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  • Good morning.

  • Good morning, everyone.

  • How are you?

  • Fine thanks. How are you?

  • Great!

  • Come in, please.

  • Nice to meet you.

  • My name is Kate.

  • Nice to meet you, too.

  • Sit down, please.

  • Thank you.

  • This is the music room.

  • Wow! They are good.

  • That's the school library.

  • Wow! Many books!

  • Good afternoon, everyone.

  • Good afternoon, Mr. Kim.

  • My name is Kate. How are you?

  • I'm great. Nice to meet you, Kate.

  • Hello.

  • Hello, Sally.

  • What's this?

  • It's a book.

  • What' that?

  • Haha, it's a box.

  • Wow!

  • Wow! What's that?

  • It's a pencil.

  • Thank you.

  • You're welcome.

  • Wow! Pizza.

  • Look! They do taekwondo.

  • Wow!

  • Who is he?

  • He is my taekwondo teacher.

  • Who is she?

  • She is my friend.

  • She is wonderful.

  • Wow! Who is she?

  • I don't know.

  • Mike, is she your mom?

  • Yes, she's my mom.

  • Let's sing a song together!

  • Great!

  • I can't sing.

  • What time do you get up?

  • I get up at six.

  • I go to school at seven thirty.

  • Wow! You are an early bird.

  • Thank you.

  • Look! It's a new bike.

  • What a nice bike!

  • Yes, it's very nice.

  • Whose bike is this?

  • It's Mike's.

  • Mike, is this your bike?

  • Yes, it's mine.

  • Wow! You have a nice bike.

  • Thanks.

  • What's that?

  • My birthday invitation.

  • A swimming party?

  • Nice! Let's go to a swimming party.

  • Can you swim?

  • Yes, I can.

  • Can you swim?

  • No, I can't.

  • Welcome, everyone.

  • Happy birthday!

  • This is for you.

  • Thank you.

  • Can you jump?

  • Yes, I can.

  • Can you jump?

  • No, I can't.

  • Look! I can dance.

  • Hello.

  • Hello. Hello.

  • Wow! A talking bird.

  • How old are you?

  • How old are you?

  • I'm five.

  • I'm five. I'm five.

  • Wow! He's cute.

  • Wow!

  • How old are you?

  • I'm five years old.

  • Oh, I'm sorry.

  • Oh, my big sister is eight.

  • Is she okay?

  • How smart!

  • I like Mr, smith.

  • Me, too.

  • Do you like baseball?

  • No I don't. I like soccer.

  • Me, too.

  • Let's play soccer.

  • Good!

  • Let's go!

  • Okay.

  • Mike, let's play soccer.

  • Sorry I can't.

  • Okay.

  • I'm sorry.

  • It's okay.

  • Mr. Smith.

  • Hello, everyone.

  • I like soccer, too.

  • Wow! Gimbap!

  • Do you like cheese?

  • Yes, I do.

  • Do you like ham?

  • No, I don't.

  • What's that?

  • It's a gimchi sandwich.

  • It's good.

  • Mom, I'm hungry.

  • Do you like gimchi?

  • Yes, I do. I like gimchi.

  • Umm.... It's good. Thank you.

  • I'm sorry.

  • That's okay.

  • Cheesse.

  • Gimchi.

  • Thank you.

  • Do you have crayons?

  • Yes, I do.

  • Great! Thanks.

  • You're welcome.

  • Do you have a paper?

  • No, I don't. Green please.

  • I like orange.

  • No, thanks.

  • Do you have pencils?

  • Yes. I do.

  • Do you have a yellow pencil?

  • No, I don't. I have a blue pencil.

  • Oh, I have yellow.

  • Thank you.

  • Great!

  • This is for you.

  • Thanks! How nice!

  • Wow! The zoo.

  • How many bears?

  • One, two. Two bears.

  • No, that's a baby bear.

  • How many bears?

  • Three bears.

  • Look! Tigers.

  • How many tigers?

  • One, two, three, four, five. Five tigers.

  • Six, six tigers.

  • It's a lion

  • I'm wiki.

  • Look at the pretty doll.

  • I want it.

  • May I help you?

  • Yes, please. How much is it?

  • Five hundred won.

  • Here's five hundred won.

  • I like this car.

  • It's two hundred won.

  • I want this kite.

  • It's very nice.

  • Okay.

  • May I help you?

  • How much is it?

  • It's five dollars.

  • I want this hat.

  • How much is it?

  • It's ten dollars.

  • Sally, you look very pretty.

  • Thank you, dad.

