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Hey guys, how ya'll doing out there?
It's time for another tutorial from PinnacleStudioPro.
All right, I know some of you guys out there want to have a DVD
That you know just loops for a long time, I don't know
maybe you're going to a convention for popcorn makers or
unicycles or toast that butters your bread
I don't know, but you want to show your product
and you don't want to have to keep going back
and having to play it over and over and over again, yeah I know
There are those repeat buttons, the replay button
on DVD players now-a-days but hey,
let's just make it simple and make a DVD that loops or
some of you guys out there might just want to have
a menu that lasts longer than 12 freaking seconds
I can help you get that done.
Let's get into it.
All right Pinnacle Peeps. Here we are in Pinnacle Studio 17 Ultimate
Let's go ahead and get this looping DVD or this extended
DVD menu thing popping. First and foremost create your project
Put all your video clips, sound, music, and all that down in the timeline
Do all your trimming, splitting, and make your video beautiful
I'm just gonna pull one clip down in here
It doesn't make sense for me to create all that stuff I'm not doing a
unicycle convention video to be showing to all the people
who love unicycles I'm just make a tutorial for you
Check out the little video I placed in here
I think you're gonna like it...I like it
Let me play it for you.
Hey man, how all the people doing out there on YouTube my brother?
I like the rhythm, the way the sounds are going down man.
All right, anyway, that's enough of that. So I got this little clip
clip down in here with my sound and all this good stuff.
Now the first thing we need to do
is we need to create two files
One file is going to be the total project with the
pictures, video, sound everything every, and then the
other file will just be the audio for the project
You need to have both of them in order to make
your menu looping or to extend
your video menu to make it how you want it to be
So now that we got our project in here we're gonna click on
the "Export" button. The first thing we want to do is we want to create
the video file and for this we're gonna do
a MPEG2 file. The reason why we're doing MPEG2 is because
we're creating a DVD
MPEG2 is DVD compatible so when you go to the choices
here make sure you select DVD compatible
Then you want to select a location on your drive where you will
save this file you must remember this location for later on
you want click on a folder and you want to select your location
click "OK". Now once you're done with that click "Start Export"
and it will export your file to the location
you selected on your computer
Once you're done with that a little pop up will show up
you just click the little close button
but stay in the exporter screen because you need to do the audio file
So what you wanna do now is go up to your settings
and change it from MPEG2 to Audio
All right
Once again you want to select a location on
your computer where this will be saved
Once again you must remember this location
because you're gonna need it later on. Once you have
your location selected click "Start Export"
and it will export the audio file
Once you're done with all of that you can go
ahead and close bad boy out
Over here in the library section or library bin
we need to make sure that the locations where we saved the
video file and the audio file are open in here right now
So if they're not open you just go to "Navigation"
go to "Videos" select the location wherever it's at
And then you want to open up a new tab from if necessary
And then you want to go to "Navigation" again
And you want to choose where you saved your audio
The reason why we want to do that now is because when
we get over into the menu editor
those locations will already be accessible to us for creating our menu
We got our project here we're good to go and everything we created
our little DVD menu, you don't really need the project to be
in here anymore as we already saved it to a location. Don't be scared
If you need to you can do "File", "Save As" and save your project
as something, But then you wanna do "File", "New", "Movie"
I gonna hit "Don't Save cause I don't really care about that clip
Now you wanna bring a small clip
down into the timeline but make sure that whatever you bring down in
the timeline matches the aspect ratio of the DVD menu that you want
Like if I were to bring this clip down
See how it doesn't fill the whole screen in the preview it's
gonna make my DVD menu standard instead of widescreen
I want to choose something that's gonna keep it widescreen which is
this logo here. I'm gonna left click on it drag it down to the timeline
Doesn't really matter what the heck you put in here because nobody's
ever gonna see it okay. If you doing an actual
DVD with a menu and stuff disregard what I just said
you could just go ahead and click on the
"Author" tab but if you're not, if you're just making a looping DVD
then all you need in here is a little picture. Doesn't matter how long it is
So now we're gonna click on the "Author" tab
and it's gonna say do you want to create s disc project from
your open movie, and I say yes...because I do.
