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  • PETE FRISELLA: Hi, everybody.

  • My name's Pete Frisella.

  • I'm a developer advocate on the Google Analytics team.

  • I'd like to introduce you to a new series we have called "Off

  • the Charts." This series is about getting into the deep

  • features of Google Analytics, understanding how it works,

  • things you can do with it, and how to use the feature itself.

  • So today, I'd like actually talk to you about getting

  • started with cost data upload, and this is all about

  • measuring non-Google paid campaigns.

  • So let's talk about what is cost data upload.

  • I'll kind of get into little bit more about what that means

  • and what cost data upload works, how it works and the

  • feature itself.

  • Then we'll go into the architectural overview, which

  • explains the deep details and also how you would actually go

  • about uploading data to Google Analytics.

  • And then finally, we'll talk a little bit about some

  • opportunities that are available from a developer

  • perspective and also from a business perspective.

  • So with that, we'll get started.

  • So what is cost data upload, and what does

  • cost data itself mean?

  • So this is all related to all the paid campaigns you may be

  • running out there, all the information that's related to

  • that paid campaign.

  • Whether it be ad costs, clicks, impressions, the name

  • of the campaign, all this itself relates to cost data.

  • It's what we refer to as cost data in Google Analytics.

  • So for example, if you are running a campaign, say with

  • Google AdWords, for example, you'll know this is pretty

  • familiar for you.

  • You've got cost data, and if you link that to Google

  • Analytics, which is what you should be doing, you actually

  • get these reports within Google Analytics that

  • highlight, for your paid campaigns, how they're

  • performing.

  • And they give you a lot more information around how to

  • optimize certain key words, maybe landing page

  • optimization.

  • Now, these things are important things, but to

  • really do this analysis, you need that cost data associated

  • with the campaigns that you're running in Google AdWords.

  • And this linking works really well today, and it takes care

  • of all that for you.

  • And it gives you some powerful tools to take care of analysis

  • around campaigns and user interaction, and how campaigns

  • are performing.

  • The thing is, though, for a lot of people, why we

  • encourage you to use Google AdWords, we love Google

  • AdWords, obviously.

  • There is other paid campaign services out there that people

  • obviously use, and that includes things like other

  • paid search services.

  • You might be running in a campaign on a social network.

  • You might be doing email marketing campaigns.

  • So all of these campaigns are running out there, and you're

  • getting users visiting your website or your property from

  • these paid campaigns, and that's great.

  • You're able to track what they're doing, the conversions

  • possibly that are taking place, goal completions.

  • And you're getting a good general sense of which paid

  • campaigns are driving traffic to your site.

  • This is great.

  • So a report like this, that I'm showing here right now, is

  • kind of common that you're looking at, for my particular

  • campaigns, how are they performing and what kind of

  • traffic is coming to my site because these campaigns?

  • Now, you see that first row there, row number one, is a

  • Google AdWords campaign.

  • And you'll notice while you have user interaction data

  • such as visits, and you have impressions and clicks cost

  • data, you don't get the same kind of visual in cost data

  • that you would have for AdWords.

  • You don't get the same data for the other paid campaigns

  • that you may have.

  • So for example, we have an AdWords network campaign

  • running, and we have an affiliate

  • network campaign running.

  • And you'll see, we know people are coming to the site, but we

  • don't have the cost data within GA to do that analysis.

  • There's kind of two things missing around this then.

  • For the particular paid campaign itself, being able to

  • analyze that in terms of the ROI and the metrics you might

  • be getting.

  • Click-through rate, cost per click, things like that, you

  • kind of miss out on that.

  • And then also, you don't really have the ability to

  • compare how these services are performing against each other.

  • So is the AdWords network driving more?

  • Better conversions, or is Google AdWords driving better

  • conversions?

  • So you're missing that kind of complete view, that complete

  • analysis, around your cost data across all your different

  • paid campaigns that you might be having for all online

  • advertising and digital marketing.

  • But cost data kind of solves that problem.

  • When we launched this feature about a month ago, we had some

  • success stories right off the bat with a couple customers,

  • working with partners of ours to get something in place and

  • a solution for them.

