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This is Trendkill, unfortunately Trendkill is under the weather
therefore he cannot be his normal animated self
in this intro. Luckily most of the audio was recorded before he started feeling
Great timing Trendkill, welcome to Know Your Enemy
Dramatic intro Dun Dun Dun
Mamacita was here
If you're new to the series click here for Episode 1
where Trendkill explains what these videos are all about
If you're new to the game click here for Trendkills beginner's guides.
These videos will help you get caught up with some of the terminology
used in this series. Without further ado let's take a look at Anhur
The Egyptian Slayer Of Enemies
Alright we start off with a visual representation of what the god
is good at in graph form.
and this is going to be a fairly standard looking graph for most hunters.
You're gonna see control, mobility, and utility kinda fluctuate on Hunter's
they're all going to have next to no healing low defense and high damage that's just
the nature of the role
Now Anhur's second highest stat would be control, he's got a lot of control in his
kit with slows and knock ups, knock backs
stuns, but his utilities really low because his really only gonna be played in really one role and
his abilities aren't that complex. The complexity of Anhur comes in how you use
his abilities together
and speaking of his abilities haha segue. Let's go ahead and take a look at some
of the more intricate details of his kit. This is going to be a fairly short
section because again
Anhur's kit is very simple. His passive Enfeeble reduces the physical protection of
every enemy he hits with his basic attacks by 15
for three seconds so Anhur comes out of the gate with penetration which is a
pretty big deal early on
His first ability Shifting Sands quite obviously has a slow on it, if you walk
through the sands you'll absolutely notice that you're being slowed. What you may
not know about this ability is it also gives
Anhur a damage buff on his basic attacks to any target who is standing in the sand.
That includes gods, that include minions, that includes objectives like Fire Giant
and Gold Fury
So always understand that if you're standing in his Shifting Sands you will take
anywhere between four and twenty percent more
damage from his auto attack so late game this is absolutely devastating
His second ability Impale, is a one-of-a-kind ability this is the only
ability that knocks back an enemy
and if it knocks that enemy back into a wall it stuns them
on impact its kind of an interesting mechanic it's basically the equivalent of him
pinning you to the wall with his spear.
The second thing you need to recognize about this ability is that while Impale goes
through minions it does not go through god's.
So as soon as Anhur impale hits a god it will knock them back and stop traveling.
Early game this can actually be used to your benefit and will talk about that in the tip
section and his third and fourth abilities Disperse in Desert Fury are
very straightforward so assuming you've read the abilities there's nothing
really super special about them
Ok now before we get into the mechanics section I have a very quick story tell you
during the inception of this series or during the storyboarding phase of this
series I was trying to figure out how I wanted it to flow
and I was thinking about all the gods that I used to be bad at and now I'm pretty good at
and I was thinking about that moment where it all clicked and that eye opening
and the number one god on that list of, oh my gosh
that's how you play him, was Anhur. If you know me and you watch me stream at one
point I thought I was the worst
Anhur in the world I just I couldn't figure out his kit, none of his abilities seem
to work together. So I sat down I watch some pro players play and I was like Im going to
figured this god out and when I saw some of the stuff they were doing it all
clicked and it was the most eye opening experience
I've had in smite yet. So I was super excited that he was in free god rotation
that he could be the first god that I could do
outside of the 5 free gods. Hopefully this guide helps you have the same eye opening
experience that I had originally
and let's get into the mechanics. Alright so for the first ability Shifting Sands, I've
got one major tip thats going to be broken down into two smaller tips.
First of understand that Shifting Sand is a large
area of affects slow, that last for seven seconds but in the center of that slow
is an obelisk or a pillar that works exactly like
any other player deployed wall. So what that means is its exactly like
Ymirs wall except a much smaller version. Now understand because it is exactly
like in Ymirs wall
it does everything that Ymir's wall does on a smaller scale because it's smaller wall.
So it will still obstruct vision, it will still block auto attacks, and abilities
that don't go through walls
and even though its smaller it still has the capabilities of trapping you
against a wall.
Heck even if you're running from Anhur in the lane he has the ability to throw
that in front of you
allow you to run face first right into the wall and then be stuck in the middle
of a slow
it's not likely you're gonna get out of that, and as far as the second part of
the tip is concerned because it is deployed exactly like Ymirs wall Anhur can
also as long as he's got rank 2 in boots
cast his ability at his feet and run through the pillar before it actually
spawns leaving you stuck in the slow behind it.
So even though it doesn't have the size and the shape and the blocking potential
of Ymir's wall
it's still probably going to help him get away from you. Now moving on to Impale
his second ability his bread and butter, by far his most important ability
and the one ability that is involve in pretty much every advanced mechanic that Anhur 's kit
So first off remember that Impale knocks you back and if it knocks you back
into a wall it sticks you to that wall for one-and-a-half seconds at max
rank. So for my first tip do not stand close to walls were Anhur can get an
angle on you where he can pin you
to that wall. A one second to one and a half second stun can be devastating
especially against a ADC
Now impales is a very versatile ability it helps set up other abilities and other
abilities help set it up. So first off let's talk about the abilities that are used to set
up an Impale stun, and imperative part of Anhur's kit
is using Shifting Sands, in combo with Impale.
If you're playing a good Anhur you will see him throw up an obelisk or pillar behind you
and try to stun you to it with impale. That is an imperative part
of his kit. Now for those of you who are using this video to your advantage because you
want to use these tips to play Anhur
this is a very hard thing to get used to and a very hard thing to set up.
Once you figure it all out, you've got your timing your speed your positioning all set up
it becomes almost second nature, but starting out it is an impossibility to
hit these
and when you hit one your gonna be like yeeeeeaaah I did it.
Now another thing your gonna have to watch out for is
Anhurs setting up an Impale stun with Disperse. Now Dispersed
is his jump but from where he lands, there is an aoe
around him that creates a knock back affect and if he knocks you back towards a wall
it makes it very easy to telegraph where you're going to land so that he can stick you
to that walk
Now this is gonna be kind off a rapid-fire tips section, cuz there's a lot of tips
involved in this combo that I want to make sure you look out for.
First off he has the opportunity to once he's stuck you to a wall
throw a pillar up in the direction that you're going to have to run. Now not only do you
have to run home around that pillar
you have to run around that pillar through a slow
all the while he's auto attacking you. So if you over extend and your found vulnerable
he can jump on you with his Dispersed stick you to a wall
throw an obelisk up north of you and then he can use Desert Fury, his ultimate to start
pegging you with damaged
and you can't do anything about it. Your only hope in that scenario is that your playing
a god that has a
jump, even a dash is hard to get out of that scenario
because the obelisk is blocking the path that you wanna dash. Now the good news to
all of that is, if Anhur misses his jump and lands in an area where he doesn't
have a good angle to pin you to a wall he doesn't have anymore escape because he's
used it to be aggressive at that point you can start to punish that decision.
Now understand that he's still got Shifting Sand's slow,
Impale as a knock back and Desert Fury for CC imunity and damage
but you can still stay on top of him with damage
and let's talk about one more thing with Impale, remember I said earlier that
it will go through minions
but will not go through god. Well fortunately for you
if you're playing against an Anhur you or your guardian can stand in front
of your minions and he cannot use his Impale to clear them
because it's gonna hit you first, knock you back through the minions
but the impale stops when it hits you. So if played right he's gonna have to use
his auto attacks to kill your minions
while you're free to use your ability. Alright so lets talk about Desert Fury his
this is probably one of the scariest level 5 ultimates in the game, meaning
that it does an insane amount of damage early on. Now as you get toward the
later game it starts to fall off because your auto attacks end up doing more damage
but in the early to mid game this ability can be absolutely terrifying.
Think of it this way, if Anhur beat you to level 5 and you're still level 4
youre probably gonna have somewhere between 700 and 750 life depending on the items that
you bought
Desert Fury at rank 1 deals sixty damage per spear for eight spears plus
15% of your physical power which at this point going to be negligible
so you can estimate about 480 to 500 damage
and that's not counting any setup. At level 5 his Impale will be probably be rank 2
meaning it's going to do 150 of its own damage plus the ultimate your talking 650
in just two abilities. So even if your at 100% health, you still have to be careful
around an Anhur who's got his full kit available that early. Another thing about
Dessert Fury is that it's a very deceptive
ability for two main reasons: the first one being it's much longer than Anhurs
auto attack, so just when you think you're at a safe distance
he pops Desert Fury end up burning you down.
Another thing is that Desert Fury can be shot through walls, so you turn the corner
thinking that you're safe around the wall
and he ends up using Desert Fury through the trees of the jungle and again this
is all ignoring the fact that he still got a slow from his Shifting Sands and a
jump to catch up to you with Disperse.
Very early on in the game Anhur can be pretty scary
and last but not least Anhur's Desert Fury gives him CC immunity for the
duration the ability.
Now this means three things, first off if Anhurs is in the middle of a Desert Fury
you cannot apply any form of cc to him.
You cant stun him, you cant silence him, you cant root him, nothing will
work, so don't waste those abilities.
Two, if he happens to get stun before Desert Fury goes off
he has to wait until that stun duration wears off before he can cast Desert Fury
He cannot cast out of it as if it were Purification Beads
However, an this is the third scenario if you happen to have Anhurs soft CC
like crippled or rooted he can use Desert Fury
to cleanse those soft CC. So this ability will cleanse things like slows, cripples, and roots.
So just remember if you're somebody like Ymirs, or Hades whose gonna try to take
advantage of the fact
that Anhur's jump is down he can use Dessert Fury to get out of your ultimate.
This concludes Episode 6 of Know Your Enemy
Come back next week when Trendkill will be discussing
Scylla the horror the D nope that sounded bad
The Horror Of The Deep