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  • Recently in New Jersey, about 70 gang members were arrested on drug and violence-related

  • charges. They were a part of one of the most powerful street gangs in America: the Crips.

  • So who are the Crips? And which gangs are the most dangerous in America?

  • Well, there are thousands of gangs in the US, but the Department of Justice lists 17

  • MAIN organizations asCriminal Street Gangs”. These street gangs differ from motorcycle

  • gangs or prison gangs because they focus on local city chapters in urban neighborhoods,

  • and often recruit young members. Their most prolific activities include selling drugs

  • like Marijuana and Cocaine, and using violence to defend their turf.

  • One of the most well-known and powerful gangs is the Crips, based in Los Angeles, and founded

  • in 1969. They are infamous for wearing blue, and feuding with another, less populous gang,

  • the Bloods. Crips are predominantly African American, and claim between 30 and 50 thousand

  • members in the US.

  • The Gangster Disciples is another African American gang, which is based out of Chicago,

  • and boasts somewhere between 25 and 50 thousand members. The group was founded in the 1960s,

  • and identify themselves with the colors black and blue, along with a star of David.

  • [ But the most powerful and dangerous gangs

  • in America right now are the 18th Street gang and Mara salvatrucha, AKA MS-13. Both organizations

  • claim 30 to 50 thousand members total, although some affiliates reside in Mexico. Both gangs

  • have a high percentage of members who are illegal aliens and the gangs are based out

  • of Southern California. In addition to drug dealing, both 18th Street and MS-13 are highly

  • involved in drug SMUGGLING and human trafficking across the Mexican-United States border. With

  • their growing membership and increased outbreaks of violence, police forces have directed special

  • attention to both gangs. In 2004, an FBI task force was specifically created to combat MS-13.

  • Gangs have formed all over the world and throughout history as the result of social marginalization.

  • Although gang members are disproportionately more likely to be imprisoned, or experience

  • poverty in their life, many young people see gangs as an escape from broken homes and bleak

  • prospects. They can also provide a sense of family and support that is lacking elsewhere

  • in a gang member’s life. According to the US government, currently, street gangs are

  • one of the most significant sources of crime, and threats to the general population.

  • Chicago is one of the most violent cities in the United States, due in large part to

  • its gang activity. To learn why the city is such a hotbed for violent crime, take a look

  • at our video here. Thanks for watching TestTube News, don’t forget to subscribe!

Recently in New Jersey, about 70 gang members were arrested on drug and violence-related

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美國的街頭幫派有多強大? (How Powerful Are America's Street Gangs?)

  • 123 6
    Jack posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary