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  • Hello everyone, I am Niharika, welcome back to a new lesson. well in today's lesson we

  • are gonna look at some terms or some phrases to talk about your work time or your work hours

  • Now, what is work time, now of course it's the period that you you end up spending

  • doing work and of course you are paid for it. So, if you go to work then you need to

  • know about your work time or your working hours, right? So, that's what we are gonna

  • learn in today's lesson, we are gonna look at some words and phrases that would help

  • you to talk about hours that you slog for, opps I mean you work for . So, let's get started

  • , the very first thing that we have here on the board is Starting and leaving time. So,

  • very common question that is asked when you end up meeting someone is - What are your

  • work hours? or What's your work time? So you gonna talk about the start time and you gonna

  • mention the time that you leave, okay. The time that you head back to home, okay. So,

  • you gonna say - For example - You start work at 8:00 AM and probably you are done by 5:00,

  • so you gonna say - well, I start around 8:00 and then I head back home by 5:00. So either

  • you say - I head back home by 5:00 or you can say - I leave at 5:00, or I am done by

  • 5:00, so this is a very common way of telling about your working hours to someone that you

  • meet. The next one is 9-to-5, now 9-to-5 can be used in a positive way , of course in a

  • negative as well. Are you surprised? I am gonna tell you how. Well firstly, 9-to-5 , it

  • means it's just standard day time office job. Now in many countries, you know the working

  • hours differ, like it depends o the kind of job that you do, or it depends on the location

  • , or it also depends on your lifestyle choices, but then world wide 9-to- 5 is a standard

  • working hours for a regular day job. If you end up saying- Oh I just have a 9-to-5 job,

  • it means that you have a very nice and you don'y really have to worry too much , it's

  • the just the perfect 9-to-5 job, you don't do lot of over time, you don't have spend

  • a lot of hours doing something at work, so it's just a plain basic 9-to-5 job that you

  • have, but it is also used in a negative way, now probably for many people a 9-to-5 job

  • is not very exciting, so people would just say - I just have a regular 9-to-5 job. So

  • which means it's quite boring, okay. Yes I mean, it's just I have to make money , so

  • I work 9-to-5 , so not many people really enjoy doing their job and then when they say

  • this way that - It's just a regular 9-to-5 job, it is considered to be a little negative,

  • so that's the way you can use this phrase. The next one is Full Time, so when you go

  • online to look for jobs, you would always get an option that if you are looking for

  • a full time job, these are your options, if you are looking at a part-time job, these

  • are your options, so basically Full Time is wherein you work for 5 days and 8 hrs, so

  • it comes to around 40 hrs a week, okay. Well, world wide 40 - 44 hrs is considered to be

  • perfect for a full timers, but not in France, I envy the French, you know for a full timer,

  • it's just 35 hrs , isn't that awesome? So well any ways In most of the countries , It's

  • 5 days and 8 hrs a day, so it's basically 40 hrs a week. So that's for a full timer

  • and for part-timers, it's working for less number of hours as compared to a full timer,

  • so part- time is few hours a week. So many a times part timers do not get a lot of money

  • as compared to full timers, well of course because you are not really slogging, it's

  • just you are working for few hours and it's perfect for students, the people who are studying

  • and doing a job, then a part-time job would be perfect, right? The next one is Over time,

  • I hate it, totally. Well Over time is, you know you wanna prove that yes you just are

  • very hard working, then you work for extra hours, so the people who work for extra hours,

  • now these extra hours are called as Over time. So, basically if you wanna impress your boss

  • or if you really love your job, then yes people do work for extra hours, many companies pay

  • for overtime and many companies don't. So, if your company does then, yes you can maybe

  • work overtime happily, if they don't it's up to you. So well any ways Over time is extra

  • hours that your put in, Okay. Then we have Time off in lieu, now the people who work

  • for extra hours, who put in extra hours , they can compensate by taking an off. So basically

  • if I have worked, or I have put in 4 hours , extra hours then probably I can take a half

  • a day off the next day. So basically you can take time off for the hours that you have

  • already worked, for the extra hours that you have already put in, so that's Time off in

  • lieu, If you wanna use it in a sentence then probably , you can say for example - Last

  • week you put in 8 extra hours and you would like to compensate it now, you would like

  • to go ahead and take a break for the next 8 hours, so you gonna tell your boss that

  • I need some time off in lieu. Si it means he or she would understand that you have already

  • put in extra hours and now you would like to compensate those hours that you worked

  • for by taking a break, right? Then the next one is Sabbatical , many people do get confused

  • , Sabbatical is very common term used for the people who take a break or who take a

  • period off from work. Now this break can be anything between 2 months to 2 years, so many

  • people do go on a sabbatical, either because they are a little sick , maybe they need a

  • period of rest or probably they wanna study, maybe higher studies or they wanna do a lot

  • of research, so there are many people who apply for sabbaticals, there are many sabbatical

  • policies depending on the company that you work for. So Sabbatical is nothing but a break

  • from work either for rest or for studies or some research purpose, okay. So, that's sabbatical.

  • And then the last one is Time sheet, now most of the companies do follow a time sheet, basically

  • it's a record of the number of hours that an employee puts in, so probably if you are

  • an employee of a company who do have a time sheet, so basically you enter the number of

  • hours that you work for and then it;s kind of calculated by the end of the month, or

  • in many countries it's also calculated by the end of week, so that's a time sheet, so

  • these are the common phrases , the common terms that are used to talk about work time

  • or work hours. Hope this lesson is helpful to you, I will be back with a new lesson soon,

  • till then you take care...

Hello everyone, I am Niharika, welcome back to a new lesson. well in today's lesson we

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