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  • Welcome to Series English, my name is Antonia Romaker.

  • And today I'm going to tell you about the difference between 'which' and 'that',

  • as well as the difference between 'who' and 'that'.

  • So I'm going to talk about relative pronouns

  • and I want to make sure that you do not confuse these words.

  • Because sometimes you cannot use 'that'

  • and in other cases you are supposed to use just 'who' and so on.

  • Let's get cracking and let's, well, try to clear things out

  • and get rid of this mess.

  • First we are going to talk about the difference between 'which' and 'that'.

  • So they are usually equally correct in a sentence.

  • For example, 'I need the book that you borrowed.'

  • Or 'I need the book which you borrowed.'

  • Both these sentences will be equally correct,

  • so here we are dealing with a restrictive relative clause

  • 'And what is that?' - you might ask yourselves.

  • Well, let me explain. A relative... a restrictive relative clause

  • is a clause which contains essential information or important information

  • about the noun that comes before it.

  • In addition if you take it out it will affect the sentence.

  • Or the sentence might not make sense at all!

  • Like 'I need the book.' What kind of a book?

  • What are you talking about?

  • Let's take a look at a couple of examples.

  • Well, this is turning into such a hassle for me....

  • And with that, I had reopened the door that I had successfully closed years ago.

  • I think Alan will become the yardstick against which all future boyfriends will be measured.

  • What future boyfriends? No no, I th... I think this could be, y'know, it.

  • Really?

  • Notice that in these sentences we do not need commas.

  • So as for punctuation you should be very careful here - no commas.

  • Notice that. Well in addition in this type of sentences

  • you are not... you can use 'which' or 'that'.

  • By the way you can also use 'whose', 'who' or 'whom'.

  • So the number of relative pronouns, which you can use

  • in this type of sentences is the following, so we can use the following:

  • 'that', 'which', 'who', 'whose' and 'whom'.

  • OK, and now let's discuss the second type of relative clauses.

  • Here we are going to talk about non-restrictive relative clause.

  • In this case we are talking about some extra information,

  • which is not that important, it's just additional information.

  • And well it can easily be left out without affecting the meaning

  • or the structure of the sentence. So it's not important.

  • Non-restrictive, not important, additional, extra information.

  • In this case we should use commas, we are supposed to use them.

  • It's a more or less strict rule.

  • In addition we cannon use 'that', we use 'which', 'who', 'whose' and 'whom'.

  • No 'that', never, be careful here.

  • So for instance, 'The book, which I lent you,

  • had kept me on the edge of my seat till I finished it.

  • So as you can see, we can just simply leave this part out,

  • we can say: 'The book had kept me on the edge of my seat till I finished it.'

  • Now a couple of extra examples from the TV series.

  • ...regular lamps.

  • What? Come on, it's not like... I'm asking for this girlie clock or anything,

  • which, by the way, I also think is really cool.

  • Once again you should use commas here, do not forget that.

  • No 'that' and commas.

  • Now let's discuss the difference between 'that' and 'who'.

  • It is very peculiar,

  • because, on the one hand, we can use 'that' instead of 'who' sometimes,

  • but... let's get to it.

  • First of all, generally when we talk about people we should say 'who'.

  • So 'people who are close to me...' and so on.

  • And when we use 'that' usually we talk about things,

  • like 'the pan, that belongs to me...' and so on.

  • Yeah, so things and people, however there's no strict line, so to say.

  • Because sometimes we can use 'that' instead of 'who',

  • especially when we talk about people in general, like a class of people.

  • For example, 'The women that focus on their career tend to have no family of their own.'

  • So I'm talking about a whole class of women, a whole class of people.

  • In this case I can say 'that', 'the women, that focus on their careers.'

  • Well, in addition, usually when you substitute 'who' with 'that'

  • our speech becomes a little bit colloquial or informal.

  • So in this case we can talk about abilities and characteristics

  • of individuals and groups of people.

  • Speaking about individual people, like someone in particular,

  • if we use 'that', this is very informal.

  • As for groups of people and the whole class of people, it's not that informal,

  • you can even sometime use it in a formal situation.

  • However to be on the safe side, it's better to use 'who'

  • whenever you should say something of the kind,

  • this particular idea, when you should use a relative pronoun

  • and you are talking about alive creatures, namely people, not animals.

  • In this case to be on the safe side use 'who',

  • then you will definitely... you won't make any mistake here.

  • However if you want to sound informal, careless, colloquial you can use 'that'.

  • So all in all the bottom line here is that you should be consistent.

  • So just stick to one rule and... do it.

  • However my personal advice is to use 'who'.

  • Then you won't be wrong whenever.

  • So you won't be wrong EVER.

  • OK, by the way, however, once again I should mention

  • that some great writers, classical writers I should say,

  • use 'that' in this particular situation,

  • for example Chaucer, Shakespeare and Dickens,

  • they use 'that' instead of 'who' sometimes.

  • So even if you use 'that' instead of 'who' it won't be a mistake.

  • However if you want to sound British and

  • if you want to sound 100% formal, then say 'who'.

  • OK that's it, that's everything I wanted to teach you today.

  • I hope that now you understand the difference between 'which', 'that' and 'who'.

  • I guess that we'll continue discussing personal... sorry, relative pronouns.

  • But that's it for today. Do not forget to like this video,

  • so that I could actually see that you liked it.

  • And leave your comments, leave your questions,

  • I will really appreciate that, and I will enjoy answering your questions.

  • So stay tuned, keep up! Study English and Russian with me at this channel.

  • And hope to see you soon! Happy Russian and English practice! Bye-bye!

Welcome to Series English, my name is Antonia Romaker.

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№37英語。Which or That or Who?關係句、複合句 - 文法、句法、詞彙。 (№37 English: Which or That or Who? Relative clauses, complex sentences - Grammar, Syntax, Vocabulary)

  • 396 65
    楊鎧瑄 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary