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  • Hello everyone, this is Andrew

  • from Crown Academy of English and today we are going to do a

  • listening exercise. So let's get started!

  • So, let's look at the lesson plan.

  • So first of all, we are going to look at some vocabulary that you will need

  • for the listening exercise. So I will show you

  • some words which are important.

  • And then I will show you the questions for the listening exercise.

  • And then you will listen to the article,

  • and of course, during the article, during

  • the listening, there will be no subtitles.

  • And then, after the listening, I will show you the answers to the questions, and

  • I will also let you listen to the article one last time, and I will show you the transcript.

  • I will show you the text for the listening.

  • Okay so let's start with the vocabulary.

  • So, the first two words which are important are ...

  • This is a bicycle. A bicycle. And we can also call this a bike.

  • Ok? And the name of the person. The person who is on the bicycle.

  • The person who is riding the bicycle is called a cyclist. A cyclist.

  • So, this man is a cyclist.

  • Now the next word. The next word is a verb: "to decrease"

  • And "to decrease" means to have less of something.

  • Example: Here we have two flowers. Two flowers...

  • and now, we only have one flower. So we can say

  • that the number of flowers is decreasing. "Decreasing."

  • because we have gone from two flowers to only one flower.

  • Now, the opposite of to decrease is to increase.

  • And so, "increase" means to have more of something.

  • Example: Here we have one cake...

  • and now, we have several cakes.

  • So we can say... that the number of cakes is increasing.

  • Okay? So that is "decrease" and "increase."

  • Now the last word. The last word that you need to know is "compulsory."

  • This is an adjective... and it means something that you must do.

  • Alright? You do not have a choice. There is no choice. You must do something.

  • Example: It is compulsory to wear a uniform in the army.

  • Ok? There's no choice. You must wear a uniform in the army. It is compulsory.

  • Okay, so that is the end of the vocabulary.

  • Now let's look at the questions that you will have to answer during the listening exercise.

  • So question one: How many cyclists died between the 5th and 18th November?

  • Question two: Is the number of deaths increasing or decreasing?

  • Question 3: Why are some cyclists starting to cycle on pavements?

  • Question four: What is the first safety recommendation given by cyclists?

  • Okay, so it is important that you give me the FIRST safety recommendation.

  • You will hear several safety recommendations

  • and I want you to give me the first one.

  • And question 5:

  • How much money is Transport for London spending to improve the roads?

  • Okay, so those are the five questions.

  • Have a good look at them, and now

  • get ready to listen to the article....

  • I'm going to start it.... NOW!

  • Okay so that is the end of the listening.

  • So if you would like to listen to that again,

  • then you can click here on the screen,

  • anywhere here, and you can go back, and you can listen to the whole listening article again.

  • Or, if you have finished the exercise, then you can just wait ten seconds,

  • and I will give you the answers.

  • okay so let's... make your decision.

  • Ok, so we will move on now and we will look at the answers to those questions.

  • So, here are the questions. Question one was:

  • How many cyclists died between the 5th and 18th November?

  • Well, the answer is 6. Six people died.

  • Question two: Is the number of deaths increasing or decreasing?

  • And the answer is: The number of deaths is decreasing.

  • Question 3: Why are some cyclists starting to cycle on pavements?

  • The answer is: To avoid dangerous roads and junctions.

  • Question four: What is the first safety recommendation given by cyclists?

  • And the answer is: To make it compulsory to wear a helmet. To wear a helmet.

  • So a helmet is what you wear on your head to protect your head.

  • Question 5: How much money is Transport for London spending to improve the roads?

  • And the answer is: One billion pounds.

  • So this is how you write it (£1bn)...

  • and this is how you say it. So, in brackets, this is how you say it: "one billion pounds"

  • Ok, so now we are going... I'm going to show you the..the transcript.

  • I'm going to show you the text and you'll get the final chance to listen to the article.

  • Okay, so here is the text, the start of the text and let's listen to it one more time:

  • Ok, so there we are. That is the end of the listening with the text.

  • So that should help you to better understand what you were listening to.

  • Ok, so that is the end of the lesson.

  • I hope you enjoyed it. If you would like to subscribe to my channel,

  • then you can click here, on the screen.

  • This is my Twitter account here. If you would like to follow me on twitter,

  • then you you will get daily vocabulary and advice on learning English.

  • And this is just an example of another video which you might be interested in.

  • This video here is a vocabulary lesson and it is related to working at the office.

  • Ok, that is the end of the lesson. My name is Andrew from Crown Academy of English.

  • Thank you for watching and I will see you next time. Bye bye :)

Hello everyone, this is Andrew

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英語聽力理解|聽力練習 (English listening comprehension | Listening practice)

  • 516 35
    楊鎧瑄 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary