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  • THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. As you know, I just met with leaders of both

    主席:大家早上好。如 你知道,我只是與兩國領導人會晤

  • parties to discuss a way forward in light of the severe budget cuts that start to take

    雙方討論了前進的道路,在光 嚴重的預算削減,開始採取

  • effect today. I told them these cuts will hurt our economy. They will cost us jobs.

    今日起生效。我告訴他們,這些削減將 損害我們的經濟。他們將花費我們的工作。

  • And to set it right, both sides need to be willing to compromise.

    設置是正確的,雙方需要 願意妥協。

  • The good news is the American people are strong and they're resilient. They fought hard to

    好消息是,美國人民是強大的 他們的彈性。他們一直努力

  • recover from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, and we will get through

    從以來最嚴重的經濟危機中恢復 大蕭條時期,我們將獲得通過

  • this as well. Even with these cuts in place, folks all across this country will work hard

    這一點。即使有這些削減的地方, 人在這個國家將努力工作,

  • to make sure that we keep the recovery going. But Washington sure isn't making it easy.

    以確保我們保持恢復。 不過,華盛頓肯定是不容易的。

  • At a time when our businesses have finally begun to get some traction -- hiring new workers,

    在的時候,我們的企業終於 開始得到一些牽引 - 僱用新的工人,

  • bringing jobs back to America -- we shouldn't be making a series of dumb, arbitrary cuts

    將工作帶回美國 - 我們不應該 進行一系列愚蠢的,任意切割

  • to things that businesses depend on and workers depend on, like education, and research, and

    的事情,企業賴以生存和工人 依靠,像教育和研究,

  • infrastructure and defense. It's unnecessary. And at a time when too many Americans are

    基礎設施和國防。這是不必要的。 而在很多美國人的時候,

  • still looking for work, it's inexcusable.


  • Now, what's important to understand is that not everyone will feel the pain of these cuts

    現在,重要的是要明白的是, 不是每個人都會感到痛苦,這些削減

  • right away. The pain, though, will be real. Beginning this week, many middle-class families

    的時候了。的痛苦,雖然是真實的。 從本週起,許多中產階級家庭

  • will have their lives disrupted in significant ways. Businesses that work with the military,

    將有自己的生活打亂了顯著 的方法。企業的工作與軍事

  • like the Virginia shipbuilder that I visited on Tuesday, may have to lay folks off. Communities

    像,我訪問了弗吉尼亞州的造​​船企業, 上週二,奠定人了。社區

  • near military bases will take a serious blow. Hundreds of thousands of Americans who serve

    附近的軍事基地將嚴重打擊。 數以百計的成千上萬的美國人服務

  • their country -- Border Patrol agents, FBI agents, civilians who work at the Pentagon

    他們的國家 - 邊境巡邏人員,FBI 劑,平民在五角大樓工作的人

  • -- all will suffer significant pay cuts and furloughs.

    - 都將受到顯著減薪和 休假。

  • All of this will cause a ripple effect throughout our economy. Layoffs and pay cuts means that

    所有這一切都將導致的連鎖反應整個 我們的經濟。裁員和減薪意味著,

  • people have less money in their pockets, and that means that they have less money to spend

    人有更少的錢在自己的口袋裡, 這意味著他們花費更少的錢

  • at local businesses. That means lower profits. That means fewer hires. The longer these cuts

    在當地的業務。這意味著較低的利潤。 這意味著更少的僱用。這些削減的時間越長,

  • remain in place, the greater the damage to our economy -- a slow grind that will intensify

    留在原地,更大的損壞 我們的經濟 - 一個緩慢的研磨,這將加劇

  • with each passing day.


  • So economists are estimating that as a consequence of this sequester, that we could see growth

    因此,經濟學家們估計的後果 本死骨,我們可以看到經濟增長

  • cut by over one-half of 1 percent. It will cost about 750,000 jobs at a time when we

    減少超過1%的一半。這將 耗資約75萬個就業機會的時候,我們

  • should be growing jobs more quickly. So every time that we get a piece of economic news,

    應該繼續發展更迅速地工作。因此,每 時間,我們得到了一塊經濟新聞

  • over the next month, next two months, next six months, as long as the sequester is in

    在接下來的一個月,接下來的兩個月裡,旁邊 6個月,只要死骨是

  • place, we'll know that that economic news could have been better if Congress had not

    的地方,我們就可以知道,經濟新聞 本來可以更好,如果國會不

  • failed to act.


  • And let's be clear. None of this is necessary. It's happening because of a choice that Republicans

    讓我們明確。這是沒有必要的。 它的發生是因為選擇的共和黨人

  • in Congress have made. They've allowed these cuts to happen because they refuse to budge

    在國會。他們已經允許這些 削減的情況發生,因為他們拒絕讓步

  • on closing a single wasteful loophole to help reduce the deficit. As recently as yesterday,

    關閉浪費的漏洞,以幫助 減少赤字。最近昨天,

  • they decided to protect special interest tax breaks for the well-off and well-connected,

    他們決定,以保護特殊的利息稅 小康和連接中斷,

  • and they think that that's apparently more important than protecting our military or

    他們認為這顯然更 重要的保護我們的軍隊或

  • middle-class families from the pain of these cuts.

    中產階級家庭的痛苦,這些 削減。

  • I do believe that we can and must replace these cuts with a more balanced approach that

    我相信,我們能夠也必須取代 這些削減,更平衡的方法,

  • asks something from everybody: Smart spending cuts; entitlement reform; tax reform that

    要求從每個人的東西:智能支出 削減福利改革,稅制改革,

  • makes the tax code more fair for families and businesses without raising tax rates -- all

    使稅碼的家庭更公平 和企業不提高稅率的情況下 -

  • so that we can responsibly lower the deficit without laying off workers, or forcing parents

    所以,我們可以負責任地降低赤字 不裁員,或強迫家長

  • to scramble for childcare, or slashing financial aid for college students.

    為了爭奪托兒服務,或削減財政 大學生的援助。

  • I don't think that's too much to ask. I don't think that is partisan. It's the kind of approach

    我不認為這是過分的要求。我不知道 我認為這是黨派。這是什麼樣的方法

  • that I've proposed for two years. It's what I ran on last year. And the majority of the

    我建議為兩年​​。這是什麼 我去年跑了。和大多數的

  • American people agree with me in this approach, including, by the way, a majority of Republicans.

