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  • Have you ever been gazing at a starry sky when suddenly a bright dot glided into view?


  • If it wasn't blinking, then you've had the distinct pleasure of seeing one of mankind's greatest collaborative feats with your own eyes:


  • The International Space Station.

    「國際太空站 /ISS」

  • Roughly the size of a six-bedroom house, and weighing more than 320 cars, the International Space Station is so large that no single rocket could have lifted it into orbit.

    大概像配有六間臥房的房子一般大,計重超過 320 輛車子,國際太空站是如此巨大,無法只靠單一火箭載它升起進入軌道。

  • Instead, it was assembled piece by piece while hurtling through space at 28,000 kilometers per hour, lapping the Earth once every 90 minutes.

    相反地,它是在時速 28,000 公里急速劃越外太空下被一截一截組裝起來,並且每 90 分鐘繞地球一圈。

  • It all started when sixteen nations signed the Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement,

    國際太空站源於 16 個國家簽訂了 「太空站跨國協議」,

  • laying out each partner's expected contributions to the ISS,


  • from modules and maintenance to sharing information and finances.


  • At an estimated 100 billion U.S. dollars, the Space Station would be the most expensive object ever built.

    國際太空站是至今為止人類所打造過最昂貴的物件,預估約 1,000 億美元。

  • The whole world watched as a Russian rocket launched the first module of the ISS into the sky.


  • Zarya, meaning sunrise, was equipped with two solar panels and a propulsion system that had the important task of keeping the young station from crashing into the Earth by staying a safe 400 kilometers away.

    「Zarya」意即黎明,配載著兩片太陽能電板以及一組負有重大任務的推進系統,防止初期的太空站墜落地球,停留在安全的 400 公里外 。

  • The U.S. Space Shuttle Endeavour followed two weeks later, carrying Unity, a node module to which other modules could be connected, and an international six-person assembly crew.

    美國的奮進號太空梭在隨後兩個禮拜帶來了 Unity/團結號,一套節點模組,讓其他模組可以被接連起來,以及一批六人國際組裝小組。

  • Then came Zvezda, which brought communications and living accommodations.

    隨後 Zvezda/星辰號來到,帶來通訊系統以及起居室。

  • Ever since the International Space Station's first tenants arrived, it's been continually occupied with more than 200 visitors, spending an average of six months onboard.

    自從國際太空站的第一批太空人到來後,一直有人在那駐守著,有 200 多名訪客到訪過,平均逗留 6 個月。

  • Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti holds the record for the longest single space flight by a woman at 199 days on the ISS.

    太空人 Samantha Cristoforetti 創下女性停留在國際太空站上 199 天的最長紀錄。

  • 2001 saw the arrival of Destiny, the first of four research modules, where astronauts spend approximately 36 hours a week conducting extraordinary experiments in microgravity.

    2001 年四個研究模組裡的頭一個 Destiny/命運號抵達了,在那裡,太空人們每星期花上近 36 個小時在微重力下進行特別實驗。

  • Their schedules are packed with exercise, two hours a day to fend off muscle atrophy, station maintenance and repair, and connecting with family or awe-inspired minds around the world.


  • But they still find time for fun, with regular movie nights and even shooting the first music video in space.


  • Destiny also controls the seven-jointed robotic Canadarm2.

    命運號亦控制著 7 段式的 Canadarm2/加拿大機器臂二號,

  • Capable of moving more than 100,000 kilograms, it's perfect for unloading new arrivals from shuttles.

    足以搬動超過 10 萬公斤的重物,非常適合從太空梭上卸載新到貨件。

  • 2001 was a busy year for the Space Station with the addition of Quest, the main airlock for strolls outside, and Pirs, a pier for Russian spacecraft to dock including the ever-ready emergency escape vehicle, Soyuz.

    2001 年對多出 Quest/尋求號的國際太空站來說是個忙碌的一年,尋求號是用來太空漫步的主要氣閥鎖艙,以及 Pirs/碼頭號 ,為俄羅斯太空船所停泊的船塢,包括常備緊急逃生太空船 Soyuz/聯合號。

  • Then, on February 1st, 2003, after delivering research modules to the ISS, the space shuttle Columbia exploded during reentry tragically killing the seven-member crew on board.

    後來在 2003 年 2 月 1 日在載送研究模組到國際太空站之後,太空梭哥倫比亞號在回程時爆炸了,悲慘地奪走了船上七名組員的性命 。

  • After a four-year hiatus, work quickly picked up pace with the addition of more hubs, airlocks, docks, and an observation cupola for stunning 360-degree views of our world and beyond.

    歷經四年的中斷以後,工作很快地趕上了腳步,多出更多的樞紐、氣閥鎖艙、船塢、以及觀看地球與地球以外之天地迷人的 360 度視景觀測圓拱臺。

  • Other critical components included platforms and trusses to support radiators that direct all the heat generated by the station's electronics into space,


  • and solar panels that are efficient enough to power 55 homes.

    以及效率好到足以供電給 55 個家庭的太陽能板。

  • It took ten years and over 30 missions, but finally, the International Space Station was complete, coinciding with the U.S. Space Shuttle Program's retirement.


  • The Space Station continues to serve as an incredible model for international collaboration.


  • This year, two people began a one-year stay on the ISS, allowing scientists to study the long-term physical and psychological effects of being in space,


  • which would prove useful for increasingly ambitious space travel, like trips to Mars.


  • Over its lifetime, we've learned an immense amount scientifically, but also about our capacity to work together and accomplish truly remarkable acts.


Have you ever been gazing at a starry sky when suddenly a bright dot glided into view?


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