  • So, for example, we talked Next Analytics and Cardinal

  • Path, and they came up with a solution that

  • uses cost data upload.

  • And they worked with Natural Wellbeing.

  • And really, it was around fully automating this process

  • for them, so being able to take their cost data

  • automatically, export it, and upload it into Google

  • Analytics using this new feature.

  • And it worked really well for them in saving them a lot of

  • time and doing this full automation.

  • We also did the same thing with ShufflePoint and E-Nor.

  • They came up with a solution using cost data upload again

  • to help OEMPCWorld.

  • And this one was really about, again, fully automation.

  • And a lot of the analysis they were doing was kind of a

  • manual process where you had your Google AdWords data, you

  • had some other campaigns.

  • You had to manually bring that stuff together and do analysis

  • outside of GA.

  • So this new feature really allowed them to bring all that

  • into Google Analytics and to do that complete analysis

  • within the product itself.

  • So it saved them a lot of time, fully automated, a great

  • solution for them.

  • So I think it would be good just to start off with a quick

  • demo to show you how this actually works.

  • And then we're going to dive into details, and I can give

  • you a little bit more background on how these actual

  • steps that involved to do this.

  • Sometimes, it's just easier to show you how it works, so I'll

  • start off with a report.

  • This is within Google Analytics.

  • It's a custom report, and the example here is that I have a

  • paid search ad running, and it's for an ad network.

  • It's a CPC, and it's for the keyword

  • "dogbone." And I can see--

  • so I've tagged my URLs, and I'll get into that

  • a little bit later.

  • So I know that someone's clicked on the URL, and

  • they've visited my property, and I can see that there's

  • been two visits.

  • But just as how I described before, we don't have

  • any cost data here.

  • But the thing is, I actually do have the cost data.

  • The service provider that I'm using allows me to

  • export the cost data.

  • I just don't have it in GA, so that's really

  • what I want to do.

  • I want to have that same data available in GA so I can do

  • analysis and can carry out cost analysis.

  • So just something to note here, the source is Ad

  • Network, the medium is CPC, and the keyword is "dogbone."

  • So as I mentioned, I actually do have this cost data.

  • So you can imagine that I exported this from the paid

  • search provider and have it in CSV file.

  • And there's a header up here that has some dimensions that

  • I'll explain later.

  • But in row two, we can see the same values that I just showed

  • you in report are actually here.

  • We have Ad Network as a source, CPC is our medium, and

  • we have this keyword here, "dogbone."

  • And there's that cost data I was talking about.

  • We have impressions, we have clicks, and we have ad cost,

  • so I have this data.

  • It's there.

  • It's available, and there was a couple other

  • keywords that I ran also.

  • Now, let's actually upload it and see how this process

  • works, and then we'll see--

  • once it's available in the report, you'll see how it's

  • actually joined together.

  • So I have a little script.

  • It's a Python script, just to kind of test things and see

  • how it's working, how the feature works.

  • I'll start off with--

  • there's this new entity called custom data source.

  • I can also explain what this means in a little bit, but

  • basically, you upload the cost data to a custom data source,

  • and you specify which date you'd like to upload

  • the cost data for.

  • So, in this example, this cost data actually is from

  • yesterday, so I exported all of the cost data and metrics

  • from yesterday into a CSV file, and it's

  • available to upload.

  • So I'm going to select the custom data source that I want

  • to upload to.

  • And I'll show you how this process works.

  • So I have quite a few accounts here.

  • I want to upload to the My Store account.

  • I will select the web property, and then here's what

  • I'm talking about in terms of custom data sources.

  • I have three set up, and I'm just going to choose the first

  • one, the Ad Network custom data source.

  • So now I've selected it.

  • If I go back up, you'll see now that it's actually

  • selected, here, Ad Network, and then also the account and

  • the web property.

  • And then the upload data again is 2012, November 28.

  • So I will do an upload of cost data, which is

  • number three here.

  • I know the file that I showed you, what the name of it is.

  • Oops.

  • Spelled that wrong.

  • OK, so it's actually uploading right now to Google Analytics

  • to that customer data source, and if all goes successful,

  • we'll get a response back from the server

  • saying it was a success.

  • So it takes a little bit of time to process the data.

  • It's not going to show up instantly.

  • I will go back to the presentation.

  • It could take anywhere from a few minutes to up to 12 hours,

  • so you should see data within 12 hours.

  • Depending on the kind of load and your profile and web

  • property, it could take a little longer.

  • I'm going to actually go back to the presentation.

  • We've successfully uploaded cost data.

  • I'll come back a little bit later, and we'll see if it's

  • available in the report and if it's been joined

  • to our actual campaign.

  • In the meantime, let's talk about architectural overview,

  • how this feature works, and how you would actually go

  • about uploading cost data.

  • So there's quite a few steps involved, but they're all

  • pretty simple.

  • The first four are really around how to prepare for a

  • successful upload.

  • And the fifth is really around reporting and how you would do

  • analysis, the tools that are available for that within GA.

  • We'll start with tagging campaign URLS.

  • So obviously, the primary benefit to this feature is

  • that you're able to join that user interaction data that's

  • already in GA that you have, and you're able to join that

  • with the cost data that might sit somewhere externally.

  • So bringing those two together is really a huge benefit here.

  • But in order to do that, it's important that you use

  • campaign tracking parameters, so you should

  • be doing this anyways.

  • But the important part of this is that the campaign tracking

  • parameters, the values you use as part of the campaign,

  • should or have to match the values that you're uploading

  • through cost data upload feature.

  • So I'll explain a little bit more in detail what this

  • means, but basically, they have to match, and if they

  • match, then they'll actually get joined

  • together in that case.

  • So in this example here, I have an ad running.

  • It's not a Google ad.

  • It's another paid search provider.

  • The link there actually has UTM parameters as part of it,

  • these campaign tracking parameters, and I've specified

  • an ad network, CPC as a medium, the campaign is summer

  • sale, and again the term is "dogbone." So you've seen

  • these values throughout, and we'll kind of explain how this

  • all works now.

  • OK, so you've tagged your URLs.

  • All your destination URLs for all your paid

  • campaigns are tagged.

  • And again, this is not for Google AdWords.

  • Google AdWords has a different mechanism for

  • uploading cost data.

  • You just link your profile to your Analytics account, and

  • it'll take care of itself.

  • This is for non-Google paid campaigns, just something to

  • keep in mind.

  • But once you've tagged those URLs, the next thing you want

  • to do is actually get the data out of the external source and

  • prepare it as a CSV file to upload, so let's take a look

  • at what that means.

  • The first thing is what can you actually upload.

  • So there's quite a few different dimensions and three

  • metrics that you can provide values for

  • through cost data upload.

  • There's actually nothing new here in terms of dimensions

  • and metrics.

  • So these use existing AdWords dimensions and metrics that

  • you've seen and are probably familiar with, so

  • it's nothing new there.

  • So if you have any reports set up, like custom reports around

  • performance of paid campaigns, those don't have to be changed

  • once you start uploading cost data.

  • Any zero values that you had before will just automatically

  • be populated with this data that you've uploaded.

  • For the dimensions, there are two that are required, which

  • are source and medium.

  • And then for metrics, there's three of them,

  • and only one is required.

  • One of the three is required.

  • For any ones that are omitted, we'll just assume it's a value

  • of zero basically for those.

  • So this is the important part here.

  • We talked about the tagging of the URLs, and

  • this is why it's important.

  • This is how the data actually gets

  • joined and mapped together.

  • So you have all your user interaction data sitting in GA

  • already today, and you're doing that through normal

  • measurement that you've already done all the time, so

  • that's taken care of.

  • Now, you're uploading cost data.

  • And what's going to happen is the campaign tracking

  • parameters, the values you use there and the ones you upload,

  • if there's a match there, then the data

  • will get joined together.

  • This is why it's important that these things are synced

  • across the two.

  • Also, there is a specific case in terms of the case that is

  • required for these things.

  • The keyword is case insensitive.

  • So it doesn't matter if the keyword is capitalized or not,

  • they'll get joined regardless.

  • But the other four dimensions are case sensitive, so you've

  • got to be careful there and make sure these values are

  • consistent in that regard.

  • Also, it's up to you really to determine the naming

  • conventions that are used in the external system.

  • It's quite possible that the naming convention used by this

  • external source might be a little bit different and not

  • as matched up with the namings that we use for our

  • dimensions within GA.

  • So it's kind of up to you to look at what's available from

  • the external provider and map and see how that maps these

  • dimensions and the values you need to provide for these

  • dimensions.

  • It's kind of up to you to do that.

  • And usually, it's a one-step kind of process once you've

  • got it setup.

  • Then you don't have to really worry about it anymore, but

  • identifying those mappings at first is really important.

  • OK, so we know what we can upload.

  • Let's take a look at actually what you would upload.

  • So I showed you a CSV file before.

  • Here's another example.

  • So this is for aggregates, right?

  • You're uploading aggregate data on a daily basis.

  • That's usually the typical use case.

  • So best practice then is really to wait until the end

  • of the day and then upload cost data.

  • Or upload cost data for the previous day because you want

  • to upload it in an aggregate, and you upload it for a

  • specific date.

  • You say I'm going to upload it for yesterday or the day

  • before and so on.

  • Again, you'll notice here that the values I have for the

  • source and medium match the values that I use in my URLs

  • for my campaigns as part of the campaign tracking

  • parameters, and those should always be consistent.

  • And then you have your actual metrics here, the cost data

  • itself, the compressions, ads, and clicks.

  • In this case, I provided values for all three because I

  • had them available.

  • And then, of course, you saw the list of all the dimensions

  • that are available.

  • Those can be included also.

  • There is quite a few different constraints and requirements

  • around what needs to be provided and the values you

  • can provide.

  • These are all available on our developer site, which I

  • provide some links later for you guys.

  • OK, so we've tagged our campaign URLs with campaign

  • tracking parameters.

  • We've got our CSV file that we exported out from the external

  • source, and we've prepared it properly.

  • And now we have to create a data source.

  • Remember, we have to upload to a custom data source.

  • We have to create that, and that's actually done through

  • the web interface.

  • OK, so I'll show you how it actually is done right now,

  • and then I'll explain how exactly that this works.

  • So it's at the web property level.

  • And we're currently doing white listing, so some of you

  • may have this, some of you may not, but it will be all rolled

  • out to everybody in the next week or so I think.

  • So if you go to the web property level in the admin

  • panel, you'll see a tab called Custom Definitions.

  • So I already have three custom data sources

  • available in here.

  • I'm going to create a new one, so I'll show

  • you how it's done.

  • So a new custom data source, You can imagine just, say, I

  • want to have one for, let's say, email marketing, so I'll

  • put email marketing campaigns, specify the type.

  • We're uplinking cost data.

  • That's the type.

  • And then we link your profile.

  • Linking profiles will enable this cost data to be available

  • for those profiles.

  • You can imagine you might have 100 profiles here.

  • You can select which ones you want.

  • There's a little search box to make it a little bit easier.

  • And then you just select which profiles you would like the

  • cost data to show up in.

  • Click Create, and you'll see now I have a new custom data

  • source for email marketing campaigns.

  • And the important thing here is there's an ID, and you

  • actually need that ID to do uploads, and I'll show you how

  • that's done.

  • I'm going to go back to the presentation.

  • So let's look at what's a custom data source, and how

  • does it relate to Google Analytics model?

  • I think you're probably mostly familiar with this.

  • This is the way GA is set up today.

  • We have Web Properties.

  • That's where all the user interaction data is collected.

  • That's the level it's collected at.

  • And then we have profiles, and profiles basically act as

  • views of that data.

  • So you can have one maybe for marketing.

  • You might have one for sales, or certain filters apply that

  • you want to have different views of your web property

  • user interaction data.

  • What's been introduced with cost data upload is custom

  • data sources.

  • So this resource kind of acts as representing

  • external data sources.

  • You could have a single or multiple external data sources

  • per custom data source.

  • It's up to you.

  • You can have multiple custom data

  • sources on your web property.

  • I would say, as a best practice, I would create a

  • custom data source per external data source.

  • It's just a little bit easier to manage, and it allows you

  • to kind of separate data from across the different sources

  • that you might have.

  • It's really important that you link a profile.

  • So this, as I showed you before, when you link

  • profiles, it enables that data to be available

  • within those reports.

  • If you don't have that linking, then the cost data

  • will not show up in reports.

  • So in this case, we have an example here where we've

  • created a custom data source, and it's linked to two

  • profiles, profile one and profile three.

  • So those two will show data, and profile two will not show

  • any cost data from that custom data source.

  • In addition to that, we have what we call

  • daily upload resources.

  • These kind of represent the actual data you've uploaded to

  • GA on a per-date basis.

  • So you have one for each day, a resource,

  • and these are important.

  • They store information around which custom data source they

  • belong to and also metadata around recent changes that

  • have taken place with this particular resource.

  • So if someone uploaded to it, deleted it, you get that kind

  • of changelog history.

  • It's part of that resource.

  • You manage and create custom data sources within the UI,

  • and you actually upload cost data using an API.

  • You can actually also look at the history of a daily upload

  • resource within the UI.

  • I'll show you that, by going to the history.

  • There's a little history link here.

  • You can kind of get it.

  • For that custom data source, you can see all the changes

  • that have taking place.

  • And you can actually get-- per day, you can see all the

  • changes that have taken place.

  • OK, also from a creation standpoint, in deletion, you

  • need to be an admin.

  • So admins, anything with modification to a resource,

  • whether it's create or delete, is admin.

  • And viewers, just regular users, can view data, but they

  • can't do anything around creating

  • or deleting or uploading.

  • So that's important.

  • OK, so we showed you how to create a data

  • source, so let's recap.

  • We've got our URLs tagged with campaign tracking parameters.

  • We've got our CSV file that's prepared and which was

  • exported out from the external source.

  • We've created a custom data source

  • using the web interface.

  • Now, we actually want to upload the cost data, and we

  • use this API to carry this out.

  • So here's an example in Python.

  • It's pretty simple, actually.

  • You create a media file upload object, and you

  • specify the CSV file.

  • And then you actually just call the upload method for the

  • daily uploads resources.

  • And you specify a few parameters that are required,

  • and you execute that.

  • And it'll automatically upload the file for you and respond

  • with a 200 if successful.

  • If there was an error, typically--

  • I think when people first start out with this, they get

  • errors around the file formatting for the CSV.

  • The errors are really descriptive, so they really

  • help you out in terms of figuring out what

  • the problems are.

  • There's also a few other operations you can carry out.

  • You can list which daily uploads.

  • This gives you your history and changes.

  • You can look up for a year of history.

  • You can look at what's taken place.

  • And we also have a delete method.

  • So if you want to get rid of data completely, you can

  • actually delete it out of the daily resource.

  • And this is important because the way the cost data is

  • stored within GA, it's actually stored separately

  • outside of your user interaction data.

  • So this is great because you can kind of upload--

  • If you?

  • Want to delete something, it doesn't actually touch any of

  • your user interaction data.

  • So feel free to upload and delete without any worrying

  • about corrupting or having any effect on your user

  • interaction data that's already there.

  • All right, so once you've kind of done that, and you've

  • actually successfully uploaded cost data, and it's been

  • processed, you'll have the data

  • available in your reports.

  • So going back to the start of our presentation, now, the

  • magic's happened.

  • Before, we had zero values for the cost data.

  • And you can see now when you've done it properly, this

  • actual cost data will get joined.

  • In reports that you would normally see zeroes now show

  • you the campaign visits are now joined and associated with

  • that uploaded cost data, which gives you all these nice other

  • additional metrics, calculated metrics, around margin, ROI,

  • and things like that.

  • So now you can do your complete ROI analysis across

  • all of your different paid campaigns.

  • Reporting is available a few different ways.