    美國人同意我的這種做法, 包括,順便說一句,多數的共和黨人。

  • We just need Republicans in Congress to catch up with their own party and their country

    我們只需要國會中的共和黨人趕上 與自己的政黨和他們的國家 0:04:20.449,0:04:26.​​009 這一點。如果他們這樣做,我們可以 一個很大的進步。 0:04:26.​​009,0:04:30.979 我知道,有共和黨在國會 誰私下,至少說,他們會

  • on this. And if they did so, we could make a lot of progress.

    而關閉稅收漏洞,讓這些 削減去。我知道,有民主黨人

  • I do know that there are Republicans in Congress who privately, at least, say that they would

    寧願做聰明的福利改革,而不是 讓這些削減經歷。因此,有一個黨團

  • rather close tax loopholes than let these cuts go through. I know that there are Democrats

    常識上國會山。這只是 - 這是一個沉默的一群,現在,我們希望

  • who'd rather do smart entitlement reform than let these cuts go through. So there is a caucus

    以確保他們的聲音開始變得 聽到。

  • of common sense up on Capitol Hill. It's just -- it's a silent group right now, and we want

    在未來的日子裡,在未來幾週內 我要保持他們,

  • to make sure that their voices start getting heard.

    個別及共同的參議員 或眾議院議員,對他們說,

  • In the coming days and in the coming weeks I'm going to keep on reaching out to them,

    讓我們來解決這個問題 - 不只是一個月或 2,但在未來幾年內。因為最偉大的

  • both individually and as groups of senators or members of the House, and say to them,

    地球上的國家不進行其業務 個月,以月為單位,或由倒向

  • let's fix this -- not just for a month or two, but for years to come. Because the greatest

    從危機走向另一個危機。和美國有 更大量的工作要做。

  • nation on Earth does not conduct its business in month-to-month increments, or by careening

    在此期間,我們不能讓政治僵局 其他的方式,圍繞預算的立場

  • from crisis to crisis. And America has got a lot more work to do.

    我們能夠取得進展的領域。我很高興 看,眾議院通過了暴力

  • In the meantime, we can't let political gridlock around the budget stand in the way of other

    昨天對婦女法“。這是一個很大的 贏的不只是女性,但家庭

  • areas where we can make progress. I was pleased to see that the House passed the Violence

    美國人民。這是一個法律, 將拯救生命,幫助更多的美國人

  • Against Women Act yesterday. That is a big win for not just women but for families and

    生活免於恐懼的自由。這件事情,我們已經看到 被壓在很長一段時間。我很高興

  • for the American people. It's a law that's going to save lives and help more Americans

    看到的事。這是一個例子,如何 我們仍然可以得到一些重要的兩黨

  • live free from fear. It's something that we've been pushing on for a long time. I was glad

    通過本次大會的立法,即使 有這些財參數

  • to see that done. And it's an example of how we can still get some important bipartisan


  • legislation through this Congress even though there is still these fiscal arguments taking

    而且我覺得還有其他地區,我們 甚至可以取得進展的封存

  • place.

    沒有得到解決。我會繼續推動這些 舉措。我要繼續推動

  • And I think there are other areas where we can make progress even with the sequester

    為每一個家庭,高品質的學前教育 想要得到它。我要不斷推進,使

  • unresolved. I will continue to push for those initiatives. I'm going to keep pushing for

    確保我們提高最低工資標準,因此, 它是一個家庭可以住在。我要去

  • high-quality preschool for every family that wants it. I'm going to keep pushing to make

    繼續推動移民改革, 和改革我們的投票系統,以及改善

  • sure that we raise the minimum wage so that it's one that families can live on. I'm going

    我們的運輸部門。我要去 繼續推動改革明智的槍,因為

  • to keep on pushing for immigration reform, and reform our voting system, and improvements


  • on our transportation sector. And I'm going to keep pushing for sensible gun reforms because

    這是美國人民的議程 投贊成票。這是美國的優先級。

  • I still think they deserve a vote.

    他們是太重要了,去沒有得到解決。 我要不斷推進,以確保

  • This is the agenda that the American people voted for. These are America's priorities.


  • They are too important to go unaddressed. And I'm going to keep pushing to make sure

    所以,我要採取一些問題。 我將開始與朱莉。

  • that we see them through.

    Q謝謝你,總統先生。多少責任 你覺得你承擔這些削減服用

  • So with that, I'm going to take some questions. I'm going to start with Julie.

    效果呢?並且是唯一的方式來抵消他們 在這一點上對共和黨彎曲收入,

  • Q Thank you, Mr. President. How much responsibility do you feel like you bear for these cuts taking


  • effect? And is the only way to offset them at this point for Republicans to bend on revenue,

    主席:瞧,我們已經已經削減了2.5美元, 萬億美元的赤字。大家說,我們

  • or do you see any alternatives?

    需要削減四萬億美元,這意味著我們有 拿出另一萬億美元,半。

  • THE PRESIDENT: Look, we've already cut $2.5 trillion in our deficit. Everybody says we

    絕大多數經濟學家認為, 當談到赤字問題是不

  • need to cut $4 trillion, which means we have to come up with another trillion and a half.

    可支配支出。這並不是說我們 教育上花太多錢。這是

  • The vast majority of economists agree that the problem when it comes to deficits is not

    不,我們花了太多的錢 在職培訓,或者說,我們花了太多

  • discretionary spending. It's not that we're spending too much money on education. It's

    錢重建道路和橋樑。 我們不是。

  • not that we're spending too much money on job training, or that we're spending too much

    的問題,我們已經是一個長期存在的問題 在我們的醫療費用和方案

  • money rebuilding our roads and our bridges. We're not.

    如醫療保險。而我已經說得很明確, 非常詳細的是,我準備採取

  • The problem that we have is a long-term problem in terms of our health care costs and programs

    對存在的問題 - 權益 - 做一些事情,我自己的黨真的

  • like Medicare. And what I've said very specifically, very detailed is that I'm prepared to take

    不喜歡 - 如果這是一個更廣泛的 包明智的削減赤字。所以

  • on the problem where it exists -- on entitlements -- and do some things that my own party really

    這筆交易,我已經提出了在過去的 兩年,協議,我提出的

  • doesn't like -- if it's part of a broader package of sensible deficit reduction. So

    最近在12月仍是放在桌子上。 我努力做的事情,並推動

  • the deal that I've put forward over the last two years, the deal that I put forward as


  • recently as December is still on the table. I am prepared to do hard things and to push

    但我不能做什麼,問中產階級家庭, 問老人,讓學生承擔全部

  • my Democratic friends to do hard things.

    當我們知道我們已經削減赤字負擔 得到了大量的稅收漏洞,有利於

  • But what I can't do is ask middle-class families, ask seniors, ask students to bear the entire

    小康和連接良好,不 對經濟增長作出貢獻,沒有貢獻

  • burden of deficit reduction when we know we've got a bunch of tax loopholes that are benefiting

    我們的經濟。這是不公平的。這是不對的。 美國人不認為這是公平

  • the well-off and the well-connected, aren't contributing to growth, aren't contributing


  • to our economy. It's not fair. It's not right. The American people don't think it's fair

    因此,我認識到,議長博納有 在他的黨團的挑戰。我承認,

  • and don't think it's right.

    它是非常困難的共和黨領袖 被視為作出讓步,對我來說。有時候,

  • So I recognize that Speaker Boehner has got challenges in his caucus. I recognize that

    我反映的是別的東西,我可以 做才能讓這些傢伙 - 我不是在談論

  • it's very hard for Republican leaders to be perceived as making concessions to me. Sometimes,

    現在的領導者,但也許一些房子 共和黨黨團成員 - 油漆角

  • I reflect is there something else I could do to make these guys -- I'm not talking about

    在我的頭上。我真誠地相信,有 讓我們有機會合作。

  • the leaders now, but maybe some of the House Republican caucus members -- not paint horns

    但什麼是沒有意義 - 唯一的 的事情,我們已經看到了來自共和黨,所以

  • on my head. And I genuinely believe that there's an opportunity for us to cooperate.

    遠在條款的建議 - 是取代 這組任意切割更糟糕的

  • But what doesn't make sense -- and the only thing that we've seen from Republicans so

    任意削減。這並不是要幫助 經濟。這不會幫助經濟增長。

  • far in terms of proposals -- is to replace this set of arbitrary cuts with even worse

    這不會創造就業機會。和作為 一些經濟學家指出,具有諷刺意味的是,

  • arbitrary cuts. That's not going to help the economy. That's not going to help growth.

    它甚至不減少我們的赤字 最聰明的方式盡可能以最快的方式。

  • That's not going to create jobs. And as a number of economists have noted, ironically,

    因此,在前進,我的希望是, 經過一番反思 - 國會議員

  • it doesn't even reduce our deficit in the smartest way possible or the fastest way possible.

    成分正在開始聽到 的負面影響,因為我們開始看到

  • So in terms of going forward, my hope is that after some reflection -- as members of Congress

    影響,封存 - 這 退一步說,沒事,有

  • start hearing from constituents who are being negatively impacted, as we start seeing the

    一種方法,我們在包裝上向前邁進 份額改革,稅制改革,而不是提高

  • impact that the sequester is having -- that they step back and say, all right, is there

    稅率,確定程序,不 工作,想出了一個計劃,全面

  • a way for us to move forward on a package of entitlement reforms, tax reform, not raising

    是有道理的。它可能需要幾個 幾個星期。這可能需要數個月,

  • tax rates, identifying programs that don't work, coming up with a plan that's comprehensive

    但我只是要繼續推進它。 我的看法是,最終,常識

  • and that makes sense. And it may take a couple of weeks. It may take a couple of months,


  • but I'm just going to keep on pushing on it. And my view is that, ultimately, common sense

    但是,什麼是真正的,現在是共和黨 已經做出了選擇, 保持一個鐵定的規律,我們將

  • prevails.

    不接受一個額外的收入毛錢的價值 使我們很難得到任何

  • But what is true right now is that the Republicans have made a choice that maintaining an ironclad rule that we will

    較大的綜合協議。這是一個選擇 他們正在做。他們說,更重要的是

  • not accept an extra dime's worth of revenue makes it very difficult for us to get any

    重要的是保持這些稅收漏洞 是為了防止這些任意削減。

  • larger comprehensive deal. And that's a choice they're making. They're saying that it's more

    有趣的是議長博納, 幾個月前,發現這些

  • important to preserve these tax loopholes than it is to prevent these arbitrary cuts.

    稅收漏洞和減稅,並說我們應該 關閉,並提高收入。因此,它不是

  • And what's interesting is Speaker Boehner, just a couple months ago, identified these

    彷彿這是不可能的事情。他們自己 ,這是可以做到的。和

  • tax loopholes and tax breaks and said we should close them and raise revenue. So it's not

    如果他們認為,事實上,這些稅收漏洞 這些稅收減免小康

  • as if it's not possible to do. They themselves have suggested that it's possible to do. And

    連接沒有貢獻 增長,不利於經濟發展,是不是?

  • if they believe that in fact these tax loopholes and these tax breaks for the well-off and

    特別是公平和可以提高收入,以及 我們為什麼不開始呢?為什麼我們不這樣做

  • the well-connected aren't contributing to growth, aren't good for our economy, aren't


  • particularly fair and can raise revenue, well, why don't we get started? Why don't we do

    這可能是因為內的政治 共和黨,他們可以這樣做是正確的

  • that?

    現在。我理解這一點。我的希望是,是, 他們能做到這一點。

  • It may be that because of the politics within the Republican Party, they can't do it right

    我只想重複,朱莉,因為 我認為這是非常重要的了解,

  • now. I understand that. My hope is, is that they can do it later.

    它的不作為,如果民主黨不被要求 做任何事情,或者說,妥協。那裡

  • And I just want to repeat, Julie, because I think it's very important to understand,

    是我黨的猛烈反對的人 的概念,我們應該做任何事情

  • it's not as if Democrats aren't being asked to do anything, either, to compromise. There

    醫療保險。我願意對他們說, 我不同意你,因為我想保留

  • are members of my party who violently disagree with the notion that we should do anything

    醫療保險的長途。而我們將 在我黨有一些強硬的政治

  • on Medicare. And I'm willing to say to them, I disagree with you, because I want to preserve


  • Medicare for the long haul. And we're going to have some tough politics within my party

    這不是一個情況下,我只問 來自共和黨的讓步,並要求

  • to get this done.

