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  • better known as beauty spot, mole is the growth on skin that can appear any where.

  • Don't worry, we will provide you with some simple remedies that you can try at home.

  • here is the first remedy for mole removal. Take a few cloves of garlic, crush them and

  • apply them on the mole. Now fasten the garlic with a bandage on the mole. Leave it over

  • night and repeat the process till the mole falls off.

  • here is the second remedy for mole removal. Take some pineapple juice apply this on your

  • face, leave it over night and rinse it with cold water in the morning. repeat this till

  • the time the mole falls off from the skin. another remedy for mole removal is simple,

  • take a banana peel apply the inside of the banana peel on the mole, Leave it over night

  • and do this process till the time the mole falls of your skin.

better known as beauty spot, mole is the growth on skin that can appear any where.

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3個簡單有力的家庭療法去掉臉上的痣 (3 Simple & Powerful Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Moles On Face)

  • 73 6
    Saba Singh posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary