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What's up guys, hope you're doing well
And welcome to Ghetto Vocab.
A show where we attempt to define
The latest ghetto phrases
and expressions
based off your suggestions.
The first word is jit.
Right away I just feel dirty saying it.
How do you spell it?
I know this one.
Oh man.
Like, legit?
It's short for jitterbug.
Jit is pretty much another name, but guys use it for each other.
Either someone young in age
A person who's a chump.
Or maybe just young in mind.
Or a clown.
I think my brother calls me this sometimes.
These words are progressively getting harder.
I don't know brother.
A jit is basically anyone who is younger than you, but it can also mean a punk kid; a wannabe.
You're a little jit. Like somebody you don't take seriously.
So it's a little punk kid. Kid come's across you, he's talking trash. He's not even a whole
jit. He's a piece of jit.
A jit is a person you can go up and run slap upside the head and keep running. They would
never catch you because their pants would all be down by their knees.
A jit looks like, usually like the pants way, way, way, way, way too big.
Probably doesn't wear a belt.
In your face, but only because there's like 40 other jits behind them.
Pretty much showing their boxers.
Riding a skateboard.
They walk like penguins.
Do we know any jits?
We see jits everyday at school.
Most people I encounter are jits.
Everytime I go play basketball at the gym, jits are everywhere.
How do you know if you're a jit?
Did you pax taxes last year?
I don't think you would know.
Have you ever registered to vote?
I don't think a jit is capable of knowing.
Do you pay your own cell phone bill?
You may not know. You may have to wait for someone to call you out.
If you answered no to two of those three questions, you might be a jit!
When are you no longer a jit?
When you look in the mirror one day and you're like "You know what...I don't want to wear
this anymore."
When you get a job.
Like your Echo shirts...c'mon.
When you mature.
When you have proven yourself.
When you start paying your own rent with legally obtained money.
When you buy a belt.
The next word is murk.
Murk. Like a mercenary merc?
I know the word murk.
That means you just annihilated them.
Take advantage of somebody, mess over somebody.
Duhh, duhh, duhh.
Is it short for Mercury?
You use it like when you're playing basketball and you cross a joker over. You murked him.
That's shooting somebody? Like going to go murk somebody?
Murk literally means to murder someone, but it can also be used in a figurative sense.
Oh, I was close.
The United States murked Osama Bin Laden.
I went to Chipotle last night, murked that burrito bowl.
Destroying someone in any aspect. Any aspect, ok.
Ohhhh, ok, ok ok. So you pretty much just polished that person.
What do I always get murked in?
So people go around saying "I just murked someone."
Yeah, they do.
No they don't!
Every time I get a haircut, I get murked.
I got a math test back today, it was a 53.3
I got murked.
I got murked one time.
If I had to murk someone who would it be?
Like literally?
Playing football one day...
There's like obvious answers you could go to right away
No one. Cause that's horrible.
You know like Justin Bieber.
Some joker came down the field and then he came sideways at me.
Terrorists, I want to straight up murk terrorists.
The next thing I knew I was getting off the ground. I got murked pretty bad.
If you're around long enough, you're going to get murked in one thing or another.
The last word is thirsty.
Might be like people who are a little bit desperate.
I'm thinking somebody who is thirsty is somebody who has an appetite for the industry.
Actually that rings a bell. Hold on.
Wanting attention.
Like somebody really wants something real bad.
Thirsty just means you're desperate, normally for a girl of guy's attention and it's just
annoyingly desperate. Way over the top though. Calm down!
Wow. I know some many people that are thirsty.
A thirsty person, they text too much.
Probably going to follow you on Instagram.
They like every single one of your posts on Facebook.
And then when you don't follow them back, they'll unfollow you.
Real needy for compliments.
And then follow you again.
I knew a guy who used to be thirsty like that. He was weird.
The last time I was thirsty?
Man, I was thirsty really really recently.
In 08'.
Long before you were born.
Right after the Dark Knight came out.
The last time I was thirsty for a guy was week ago.
What happened?
What do you mean what happened?
Opposite of thirsty is...
No need to impress anyone.
Quenched, hahaha.
Wifed up, unless you don't like your wife. In which case, that's unfortunate.
How does someone quench their thirst?
Love themselves first.
Stop freaking out.
Go to Cancun.
You get with a girl or you realize that this is never going to work and you move on with
your life.
I haven't been thirsty in a while.
That's all we have for this week.
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No Jugamos Juegos.
Throw me the alley.
I'm a grown man