    沒有從民主黨。我是說,每個人都 必須做一些事情。而

  • This is not a situation where I'm only asking for concessions from Republicans and asking

    這整個事情的關鍵之一是試圖使 相信我們記住誰是我們這裡。我們

  • nothing from Democrats. I'm saying that everybody is going to have to do something. And the

    在這裡不是為我們自己,我們不是來 為我們的黨,我們這裡不是為了推進

  • one key to this whole thing is trying to make sure we keep in mind who we're here for. We

    我們的選舉前景。我們在這裡為美國 已飽受漂亮的家庭

  • are not here for ourselves, we're not here for our parties, we're not here to advance

    在過去的四年裡,才剛剛開始 看到經濟改善,企業

  • our electoral prospects. We're here for American families who have been getting battered pretty

    剛開始看到一些信心 回來了。這不是任何人的勝利,這

  • good over the last four years, are just starting to see the economy improve; businesses are


  • just starting to see some confidence coming back. And this is not a win for anybody, this

    而且,再次,如果我們退後一步,只是提醒 我們是什麼,我們應該

  • is a loss for the American people.

    在這裡做什麼,那麼我希望常識 到底。

  • And, again, if we step back and just remind ourselves what it is we're supposed to be

    e它聽起來就像你說的,這是 一個共和黨的問題,而不是一個你

  • doing here, then hopefully common sense will out in the end.


  • Q It sounds like you're saying that this is a Republican problem and not one that you

    主席:好了,朱莉,給我一個例子, 我可以做什麼。

  • bear any responsibility for.


  • THE PRESIDENT: Well, Julie, give me an example of what I might do.

    主席:哦,不,但我想 澄清的問題。我的建議

  • Q I'm just trying to clarify your statement.

    是的,我已經提出一個計劃,該計劃要求 嚴重削減開支,嚴重的權利

  • THE PRESIDENT: Well, no, but I'm trying to clarify the question. What I'm suggesting

    改革的問題是,“ 我們的長期赤字問題的核心。

  • is, I've put forward a plan that calls for serious spending cuts, serious entitlement

    我提供談判的那種 平衡的方法。到目前為止,我們已經得到了

  • reforms, goes right at the problem that is at the heart of our long-term deficit problem.

    斷然拒絕,因為議長博納和 共和黨人說的是,我們不能這樣做

  • I've offered negotiations around that kind of balanced approach. And so far, we've gotten

    任何收入,我們不能做一毛錢的價值 收入。 0:14:57.410,0:15:0​​4.170 那麼,還有什麼你認為我應該怎麼辦?好了, 我只是想澄清。 (笑聲)因為 0:15:0​​4.170,0:15:11.170 如果人們有一個建議,我很高興 - 這是一間充滿了聰明的人。

  • rebuffed because what Speaker Boehner and the Republicans have said is, we cannot do

    所有權利 - 扎克·戈德法布。

  • any revenue, we can't do a dime's worth of revenue.

    Q主席先生,下一個焦點似乎 持續的資金的決議,

  • So what more do you think I should do? Okay, I just wanted to clarify. (Laughter.) Because

    政府月底, 在月底屆滿。你會

  • if people have a suggestion, I'm happy to -- this is a room full of smart folks.

    簽署了CR繼續封存,但 繼續資助政府?而在

  • All right -- Zach Goldfarb.

    相關的觀點,你怎麼真​​正達到 限制你的說服能力?有

  • Q Mr. President, the next focal point seems to be the continuing resolution that's funding

    你必須說服任何其他槓桿 共和黨人士,能夠說服人,這是不

  • the government at the end of the month, that expires at the end of the month. Would you


  • sign a CR that continues the sequester but continues to fund the government? And in a

    主席:嗯,我想我已經 仍然有一些說服力離開。讓

  • related point, how do you truly reach the limits of your persuasive power? Is there

    我看看。 (笑聲)你看,問題不在於 我的說服力。美國人民同意

  • any other leverage you have to convince the Republicans, to convince folks that this isn't

    我的做法。他們一致認為,我們應該 有一個平衡的方法來削減赤字。

  • the way to go?

    現在的問題是,美國人民幫助 說服他們的國會議員

  • THE PRESIDENT: Well, I'd like to think I've still got some persuasive power left. Let

    正確的事,我有一個很大的信心 隨著時間的推移,如果美國人民表達

  • me check. (Laughter.) Look, the issue is not my persuasive power. The American people agree

    他們的不滿,一些東西是如何工作的, 最終國會作出回應。有時

  • with my approach. They agree that we should have a balanced approach to deficit reduction.

    有一點點差距就是美國 人認為,國會認為。但

  • The question is can the American people help persuade their members of Congress to do the


  • right thing, and I have a lot of confidence that over time, if the American people express

    關於預算和保持 政府開放 - 我會盡力為我們觀看

  • their displeasure about how something is working, that eventually Congress responds. Sometimes

    觀眾,以確保我們不是在談論 在華盛頓的官樣文章。什麼叫

  • there is a little gap between what the American people think and what Congress thinks. But

    的持續的分辨率,這本質上是 只是一個擴展到去年的財政預算案

  • eventually Congress catches up.

    今年的財政預算案,以確保基本 政府職能的繼續,我認為這是

  • With respect to the budget and keeping the government open -- I'll try for our viewing

    做正確的事情,以確保我們 沒有一個政府關機。而這

  • audience to make sure that we're not talking in Washington gobbledygook. What's called


  • the continuing resolution, which is essentially just an extension of last year's budget into

    我們有一個預算控制法案“,對不對?我們同意 到這是將一定量的錢

  • this year's budget to make sure that basic government functions continue, I think it's

    每年要花費一定的資金 水平,我們的軍隊,我們的教育制度,

  • the right thing to do to make sure that we don't have a government shutdown. And that's

    等等。如果我們堅持這一協議,然後 我會支持我們堅持,

  • preventable.


  • We have a Budget Control Act, right? We agreed to a certain amount of money that was going

    封存之上的額外削減 這一點。和法律,除非國會採取

  • to be spent each year, and certain funding levels for our military, our education system,

    隔離的時候,我們就必須遵守​​這些 額外的削減。但是,有沒有理由

  • and so forth. If we stick to that deal, then I will be supportive of us sticking to that

    我們應該有一個危機關閉 除了這些任意的政府向下

  • deal. It's a deal that I made.


