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  • {\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\cocoartf1038\\cocoasubrtf350 {\\fonttbl\\f0\\fswiss\\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

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  • \\f0\\fs24 \\cf0 How to measure and install shifter cables for SRAM Road Shifters.\\

  • \\ Here is a list of tools to get everything

  • ready that you will need.\\ Allen wrenches, grease for lubrication of

  • the cables, cable cutters, crimpers, shifter housing, shifter cable, ferrules for the housing,

  • cable ends and a poke tool. Next is measuring out your shifter housing. Run it along the

  • back of the handle bar, looks good, set aside and move to next section. Make sure you have enough housing because

  • if you make it too tight you will have an issue with shifting due to too much friction.

  • If you have too much well you just have too much. To install a shifter cable you insert

  • in this bottom hole, theres a little space where it slides into, put a little effort

  • and cable slides out the top. Once you have pulled cable all the way through you grab

  • your housing, make sure to check both ends, push on your cable, and don't forget to apply

  • a light coating of grease. Pull all the tension through, and insert down. Since you have't

  • wrapped the bars wrapped you have cables showing. Now run routing beneath the bottom bracket,

  • pull tension through the derailleur and tighten the cable. Run through the gears because the

  • cables will stretch, and this will take out some of the slack and help to prevent form

  • having to adjust the cable. Go ahead and cut excess off, grab cable end and crimp. Thats

  • how you install shifter cables on a road bike.\\ \\

  • Thank you from}

{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\cocoartf1038\\cocoasubrtf350 {\\fonttbl\\f0\\fswiss\\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

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如何測量和安裝SRAM公路車的變速桿線? (How to Measure & Install Shifter Cables for SRAM Road)

  • 125 3
    Sho Li Liang posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary