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  • Climate deal, shlimate deal, amirite? We don't actually have to do anything, do we?

    氣候協議,“汽後”協議,對嗎? 我們有需要做什麼嗎?不用吧?

  • At the recent COP21**** climate conference in Paris, 195 countries promised planet Earth

    最近,巴黎舉辦 COP21 氣候會議,與會的 195 個國家向地球掛保證:

  • we'd stop messing with her. The press is calling it a huge win for environmentalists, world

    不再騷擾地球; 據報導,環保人士、

  • cooperation, and for the health of our planet. President Obama said in a speech after the

    全球企業、地球健康大獲全勝; 歐巴馬總統

  • deal was signed, this could be "the best chance we have to save the one planet we have." But

    在會後表示:這可能是 “我們拯救地球的最好時機。” 不過

  • we just signed a piece of paper, we haven't done anything yet.


  • The UN has held a Climate Change "Conference of the Parties," every year since the mid-90s,

    自 90 年代中期,聯合國每年都召開氣候變化《締約方會議》

  • but more often the narrative is about their shortcomings rather than successes. The U.S.


  • famously avoided the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, and at the 2009 Copenhagen conference the

    在 1997 年拒簽京都議定書,鬧得沸沸揚揚; 而 2009 年的哥本哈根會議上

  • rich European countries (who got rich by burning coal) told developing nations like China and


  • India to agree to the same cuts they were imposing on themselves -- nah bro. There are


  • a lot of examples of climate policy fails, but listing them all gets depressing. While


  • we fight over language, climate change continues to ravage the planet. Knowing this, decisionmakers


  • came to Paris with a different strategy!

    來到巴黎 COP21 ,訂定全新的氣候方針!

  • Unlike conferences in the past, Paris' COP21 let each country set its own goals for limiting


  • or slowing carbon emissions, fighting deforestation,


  • and identifying the adverse effects of climate change. In the last year, every country submitted


  • a set of goals, called Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). Though each

    一系列目標,名為《國家自定預期貢獻》,簡稱 INDCs

  • are different, they're all based on keeping Earth under the dangerous 2C temperature increase

    各國進度不一,但都要避免地球溫度上升超過危險的 2℃

  • agreed on at Cancun's COP in 2010. Now everyone has the same finish-line, and their own map

    這是 2010 年在墨西哥坎昆立下的目標。現在,人人目標一致,

  • to get there, AND they've all signed the COP21 deal! We're on our way y'all!! Right? Maybe?

    但走的路徑不同,更重要的是,所有人都簽了 COP21 !我們正在朝相同目標前進了!應該吧?!

  • So next, is each country shifts their wooden-cogged bureaucracies into gear toward a net-zero


  • emissions goal. From now until 2018, when they meet next, they'll assess how to achieve the first steps laid


  • out in the Paris accords; then they'll showcase their kickstarted plans. According


  • to their INDCs: China is investing heavily in clean energy and will attempt to decrease

    各國的INDCs: 中國投注重資來發展潔淨能源,並打算在

  • after 2030; the U.S. will reduce carbon emissions by 26 percent from levels measured in 2005;


  • the European Union will cut 40 percent, Brazil will cut 37 percent and curb deforestation


  • to keep the Amazon carbon sink in tact -- trees suck up carbon! Yay! India (the third largest


  • CO2 emitter) is planning to promote clean energy generation and consumption. And even


  • many Pacific Islands (some of which will be underwater before the 2100 target date) are


  • submitting INDCs! The Paris agreement is exceedingly complex, but COP21 guarantees each nation


  • has their own, reachable, goals! The politicians involved are calling this a huge diplomatic


  • success; but is that the scientific reality? [[skeptical noise]].

    成功;那麼科學上也大成功嗎? [懷疑…]

  • Vox put together a chart from Climate Action Tracker data, and found without COP21's plan


  • we'd hit a 3.8C increase by 2100. With the Paris pledges we'll still hit 2.7C! WAY over


  • the 2C upper limit! The agreement calls for deep reductions. And we need DEEP cuts, but


  • they will hurt. So, to help developed nations overachieve their goals, rich countries pledged


  • 100 billion dollars per year in public and private investment by 2020 to will help the


  • poorer countries get affordable clean energy and lessen their struggles to meet ambitious


  • climate goals.


  • Look, in the end, the Paris talks are revolutionary on one hand because nearly 200 countries recognized


  • publicly that lowering carbon emissions to curb climate change is important! So what


  • happens now? The diplomats have to convince the governing bodies of their home nations


  • to follow the pledge. What we have to do now is as citizens, keep the pressure on our leaders.


  • While the actual GOALS aren't legally punishable, they will HAVE to show up in public transparently,


  • and say WHY they didn't meet them every five years. In the end, most are seeing this as


  • the first step of a long, hard road. But a road that will have our children and descendants


  • breathing easier. Of course, some countries won't be breathing


  • at all, because climate change will have already drowned some of them, overrunning their land


  • with ocean. Check that video out here


Climate deal, shlimate deal, amirite? We don't actually have to do anything, do we?

氣候協議,“汽後”協議,對嗎? 我們有需要做什麼嗎?不用吧?

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