  • The sequester are additional cuts on top of that. And by law, until Congress takes the

    Q只是為了100%的明確,你最好 繼續資助政府簽署一份財政預算案

  • sequester away, we'd have to abide by those additional cuts. But there's no reason why

    即使在較低的水平的封存, 即使你不喜歡這樣做嗎?

  • we should have another crisis by shutting the government down in addition to these arbitrary

    主席:扎克,我不會 - 我 從來不想讓自己100%明顯

  • spending cuts.

    跟你說。 (笑聲)但是我認為這是 公平地說,我一定做了一筆交易,

  • Q Just to make it 100 percent clear, you'd sign a budget that continues to fund the government

    預算,某些電話號碼。我們沒有理由 為什麼這一協議需要被重新打開。這是

  • even at the lower levels of the sequester, even if you don't prefer to do that?

    了一項協議,議長博納以及, 所有的領導。而且,如果該法案

  • THE PRESIDENT: Zach, I'm not going to -- I never want to make myself 100 percent clear

    到我的辦公桌上反映了 承諾,我們之前,

  • with you guys. (Laughter.) But I think it's fair to say that I made a deal for a certain

    很明顯,我將簽署它,因為我想 確保我們繼續做我們所需要的

  • budget, certain numbers. There's no reason why that deal needs to be reopened. It was


  • a deal that Speaker Boehner made as well, and all the leadership made. And if the bill


  • that arrives on my desk is reflective of the commitments that we've previously made, then

    Q主席先生,你的問題,有什麼事情 你做什麼 - 首先,不能你剛才

  • obviously I would sign it because I want to make sure that we keep on doing what we need

    有他們在這裡,並拒絕讓他們 離開房間,直到你有一個交易嗎? (笑聲)

  • to do for the American people.

    主席:我的意思是,傑西卡,我不是一個 獨裁者。我是總統。因此,最終,

  • Jessica.

    如果麥康奈爾和約翰·博納說,我們 需要去趕飛機,我不能有

  • Q Mr. President, to your question, what could you do -- first of all, couldn't you just

    特勤擋在門口,對不對?所以 -

  • have them down here and refuse to let them leave the room until you have a deal? (Laughter.)

    Q,但不是領導的那部分?對不起 打斷一下,不過不是 -

  • THE PRESIDENT: I mean, Jessica, I am not a dictator. I'm the President. So, ultimately,

    主席:我明白了。我知道, 這一直是一些傳統智慧

  • if Mitch McConnell or John Boehner say, we need to go to catch a plane, I can't have

    漂浮在華盛頓, 不知何故,儘管大多數人認為,

  • Secret Service block the doorway, right? So --

    我是合理的,大多數人同意 我提出一個公平的交易,但事實上,

  • Q But isn't that part of leadership? I'm sorry to interrupt, but isn't --

    他們不把它意味著,我應該以某種方式 心靈融合,並說服這些人,做一個絕地

  • THE PRESIDENT: I understand. And I know that this has been some of the conventional wisdom

    他們做正確的事。那麼,他們當選。 我們有政府的憲政體制。

  • that's been floating around Washington that somehow, even though most people agree that

    眾議院議長和領導 參議院和所有那些人的責任。

  • I'm being reasonable, that most people agree I'm presenting a fair deal, the fact that

    我可以做什麼是我可以做最好的 情況下,為什麼我們需要做的正確的事情。

  • they don't take it means that I should somehow do a Jedi mind-meld with these folks and convince

    我可以說美國人民的 後果的決定,國會

  • them to do what's right. Well, they're elected. We have a constitutional system of government.

    正在或缺乏決策 國會。但是,最終,這是一個選擇,他們

  • The Speaker of the House and the leader of the Senate and all those folks have responsibilities.


  • What I can do is I can make the best possible case for why we need to do the right thing.

    這個想法,不知怎的,有一個秘密 配方或秘密武器議長博納

  • I can speak to the American people about the consequences of the decisions that Congress

    或麥康奈爾說,你知道嗎, 主席先生,你說得對,我們應該關閉

  • is making or the lack of decision-making by Congress. But, ultimately, it's a choice they

    一些稅收漏洞,小康和連接 在交流一些嚴重的福利改革

  • make.

    和削減開支的計劃,我們並不需要。 我想,如果有一個秘密的方式做到這一點,

  • And this idea that somehow there's a secret formula or secret sauce to get Speaker Boehner


  • or Mitch McConnell to say, you know what, Mr. President, you're right, we should close

    我可以做什麼是我可以做最好的 的說法。我可以提供優惠,

  • some tax loopholes for the well-off and well-connected in exchange for some serious entitlement reform

    我可以提供妥協。我可以協商。我 可以確保我黨願意

  • and spending cuts of programs we don't need. I think if there was a secret way to do that,

    妥協,是不是被意識形態或 這些只是在政治思考

  • I would have tried it. I would have done it.

    條款。我想我已經這樣做了,我會 繼續這樣做。

  • What I can do is I can make the best possible argument. And I can offer concessions, and

    但我不能這樣做,是迫使國會做 正確的事情。美國人可能有

  • I can offer compromise. I can negotiate. I can make sure that my party is willing to

    這樣做的能力。並且在沒有 決定的部分議長

  • compromise and is not being ideological or thinking about these just in terms of political

    眾議院和別人把中產階級家庭 之前,任何政治要求,他

  • terms. And I think I've done that and I will continue to do that.

    現在可能有正確的,我們將有 這些削減。但是,再次,我希望

  • But what I can't do is force Congress to do the right thing. The American people may have

    關於人類的本性。我認為,隨著時間的推移, 人們做正確的事。我會保持

  • the capacity to do that. And in the absence of a decision on the part of the Speaker of

    ,看是否有其他的 卷染機這件事情的公式或其他方式

  • the House and others to put middle-class families ahead of whatever political imperatives he


  • might have right now, we're going to have these cuts in place. But, again, I'm hopeful

    問:你說市長的人都喜歡 彭博 - 誰是你沒有評論家的

  • about human nature. I think that over time people do the right thing. And I will keep

    一般,他贊同你認為 - 誰 有一些他所謂的“姿態”

  • on reaching out and seeing if there are other formulas or other ways to jigger this thing

    這些聲稱有大 裁員和很多人失去工作,

  • into place so that we get a better result.

    認為削減開支的影響 被誇大了的管理嗎?

  • Q What do you say to the people like Mayor Bloomberg -- who is no critic of yours in

    主席:好了傑西卡,你看,我就 給你舉個例子。國防部

  • general; he endorsed you -- who argues that there is some what he calls "posturing" in

    現在的孩子如何找出 軍人家庭將繼續

  • these claims that there are going to be big layoffs and a lot of people out of work, and

    他們的學業,在未來數 個月,因為教師在這些軍事基地

  • thinks that the effects of the spending cuts are being overstated by the administration?

    是典型的平民。因此,它們是 休假,這意味著它們

  • THE PRESIDENT: Well Jessica, look, I'll just give you an example. The Department of Defense


  • right now has to figure out how the children of military families are going to continue

    現在,我希望,我們將能夠管理 在它附近。但是,如果我是男人還是女人穿制服

  • with their schooling over the next several months, because teachers at these Army bases

    現在,在阿富汗的概念,即 我的愛人回到家裡,不必擔心

  • are typically civilians. They are therefore subject to furlough, which means that they

    是否我們的孩子得到最好的 教育,我校的概念

  • may not be able to teach one day a week.

    我的孩子在一個陸軍基地可能被打亂 因為國會不採取行動,這是一個影響。

  • Now, I expect that we'll be able to manage around it. But if I'm a man or woman in uniform

    現在,紐約市長彭博和其他人可能不覺得 這種影響。我懷疑他們會不會。但是,

  • in Afghanistan right now, the notion that my spouse back home is having to worry about


  • whether or not our kids are getting the best education possible, the notion that my school

    誰是那裡的邊境巡邏人員 在炎熱的陽光下,做國會表示,他們

  • for my children on an Army base might be disrupted because Congress didn't act, that's an impact.

    應該做的,突然發現 他們得到10%的降薪

  • Now, Mayor Bloomberg and others may not feel that impact. I suspect they won't. But that

    回家,並解釋到 他們的家人,我不認為他們覺得自己的

  • family will.

    這是一種誇張的影響。所以我想, 這取決於你坐在哪裡。

  • The Border Patrol agents who are out there in the hot sun, doing what Congress said they're

    現在,什麼是絕對真實的,不是每個人 去感受它。並不是每個人都去

  • supposed to be doing, finding out suddenly that they're getting a 10-percent pay cut

    覺得這一切。什麼是真正的是, 各地積累的那些故事

  • and having to go home and explain that to their families, I don't think they feel like

    這個國家的人誰突然 - 一直在他們的生活得到

  • this is an exaggerated impact. So I guess it depends on where you sit.

    教育,只有這樣,他們可以做到這一點 工作和得到的福利,他們已經得到了

  • Now, what is absolutely true is that not everybody is going to feel it. Not everybody is going

    他們的孩子在頭開始,而現在,突然, ,啟蒙插槽消失了,他們正試圖

  • to feel it all at once. What is true is that the accumulation of those stories all across

    弄清楚如何我要保持我的工作, 因為我買不起的孩子照顧我的孩子;

  • this country, folks who suddenly -- might have been working all their lives to get an

    對於那些造船的供應商 在弗吉尼亞州,在那裡你已經有一些供應商

  • education, just so that they can get that job and get out of welfare and they've got

    誰是小企業,這是他們 做的,他們可能會關閉這些公司,

  • their kid in Head Start, and now, suddenly, that Head Start slot is gone and they're trying

    他們的員工​​會被解僱 - 所有這些故事的積累

  • to figure out how am I going to keep my job, because I can't afford child care for my kid;

    的影響,將會使我們的經濟疲軟。 這將意味著更少的增長。這是怎麼回事

  • some of the suppliers for those shipbuilders down in Virginia, where you've got some suppliers


  • who are small businesses, this is all they do, and they may shut down those companies,

    這是真實的。這不是 - 我們不 這件事。這不是危言聳聽,這是

  • and their employees are going to be laid off -- the accumulation of all of those stories


  • of impact is going to make our economy weaker. It's going to mean less growth. It's going

    從明天開始,每個人都在這裡,所有的 清潔地板在國會大廈的人誰是

  • to mean hundreds of thousands of jobs lost.

    - 現在,美國國會已經離開,一些人是 將被抽真空和清洗這些樓層

  • That is real. That's not -- we're not making that up. That's not a scare tactic, that's

    和扔出去的垃圾 - 他們會 有少交。門衛,安全

  • a fact.

    衛士,他們只是得到了減薪,他們已經 摸索出了如何管理。這是

  • Starting tomorrow, everybody here, all the folks who are cleaning the floors at the Capitol


  • -- now that Congress has left, somebody is going to be vacuuming and cleaning those floors

    所以,我想在這裡是很清楚的。這是絕對 誠然,這是不會沉澱

  • and throwing out the garbage -- they're going to have less pay. The janitors, the security

    什麼樣的危機中,我們談到美國 拖欠和周圍的一些問題

  • guards, they just got a pay cut, and they've got to figure out how to manage that. That's

    債務上限。我不認為一個巨大的 金融危機,但人們要

  • real.

    受到傷害。經濟將快速增長 因為它會。失業率不會去

  • So I want to be very clear here. It is absolutely true that this is not going to precipitate

    下降快,因為它有 - 有 落後的生活。這是真實的。和

  • the kind of crisis we talked about with America defaulting and some of the problems around

    它不是必要的 - 這就是問題所在。

  • the debt ceiling. I don't anticipate a huge financial crisis, but people are going to


  • be hurt. The economy will not grow as quickly as it would have. Unemployment will not go


  • down as quickly as it would have -- and there are lives behind that. And that's real. And


  • it's not necessary -- that's the problem.

    Q主席先生,你的管理權衡 在昨天的8號提案的情況。一

  • Christi Parsons.

    幾個月前,它看起來像你可能會對 反對這樣做,我只是想知道

  • Q Thank you.

    ,如果你能談一下你 審議和你的想法如何演變

  • THE PRESIDENT: Hey, Christi.

