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  • Five South Koreans have made the cut to be included in Bloomberg′s top 400 billionaires

  • list. And what is noteworthy is tha,... the combined

  • wealth of those South Koreans exceeds the GDP of a communist state North of the border.

  • Kim Minji has more. South Korea′s five richest people have more

  • money than North Korea′s GDP. According to Bloomberg′s Billionaires Index,...

  • five South Koreans made the list of the world′s 400 richest people.

  • They are Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kunhee,... AmorePacific Chairman Suh Kyungbae,...

  • Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee JaeyongHyundai Motor Group Chairman Chung Mongkoo

  • and SK Group Chairman Chey Taewon. Combinedtheir assets make up 36-point-4

  • billion U.S. dollars. According to Statistics Korea data,... that′s

  • more than 18 percent higher than the GDP of North Korea,... which stood at just over

  • 29 billion dollars last year. These five make up almost three percent of

  • the South Korean economy. To give the figures some context Korea′s

  • richest person Lee Kunhee′s wealth stood at elevenpointnine billion dollars.

  • That means he could buy thirtythousand Ferrari 458 Spiders.

  • The world′s richest was none other than Bill Gates,... the cofounder of Microsoft,...

  • whose assets stood at 83-point-4 billion dollars.

  • Owner of Inditexthe Spanish company that owns fashion brand Zara,... Amancio Ortega

  • ranked secondfollowed by Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway.

  • Kim MinjiArirang News.

Five South Koreans have made the cut to be included in Bloomberg′s top 400 billionaires

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韓國五位首富的財富超過韓國的GDP (Wealth of five richest S. Koreans exceeds N. Korea′s GDP)

  • 126 8
    richardwang posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary