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Hello everyone, this is Andrew
from Crown Academy of English and today we are going to do a
listening exercise. So let's get started!
So, let's look at the lesson plan.
So first of all, we are going to look at some vocabulary that you will need
for the listening exercise. So I will show you
some words which are important.
And then I will show you the questions for the listening exercise.
And then you will listen to the article,
and of course, during the article, during
the listening, there will be no subtitles.
And then, after the listening, I will show you the answers to the questions, and
I will also let you listen to the article one last time, and I will show you the transcript.
I will show you the text for the listening.
Okay so let's start with the vocabulary.
So, the first two words which are important are ...
This is a bicycle. A bicycle. And we can also call this a bike.
Ok? And the name of the person. The person who is on the bicycle.
The person who is riding the bicycle is called a cyclist. A cyclist.
So, this man is a cyclist.
Now the next word. The next word is a verb: "to decrease"
And "to decrease" means to have less of something.
Example: Here we have two flowers. Two flowers...
and now, we only have one flower. So we can say
that the number of flowers is decreasing. "Decreasing."
because we have gone from two flowers to only one flower.
Now, the opposite of to decrease is to increase.
And so, "increase" means to have more of something.
Example: Here we have one cake...
and now, we have several cakes.
So we can say... that the number of cakes is increasing.
Okay? So that is "decrease" and "increase."
Now the last word. The last word that you need to know is "compulsory."
This is an adjective... and it means something that you must do.
Alright? You do not have a choice. There is no choice. You must do something.
Example: It is compulsory to wear a uniform in the army.
Ok? There's no choice. You must wear a uniform in the army. It is compulsory.
Okay, so that is the end of the vocabulary.
Now let's look at the questions that you will have to answer during the listening exercise.
So question one: How many cyclists died between the 5th and 18th November?
Question two: Is the number of deaths increasing or decreasing?
Question 3: Why are some cyclists starting to cycle on pavements?
Question four: What is the first safety recommendation given by cyclists?
Okay, so it is important that you give me the FIRST safety recommendation.
You will hear several safety recommendations
and I want you to give me the first one.
And question 5:
How much money is Transport for London spending to improve the roads?
Okay, so those are the five questions.
Have a good look at them, and now
get ready to listen to the article....
I'm going to start it.... NOW!
Okay so that is the end of the listening.
So if you would like to listen to that again,
then you can click here on the screen,
anywhere here, and you can go back, and you can listen to the whole listening article again.
Or, if you have finished the exercise, then you can just wait ten seconds,
and I will give you the answers.
okay so let's... make your decision.
Ok, so we will move on now and we will look at the answers to those questions.
So, here are the questions. Question one was:
How many cyclists died between the 5th and 18th November?
Well, the answer is 6. Six people died.
Question two: Is the number of deaths increasing or decreasing?
And the answer is: The number of deaths is decreasing.
Question 3: Why are some cyclists starting to cycle on pavements?
The answer is: To avoid dangerous roads and junctions.
Question four: What is the first safety recommendation given by cyclists?
And the answer is: To make it compulsory to wear a helmet. To wear a helmet.
So a helmet is what you wear on your head to protect your head.
Question 5: How much money is Transport for London spending to improve the roads?
And the answer is: One billion pounds.
So this is how you write it (£1bn)...
and this is how you say it. So, in brackets, this is how you say it: "one billion pounds"
Ok, so now we are going... I'm going to show you the..the transcript.
I'm going to show you the text and you'll get the final chance to listen to the article.
Okay, so here is the text, the start of the text and let's listen to it one more time:
Ok, so there we are. That is the end of the listening with the text.
So that should help you to better understand what you were listening to.
Ok, so that is the end of the lesson.
I hope you enjoyed it. If you would like to subscribe to my channel,
then you can click here, on the screen.
This is my Twitter account here. If you would like to follow me on twitter,
then you you will get daily vocabulary and advice on learning English.
And this is just an example of another video which you might be interested in.
This video here is a vocabulary lesson and it is related to working at the office.
Ok, that is the end of the lesson. My name is Andrew from Crown Academy of English.
Thank you for watching and I will see you next time. Bye bye :)