    上。有沒有對話, 重要的是你嗎?有些事情,你

  • Q Mr. President, your administration weighed in yesterday on the Proposition 8 case. A


  • few months ago it looked like you might be averse to doing that, and I just wondered

    主席:大家都知道,最後 一年後,很長一段時間的思考,我

  • if you could talk a little bit about your deliberations and how your thinking evolved

    結論是,我們不能歧視 同樣的,當它涉及到婚姻的夫妻性生活;

  • on that. Were there conversations that were important to you? Were there things that you

    的基本原則,美國成立 - 的想法,我們都平等

  • read that influenced your thinking?

    - 適用於每個人,無論性 方向,以及種族,性別或

  • THE PRESIDENT: As everybody here knows, last year, upon a long period of reflection, I


  • concluded that we cannot discriminate against same-sex couples when it comes to marriage;

    我認為,同樣的進化,我已經 經歷是一種進化的國家

  • that the basic principle that America is founded on -- the idea that we're all created equal

    作為一個整體已經通過。我認為這 是一個深刻的積極的事情。所以,當

  • -- applies to everybody, regardless of sexual orientation, as well as race or gender or

    最高法院基本上是所謂的問題 這種情況下,有關加州的法律,

  • religion or ethnicity.

    我不喜歡的東西, 政府可能避免。我覺得這

  • And I think that the same evolution that I've gone through is an evolution that the country

    重要的是我們表達什麼我 相信什麼,這個政府代表

  • as a whole has gone through. And I think it is a profoundly positive thing. So that when


  • the Supreme Court essentially called the question by taking this case about California's law,

    雖然我認為,我們看到, 一個狀態由狀態的基礎上,進展情況

  • I didn't feel like that was something that this administration could avoid. I felt it

    - 越來越多的國家承認同性 夫婦,讓他們有機會

  • was important for us to articulate what I believe and what this administration stands

    結婚和維持婚姻的好處 異性戀夫婦做 - 當最高法院

  • for.

    法院問:你認為加州 法律,不提供任何理由

  • And although I do think that we're seeing, on a state-by-state basis, progress being

    歧視同性伴侶其他 不僅僅是概念,以及他們是同性

  • made -- more and more states recognizing same-sex couples and giving them the opportunity to

    夫婦,如果最高法院要求我和我的 總檢察長或副檢察長,

  • marry and maintain all the benefits of marriage that heterosexual couples do -- when the Supreme

    我們認為符合憲法的規定, 我認為,重要的是我們回答這個問題的

  • Court asks, do you think that the California law, which doesn't provide any rationale for

    質疑誠實 - 答案是否定的。

  • discriminating against same-sex couples other than just the notion that, well, they're same-sex

    Q和給定的事實,你持有的, 關於同性婚姻的位置,我不知道,如果你

  • couples, if the Supreme Court asks me or my Attorney General or Solicitor General, do

    想到剛剛 - 一旦你做出了決定 來權衡的,為什麼不直接說,婚姻

  • we think that meets constitutional muster, I felt it was important for us to answer that

    是正確的,應該是提供給所有 這個國家的人?

  • question honestly -- and the answer is no.

    主席:好,這是一個論點,即 我個人。副檢察長

  • Q And given the fact that you do hold that position about gay marriage, I wonder if you

    在去之前,他的機構的作用 最高法院有義務回答的具體

  • thought about just -- once you made the decision to weigh in, why not just argue that marriage

    在他們面前的問題。其具體的問題 在法院提出現在的問題是是否

  • is a right that should be available to all people of this country?


  • THE PRESIDENT: Well, that's an argument that I've made personally. The Solicitor General

    我們所做的是,我們已經提出了 基本原則,這是 - 這適用於

  • in his institutional role going before the Supreme Court is obliged to answer the specific

    所有平等保護的情況下。每當 特定群體的歧視,

  • question before them. And the specific question presented before the Court right now is whether

    法院提出這樣的問題,有什麼理由 對於這一點 - 它更是一個很好的理由。

  • Prop 8 and the California law is unconstitutional.

    如果你沒有一個很好的理由,我們 要罷工了。

  • And what we've done is we've put forward a basic principle, which is -- which applies

    我們說過的話,是同性伴侶 為一組,一類值得加劇

  • to all equal protection cases. Whenever a particular group is being discriminated against,

    審議,最高法院需要 要求說明為什麼這樣做。並且如果

  • the Court asks the question, what's the rationale for this -- and it better be a good reason.

    國家沒有一個很好的理由,它應該 被打倒。這是核心原則

  • And if you don't have a good reason, we're going to strike it down.


  • And what we've said is, is that same-sex couples are a group, a class that deserves heightened

    現在,法院可以決定,如果它不 申請在此情況下,它可能不能適用

  • scrutiny, that the Supreme Court needs to ask the state why it's doing it. And if the

    在任何情況下。有沒有很好的理由。 如果我在球場上,這將可能

  • state doesn't have a good reason, it should be struck down. That's the core principle

    是的,我會提出。但我 我不是法官,我是主席。因此,基本

  • as applied to this case.

    的原則,不過,是讓我們的待人 公平,讓我們平等地待人。

  • Now, the Court may decide that if it doesn't apply in this case, it probably can't apply

    而我認為,在簡短的介紹 準確地反映我們的意見。

  • in any case. There's no good reason for it. If I were on the Court, that would probably


  • be the view that I'd put forward. But I'm not a judge, I'm the President. So the basic

    Q謝謝你,總統先生。你說了幾句 分鐘前,你已經一再表示,

  • principle, though, is let's treat everybody fairly and let's treat everybody equally.

    國家已停止從危機的邊緣 危機。

  • And I think that the brief that's been presented accurately reflects our views.


  • Ari Shapiro.

    Q因此,一些危機拋在身後,幾個 更多的危機擺在我們面前,退後一步

  • Q Thank you, Mr. President. You said a few minutes ago and you've said repeatedly that

    從這個特定的辯論在封存, 怎麼樣,這個國家的領導者,你

  • the country has to stop careening from crisis to crisis.

    計劃停止國家倒向從 危機危機?


    主席:好,一對夫婦的事情。數 一個是確保我們不斷進取

  • Q So with a few crises behind us and a few more crises ahead of us, taking a step back

    的地方,我們是很重要的事情, 中產階級的美國人和那些誰是

  • from this specific debate over the sequester, how, as the leader of this country, do you

    戰鬥進入中產階層。所以 如果拋開預算的第二個戰鬥,

  • plan to stop the country from careening from crisis to crisis?

    我們已經能夠得到現在的暴力 婦女法完成。的談話,

  • THE PRESIDENT: Well, a couple of things. Number one is to make sure that we keep making progress

    發生在周圍兩黨合作的基礎 移民改革是向前發展的。我們的

  • wherever we can on things that are important to middle-class Americans and those who are

    在兩黨合作的方式極大的興趣 圍繞如何,我們可以繼續提高我們的

  • fighting to get into the middle class. So if you set aside budget fights for a second,

    教育系統,包括周圍幼兒教育 教育。已經有建設性的討論,

  • we've been able to get now the Violence Against Women Act done. The conversations that are


  • taking place on a bipartisan basis around immigration reform are moving forward. We've

    我要繼續努力做的事情 ,以確保我們把那些東西

  • seen great interest in a bipartisan fashion around how we can continue to improve our

    的家庭是很重要的。我們將不會 在一次所做的一切,得到一切,但我們可以

  • education system, including around early childhood education. There have been constructive discussions


  • around how do we reduce gun violence.

    關於預算,我做了什麼 是美國人民,使

  • And what I'm going to keep on trying to do is to make sure that we push on those things

    我們必須確保我們有一個平衡的 的方法來削減赤字,但赤字

  • that are important to families. And we won't get everything done all at once, but we can

    減少本身並不是一種經濟的政策。 挑戰的一部分,我們已經在這裡

  • get a lot done. So that's point number one.

    是,不僅國會,但我認為華盛頓 一般情況下度過在一起的時間約

  • With respect to the budget, what I've done is to make a case to the American people that

    財政赤字和不花很多時間討論 我們如何創造就業機會。所以,我想

  • we have to make sure that we have a balanced approach to deficit reduction, but that deficit


  • reduction alone is not an economic policy. And part of the challenge that we've had here

    我想,例如,我們可以把一個 很多人都回去工作,現在重建

  • is that not only Congress, but I think Washington generally spends all its time together about

    我們的道路和橋樑。而這個被推遲 維護。我們知道我們將不得不

  • deficits and doesn't spend a lot of time talking about how do we create jobs. So I want to

    做到這一點。我去了一座橋樑,連接 麥康奈爾的約翰·博納的狀態

  • make sure that we're talking about both.

    狀態,這是一個爛橋,每個人都 知道這一點。我敢打賭,他們真正想要的

  • I think that, for example, we could put a lot of people back to work right now rebuilding

    看到,提高。好了,我們怎麼辦呢? 讓我們的談話有關。這將

  • our roads and bridges. And this is deferred maintenance. We know we're going to have to

    創造就業機會。這將是很好的企業, 減少通勤時間,,提高通勤者的安全。

  • do it. And I went to a bridge that connects Mitch McConnell's state to John Boehner's

    這已是這個對話的一部分, 不只是在不斷爭論切割

  • state, and it was a rotten bridge and everybody knows it. And I'll bet they really want to


  • see that improved. Well, how do we do it? Let's have a conversation about it. That will

    所以我想我的觀點是,阿里,我想要什麼 試圖做的是,確保我們不斷

  • create jobs. It will be good for businesses, reduce commuter times, improve commuter safety.

    集中,我們真正的北面是怎麼樣的 我們幫助美國家庭獲得成功。赤字

  • That has to be part of this conversation, not just this constant argument about cutting

    減少是這一議程的一個重要部分 的一部分。但它不是唯一的部分。我不

  • and spending.

    希望我們癱瘓的一切只是 因為我們不同意這樣一件事。

  • So I guess my point is, Ari, that what I want to try to do is to make sure that we're constantly

    因為我已經傑西卡,我說: 也希望是,是,隨著時間的推移 - 也許

  • focused, that our true north is on how are we helping American families succeed. Deficit

    共和黨退一步,也許他們 可以說,你知道嗎,我們堅持強硬的

  • reduction is part of that agenda and an important part. But it's not the only part. And I don't

    封存了,這讓我們感覺良好, 共和黨黨團是一個好心情

  • want us to be paralyzed on everything just because we disagree on this one thing.

    當他們回來的時候 - 也許我們可以有 更認真討論一下什麼是真正的

  • And as I already said to Jessica, what I'm also hoping is, is that, over time -- perhaps

    赤字和削減赤字的問題 是。

  • after Republicans step back and maybe they can say, you know what, we stuck tough on

    對美國是好事,有時 我們這些瓶頸,我們被卡住了,

  • the sequester, and this makes us feel good, and the Republican caucus is in a better mood

    你有這些尖銳,黨派爭鬥, 但美國人民相當穩定

  • when they come back -- maybe then we can have a more serious discussion about what the real

    常識和實踐,並最終 ,常識性的,實際的做法勝

  • problems on deficit and deficit reduction are.

    了。我認為這裡會發生什麼 為好。

  • And the good thing about America is that sometimes we get to these bottlenecks and we get stuck,

    而且,在此期間,只是做最後的 的封存點,我們將獲得通過

  • and you have these sharp, partisan fights, but the American people pretty steadily are

    這一點。這不會是一個啟示, 我認為,一些人說。這只是

  • common sense and practical, and eventually, that common-sense, practical approach wins

    愚蠢的。這將傷害。這將 傷害了個別人,它會傷害

  • out. And I think that's what will happen here as well.


  • And, in the meantime, just to make the final point about the sequester, we will get through

    但是,如果國會來檢測一個星期的 從現在開始,從現在起一個月,三個月內

  • this. This is not going to be a apocalypse, I think as some people have said. It's just

    現在,則有很多的開放運行室 我們發展我們的經濟更

  • dumb. And it's going to hurt. It's going to hurt individual people and it's going to hurt

    快速和推進美國的議程 人顯著。因此,這是一個臨時的

  • the economy overall.

    停止什麼,我相信是長期的,優秀的 美國的增長前景和偉大。

  • But if Congress comes to its senses a week from now, a month from now, three months from


  • now, then there's a lot of open running room there for us to grow our economy much more

  • quickly and to advance the agenda of the American people dramatically. So this is a temporary

  • stop on what I believe is the long-term, outstanding prospect for American growth and greatness.

  • Thank you very much.

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. As you know, I just met with leaders of both

主席:大家早上好。如 你知道,我只是與兩國領導人會晤

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