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  • mindfulness is actually, a way of connecting with your life


  • and it's something that doesn't involve a lot of energy,


  • it involves a kind of the cultivating attention in a particular way,


  • the way I define it, is paying attention

    我定義它為:注意(paying attention)

  • on purpose in the present moment, non-judgmentally

    此時此刻 刻意的注意;不加批判

  • and then I like to add sometimes, as if your life depended on it


  • because it does,


  • attention is the faculty that allows us to navigate our lives


  • in one way or another to actually know what's happening


  • or know that we don't know what's happening and find ways to


  • be in a wiser relationship to things that are going on in our lives


  • than being at the mercy, say,

    對於一些情緒反應、瘋狂的想法,或者恐懼等等 能同理、包容它

  • of our own emotional reactions and crazy thoughts and


  • fears and so forth


  • so it's paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally


  • as if your life depended on it


  • so paying attention to what? you might ask, well


  • it doesn't actually matter, it's the attending itself that's important


  • more important than what it is that you're paying attention to

    你會發現 心無處不去(每個地方都去)

  • but that said, if you start to pay attention to how much attention we pay to anything

    它從不靜止下來 這個想法、那個看法、這個反應

  • you begin to notice that the mind is all over the place


  • it never sit still, this idea and that opinion and this reaction, and


  • we spend a huge amount of time planning and worrying about the future


  • and a huge amount of time reminiscing about the past and


  • who did what to whom or why it worked out this way or why it didn't work out this way


  • and the present moment, which is the only time that we're ever alive in


  • the only time we could learn anything


  • express any kind of love or emotion


  • the only time we could be in our own body


  • the only time we can see or hear or smell or taste or touch or communicate,


  • is now


  • and yet the present moment gets completely squeezed out


  • by all of our preoccupation with the future and the past


  • when we start to pay attention to our own mind and our own body


  • it's like reclaiming your life,


  • mindfulness is not a technique

    但是它其實就是一種同在 being,

  • although there are many, many different ways to cultivate mindfulness

    與身體同在 being embodied,

  • it's actually a way of being, being embodied

    與外在世界來來去去的平衡狀態同在 being in some sense equilibrium in with the comings and goings of the outer world

  • being in some sense, in equilibrium


  • with the comings and goings of the outer world


  • and even the comings and goings and the ups and downs


  • of having a body, which, of course, has its wonders and is also

    但只要我們有覺察的能力 , 為何不去發展它呢?

  • at sometimes, seriously problematic when we're dealing with


  • health problems of one kind or another or things can happen to the body


  • and as long as we have this capacity for awareness


  • why not develop it? much of the time


  • if you think about our educational system and how we grow up

    但是另外有一個 與思考一樣強有力的

  • we are trained more and more and more to get into thinking

    就是正念力 覺察力

  • and thinking is wonderful stuff, very powerful,


  • some of the greatest the achievements of humanity


  • come out of thought, and out of imagination and out of creativity

    結果當漫長的一天結束, 我們準備上床睡覺

  • but the other piece o f it, thats equally as powerful


  • as the capacity for thought, is the capacity for awareness


  • but we get no training in awareness and attention


  • huge amount of training in thought

    但你愈想關掉 它們就愈會回來 然後你很快的就失眠了

  • so a lot of the time when we need getting to bed at the end of a long day

    或者由於這種慢性焦慮 讓你身心緊繃

  • we can't deal with our thoughts that we can't sleep

    或者反覆出現的沮喪想法 把你拖向絕望的深淵

  • they just cant perseverate over and over and over again, the same thoughts


  • we want to shut them out


  • the more you try to shut them out, the more they come in ,and pretty soon you don't get to sleep

    為什麼大家不喜歡我 ? 為什麼她不看我.....

  • or you wind up with that basic chronic anxiety or some kinda condition or other

    這些都只是想法 : 我不好、我太老了

  • depressive rumination can spiral you into depression


  • a little bit of sadness and then

    這些想法 都只是想法而已,但是我們大部分的時間都把它們認為是事實

  • that triggers this kinda perseverating constantly, what's wrong with me?

    所以正念是一種與身心及外在關係 同在的方法

  • why don't people like me? why didn't she look at me? whatever it is

    它賜給我們全新角度的自由 穿過上下及內外

  • these are all thoughts, I'm no good, I'm too old

    對生命、人們、欲望及恐懼 有全新角度的自由

  • my life is all downhill from here

    最重要的是 對身體 (有全新角度的自由)

  • all of those things, they're only thoughts, but most of the time we think of them as the truth,


  • so a mindfulness does, in a way, it embraces the actuality of


  • the mind, the heart, the body and our relationality with the outer world


  • and gives us new degrees of freedom

    但是 我們大多的時間是用在脖子以上

  • to navigate the ups and the downs and the ins and outs of our relationships,


  • with life, with other people, with our own aspirations and our own fears

    然後真的相信 這麼多的想法就是事實

  • and also and most fundamentally with our own body,

    用狹窄的帶子把自己給綑綁起來了 它本來可能是很寬廣的人生經驗

  • now most of us don't want to go anywhere near our own body

    英文字幕 :大西啟介;中譯:牧行者

  • except under very specialized circumstances particular times,

  • it seems like, wow, it's wonderful to have these bodily experiences

  • but a lot of the time we're just pretty much up here

  • thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking

  • and really believing so many of these thoughts as the truth

  • that we wind up in a very narrow band of what's actually possible for us in terms of our human experience

  • 英文字幕:大西啟介

mindfulness is actually, a way of connecting with your life


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