  • We have the API, of course.

  • You can continue to use the core report in API to pull

  • metrics out.

  • Like I said before, the dimensions and measures

  • haven't changed, so any reports you might have been

  • running before will work just as they did before.

  • There's no changes to be made.

  • And then from the web interface, there's kind of two

  • main options, which are you can build a custom report or

  • there's a new cost analysis report under Traffic Sources.

  • The cost analysis report, this is what it looks like.

  • It's actually just for cost data upload.

  • It was created for that.

  • And then for custom reports, let's just see if our data

  • that I had uploaded has been processed.

  • So let's refresh this and, yes, you can see.

  • That was the cost data we uploaded at the start of the

  • presentation.

  • It has been joined to my campaign visits for that

  • particular keyword, and we can now see

  • impressions, clicks, and cost.

  • And of course, you could do--

  • there's some calculated metrics, like cost per click,

  • and you can add those to your custom report.

  • So great, it worked.

  • So some of the opportunities are, for developers, you have

  • an opportunity to build a connector.

  • There's kind of two steps to this, I would say.

  • There's the initial setup, which is kind of just creating

  • custom data source, but then there's two cases that you

  • really got to consider.

  • One is historical upload.

  • You'll notice when I did the upload, I

  • uploaded to actually yesterday.

  • It was data for the 28th, and you can actually upload data

  • all the way back to 2005.

  • So if you've been tagging your campaign URLs over the last

  • seven years, you can actually go back and export the data

  • and upload that.

  • It's a little bit different use case, because typically

  • when you export, you're going to export a large chunk of

  • data from your system, and then you have to individually

  • upload that for each day.

  • So that initial historic upload is a little bit

  • different use case, but the API really allows you to

  • automate all that.

  • And then going forward, there's an opportunity to

  • build a connector that pulls the data down from the

  • external source automatically and uploads it to GA.

  • If you don't really have the development resources or you'd

  • just like to get started, we do have four partners that

  • have built integrations using this feature.

  • Next Analytics, GA Data Uploader, Analytics Canvas,

  • and ShufflePoint all have great integrations.

  • And depending on your requirements, I think any one

  • of them will be able to solve a lot of different use cases.

  • So I'd definitely encourage you to check these out in our

  • App Gallery.

  • So to finish up here, we have just a few resources for you.

  • We'll include these links at the bottom of the video for

  • you, but all of this is available on our developer

  • site, which is developers.googl


  • And we also have the App Gallery, which is


  • All right, thank you very much, and

  • you can start uploading.

  • I think if we have some questions,

  • we'll take some questions.

  • MALE SPEAKER: All right, so taking a

  • quick look at the Moderator.

  • We have a few questions.

  • One of them is from John, who says he's played around a

  • little bit with uploading cost data, and his campaigns don't

  • seem to be matching up.

  • Are the UTM parameters case sensitive?

  • PETE FRISELLA: Yeah, I think I touched on this earlier.

  • So the keyword is normalized to lowercase no matter what.

  • So that one, you don't even have to worry about case.

  • But for the other ones, you do have to worry about case

  • sensitivity.

  • Those will affect what gets matched up.

  • But again, because the data's stored separately, go ahead,

  • upload things, and you'll see if you have a problem, you

  • simply just delete the data.

  • It doesn't affect any of your user interaction data, so

  • there's no problem there.

  • MALE SPEAKER: And Andrew asks, "Are we going to be able to

  • apply advanced segments to uploaded cost data?"

  • PETE FRISELLA: So because you're uploading aggregate

  • totals for a day, it's not on a session basis.

  • So you can't actually do the advanced

  • segments like you would.

  • It actually acts exactly the same way that AdWords does

  • today, which is advanced segments would not apply for

  • this particular case.

  • All right, so thanks very much for taking the time and

  • joining me today about learning

  • about cost data upload.

  • I'll see you guys next time.


PETE FRISELLA: Hi, everybody.

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關閉圖表。將成本數據引入谷歌分析 (Off the Charts: Getting Cost Data into Google Analytics)

  • 138 9
    Chris Lyu posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary