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Whatoplay presents the Top 10 PS4 Games So Far
Our ranking is not a personal opinion. It's based on a 1 to 10 score that aggregates gamers
and critics' reviews into a unique score called playscore.
Opening at number 10 is Mortal Kombat X
With its fast and deep fighting mechanics. more creative and gory fatalities.
interesting new characters. and a lively online community.
There is no doubt about it, MKX is thee~ finest out of the nine games. period.
The problem is the story mode, where it tries too hard to the point of it not making any
sense and is the complete opposite of what the world of MK is.
a playscore of 9.1
9th place is Minecraft: PS4 Edition
No one can deny this game's grandeur and success. Yes, well even though many hardcore gamers
do hate this game. at present this is the only game capable of giving you an unlimited
option on creativity. and with its 36-times larger ''world'' on
new gen consoles. sharper graphics.
excellent tutorial. and a 60 fps upgrade.
This game is never ceases to amaze me.
a playscore of 9.2
Number 8 is Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin
Scholar of the First Sin is a remastered version of the critically acclaimed DS2.
Well.. don't let that ''remastered'' term get you down, for this game is packed from
the start with: the Crown trilogy DLCs.
a visually-appealing graphic enhancement. Really, you should check it out, it is sooo
much better than previous console versions. Oh, and it has an upgraded 60 frames-per-second
gameplay to boot.
a playscore of 9.2
Ranked 7th is Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
This game by far has the greatest combat and cinematic camera controls a game has to offer
at the moment.
It is always fun going one-on-one with a brute Orc, but challenging a captain-class or higher
Uruk-hai with its bodyguards and a dozen of other orcs.. is, in one word - EPIC!
Fun Nemesis system. memorable villains.
and a fluid, fast-paced combat, brings a very polished LOTR feel.
a playscore of 9.2
At number 6 is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
After months of delay and waiting. It is finally here.
Wild Hunt brings a close to Geralt's long and arduous journey killing monsters and vile
With its deep RPG. very memorable characters.
enhanced swordfight and signs. a smooth 60 fps gameplay.
and an open-world like no other. Beautiful. Alive. and Vast.
I honestly wonder why this is only ranked 6th.
Anyway it is still undoubtedly good with a playscore of 9.2
5th place is Tales from the Borderlands: Episode One
Telltale games nailed it! As always they bring top-notch storyline and dialogues. And with
Gearbox and 2K's involvement, this 5-part episodic game will undoubtedly be - a one
hell of a game.
with an engaging overall story. 2 new unforgettable characters.
nice soundtrack. and consistent funny remarks, ups my mood
The one thing I find dull about this game is its somewhat dry supporting cast.
a playscore of 9.3
Ranked 4th is Bloodborne
The game Souls fans have been waiting for!
Bloodborne's world is huge and eerily magnificent to look at. Although, some Dark Souls players
say, it is less hardcore than previous games. You just can't deny that the graphics, combat
gameplay, monster designs, and overall feel of the game is a cut above all other games.
However, long loading times do tend to seem annoying and oftentimes kills the excitement.
a playscore of 9.3
Number 3 is Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition
This is the third Diablo 3 that I've played, and the most complete by far.
Ultimate Evil Edition plays and looks fantastic.
It's packaged with the Reapers of Soul DLC! an addictive Adventure mode!
A 1080p resolution, with an almost constant 60 fps.
And most bugs that plagued D3 on its release have been patched!
Sadly, some classes are harder to solo-play than others.
a playscore of 9.4
Number 2 is Grand Theft Auto V
GTA 5 smashes game boundaries on what you can do in a virtual setting. And with its
three main character feature, an added depth to the story is given.
The city of Los Santos is the most lively open-world setting in any game I've played
great dialogues. tons of things to do.
and an unforgettable video game character named Trevor!
problem is, GTA Online is not that perfect compared to its single-player counterpart.
a playscore of 9.5
And the best is The Last of Us Remastered
I gotta be honest, chosing which was better among number 1 and 2 was heartwrenching.
However, the last of us prevails because of the following reasons:
powerful story-telling. excellent pacing.
smart shooting and fight mechanics. and an exceptional Left Behind DLC.
Hailed as the best PlayStation exclusive up to date. This game gets a playscore of 9.5
To recap, here are the 10 best PS4 Games So Far
And here are the 10 runner-ups that ALMOST made the list.