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Caster: Hahaha! Don't play solo queue tonight! Seriously, don't.
Caster: Master Yi!
"Don't play solo queue tonight"
Coach Kkoma: Faker!
I think if you nuke them a little they won't be able to do anything
Faker: I think Mid Lulu's the optimal choice here
Ma- Master Yi also looks like a good choice here
Coach Kkoma: But they haven't revealed their mid yet, maybe later yeah?
Marin:Faker, let's just go with a strong laner
Azir maybe?
Faker: Yeah.. but Azir also has a counter anyways...
Marin: .... Yeah... Well.. Whatever then
Coach Kkoma: Seriously though, if we knew their mid, Yi's not a bad choice
Faker: The enemy comp is perfect for Yi to go on a murder spree on.
Bang: Fine try Yi then
Coach Kkoma: Alright!Master Yi! Do it!
Coco:Mid Yi?
Coach Son: It could be Top Reksai and Jungle Yi
Shy: (Serious) No, No it isn't
Coach Son: What? I was just kidding
Marin: Let's wait for him go for the ranged minions
Wolf: I can stun him
Faker: Do it
Faker: I learned something after playing Mid Yi, it's that in the laning phase you must not die
Faker tips
Mid Yi: Don't Die in Lane