When it does that you'll see that a disc menu tab is gonna pop up
I'm gonna click on his "Disc Menu"
and then I want to choose my disc menu. It doesn't matter which one
I pick because I'm gonna cover it up anyway with my own background
And all the other stuff I gonna delete and move the heck out of there
I'm just gonna choose a standard one, I'm gonna left click on it hold the
left my left mouse button down
LEFT, MOUSE, BUTTON, say it with me
I'm gonna hold it down and I'm gonna drag it to the menu list area
and now we see that we got our little menu up in here in a preview
screen but down here there's a little edit button
I'm gonna click on this. Once again depending on what you're doing
you might wanna change this text up to
be whatever you want it to be
I'm just gonna get rid of it. I'll backspace here
Click on the text above it and backspace here
I don't need it, I'm gonna have my own background
on my looping DVD, if you're making a menu you can leave
these play buttons down here if you want to
Once again it's really up to you all right
I'm getting rid of them because I don't need them
Backspace and Backspace
I have nothing on here right now
What I wanna do is, I want to go up here to the media area
and I want to select the files that I saved earlier
I told you to remember the location didn't I? I told you to open up that
location didn't I? Now you know why I told you to do that there
I'm gonna click on this one, I'm gonna scroll down to the menu
background I created, I'm gonna left click on the mouse button
hold it down and drag it to the background settings area
All right. In here...beautifully
This little button here for the "Background Aspect Ratio" right now
is set to "Stretch" I'm gonna change that to "Keep Aspect"
You'll see that if I play this even though I saved it with sound
there is no sound, this is why we had to create the second
audio file so now I'm gonna go over here and find
the audio that I called menu music,
I'm gonna left click, hold it down,
and drag it to the audio drop zone
Now if I play this...
I got the audio and I got the video that I created
and they're perfectly synced up
One thing I did not mention, I should have but I didn't
oh gotta remember the amount or the length of time
of your project that you created because you want to change
the time of the menu now
If your project is longer to 15 minutes tough cookies
If you to try make a disc menu that's longer than 15 minutes
it's gonna's not gonna create it
So do something less than 15 minutes, that's your max
I wouldn't even go close to 15 minutes if I didn't have to
Now I need to change the time on it, so I know the timing for mine
is 59.24, so I'm gonna go down here to the duration
I'm gonna click on this, change it to 59.24 and hit enter.
And now you see my timeline is now longer than
12 freaking seconds, it's actually 59.2 4
that I created, all right.
The last thing I need to do, if this is a looping DVD
and I'm not gonna have the play button nor the selections button
I need to create a button because if I don't it's not gonna
function as a menu, it's just gonna say somethings wrong you don't
have any buttons in it, so I got to create a small button
So I'm just gonna right click here and
I'm going a matter of fact let's do this
I'm gonna right click where there's nothing I'm gonna go to
"Add Shape" and I'm gonna add a "Circle", I'm gonna make the circle
real freaking small so that it could barely even be seen and I'm gonna
move it somewhere off to the bottom of the screen where nobody
can see it and I'll make it smaller again, and then where it says
"Not a Button" I'm gonna change it to "Normal"
and I'm just gonna leave it like that, now that it has a button on it...
nobody can see the button I made it so dang tiny, but it has a button
and I'm good to go now. Everything's all set up, I can click "OK"
If I were to play the "Disc Simulator" here, go ahead and click on this
Now you see that it's just the audio and the video I put in there
You can't see the button, you can't see anything, so basically
just like any other looping DVD or DVD menu when it gets to the end
it's just gonna play all over again, I don't have 59 seconds to waste
to show you that but believe me its gonna just play
all over again, so also remember, no more than...
don't do more to 15 minutes on this
So now I can either just click this little button here
It's gonna bring up the "Burn Disc" screen or I could of clicked "Export"
either one, and now I want to change this to the type
to DVD leave it on "Best Quality"
Now I just pop my DVD in and burn disc or if you want to
create an image first and then burn it, do it however the heck you want
But that's it, It's a wrap baby.
How to make a looping DVD
or an extended DVD menu.
All right people, there it is
A looping DVD or a menu that plays longer than 12 seconds
You make the call all right, but you guys know the routine
The thumb, the one that's pointed in the upward direction
click it, like it, live it, love it, hug it...just hug...give it a hug
Leave me your comments you know I always get back with you
if I can't help you, I'll point you in the right direction
and get you the help you need
Don't forget to hit me up on all the social networks out there
Hit me up on YouTube, hit me up on Google+, hit me up on Facebook,
on Twitter, hit me up all over the world baby!
And last, but definitely not least...
Don't you ever forget to...
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Thanks for watching. We'll see you again soon.