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  • ## [ Ranchero ]

  • Walter.

  • l wanna askyou something. You're a lawyer, right ?

  • Lastyear my father was hit in the head by a golfball.

  • ## [ Radio: Pop ] Oh, can l unplug--

  • Now, he seemed okay,

  • but last week we were watching TV...

  • and l put on the Bob Hope Desert Classic from Palm Springs.

  • He goes friggin' nuts !

  • My father, not Bob Hope.

  • So he kicks in the friggin' TV screen. Now--

  • ## [ Pop Continues ]

  • l'd have to study it, but l'd sayyou got a great case against Bob Hope.

  • Thanks, man.

  • [ Saw Buzzing ]

  • Aaah !

  • ## [ Opera Continues ]

  • ## [ Bluegrass ]

  • ## [ Continues ]

  • ## [ Opera ]

  • ## [ Opera Continues ]

  • [ Shouting, Screaming ]

  • ## [ Opera Continues ]

## [ Ranchero ]

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