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because it's so popular nowadays
all of a sudden, everybody is practicing mindfulness
所以突然間 大家都在練習正念
everybody says they're practicing mindfulness
but as i said, this is hard work, i mean this is not just a concept
但是如同我所說, 這是一件辛苦的事 我是指它並不只是一個概念而已
so it does require, in some sence ,a radical change in your own lifestyle
它需要每天騰出時間做練習 從根本去改變你自己的生活
to carve out some time everyday to practice,
我是很嚴肅在說這件事: 無所作為、不做任何事(non doing)
and I'm serious about this, non doing
重要且嚴肅的是:別把它看得太嚴肅 --我可是很嚴肅的在講這件事
this is so serious that it is important not to take too seriously ,and I'm serious about that,
so lots of humour is required
但它也需要.... 以我為例
but it also involves, to say, in my case for instance
getting up early, day in, day out
and making time to just be
不做任何事 沒有電子郵件 沒有電話 沒有電視 什麼也沒有
nothing, having no email, no phone calls, no television, no, you know, nothing
就只是坐著 或者躺下來
just sitting and, or lying down
你可以坐著、站著、躺著 或者走路
you can do this sitting, standing, lying down, walking
一天之中 騰出一些時間去做正規的禪修練習
but it just devoting sometime during the day to what we call formal meditation practice
那很難 讓生活方式改變 很困難且需要很多的次數
that's hard, making that lifestyle change is hard and enormous
and our patients do it by the thousands
直到就像一般人過生活一樣 把它運用於生活 就像水對於鴨子一樣
so it's like regular people can take to this and do, like ducks to water
because it's like giving your life back to yourself
但是 誰有時間去做這麻煩事呢 ?
but who's got time for this crap?
所以 與其練習正念 還不如去"談"正念比較好
so it's much better to talk about mindfulness than it is to actually practice
because that's hard work
(英文字幕:大西啟介; 中譯:牧行者)
Verbatim :Onishi Keisuke