, I've been live streaming for so long.

  • Blue. That's sick.

  • I mean it's a bit over the top.

  • But I like it just because it's blue.

  • I'm going to go through all of them.

  • Oh dude, that's sick.

  • 50 grand though, boys.

  • I don't have 50 grand to spend.

  • Oh, but that's sick.

  • Team heavy boys.

  • But I mean.

  • Oh masks.

  • That's just, that's just scary.

  • That's just scary.

  • Team.

  • That's pretty dope, I could, my dude looks pretty sick like that.

  • All right. I don't know man,

  • I like my clothes right now.

  • I like my clothes right now.

  • It's weird, I feel like I'm, I feel like I'm actually money, or like.

  • I feel like I should be spending money, in real life,

  • on clothes, rather than, [LAUGH] rather than in GTA.

  • Browse hats.

  • Canvas hats.

  • Dude, look how much of a douche I look like with that hat on.

  • All right, what else have we got here?

  • Browse glasses.

  • And I've already.

  • Oh yeah. Dude yeah glasses is

  • definitely what I need actually, cuz look at his eyes.

  • Professional glasses.

  • No we'd like some aviators or something.

  • Aviators.

  • Aviators.

  • Boys.

  • You know what's up.

  • You know what's up.

  • That's pretty sick.

  • Maybe a bit too sick?

  • What do you think of those ones?

  • No, it's a bit over the top, isn't it?

  • Aviators are sick though.

  • I don't think my face really fits the aviators.

  • Should we go with the gold ones?

  • I don't know, I don't know.

  • [LAUGH] I'm properly thinking about it, I'm properly thinking about this.

  • Change your eyes, yeah, I took, if I could get blue eyes, I would.

  • Hopefully you don't need my real life eyes.

  • Hopefully, you know I'm gonna go for them.

  • There you go.

  • Honestly.

  • That's hype.

  • And it covers up my path, my really, really poor.

  • Hello ladies.

  • Just bought myself some new glasses.

  • What do you think?

  • What do you rate it?

  • Can you interact with them at all?

  • Hello?

  • Hello, do you not see me?

  • I'm suited and booted.

  • I've got sick aviators on.

  • You don't even say hello to me.

  • Why?

  • Boy is that good.

  • Like it.

  • My custom leather interior seats will help this outfit.

  • All right just to make sure no one knows you.

  • That. That.

  • Oh!

  • You saw, you saw nothing.

  • You saw nothing my friend.

  • All right, you know what?

  • Okay, so, to change your sights, to change your sight I'm playing on PlayStation 4,

  • so it could be a little bit different.

  • I'm just going to show you guys quickly.

  • So you can bring out your gun like this.

  • In third person mode and shoot and

  • I think you can zoom in a little bit by clicking the right analog stick.

  • But if you go into first person mode, you get this, which is only on next gen,

  • and then you can change it so you actually get the proper hindsight as well, which,

  • I think, is really, really sick.

  • So, it's pretty damn awesome.

  • Yeah, my character's pretty sick.

  • I'm not gonna lie.

  • Pretty damn sick.

  • I don't think anyone's in my lobby yet either, which is cool.

  • I'd rath, I think, you know, we've had a lot, we've had enough craziness from us.

  • We've got enough craziness.

  • I'm not gonna lie to you guys.

  • What I will do at the end of the live stream for

  • you guys if you're still watching right now, I gonna give all you guys a chance to

  • be included in the, on, in the live stream video itself.

  • So start tweeting me at my twitter name.

  • We're almost at a million followers, which is crazy!

  • But yeah. Drop me a tweet,

  • and I'm gonna start including all my mentions in the live stream.

  • I'll be doing like a little bit of a Q&A to end off the video, and, just thank you,

  • everyone, for watching the live stream.

  • Been going for an hour and a half.

  • These live streams fly by, dude.

  • Absolutely fly by.

  • I haven't actually been keeping track, but I think we've been fine.

  • Yeah, we, we, we should be fine.

  • Sorry it can't be longer but but it's 1:00 AM and I need to get up early.

  • Yeah, I've gotta get some stuff ready.

  • Oh gosh. Can, can you hide in your house?

  • Or does it not let you do that as an escape method?

  • Not actually sure if it lets you do it.

  • What's that red thing?

  • I don't know.

  • Let's see if it lets you do this as an escape method.

  • [SOUND] Oh, gosh.

  • I don't think you can access it.

  • No, doesn't work, doesn't work.

  • And the sound on my.

  • Shut up, dude. I'm gonna stick with my car,

  • my car is sick.

  • My car is amazing.

  • The car is amazing.

  • Oh my gosh, okay.

  • I'm gonna get out of here boys.

  • GTA V is so sick, man.

  • It's actually so sick.

  • I love it.

  • Absolutely love it.

  • Makes me wanna go back to LA, not gonna lie.

  • Actually makes me want to go back to LA cuz I have a better appreciation

  • of the layout of LA now.

  • Better appreciation.

  • So very, very similar, like, almost identical layout.

  • Which is the point, right?

  • It is the point.

  • It is based on LA so you'd hope the layout's similar.

  • Now, there's no police cars near me.

  • I'm gonna lay low.

  • Lay low, lay low.

  • Yes, boys.

  • We're in GTA V hype.

  • All right, keep the tweets coming in.

  • Keep on following, my friends.

  • Keep on following.

  • Ask me some questions.

  • We'll finish off the stream with some questions.

  • Ask me some crazy questions.

  • You've got to fill out this garage, dude.

  • This garage is huge.

  • [LAUGH] We're gonna have to fill it up, my friends.

  • All right.

  • We're gonna have to fill that ip, so let's head upstairs, and, yeah.

  • Keep on going.

  • Do an open lobby.

  • I, we've had people joining most of the live stream.

  • Most of the live stream's been pretty crazy.

  • Oh, actually, let's have a look.

  • Let's have a look how, how we're doing, how we're doing, baby.

  • Wow. 11,000 likes.

  • That's insane.

  • Thank you everyone.

  • Holy cow.

  • Oh, these ratings are amazing.

  • That's absolutely awesome.

  • Thank you, everyone.

  • You guys are epic.

  • Just checked up on the livestream.

  • It's so good to be able to livestream console and do it,

  • like, without any lag and, like, no issues at all.

  • So what I'll do,

  • I'll start playing some music because I've got some pretty sick music.

  • You know what?

  • You know what?

  • Let's have a little bit of a look, can we look out across the city?

  • Do we have a good, hm, we don't really have the best view in the world.

  • Hoped we had the best view in the world.

  • You know what, we, we'll stand like this.

  • We'll stand like this.

  • There we go.

  • That's, that's, that's good enough.

  • So, what we do now, keep everything coming into my Twitter.

  • Keep following me, my friends.

  • Keep following me, and this is now gonna be part of a live stream,

  • just up there, and, yeah.

  • All your mentions will be included, and I'll try and answer them.

  • Also start playing some music.

  • The music is going to be really quiet.

  • But if it's too loud let me know.

  • So guys.

  • Impromptu live stream.

  • You guys have killed it.

  • 11,000 likes so far and we haven't even finished the live stream.

  • So thank you guys for watching.

  • You are amazing.

  • I'm definitely going to do more of these.

  • So, shoutout to everyone that's tweeting me right now.

  • You guys are awesome.

  • Call of Duty backups to I'm not sure what the other option was.

  • I'm gonna answer some of your questions in the livestream.

  • If you're not following me already, if you go and

  • follow me then you get notification when I do a future livestream with my friend.

  • So would you date Ariana Grande?

  • Yes.

  • Who wouldn't.

  • Who would not.

  • But she is, the thing is when you date like,

  • celebrities you get sucked into that celebrity life.

  • You get like, paparazzi, like everyone follows you.

  • Everyone's constantly knowing about your relationship.

  • So I wouldn't like that side of things but I'd definitely give it a go.

  • Great stream. Thank you, Pyke.

  • EXO zombies, yes, EXO zombies is coming out on Tuesday.

  • And so I'm hoping to be doing the live stream on it on Tuesday,

  • depending on like how good am I at it and what the layout is like.

  • But if it's easy to do, I'm gonna do the exact same setup on Tuesday for

  • the EXO zombies, which should be sick.

  • Hopefully the music wasn't too loud, as I said.

  • I'm gonna turn it down just a little bit, because I always think the music is

  • a lot louder than I expect it to be, to be honest.

  • There we go.

  • Oh my gosh, the questions are coming so quickly.

  • Headset is Tritton.

  • Tritton headsets.

  • Hey stream, thank you to everyone watching.

  • You're amazing.

  • Thank you, thank you.

  • PS3 I gave to my brother, and then,

  • I actually upgraded his PS3 to a PS4 for Christmas, so he's got a PS4.

  • Gosh, I'm gonna have, I, I've got so many mentions, it's crazy.

  • Yes, when GTA V Heists come out, I'm definitely gonna give them a go.

  • They look amazing.

  • And I will definitely get some other YouTubers involved maybe,

  • if we could set it up, it'd be sick.

  • Love the livestream.

  • Thank you so much.

  • You guys are epic.

  • Don't currently have a girlfriend, so if Ariana Grande's free, she can hit me up.

  • Maybe she's watching the livestream.

  • Maybe she's watching the live stream, probably not.

  • So yeah, we can go for a long time, an absolutely long time.

  • So, I think what we're gonna do here guys.

  • We will jump to this one and say a big thank you to everyone that has tuned in.

  • If you watched for the whole thing you guys are absolutely epic.

  • More epic than I ever could ask.

  • If you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up.

  • This is going to be available as a video right afterwards.

  • Thank you everyone for getting involved.

  • I hope you had a fantastic Saturday watching this.

  • If you're watching this video, then I've got more GTA V videos.

  • I'll link them down below the description as well.

  • Thank you, guys.

  • You are amazing.

  • I've had a load of fun.

  • Heading into London tomorrow, so that's gonna be good.

  • And yeah, I, I ha, I need to have sleep.

  • I need to have sleep.

  • Thank you everyone.

  • You've absolutely epic.

  • Gonna end the live stream here.

  • Gonna up the music a little bit.

  • And we're gonna pump some music for a little bit, for like,

  • 30 seconds, and then yeah.

  • Tune in, few more days, EXO zombies, gonna be hype.

  • Here we go.

  • [MUSIC]


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