  • Now let's have lunch.

  • Let's play outside.

  • Sorry, I can't. It's cold and windy.

  • Look! It's snowing.

  • It's all white.

  • Do you like snow?

  • Yes I do.

  • Let's go!

  • Can you make a snowman?

  • sure, I can.

  • A snowman! You're good.

  • Thank you.

  • What's that?

  • His nose.

  • Wow, a nose.

  • Oh, no!

  • What color is it?

  • It's a red.

  • Red, stop! Green, go!

  • Ah-ha!

  • Oh, it's green.

  • Ok. Let's go.

  • I like green.

  • Red, stop! Green, go!

  • Red, stop! Green, go!

  • It's raining.

  • I don't have an umbrella.

  • Don't worry.

  • Do you have an umbrella?

  • Yes, I do.

  • What color is it?

  • It's green and white. It's big.

  • Wow! It's really big.

  • Thank you.

  • Where is Rora?

  • I don't know.

  • Oh, no!

  • Excuse me.

  • I'm looking for my little sister.

  • Okay.

  • Don't worry.

  • What's her name.

  • Her name is Rora.

  • She six years old.

  • What does she look like?

  • She has short curly hair.

  • What is she wearing?

  • She's wearing a pink shirt and blue pants.

  • And she's wearing a white cap.

  • Rora!

  • Wow! It's wonderful!

  • Watch out!

  • Are you okay?

  • Yes, I'm okay.

  • Is this your shoe?

  • Yes, it is. Thank you.

  • Is that your ruler?

  • Yes, it is.

  • Hey! Hey!

  • Hi! Mr. Smith.

  • What's wrong?

  • I have a toothache.

  • Open your mouth and say "Ahh."

  • Ahh...

  • Hmm...

  • You have a bad tooth.

  • Ah, ah....

  • Good!

  • Don't eat too many sweets and brush your teeth three times a day.

  • Yes, Mr. Smith.

  • Thank you.

  • You're welcome.

  • See you in two days.

  • Okay.

  • What classes next?

  • Math.

  • I like Math class.

  • Emm... I don't like Math.

  • What's your favorite subject?

  • My favorite subject is P.E.

  • I like playing sports.

  • I like basketball.

  • I play basketball every day.

  • I like basketball too, but I can't play very well.

  • Don't worry. I can help you.

  • Really?

  • How about playing basketball after school?

  • That's a good idea.

  • That was a great time. Thank you jinsu.

  • Your're welcome.

  • What a nice day!

  • Yes, it is.

  • What a tall boy!

  • Hurry up! Hurry up!

  • I can run fast!

  • I can make it!

  • What a wonderful team!

  • What a big tree!

  • Yes, it's very big.

  • What's that?

  • I don't know.

  • Let's go and see.

  • Wow! It's wonderful!

  • What a beautiful flower!

  • Yes, it is.

  • Watch out! Don't touch that!

  • Oops!

  • I am bored.

  • Oh, camping!

  • Mom! Dad! Let's go camping.

  • Camping.

  • Yes! Let's go camping, please.

  • Okay.

  • Sounds good!

  • Wow! It's beautiful.

  • Let's go fishing.

  • Sounds great!

  • Uh-uh. It's a bottle.

  • Oh, it's a small fish.

  • Christmas is coming.

  • Let's put up yellow balls.

  • Okay!

  • A red Santa!

  • Bring your socks!

  • Okay!

  • Let's eat pizza!

  • Wow!

  • Wash your hands first.

  • Okay, dad.

  • Don't sit down, Jinsu.

  • It's snowing!

  • Let's play outside.

  • Okay!

  • It's cold and windy.

  • Put on your coat, please.

  • Thank you mom!

  • Put on your....

  • Gloves, mom!

  • It's sunny, but cold outside.

  • Let's check the presents.

  • Okay.

  • Gloves, socks, hats, and balloons.

  • Pies and cookies, too.

  • Good!

  • Put on your pants.

  • Is this mine.

  • Yes, it's yours.

  • Put on your coat, too.

  • Is this yours?

  • No, it's not mine.

  • Oh, it's mine.

  • Okay! Now, let's go.

  • Thank you for coming.

  • You're welcome. Nice to see you.

  • It's cold and snowy. How are you all.

  • Fine, thanks.

  • Is this mine.

  • Yes, it's yours. I made it for you.

  • My hat is great! I'm a queen!

  • Hi, May I take your order?

  • Yes, I'd like a pizza and spaghetti.

  • Anything else?

  • A green salad please.

  • A pizza, spaghetti and a green salad.

  • Right?

  • Yes. That's right.

  • Oh, it's too hot.

  • Do you want some water?

  • Yes, please.

  • I have science homework.

  • Me, too.

  • Let's go to the science museum.

  • Good idea!

  • Where is it?

  • I don't know.

  • Excuse me. Where's the science museum?

  • Go straight. And turn right at the bank.

  • Thank you very much.

  • You're welcome.

  • Sally, can you help me please?

  • Okay, mom.

  • Go to the post office, please.

  • Where's the post office?

  • It's on Sejong Street.

  • Excuse me. Where is the post office?

  • Go straight. It's over there.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Mom, I want some ice cream.

  • Okay.

  • Where is the cafeteria?

  • It's next to the flower shop.

  • Let's go.

  • Mom, where is the restroom?

  • I don't know.

  • Hmm...

  • Let's ask that woman.

  • Excuse me.

  • Where is the restroom?

  • Go straight and turn left.

  • It's on your right.

  • Thank you.

  • Mom where is my cap?

  • It's in your bag.

  • I don't see it.

  • Where is it?

  • Well....

  • On the desk?

  • Here, it's under the desk.

  • Ah-ha.

  • Mom, see you.

  • Okay, have fun.

  • Three o'clock! Now, let's play outside!

  • Okay.

  • Where is my music book?

  • It's on the chair.

  • Oh, he is under the table.

  • Hahaha!

  • What time is it, dad?

  • It's seven o'clock.

  • Thank you.

  • What time is it?

  • It's eight.

  • Time for breakfast.

  • Okay. Coming.

  • Are you ready?

  • Yes, we're ready.

  • Good. Let's go to school.

  • Let's go home.

  • Please wait for me.

  • Okay.

  • It's late. Time for bad.

  • Okay. Good night, mom.

  • Good night, dad.

  • Good night.

  • Four tickets, please.

  • Mom, I'm hungry.

  • Mom, what time is it?

  • It's twelve o'clock.

  • Time for lunch! Let's go!

  • What time is it?

  • Oh, my... It's one o'clock!!

  • We're late. Let's hurry!

  • It's a beautiful park!

  • Look at this sky and trees.

  • What are you doing, Jinsu?

  • I'm drawing trees.

  • Trees are good.

  • Yes, I like trees.

  • What are you doing, Sally?

  • I'm jumping.

  • Wow, you're jumping high.

  • Wow! A big fire!

  • Now, come to the fire, everyone!

  • What are they doing?

  • They are dancing.

  • They are good dancers.

  • That's right. Let's dance together.

  • Hahaha. What is she doing?

  • Hahaha.

  • Shhh! She is sleeping.

  • Where are you going?

  • I'm going to the library.

  • I'm bored.

  • Let's play outside.

  • Sorry, but I want to read books.

  • What are you doing, Mom?

  • I'm writing an e-mail.

  • I'm bored.

  • Let's play outside.

  • Sorry, but I'm busy.

  • Let's do it later.

  • What are you doing, Dad?

  • I'm making cookies.

  • Wow, I want to make cookies, too.

  • Good!

  • Show me how to make these cookies, please.

  • Great idea!

  • Look over there.

  • What's he doing?

  • He's dancing.

  • Oh! Now he's jumping.

  • Wow. Great.

  • What's she doing?

  • She's jogging.

  • Really?

  • Yes.

  • Good morning, Sally. How are you?

  • I am great. What did you do yesterday?

  • We went to the park.

  • What did you do int the park?

  • We flew kites.

  • His kites flew high.

  • Wow! You're good.

  • What did you do yesterday, Sally?

  • I read books.

  • Let's go to the classroom.

  • What did you do yesterday?

  • I watched a science movie.

  • What did you do yesterday, Mike?

  • I made bulgogi with my dad.

  • How was it?

  • It was very delicious.

  • We had a bulgogi party.

  • I made cookies yesterday.

  • I brought cookies for you.

  • Thanks! Mm, delicious!

  • How are you?

  • I'm good. How was your summer vacation?

  • It was great. I went Jejudo with my family.

  • Really? What did you do there?

  • We looked around Jejudo.

  • Sounds great.

  • We rode horses and walked along Jeju olle.

  • Jeju olle? What's that?

  • It's a walking path.

  • You can see beautiful beaches and fields from there.

  • Wow, I want to go there, too.

  • How about your vacation? What did you do?

  • I took taegwondo lessons.

  • Great! What color belt do you have.

  • White. I want to get my blue about soon.

  • Good luck!

Good morning.

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